Is Gravity Caused by the Motion of Particles in the Fabric of Space?

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of particle-wave duality and how it is caused by the motion of particles in the fabric of space. The pressure towards us from the fabric of space produces gravity, and this is the mechanism behind the acceleration due to gravity. This understanding also explains why apples fall. The conversation also mentions an article published in Electronics World, which reviews and extends the mathematical proof for the mechanism of gravity and resolves problems with general relativity. It is proposed that this model can be used to rigorously test the consequences of this physical fluid model for the fabric of space. The conversation also mentions the fixed 377 ohms impedance of the vacuum to electromagnetic energy, which suggests that the fabric of space is a non-particulate
  • #36
Originally posted by Nigel
This is an interesting claim. J.J. Thomson measured the charge-to-mass ratio of the electron with something which is very similar to a vacuum TV picture tube.

The mass he measured was inertial, not gravitational. Some people in physics jump to conclusions too easily, and I like the fact that you do not.

When you say "electrons do not have gravity" you are making an ambiguous case, though. Do you believe:

1. That electrons are not affected by the gravity of another mass?
2. That electrons do not attract other particles to themselves?
3. Both 1 and 2 above?

Clearly, the universal gravitational constant, G, is pretty poorly known (only about 3 decimal places), so since electrons only comprise a small proportion of the inertial mass of atoms, you may be right to doubt 2. In theory, we should know whether 1 is true by the effect of gravity on electrons like beta radiation. However, I do not know of any research on this.

To #1) Yes and no, dependant upon circumstances.

to #2) NO, electrons are attracted to other particles, and have interactions with them, ie; protons, but which is the attractor (outside of in a battery) is difficult to prove, because of the scale.

In what I understand about gravity, the universal constant of it is that it pulls all things to a common center, all energy that has/had been radiated.

In performing that function, it, in of itself, causes heat to be generated and radiated back out, in a cyclical nature, relative to the mass of the gravitational body/generator.

The Planet proves that, and the Moon, the Sun, Mass, the Stars, they all demonstrate the ability of being thermal capacitors, as that is what the cycle of gravitational activity performs, the capacitance of heat.

When it ends, it is in a "Big Crunch", but is is a very "COLD Big Crunch".

What is presently being thought of as 'Dark Energy', might simply be us, finally observing the activity of gravity that is the rebounding of the elastic of space itself, and the sighting of the evidence that the universe is indeed capable of reversing it's expansion, and is 'presently' (so to speak, as the distances invoke 'past' times) beginning, (or in the process of) to recontract(ing).

But all of this, is, by far, NOT all of the answer, not even close, lots of details is/are still missing.

BTW Nigel, if the medium is "Superfluid", as to afford 'no resistance' to motion, then there can be NO shadowing effect, as a shadowing effect MUST, and IS, an indication of a pressure differential.

But nice math work, just the same...a bit of the "Monte Carlo" method is it?
Astronomy news on
  • #37
Originally posted by Nigel
The electromagnetic field is the key to the whole business. The article in Electronics World is concerned with the mechanism and derivation of the strong and weak nuclear forces, the transverse electromagnetic wave electron (an electron is an electromagnetic wave trapped by its own gravitation into a tiny loop), the derivation of Maxwell's equations from that, including the mechanism for Gauss' law which is basically the electric field version of Coulomb's inverse square law. Gravity is the other thing which the paper deals with. For copyright reasons I can't re-publish the whole thing on the internet, but I have published the gravity proof from it on the internet since that has a strong link with cosmology.

You may be able to find Electronics World at a library, or wait until more can be re-published free on the internet. The mathematical proofs and diagrams that are needed to properly answer your questions are in there.

However, I've updated the "Frequently Asked Questions" on the internet page
which contains a discussion of what Einstein did in uniting electrodynamics with gravitation in his general theory of relativity, together with a discussion of the mathematical work he did. You may find that of interest and helpful to answering some of your intelligent questions.[?]

Excellent! Thanks again!

