Is It Just Me? A Series of Unfortunate Events in 24 Hours

  • Thread starter G01
  • Start date
In summary, I had a lot of things to do and forgot some things. I also had to go to a car dealership and deal with my dad.
  • #1
Homework Helper
Gold Member
So over the course of 24 hours (9:00PM last night to 9:00PM tonight) I have done or have to do the following:

1. Left my Judogi (Judo uniform) at the YMCA after my class.

2. The next morning it was gone after I went back and checked after they opened.

3. Forgot about a homework assignment for my advanced mechanics class.

4. Spilled my afternoon coffee.

5. Complained to a friend about today who happened to be having a much worse day. Don't think that went well.

6. Have to go to Tuesday's Judo class without a gi and be that moron who forgets his judo uniform during a judo class.
It's time for a holiday...
Physics news on
  • #2
Sorry to hear it...hope things improve soon. In the meantime...
  • #3
G01 said:
So over the course of 24 hours (9:00PM last night to 9:00PM tonight) I have done or have to do the following:

1. Left my Judogi (Judo uniform) at the YMCA after my class.

2. The next morning it was gone after I went back and checked after they opened.

3. Forgot about a homework assignment for my advanced mechanics class.

4. Spilled my afternoon coffee.

5. Complained to a friend about today who happened to be having a much worse day. Don't think that went well.

6. Have to go to Tuesday's Judo class without a gi and be that moron who forgets his judo uniform during a judo class.

It's time for a holiday...
Aww, come here.



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  • #4
G01 said:
6. Have to go to Tuesday's Judo class without a gi and be that moron who forgets his judo uniform during a judo class.

I have been that moron once... I felt out of place.
  • #5
I've had a hellish week, but today turned out great. I've been arguing with my father about money that he has set aside for me. His car is a piece of crap, and I wanted him to cash in our bonds and buy a decent vehicle so I wouldn't worry about him getting stranded somewhere in a break-down. (He's 83.) By Sunday, I had broken him down only to the point at which he agreed to cash in a CD. I brought him the paperwork on Sunday, he took care of the bank details on Monday, and today, I drove him down to the nearest Subaru dealership to spend the day haggling with a salesman, his sales manager, and the general manager.

We came home with a well-equipped 2009 Forester with automatic transmission (Dad's knees are more arthritic than mine, and clutching can be a problem) for less than $20,000. It's got full-time AWD with traction-control and wheel-specific anti-lock brakes and it has a 5-star crash rating because of the designed-in crumple-zones and the multiple air-bags. Finally!

The transmission allows you to choose higher and lower gears simply by flipping the shift lever while it's in drive. Flip that sucker toward the negative side and floor it, and you get to 60 VERY quickly. We did a quick run-over at my house today on the way home, and he was ear-to-ear happy.
  • #6
Nah, today wasn't too bad. Had to wake up extra early because we were getting snow overnight and I had to teach an 8 AM class. Got up, looked out the window, didn't think it looked THAT bad, took my time with breakfast and coffee and headed out about an hour and a half early. Only left that early because I was already awake and figured I'd beat the morning rush and just relax and have the second cup of coffee in my office and get a few other things done before class.

Then I actually got on the road. After an hour of crawling around S-curves trying to avoid the ditches and weaving around the other stranded cars, along with weaving around the ABSOLUTE MORONS on the road who would see all the cars in ditches and just the MIDDLE of the road, halfway down the hill, waiting for someone else to just slide into them I guess...what's the point? They were halfway down already...they couldn't turn around and go back, they weren't safe sitting in the middle of the road, what were they thinking?! On the plus side, after a while, I was no longer worried about sliding into a ditch, since the ditches were already full :rolleyes:.

So, an hour later I finally get to work, now with only a half hour to spare before starting my lecture. Gave my lecture, taught lab. Got out of the lab a little early, so thought I had plenty of time for lunch, until everyone waylaid me in the hall to talk about one thing or another before I got away. So, got about a 15 min lunch. Then off to teach my second lecture. Realized about 5 min in that I didn't have time to use the restroom before lecture and probably should have.

