Is foul language the New Normal ?

  • Lingusitics
  • Thread starter Mr. Robin Parsons
  • Start date
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    Language Normal
In summary, Mr. Parsons, it seems that you feel that Michelson/Morley and Sir Oliver Lodge were not able to fully appreciate the potential of the third alternative.

Is foul language the New "Normal"?

  • I experience it, all the time, everywhere

    Votes: 6 30.0%
  • I experience it, in the workplace

    Votes: 3 15.0%
  • I experience it, at home

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I experience it, at only in restricted places (examples please)

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • I experience it, only sometimes

    Votes: 4 20.0%
  • I experience it, not at all

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • Is appropriate for these forums

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Is NOT appropriate for these forums

    Votes: 5 25.0%

  • Total voters
  • #71
Sorry kenikov, but I would have to agree with Andy on this one.

I agree that there are people who appear to take it better, that is the manner of television broadcast, (the ability to edit helps too) but, as andy, and any true(r) espionage novel, will tell you, the mind has limitations in it's ability to with stand certain elements of communication.

Sadly though, I do find that Foul language is bifuracted in it's usage, sort of a love/hate relationship with the words use, by it's author/user. Bridges the ideas of "just Foul Language" and crosses into "Verbal/mental Abuse" a little to easily

That kind of game sort of leads to an opportunity for a Sly sort of abuse, that has some 'digs' to it, none the less.

Not the kindest way to play, with words. (thoughts/ideas, peoples brains/emotions)
Science news on
  • #72
Yes, everyone does have a weak spot, so what stops them from finding the insulter's own weak spot and eat away at it?

Everyone feels pain. Pain is much more prevalent and hurtful through violence. Serious injury, or even death can occur through violence.

All I am saying is, that violence is worse than being sworn at. Many of you would rather be mocked than shot.
  • #73
Originally posted by kenikov
Yes, everyone does have a weak spot, so what stops them from finding the insulter's own weak spot and eat away at it?
Everyone feels pain. Pain is much more prevalent and hurtful through violence. Serious injury, or even death can occur through violence.
All I am saying is, that violence is worse than being sworn at. Many of you would rather be mocked than shot.

So kenikov, the choice is now yours, a life time of mockery, or shot in the leg, non-lethal, non-permenent injury, once...which would you choose?
  • #74
Hvae you heard the stories about soldiers who have been shot and still faught on regardless of the fact that they have been shot. Yet how many soldiers can withstand the Mental Torture methods that are used by interogators.
  • #75
Andy, interrogators use violence as well in war. They will torture you, and violence is just as common as verbal abuse.

If it was just words, they wouldn't break in war.
  • #76
Apparently you haven't heard of "White Noise", it's psychological effects have studied, and apparently it is an effective tool of torture for some prisoners. That is in complete absence of any physical violence.
  • #77
After 1 week at mercedes i can say that it was just like any normal garage, all of the mechanics use many expressive such as Fvck, eg, "that anti roll bar is fvcked" i would go into more detail but it would take far too long. They are very profesional there and would never use any obscenities infront of a customer. The best thing is that i was put in control of a £90,000 car, that's a CL 55, a very very nice car.
  • #78
Originally posted by Andy
After 1 week at mercedes i can say that it was just like any normal garage, all of the mechanics use many expressive such as Fvck, eg, "that anti roll bar is fvcked" i would go into more detail but it would take far too long. They are very profesional there and would never use any obscenities infront of a customer. The best thing is that i was put in control of a £90,000 car, that's a CL 55, a very very nice car.

Find that kinda 'funny' to say it that way, as from when I had to "Be Professional" there was no cursing, anywhere.
  • #79
When i say professional i mean that they get the job done in the most effecient way possible whilst making sure that everything that they have worked on is done correctly, just because some (all) of the workers choose to curse when they are chatting to each other or expresiing their work doesn't mean that they arent professional. If you where to ban swearing in the work place then i feel that the good working relatiuonship between the workers and the management will wear very thin as the workers will always be thinking about what to say before they say it, and in the kinda place where we work i feel that this would have a very negative effect. Also what better way is there to saying about how something doesn't work?

eg, 1, The suspension arm is broken.

2, the susension arm is fvcked?

I know which one works better.
  • #80
Originally posted by Andy
When i say professional i mean that they get the job done in the most effecient way possible whilst making sure that everything that they have worked on is done correctly, just because some (all) of the workers choose to curse when they are chatting to each other or expresiing their work doesn't mean that they arent professional. If you where to ban swearing in the work place then i feel that the good working relatiuonship between the workers and the management will wear very thin as the workers will always be thinking about what to say before they say it, and in the kinda place where we work i feel that this would have a very negative effect. Also what better way is there to saying about how something doesn't work?

eg, 1, The suspension arm is broken.

2, the susension arm is fvcked?

I know which one works better.

This statement serves to demonstrate that it is a practise of intellectual lazyness

Ahh the apprenticeship of youth, a week on the job, and an 'expert' already.

Your second "eg" adds an unnessecary emotive, thus is a harmonically disruptive waste of word.

Yes, the one that sates your Ego. (precious little else)
  • #81
You really are a miserable old sod that likes argueing with 17 year olds arent you,

Ahh the apprenticeship of youth, a week on the job, and an 'expert' already.

In my post where does it say that i am an expert? All i said was "I fell that this would have a negative effect on the workplace" I didnt say i know that this would have a negative, only that i feel.