It looks more like a synergistic arrangement as we could expect in a quantum equasion... leaving sequence and/or cause and effect out of the calculations. More like a support structure comprised of electromagnetic influence and gravitational influence.

It would still be interesting to do what I have already proposed which is to run a real-time superimposition of the electromagnetic fields and gravitational fields of a planetary body over one another during the introduction of a second, smaller mass.

There may be a clue as to which field creates which in the calculations of each of these field's rate of change.

Thanks again.
  • #38

Nigel the reality of gravity is found in 'thermics', or 'thermology' the study of the flowing of energy. (As heat{ing})

In the thermosphere of the planet we find a layer of relatively high temperature space, ~2500 Degrees F, above drops to ~7 or 8 degrees K, and below it is a layer of the planets atmosphere that is something below 0.0 Degrees F. (my numbers are approximates as they are remembered 'roughly', but the point that they make still stands solid as evidence as we observe the inverse of the Solar effect inasmuch as we now see a layer of heat, sandwiched by two cooler layers)

We have a layer of space that is maintaining a temperature that is not generated by any activity that is measurable as "fire", yet we clearly know it is maintaining temperature over time, completely contrary to what the current laws of thermodynamics tells us, (all heat is radiant *) BUT a clear observable phenomenon, hence the laws of thermodynamics MUST be wrong! The planets observable characteristics PROVE that one.

What we end up finding out in this manner of observance of the universes operation of energy exchanges is that the moderator of motion is gravity, as it is the interface of the differential of energetic traveling, hence the motion of masses at speeds that are sub-light, as all of the energy travels at C (near enough, some exception) to generate the movements.

We hence see, that it is gravity that is actually the operator of time, (generator of it actually) time as it is measured by the motion/movements of masses.

As I had previously stated in other forums, “time is the illusion of movement” that is because the motion is an illusion, it is the moderation of energetic cycles that move the masses, but all of the energetic cycles occur at C, outside of masses, relative to C ( as propagating) inside masses.

(* It is, But there is a 'time' effect bearing upon the traveling of the energies at play, a generated ‘time’(ing) effect)

One body heats while the other cools because gravity will cause to arise an Energetic Ambience between the two masses, proportionately.

An “Energetic Ambience” (pressure) is normally measured using a thermometer, at least last time I heard anything about it…..Rumor had it?

It is a more complex answer then what you found Nigel, forgive me, it’s not my fault. (not yours either!)
  • #39

There are similar ideas to yours posted elswhere, and going back sometime ago?
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  • #40

Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
Nigel, electrons do not have gravity, and are not a balance of electrical and gravitational force. [/B]
Really? I thought electrons had 'mass'?
  • #41

Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
That is why I have endevoured to tell of the inside of the event Horizon of a Black Hole as being -1 K, the absence of the measurable
quality that we collectively know as heat, AKA-EMR.

Do you perceive heat to be a quality - or a condition?
I consider 'quality' to be an inherent property of an element. Heat would be a transient condition.
  • #42

Originally posted by Messiah
Do you perceive heat to be a quality - or a condition?
I consider 'quality' to be an inherent property of an element. Heat would be a transient condition.

So then 'Heat' as a "qualifiedly/quantifiable condition" of space, what?

Heat is actually referred to, or known as, in physics, "Ambient Energy Pressure", (AEP) as that is exactly what a thermometer measures.

AEP is the amount of energy that is 'cycling' be’twix all of the matter, in the (seemingly empty) space, where you measure it.

Aside form that, heat is also seen as a quality of matter, as in "That piece of steel is hot", as well as its (present) 'condition'.
  • #43

Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons

AEP is the amount of energy that is 'cycling' be’twix all of the matter, in the (seemingly empty) space, where you measure it.

I take - from the parenthetical note above - that you do not consider space to be 'non-existence' - or empty.

Does space exist 'beyond' the Universe/expansion of the Big Bang, or does Big Bang manufacture space "on the fly" so to speak?
  • #44
Thanks for the interesting replies everyone!

