Is Memory the Key to Disproving the Existence of God?

  • Thread starter DeadWolfe
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In summary, the proof that there is no god concludes that god is a product of information and is not all-powerful or all knowing.
  • #141
Oh, yeah

remember M.C. 900-foot Jesus ?
good videos at least
Physics news on
  • #142
I guess I missed the video. :redface:
  • #143
Trying to say that God doesn't exist, is like trying to say that physics doesn't exist, it is an argument that you can never win, no matter how many people help. Please put your minds to more productive matters that trying trying to prove that which no humans can prove.
  • #145
Guess what, of course it was a point less post look at what were talking about. god is a pointless question & answer. Its the exact same as: if all = god then all = all and that cannot explain anything but all; if all = car then all cannot explain anything but all, and does not explain the physics of a car (combustion ratios, timing of crank shaft to cam heads to pistons to alternator to battery to solenoid to distributor cap to blah blah blah . just a generalized version of car becomes all. And its as simple as that, we as humans have to overcome or lack of fore site, and god does not allow that. hence again why god exist and god doesn't exist, because it is a concept, it might not be a conscious concept, but its a truthful and unfulfilling concept. btw, I seen some one parachute off the 900 ft Jesus. I wonder if science will ever over power such an idol?

PS. shrumeo, at least it made sense word for word which is more then i can say for half the people writing anything in any forum, just blearting out some random answer of "yes its this" or "no its that" , with no reasons why, that is not a discussion but an infringement or a industrialized commercial. And if the complexity of a god can be contained within 3 words tell me what do we gain that we haven't already known the options for, for the past 10,000 years?
  • #146
I seen some one parachute off the 900 ft Jesus. - n0n

Could that have been the big statue near Rio de Janiero? I don't know that it is 900 feet tall in and of itself, but it is on top of a needle-like rock as I recall from seeing pictures.
  • #147
n0n wow i got less then half way through your post and stopped need to section your stuff up so that people know when you change points...if it even had a point in it...
  • #148
Non, your an Agnostic, and Agnostics are people who "don't know" so you can just shut up! xD

This should have ended ages ago, when I said that no one was going to change anyones minds.
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  • #149
If you think the thread should end, the best thing you can do is not post on it. A thread does not have to have a winner or loser to be an enjoyable and enlightenining conversation.
  • #150
this really isn't about whos right or wrong, its just about trying to come to a mutual ending on what could be the possible answer
  • #151
If any of you were really interested in answers you would have them. If you do not and you debate, you are obviously not interested enough to find the truth. This is all that it is. This is all that it ever was. This is the quiet secret you keep to your self. The one you do not speak of, but you know it deep down. To find the truth requires to ask the question to unlock that which you already know.
  • #152
ok tenyears since all of us are SOO stupid, how about you tell us O enlightened one
  • #153
An agnostic is not a person who "doesn't know".. It simply is a person who doesn't believe anything unless said person can see proof of it..

. . .. bwahaha..

I have several ideas (really? ... damn) on this...

1- God exists and he/she is laughing his/her ass off at anyone who is searching for a GUT/TOE that does not exist..

2- God exists, but he/she also created an equation so that people can waste thousands of years trying to find a GUT/TOE...all so he/she can laugh his/her ass off at us..

3- There is no God, and we won't figure out a GUT/TOE for another few hundred years..

4- It doesn't matter.. we are all going to die in a flaming nuclear holocaust in 7 years, 4 days, 2 hours, 37 minutes, and 51 seconds..

Of course, those are just the random things I could think of at this moment -_- Give me 20 minutes, and I can write a book full of different solutions @_@
  • #154
Then of course there's Shakespeare's image of god as a mean little boy pulling the wings off flies (i.e. us).
  • #155
TsunamiJoe, stupid is something that does not exist, it is given a name for the appearance of defined action in defined circumstances and yet it has no reality. Stupid does not exist, this is the reality.
  • #156
agreed TENYEARS, stupidity is an illogical, a connecting of false points made by our inability to understand(or accept) what we are, like you said in #152. funny, this is the very idea behind Generations of learned traditions. but humanity is not stupid in any sense of the word, no matter how illogical we can be, we are still always trying to figure things out, no matter how simple or complex. we can be stupid for little individual moments, but that is the un-order or true chaos of existence.
  • #157
Another argument

Squeeze is missing the argument.

