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Originally posted by drag
Yes, but can Descartes himself process ?
That's the point, the Demon assumed that there was such a thing as and entity called Descartes in the first place (because he assumed that he could convince that entity that he didn't exist). How is this so complicated that it should be beyond understanding? No offense, but can you actually address the fact that, in order for entity A to convince entity B that entity B doesn't exist, there must be and entity B and that entity must be assumed to be capable of thinking?
Maybe the Demon, what he said and Descrates' thoughts
are just data with no real meaning, as he attempts
to provide here - of separate and/or real Demon/
/Descrates/Descartes' thoughts and so on.
But there is no such thing as thoughts without a thinker (seriously, I mean that, because "think" is a verb. A verb is an action, and an action requires a subject that is acting. For example, the following cannot be a complete sentence: "Thought."
It cannot be a complete sentence because it is just a preposition, with no subject. Now, I know that this has direct reference to Causality, and that Causality is not provable, however it still demonstrates that any statement of the form "P [bleeps]" (where P is an entity and [bleeps] is a verb), requires both the presence of an entity and an action done by that entity.
In short, leaving the demon part alone for the moment,
how's all of that at all known ? How can you actually
know anything for certain ?
All you can know for certain is your own existence, because to contemplate non-existence require that you exist. Wuliheron has had his own way of making much the same point, but it is pretty much what Descartes was saying too.
I am trying to explain why the situation doesn't make sense
and thus there is no real value to the relevant statement.
The relevant problems and assumptions are :
1. A Demon - even with no regards to its qualities this
is an assumption of real existence of a separate entity.
One has to assume this from the start, because the whole reasoning takes place in the context of someone attempting to convince someone else that they don't exist.
2. Think - that word, when applied to reality, contains
an assumption that says that you can cause something to
change in observation - new relevant thoughts/actions and so on.
Yes, and the Demon had made this assumption.
Remember, the whole point of Descartes' statement was to reveal the flaw in the Demon's attempt to convince him that he didn't exist (because the Demon had to make the assumptions that you have pointed out, before trying to get Descartes to deny the very same assumptions).
3. I am - refers to a distinction. (of what ?)
"I am" doesn't refer to a distinction, but rather to the existence of "I".