Got through lecture, taught the other lab. 4 people showed up, one to ask why there were no tags on the cadavers when she came into study yesterday...:rolleyes: Because if she had showed up for class last week, she'd know we were done with the cadavers finally. (They wonder why they get C's or worse, yet think they can learn the material on their own after hours instead of coming in during the actual class time.).

The course coordinator for the class I'm lecturing to tomorrow came up to me this afternoon to ask me to add several things into my lecture...for tomorrow. She could have told me these were things she thought needed to be covered, oh, maybe a couple months ago when she assigned these lectures to me, or even last week when I put the lectures up on the website for the course. So, I'm tired, and just want to go to sleep early tonight, and have to go digging up more stuff to add to my lecture. It's not much, but it's stuff I don't particularly have readily on hand, which is why I didn't include it in the first place. :rolleyes:

Met with a few more people over a couple other things. Then headed home. I'm worn OUT, and still working on tomorrow's lecture. :zzz:
  • #7
Well yesterday was the best day for me in prolly a month by now, and today was MOSTLY good, except for a test in Algebra 2 that I didn' finish and prolly failed...But that's nothing new really...God I'm tired of school...
  • #8
Mine was okay. Got up late, logged onto PF & watched TV for a few hours and had some nice ham and potatoes for lunch. Took my empties to the depot and collected $47.55 for them. Bought a new toothbrush. Came home and logged back in, and have been watching TV ever since. W got home from work, ate while watching Frasier, then went to bed. I'll probably be up until 1:00 am to watch the Colbert Report.
I've been unemployed since the first of the month. It was nice to have some time off after several years of 6-day work weeks, but now it's starting to wear thin. I can't even collect pogey, since I was a contractor rather than an employee. There's a big-league tech company in town that I'm going to try to get on with. I'm obviously not qualified for one of their design engineer positions, but I'm pretty sure that I can handle one of the product testing/quality control jobs.
  • #9
I had a great day for once. I spend the first half of the day running electrophoresis gels and actually had some really interesting diagnosis come up. The last half of the day I had tutorials and an exam on toxicology and therapeutic drug monitoring which I feel like I did quite well on. The only thing that would make things better is if I woke up to a foot of snow so the local ski hills could open, Marmot basin in Jasper has a few runs open but I don't have time nor the money to make the trek out there right now so it would be nice if the local runs could open up
  • #10
scorpa said:
The only thing that would make things better is if I woke up to a foot of snow so the local ski hills could open

I don't begrudge you your snow, but keep it on your side of Red Deer. :-p
  • #11
YEP! :( Can't stand school! Trust me I'm always having BAD days. I have such a busy schedule i can never keep up with anything!
  • #12
how come the guy above me has 0 posts
  • #13
He or she, has only posted in GD...Which does not count towards your post count.
  • #14
To everyone who has had a hard day:

Watch" for about five minutes. You'll feel better.
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  • #15
moose said:
I have been that moron once... I felt out of place.

me too, but it was tae kwon doe.
  • #16
I'm having a bad week. There is a possibility of my cat having a tumor.
  • #17
kathrynag said:
I'm having a bad week. There is a possibility of my cat having a tumor.

:frown: Hopefully it turns out to be benign and easily removed. Sorry to hear about your furry friend.
  • #18
HuuHao20 said:
kathrynag, have you ever think your cat is good to be a vegetarian ? In my living locality, many pigs is input with substance during raising to prevent sickness.

Cats are not and should not be vegetarian. :confused: They are carnivores, and it would be VERY unhealthy to put them on a vegetarian diet.
  • #19
HuuHao20 said:
I don't know I think cats can eat vegetables and fruits
Cats eat meat. They hunt and kill for meat (or just for fun when they are well-fed). They cannot survive on a vegetarian diet - they are not built that way.
  • #20
HuuHao20 said:
I don't know I think cats can eat vegetables and fruits

Well, yes, they could eat vegetables and fruits, but it does not mean they could survive off of them.