I think that we will all agree that God is a perfect being, i.e. he does not need or want anything.

  • #158
Non, I have a key to a door, you may have it if you can understand this statement. Humans are never stupid, stupidity does not exist. How? Why? In the same sence, has any human in the history of the world ever been illogical?
  • #159
Are you guys physicists or loosers? Why would God creat a universe...ill tell you that's far from physics...if you want an answer go to seminary or a theology school...physics CAN NOT ANSWER THAT QUESTION. So what I am saying is

  • #160
Of course a priest can if he has a minor in physics and if physics removes the need for a creator then there might as well not be one.
  • #161
Well to be down to Earth #1 there arnt really even that many of us physics majors(relativlely speaking) #2 There arent really any priests that minor in physics(relatively speaking :smile: ). And on the other note, its not physics place to remove the need for a creator. I mean come on! Let's get serious, what does physics a nutshell...look at phenomina and give it a math equation that seems to model it in the best way(being synicall). Physics is not and humans are not sophysicated enough to rule out the posability of a creator. The chances of the just eveolving...thats a stupid idea..there has to be a creator. I mean what are the chances of life just appering...there is an axiom I learned in biology.."life comes from life" doesn't just upack its bags one day and say hello I am life. What do you think Allah.
  • #162
If everything can be described mathematically, then what place would a God have?

Life is thought to exist on Venus,12543,406876,00.html

We cannot know the chances of life appearing, since we only have one planet to examine. The current theory of how life came to be is either organic material from a comet "life from life" or spontaneous generation. Spontaneous generation is when pure sitting water generates proteins, amino acids and other stuff. I think this has been done in a lab.

I agree with you, Physics and humans are still in there infancy. Today, no we could not totally eliminate God, which proposes an even bigger question. Do we want to?
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  • #163
There is a god and there is perfect physics. One cannot exist without the other. When you understand, you will understand why.
  • #164
Alem2000, where is god if the universe is a fractal. lookup fractals and galaxies, what is physics within such a thing, but a synthesizer creating a sound (or just something that does something because we deside what something is or something desides what something is).

That is our created existence, why would their be some kind of lame short cut as, "do you accept god?" if you do not know what god is then what are you accepting, you can say "all" but do you know what that means, do you put your very being trying to undersand everything in every way from all 5 senses of you, to every other person within your vision, what they think, what you think, the warmth of the sun on your face but try and imagine the warmth others are feeling. Even if people are haveing a bad day try and imagine it. I try, I know its not even close to right and I don't base my desisions on such a thing, but I won't stop until I do understand and I have had some cool moments of vision.

Even not within your field of vision, things exist to the right and left of you, you cannot see them but whatevers their is thier; above you, below you, and behind you. But this doesn't just extend to our feet or the sky or the computer monitor right in front of me, or the kitchen to my back, but through the carpet, the wood floor, the basement, the cement, the random collection of rocks, dusts, and sediment, till liquid rock like less then 25 miles below and above 270.48 miles above, and doesn't by far stop thier, but i do hehe.

point is if you cannot except what random is, you cannot except what random does. random, their is a concept that needs to be discussed, what is god if such a word exists, but random its "godly" self, just like we humans are.

Tenyears I think that answered it yea?

everything is pretty orderly, but no, everyone is crazy everywere and why not. Just being drives every human into insanity, we just learn to accept and limit ourselfs in some way that's the something you, I see it in my brothers 6 month old boy, and he's still just the cutest thing, that's the gray area that is. what?
  • #165
Madness is a human attribute. There are different levels, but it is exists the same in all people. For those that do not understand, they are locked in a bowl that has no sides, the more one understands the further one goes. The extension is not only understanding, but a becoming of what we really are, and that is quite unbelieveable at first and then normalizes itself into a way. The the level gets bumped up and you say wow again and then it is just life. When I speak of visions or other things now, it is just part of life and that is all. Like the sun shining or the wind blowing.
  • #166
"Physics is not and humans are not sophysicated enough to rule out the posability of a creator. The chances of the just eveolving...thats a stupid idea..there has to be a creator. I mean what are the chances of life just appering...there is an axiom I learned in biology.."life comes from life" doesn't just upack its bags one day and say hello I am life. What do you think Allah."