The paper on the internet is the mechanism for gravity, and some of the replies touch on the other two forces of nature, which have different mechanisms and force strengths to gravity. The article in Electronics World deals with 4 forces, although two of those (electromagnetic and weak nuclear forces) are already unified in so-called electro-weak theory.

Hence, there are 3 basic forces:
Strong nuclear force
Gravitational force -
Electromagnetic force

I will briefly say something about the mechanisms and mathematical proofs I have published for the strong nuclear and the electromagnetic forces, since they relate to some of the replies above.

The mathematical proof I give (Electronics World, April 2003) demonstrates that the vacuum flux due to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle causes the strong nuclear force (137 times the electromagnetic force), while the electromagnetic force is the energy delivery by a random walk of electromagnetic fields between similar charges in the universe. Because the stars are receding, the electromagnetic momentum received continuously from spinning charges is less than they emit in anyone place, so there is an asymmetry, causing a gravity shielding-attraction effect between dissimilar charges (hence electrostatic attraction) and an excessive exchange of momentum between similar charges (hence electrostatic repulsion).

The random walk occurs because a straight line summation would encounter equal numbers of positive and negative charges, thus cancelling out. When you work out the random walk, allowing for the expansion of the universe and the constant 377 ohm impedance of free space, you find that the electromagnetic forces are bigger than gravity by a multiplication factor equal to the square root of the number of charges in the universe; the proof is in the journal.

Therefore, there are three separate mechanisms accounting for 3 different basic forces. Sometimes in the past people have attributed the real mechanism of the strong nuclear force to electromagnetism, and had the paradox of a force calculation 137 times stronger than expected. This puzzled Feynman and many other maths wizards.

They should have studied Catt's research.
  • #45

Originally posted by Messiah
I take - from the parenthetical note above - that you do not consider space to be 'non-existence' - or empty.

Does space exist 'beyond' the Universe/expansion of the Big Bang, or does Big Bang manufacture space "on the fly" so to speak?

On 9 July 1962, the United States wizards fired up a 1.44 megaton thermonuclear bomb on a missile, exploding at 400 km. Since the Earth's atmosphere is insignificant at 100 km altitude, that was in space all right. Some people are prejudiced against explosions, so they say that every point in the universe sees every other point expanding around them. This is the worst sort of conjecture, especially when they falsely try to say that Hubble proved it. In fact, as my paper shows, the Hubble "law" (ratio of speed to distance of star = constant) is false in the sense that the distance will increase while the observed light is traveling to us, while the speed may remain the same. The whole of cosmology is jinxed by the discovery that the most distant supernovas do not slow down as predicted due to general relativity. My paper resolves that, but don't expect to see it being cited in any textbooks within the next century. Science journals are more fearful of the loss of reputation by publishing a hoax than they are of the supposed embarrassment of not publishing a genuine advance.

As for what is beyond the universe - I don't know. If the gravity mechanism is correct (I think it is because the logical proof has support from what we know about the fabric of space in electromagnetism, and also the Hubble equation when corrected gives rise to acceleration) then it looks as if the universe is an explosion in pre-existing space. Whether the pre-existing space is actually infinite, or not, I cannot even try to guess. I would like to see computer modelling of the universe using a nuclear fireball computer code. By fitting the results from a computer simulation for a 10^55 megatons detonation to what is observed for the universe, something useful might be learned. At present, that area is surrounded in secrecy.

  • #46

Originally posted by Messiah
I take - from the parenthetical note above - that you do not consider space to be 'non-existence' - or empty.

Does space exist 'beyond' the Universe/expansion of the Big Bang, or does Big Bang manufacture space "on the fly" so to speak?

Current cosmological understanding, as I have read of it, is that the Big Bang was/is the explosion of space itself.

Empty space, find me a place in space that is NOT filled with EMR, other then the inside of the event horizon of a Black Hole.