Cats are carnivorous. That does not mean that they enjoy eating meat more than vegetables. It means they need to eat meat to get their needed nutrients. They cannot extract the needed nutrients from a plant only diet.
  • #21
Also, things are looking up!

Someone found my judogi after class and is holding it for me! I did have to go to class without one last night, but it wasn't too bad. It is weird being thrown without one though. (You opponent kinda grips your neck while throwing. More uncomfortable than being gripped by your gi.)
  • #22
It's basically either a tumor or arthritis. We just have to see what happens throughout the week.
  • #23
kathrynag said:
It's basically either a tumor or arthritis. We just have to see what happens throughout the week.
They can't tell from the x-rays? I was told I had a tumor on my big toe and needed surgery. The "tumor" disappeared by itself two days before the surgery. Apparently it was nothing, just a temporary irritation of the joint that went away on it's own. When I called the surgeon to cancel the surgery, they actually accused me of lying and insisted I come in and prove that it had disappeared. They felt like idiots when I came in with a perfectly normal toe.
  • #24
Evo said:
They can't tell from the x-rays? I was told I had a tumor on my big toe and needed surgery. The "tumor" disappeared by itself two days before the surgery. Apparently it was nothing, just a temporary irritation of the joint that went away on it's own. When I called the surgeon to cancel the surgery, they actually accused me of lying and insisted I come in and prove that it had disappeared. They felt like idiots when I came in with a perfectly normal toe.

I guess they can't tell. If the medicine they gave him doesn't help by Friday, then it comes down to him getting a biopsy. That's what my mom told me. I'm away at school, so I'm not home for all this.
  • #25
I had a bad day today. My computer died, I choked on some water, everything technical I touched stopped working, I almost got hit by a helicopter, etc. I hate Wednesdays.
  • #26
Evo said:
They can't tell from the x-rays? I was told I had a tumor on my big toe and needed surgery. The "tumor" disappeared by itself two days before the surgery. Apparently it was nothing, just a temporary irritation of the joint that went away on it's own. When I called the surgeon to cancel the surgery, they actually accused me of lying and insisted I come in and prove that it had disappeared. They felt like idiots when I came in with a perfectly normal toe.

when all you've got is a knife, everything looks like a tumor.
  • #27
Evo said:
They felt like idiots when I came in with a perfectly normal toe.
"Perfectly normal"? Nothing of yours could possibly be "perfectly normal". On the plus side, though, you'll be immortalized in textbooks of all kinds.

FAQ: Is It Just Me? A Series of Unfortunate Events in 24 Hours

1. Why do bad days happen?

Bad days can happen for a variety of reasons, such as external factors like stressors or unexpected events, or internal factors like mood or mindset. It's important to acknowledge that bad days are a normal part of life and can't always be prevented.

2. How can I turn my bad day around?

There is no one-size-fits-all solution for turning a bad day around, as everyone copes with stress and negative emotions differently. However, some strategies that may help include taking a break to do something enjoyable, expressing your feelings to a trusted friend or family member, or practicing self-care activities like exercise or meditation.

3. Is it normal to have bad days frequently?

While bad days are a normal part of life, having them frequently may indicate a larger issue that needs to be addressed. It's important to pay attention to any patterns or triggers that may be causing frequent bad days and seek help if needed.

4. Can bad days have a long-term impact on my mental health?

While bad days themselves may not have a long-term impact on mental health, experiencing chronic stress or negative emotions can have a cumulative effect and potentially contribute to the development of mental health issues. It's important to address and manage bad days in a healthy way to prevent this from happening.

5. How can I support someone else having a bad day?

If someone you know is having a bad day, the best thing you can do is offer a listening ear and a non-judgmental space for them to express their feelings. Avoid trying to solve their problems or offer unsolicited advice. Sometimes just being there for someone and showing your support can make a big difference.

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