-that Alem guy...

Funny thing, I just saw a program about Life... It isn't just about the chances of just evolving O_O .. Micro something anothers (meh, sleep deprivation -- and it isn't microorganisms, so meh on whoever just had that thought..) were present 3.9 billion years ago and stuff from ... stuff O_O ... And all this other stuff I can't really remember right now... and... ... You know what, give me 15 hours of sleep and I'll try to remember exactly what was said in the program... plus I don't know how to word the things I do remember.. It was, "The Planets" on The Science Channel.. Sooooo...yeah..

Yeah yeah, I know it says "What do you think Allah"... But meh...
  • #167
honey doodle of a melon scratcher

for all those god-lovers:
could god make a stone so heavy that he, himself, could not lift it?
  • #168
I think that for a god to exist, he would have to be outside the system.
He would not be made by sub atomic particles, he would be completely outside the universe and all its laws.

He would have his own system for controlling the things inside, but he would not be a true god if he was made by particles, cause then he would be a slave to those particles.

I didn't read the whole thread, but I will say that the topic starter assumes that god is somehow part of the universe, that he's made up of particles.
If he was then your post would be correct.

And also, if god wasn't part of the system, he could create a stone so large no one could lift it, but since he's not part of the system to begin with, he COULDNT be held account for if he could lift it. The logic "can god create a stone so heavy not even he can lift it" only works if god himself was made of particles, but when he is not, we don't know his ways for controlling the particles inside the universe, and as such it doesn't matter.

All in all, I hardly doubt a god exists, there may be a creator outside our universe, but I don't think he controls anything here, I think the universe is self contained and needs no outer control.
  • #169
My theory of the universe

The universe has glass sides with air holes poked into the top.
  • #170
RAD4921 said:
The universe has glass sides with air holes poked into the top.

And food gets sprinkled down into it every morning?
  • #171
or meybee god created physics so that he would not have to control every precise piece of the multiverse at once until an anomoly presented itself

like the computer your using, i doubt that your running dos to veiw this website, and the majority are probably using windows or mac, you click a button and a menu pops up, someone coded that event so that you wouldn't have to manually enter out a directory string
  • #172
You all know the answers but you have not acknowleged them. Why? The answers are part of you. You know you only kid yourselves because you are to busy doing what? The truth is here the truth is now the truth is beneath your feet.
  • #173
selfAdjoint said:
And food gets sprinkled down into it every morning?

DUH! Otherwise we'd starve.
  • #174
i say we poll to get tenyears to stop making pointless posts...

DUH! Otherwise we'd starve.

lol why can't we grow our own food?
  • #175
Perhaps his most elegant and explicit statement about religion was written in 1929: "I'm not an atheist and I don't think I can call myself a pantheist. We are in the position of a little child entering a huge library filled with books in many different languages. The child knows someone must have written those books. it does not know how. It does not understand the languages in which they are written. The child dimly suspects a mysterious order in the arrangement of the books but doesn't know what it is. That, it seems to me, is the attitude of even the most intelligent human being toward God. We see a universe marvelously arranged and obeying certain laws, but only dimly understand these laws. Our limited minds cannot grasp the mysterious force that moves the constellations. I am fascinated by Spinoza's pantheism, but vecause he is the first philosopher to deal with the soul and body as one, not two separate things."

Einstein would often make a distinction vetween two types of Gods, which are often confused in discussions about religion. First, there is the personal God, the God that answers prayers, parts the waters, and performs miracles. This is the God of the Bible, the God of intervention. Then there is the God that Einstein believed in, the God of Spinoza, the God that created the simple and elegant laws othat govern the universe.

-Einstein's Cosmos, Dr. Michio Kaku, p. 129
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