As for a fabric, it is both deducable, provable, and has been noted by some of the hisorically noted greatest minds known to be soemthing that the universe itself, has been telling us, is there, all along, it is simply the proving of that, with repeatablity, and standardized testing, that will end that!
  • #47
[q]demonstrates that the vacuum flux due to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle causes the strong nuclear force [/q]

But in your paper you claim that spacetime is continuous. Vacuum fluctuations manifest themsevles as a discreteness in the fabric of spacetime, commonly known as quantum foam. This is the central problem in quantizizing gravity and why such new developments as loop quantum gravity and any new theoretical models are tending towards a discerete spacetime that is actually formed, not independent.


Upon further reading of your paper, I must wholly protest the claim you make that the total Volume of spacetime is constant. That simply cannot be so in an expanding universe.

When you say H has units of acceleration, does that mean the units of H are meters per second per second?

v = rH = dr/dt. Hence: dt = dr/(rH).

So what you are saying then, is that the position function for r is

r = CeHt with C being some constant. So far that seems to be a nice acceleration model for the velocity. Of that I can say the math is sound going back and forth (though what an odd little constant that H is). I still have the rest of the maths to look through however. And again I urge one to remember what works in math does not always work in reality. It should be interesting to see where my analysis leads me.

Also, I hope you are not too offended by my criticisms. It is good measure to always meet new ideas with skepticism. So onward I go.
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  • #48

Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
As for a fabric, it is both deducable, provable, and has been noted by some of the hisorically noted greatest minds known to be soemthing that the universe itself, has been telling us, is there, all along, it is simply the proving of that, with repeatablity, and standardized testing, that will end that!

Does it require any more proof than already exists - or is it just a matter of getting the semantics correct?

If one defines 'exist' as 'having physical presence in the Universe', then it is already proven that space 'exists'. The fact we cannot discern any attributes other than that it has volume, location and the property of inertness (which - in itself - is a quality) is no more remarkable than the fact early man considered air to be 'nothing'.

Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
Empty space, find me a place in space that is NOT filled with EMR, other then the inside of the event horizon of a Black Hole.

If Big Bang is expanding into space, there must be space into which BB has not yet arrived. If BB 'created' the Universe, then there should be nothing outside of the volume of BB (even EMR) except more space.

Else BB 'creates' space on the fly.

  • #49
Try it this way, the vessel of the universe, as we see it, is EMR, and it is currently known that this would extend beyond the range of our collective abilities to see it/ observe it.

As 'proof' of a fabric really goes, it is demonstrably provable, the semantics aside.

It is preferable to have that proof as it is evidence of the nature of the vessel of the universe's encapsulation of matter.

It's nature is important to understand as it is intimately involved in the workings of the universe.
  • #50
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
Try it this way, the vessel of the universe, as we see it, is EMR, and it is currently known that this would extend beyond the range of our collective abilities to see it/ observe it.

As 'proof' of a fabric really goes, it is demonstrably provable, the semantics aside.

It is preferable to have that proof as it is evidence of the nature of the vessel of the universe's encapsulation of matter.

It's nature is important to understand as it is intimately involved in the workings of the universe.

Sounds reasonable - however, there may be factors in the Universe which have a direct bearing upon our measurements and those factors may NEVER be observable within the lifetime of our species.

If the Universe (some prefer omniverse, but I choose to define Universe as "all which exists") is infinite and our BB is a local phenomenon, there may be neighboring cosmic engines (BB's) beyond our detection producing systems which make neutron stars look like sponge.

Dark Matter??
  • #51
Just to point out in the FAQ section, when you talk about energy. E = mc2 is the rest energy of any mass. E = 1/2 mv2 is the kinetic energy of a mass. The true Einstein equation is

E = mc2 + 1/2 mv2, or often times the addition of the kinetic energy is given as the gamma constant.