Yes, the one that sates your Ego. (precious little else)

And this sates your ego, always thinking that because you are older you have to be right, well tell me this, have you ever worked in a Mercedes garage? You always claim to have knowledge of many different trades but you mustnt have been very good at any of them otherwise you would have been able to hold on to one of those jobs, and if you had kept one of those jobs the chances are you wouldn't be sleeping in a tent everynite and cycling about 20 miles/kilometers everyday just to get food and use the internet.
  • #82
Originally posted by Andy
(SNIP) In my post where does it say that i am an expert? (SNoP)

It doesn't but you demonstrate having formed a complete judgment in a weeks time, that alludes to you acting like one.

Originally posted by Andy
And this sates your ego, always thinking that because you are older you have to be right, well tell me this, have you ever worked in a Mercedes garage? You always claim to have knowledge of many different trades but you mustnt have been very good at any of them otherwise you would have been able to hold on to one of those jobs, and if you had kept one of those jobs the chances are you wouldn't be sleeping in a tent everynite and cycling about 20 miles/kilometers everyday just to get food and use the internet.

And this "attempt at attack" sates yours.

I do not Claim to have knowledge, I have simply admited to it, there is a huge difference, and it is NOT a measure of my capabilities, nor of my job tenure, as one of the ones (employs) that ended out the 90's, for me, had been going on nearly ten years. (Shows how little you know about me, and that you keep trying to "sit in judgment of me", absent of lots of knowledge that is needed)

But it is that, by the Grace of God, I have progressed well beyond that type of work, (provably) just that I seem to have been incapable of getting the accreditation that I have earned, (hence furtherment) seems you love to miss pointing that one out, don't you!
  • #83
I have progressed well beyond that type of work, (provably) just that I seem to have been incapable of getting the accreditation that I have earned, (hence furtherment) seems you love to miss pointing that one out, don't you!

Please explain how you are beyond that type of work? Or is this just another case where your ego is taking over?
  • #84
Originally posted by Andy
Please explain how you are beyond that type of work? Or is this just another case where your ego is taking over?


And No.
  • #85
Originally posted by Andy
Please explain how you are beyond that type of work? Or is this just another case where your ego is taking over?

Look, he's homeless because he is arrogant. He could take a job doing anything that would allow him to pay for his own food, but he would rather waste his fellow countrymen's taxes because he considers himself beyond work.

Now for the real question. Who is more of a man? Andy, who takes responsibility for his own life and works 45 U.K. hours per week, or Mr. Robbin Parsons, who relies on his government to feed him?

Oooh... right in the nuts!

  • #86
Originally posted by eNtRopY
Look, he's homeless because he is arrogant. He could take a job doing anything that would allow him to pay for his own food, but he would rather waste his fellow countrymen's taxes because he considers himself beyond work.

Now for the real question. Who is more of a man? Andy, who takes responsibility for his own life and works 45 U.K. hours per week, And lives at home with Mom and Dad (?) or Mr. Robbin Parsons, who relies on his government to feed him?

Oooh... right in the nuts! Ya, you right in your own!


Funny you should mention the taxpayers purse, as apparently, what I accoplished for the Canadian Government saved the Canadian Taxpayer ~$40,000,000.00

Got any accomplishments, in your life, that match that?

(About one week of my time actually, ~48 hours to do that...fourty MILLION DOLLARS!)

It is the accreditation of that that I am being robbed of, that is what I face as a problem. (and the little 'utterings' from youse boys)

And it isn't the government that feeds the homeless, it's volonteers who care.
  • #87
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
Funny you should mention the taxpayers purse, as apparently, what I accoplished for the Canadian Government saved the Canadian Taxpayer ~$40,000,000.00

* cough * Liar!

And it isn't the government that feeds the homeless, it's volonteers who care.

Okay Scarlet O'Hare, you just keep relying on the kindness of strangers while telling yourself that such lack of responsibility doesn't detract from your manliness.

  • #88
Funny you should mention the taxpayers purse, as apparently, what I accoplished for the Canadian Government saved the Canadian Taxpayer ~$40,000,000.00

Just who are you trying to kid? If you could save the Canadian governement that much money wouldn't other governments be trying to hire you to save them money?
  • #89
Originally posted by eNtRopY
* cough * Liar! (Ahhh, once again, eNtRopY..sees himself!)
Okay Scarlet O'Hare, you just keep relying on the kindness of strangers while telling yourself that such lack of responsibility doesn't detract from your manliness.

Actually, it is assitive of that, such that I can still pursue the responcible parties.

Originally posted by andy
Just who are you trying to kid? (No one, "kiddo") If you could save the Canadian governement that much money wouldn't other governments be trying to hire you to save them money?
Andy, the piece of work that I wrote, I ceded the copyrights thereof to a person who could, and to the best of my knowledge, did, use it to assist in the Democratic world's legal community.

The only thing that I (am supposed to) get, from having been the Author of the work, is the accreditation for what it was able to accomplish, the accreditations that it, the work, accrues.

As it was all done privately, (my part of it was not "in/on the news" persay) the Government of Canada has a legally binding obligation to respond to me, for having done it. They have not, to this date, performed there legal obligation(s). Simple as that.
  • #90
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
Actually, it is assitive of that, such that I can still pursue the responcible parties.

So you're saying you look for free handouts? Yeah, somehow I don't think that makes you any more responsible. M'kay Scarlet?

  • #91
Originally posted by eNtRopY
So you're saying you look for free handouts? Yeah, somehow I don't think that makes you any more responsible. M'kay Scarlet?

NO!, I am NOT saying that, you are.

Mentor. please lock out the thread as this clearly is no longer about the topic I started, but has digressed to nothing but the same old attack by entropy and his henceboy(s).

Entropy, having read a little bit about your attitude towards women, you are going to get yours, what you deserve, one day, God Willing I will assure/Gaurantee you of that!

  • #92
Requesting a thread lock and conveniently changing the subject? Sounds like Mr. Robin Parsons knows he is defeated.

  • #93
Entropy, you are really close to getting yourself booted right off PF.

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