Meanwhile a continued analysis of the physics that underly your idea do not seem to mesh. However your basic premise is correct, the simple Hubble constant of proportionality is NOT correct. This is because of dark energy driving an acceleration. However, it does not by any means Einstein was wrong. As I stated above, this would be the equivalent to saying Einstein was wrong with GR because it fails to predict the strenght two magnets attract each other (or they repell each other even!) Again too, your idea of a constant volume of spacetime does imply that there is no expansion to the universe, rather mass is moving apart ever faster. However, this implies either that the universe is infinitly large and infinite in time, or it is static. And black holes still cannot be explained by your method, nor is gravitational deflection of light. Mere pressure alone cannot effect photons which only deflect because the geometry of spacetime makes the shortest distance that deflected point. The 'relativistic' mass (momentum) of the photon does not alone make it succeptible to gravity. Also, how does it explain gravity's own gravity? Too many unanswered questions that GR does answer.
  • #52
Originally posted by Messiah
Sounds reasonable - however, there may be factors in the Universe which have a direct bearing upon our measurements and those factors may NEVER be observable within the lifetime of our species.

If the Universe (some prefer omniverse, but I choose to define Universe as "all which exists") is infinite and our BB is a local phenomenon, there may be neighboring cosmic engines (BB's) beyond our detection producing systems which make neutron stars look like sponge.

Dark Matter??

Forgive me, it is an interesting thought, but it is not an original thought, but it sort of has been answered, by humans.

It is the limitation upon our collective ability to know, it is found where the light ends, as we cannot "Knowledgably See" any farther.

The Universe, 'Omniverse' if you should wish, would itself not be infinite, but it would be 'within' that, whatever that actually is, the infinite,

It is, (the infinite) provably Un-Imaginable, not even in the "Imaginary" Realm, as to believe so, is a practice of a Self Deception
  • #53
Forgive me for being out of my league, but my gut feeling has changed a bit in response to this thread. So here's my two cents, with the hope that it will further some of the theories in this discussion.

As the universe expands, it fills with "new" space.

Mass consumes space.

This would lead to gravitational effects at relatively small distances and expansion effects at larger distances based on the differences between the rate of "filling" and the rate of "consumption".

Also, the rate of consumption of space by particles of mass would determine the particular properties of the particle.

If these statements were true, would it not be possible to compute the volume and rate of consumption of space by a known mass by using the Gravitational constant alone?
  • #54
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
Forgive me, it is an interesting thought, but it is not an original thought, but it sort of has been answered, by humans.

It is the limitation upon our collective ability to know, it is found where the light ends, as we cannot "Knowledgably See" any farther.

The Universe, 'Omniverse' if you should wish, would itself not be infinite, but it would be 'within' that, whatever that actually is, the infinite,

It is, (the infinite) provably Un-Imaginable, not even in the "Imaginary" Realm, as to believe so, is a practice of a Self Deception

APPLAUSE :smile:
Logic is our interpretation of the laws of nature. By observing, defining and comparing the properties of that which we seek to understand, we derive conclusions which fit the parameters of our observations - equations simultaneously solved for all known variables.

The concept of Infinity; however, lies beyond the domain of logic because it is not defined - and logic requires definition. It is not easy to fathom that although there is a finite distance between every two points in the Universe, there is no furthest point; and the very fact no ‘point of infinity’ exists serves only to validate the concept.

Infinity is not contrary to logic, it is just 'beyond its grasp'.
  • #55
Originally posted by Alias

(SNIP) Forgive me for being out of my league, (CHOP)

WHY? that is exactly where you need to go to learn, just like all of the rest of us, forgive HA! NEVER!

(Congratulate you, NOW that I could do!)
  • #56
One last thougth?? (do you think I can do that?)

BTW gravity is a summing force, it always adds, it always adds more, it always comes out as either having more mass to play with, or as being gravitationally more powerful in the area of it's occupancy of space, hence it would be seen as the force that would win in the end of the universe as it always adds!

It uses the force of diffusion to spread heat, (and/or matter, re; explosions) but it always wins over itself in the end as it's ability to retrieve, over time, is greater then it's ability to expend, over time.

EDIT: TY Poooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooos
  • #57
Darn I forgot, it uses matter as the 'tinfoil' of the capacitor that is the retainer of heat, but along a time line, as to accommodate the energies not being "capturable" for anything other then a 'period of time'.

It uses matter to moderate the C factor in the 'energetic interchanges', that are the activities of gravity.

Have FUN!
  • #58
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
Darn I forgot, it uses matter as the 'tinfoil' of the capacitor that is the retainer of heat, but along a time line, as to accommodate the energies not being "capturable" for anything other then a 'period of time'.

It uses matter to moderate the C factor in the 'energetic interchanges', that are the activities of gravity.

Have FUN!


Somebody realizes why I wear a tinfoil pyramid on my head to keep aliens from reading my thoughts...

Wheeeeeeeeew ! ! !
  • #59
Originally posted by Messiah

Somebody realizes why I wear a tinfoil pyramid on my head to keep aliens from reading my thoughts...

Wheeeeeeeeew ! ! !

(PSssssssssssst Mess-i-ah! It's NOT working! they know about you! so use your secret powers to hide now!)


{Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, ad on, and on, etc, bye!}
  • #60
Lets see, there is a plethora of evidence that follows the logic of the reaoning for the Absorption of EMR by matter/mass. The Spectral absorption of EMR is well known in the evidence of the universe's light, an interaction of atoms, with the passing light.

It is thought that the re-emission is/would be found in a 'brightness' that should be detectable, even though it would be very subtle, as scattered in a larger range of waveform.

This is furthered by the fact of known knowledge of the Planets Apsorption of EMR, as Very long wave length, (radiowave) which would follow the rules of "Conservation of Energy" by compression of the waveform, to a higher level, for re-emittance as 'thermal' energy.

Or an "Ambient Energy Pressure signature", through the capacitance that is the activities of gravities inducement of thermal output.

It is a superimposition upon the thermal flow that is unseen, that is gravity, it is none the less detectable, you just have to know how.

Messiah, did your cap work?

Did you know I would write this?

Did you know that tomorrow is Good Friday? so all the people who Volonteer at the Soup Kitchens are taking a well deserved Break with there families?

DID you know?
  • #61

What we are discussing here are two very basic phenomenae:
1) Existence
2) Change (in position or condition)

Energy is simply another nomenclature for change - the act of (kinetic) or propensity (potential) for said phenomenon.

The photon theory of light believes photons actually travel (change in position of a particle)

It is my insane and totally unconventional belief that it is a change in condition (in the elements involved in the vector). A simple propagation.

Any comment??
  • #62
Originally posted by Messiah

It is my insane and totally unconventional belief that it is a change in condition (in the elements involved in the vector). A simple propagation.

Is this meant to be a question?
  • #63
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
Is this meant to be a question?

No, the question was the last sentence...marked by punctuation '?'
I understand this is commonly used by convention.
  • #64
Originally posted by Messiah
No, the question was the last sentence...marked by punctuation '?'
I understand this is commonly used by convention.

Thats what I understood, too, so that's why I asked what the question really was.

ANy comment?...No! as the statement doesn't make any real sense to me, as what we are discussing here is gravity, not "change", and how GRAVITY comes into being, and works.

Any Comments?
  • #65
If you want to carry out a private or personal conversation, use the pm system. That's what it is there for.
  • #66
Originally posted by FZ+
If you want to carry out a private or personal conversation, use the pm system. That's what it is there for.

  • #67
This is what I had originally written the other day, just that the disc drives on some of the computers here went wacky with the disc, telling me it needed "formating", so I post it just the same as I felt this one was written better then the one I did post, THANKS!


There is a plethora of evidence to back up this logic in observation, the spectrographic nature of the readings of light, from distance, demonstrates the principals of the absorption of EMR, by matter, as it passes it.

The interaction is thought to project a lightening(Brightening) effect upon other waves of the spectrum, but The broadcast of that would make detection more difficult as the shading effects would be exceedingly subtle.

This is further enhanced as, principal of proof, by the 'common knowledge' of the Fact that the Planet is Known to Absorb (Very) long wave (radio) EMR.

This absorption phenomenon is held to the conservation of energy rule, by shifting, frame shifting actually, and it is re-emitted as higher waveform energies, as in heat(ing), by EMR emission.

Hence we have 'prior knowledge' of the activities of Gravity that makes evidence of the fact of it being a Super-Imposition upon the immediate, and long range, temperature environment, adjudicated in the EMR, by a mass.

Messiah, did your cap work?
Did you 'predict' I would write this today?
Or did you just know that I had done it, but didn't know how you knew that?
Or was it that the cap works?
Or it Friday tomorrow?
Good Friday?, and all the soup kitchens will be closed as the staff take a well deserved break with there families.
  • #68
Funny, I mention the disc, now it is so badly damaged, by one of the computers there, scan disc does nothing for it, telling me it is "no good" any more, it was just fine the other day, it is only no good as a result of the disc drives, in the machines I use that are net linked operating, well, what, from afar, cause it certainly ain't me doing it, and this is about the four, or fifth disc, that this has happened to!

Seems that someone erases the FAT files on them, for me, how sad!
  • #69
BTW this explanation does take everyone away from the chasm that had been previously there, but it only really brings it up to the abyss, actually, and the view from *here*, is even darker, then the previous one.

There is an answer, as there is a way to resolve all of this into something that works form origins in structure(s).

Till then....
  • #70
Originally posted by Brad_Ad23
[q]demonstrates that the vacuum flux due to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle causes the strong nuclear force [/q]

But in your paper you claim that spacetime is continuous. Vacuum fluctuations manifest themsevles as a discreteness in the fabric of spacetime, commonly known as quantum foam. This is the central problem in quantizizing gravity and why such new developments as loop quantum gravity and any new theoretical models are tending towards a discerete spacetime that is actually formed, not independent.


Upon further reading of your paper, I must wholly protest the claim you make that the total Volume of spacetime is constant. That simply cannot be so in an expanding universe.

When you say H has units of acceleration, does that mean the units of H are meters per second per second?

So what you are saying then, is that the position function for r is

r = CeHt with C being some constant. So far that seems to be a nice acceleration model for the velocity. Of that I can say the math is sound going back and forth (though what an odd little constant that H is). I still have the rest of the maths to look through however. And again I urge one to remember what works in math does not always work in reality. It should be interesting to see where my analysis leads me.

Also, I hope you are not too offended by my criticisms. It is good measure to always meet new ideas with skepticism. So onward I go.

The vacuum flux is not the fabric of space. Nor is spacetime.

The vacuum flux is matter + antimatter creation for a brief time characterised by the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, in its energy-time version.

Spacetime is what you get when you do four-dimensional geometry which treats the product of time and velocity of light as distance (time multiplied by velocity = distance, dimensionally).

H, Hubble constant, as stated in the paper and as defined by textbooks as velocity divided by distance, which has units of reciprocal seconds. This is not a true constant, because the stars will recede further while the light is in transit to us. The correct constant will be velocity divided by transit time of the light, and this ratio is acceleration. You will need to go through the paper step-by-step to appreciate the details, as it is not the sort of thing which can be grasped by scanning.

Where you say that what works in maths does not always work in reality, I agree. You get people in physics force-fitting superstring 26 dimensional tensors on to reality at the tax-payers expense (at least in the UK) for decades and failing. It is quaint to see how revered people like Archimedes are for mathematical proofs, but when it comes to the crunch, the big guys in the major scientific journals will not even read a proof. It is a bit like the problem Galileo had with the Church when they refused to put an eye to his telescope.

The existing empirical law philosophy can be supported by adding epicycles every time an error is seen, postponing progress indefinitely.

At the end of the day, proof can be ignored, so it has no real influence. It is a bit like the situation with the war with Iraq. British popular opinion was predominantly pacifist, but when you have dictators who simply ignore everything reasonable, you are eventually in a situation of facing the old dictum that "war is the extension of politics", and that nothing short of war will induce reason.

In the case of science, the superstring brigade will continue to consume taxpayers money in their Ivory Towers. The proven theory will be ignored for any reason they can think up, no matter how absurd.

The basic problem for me is that we live in an unscientific age, where the people who take the jobs of editors of scientific journals do so in the belief that their prejudices are of greater importance than facts.
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