Is Rocketing Nuclear Waste into the Sun a Viable Solution?

In summary, there is no easy or cheap way to dispose of or store nuclear waste, and it poses a risk to our planet. It would be prohibitively expensive to launch nuclear waste into space, and the most radioactive components decay quickly. The alternatives to storing nuclear waste on Earth are expensive and impractical.
  • #71
mheslep said:
Yes exactly. This is a 2100MW facility:
I walked the flow tunnels at that plant before they turned it on. Pumps the water up at night when there's excess power, and generates during the day when there's high demand.

Yes, this is a known technique to compensate peak demands. But the problem we're facing here is that we're not sure about the BASE LOAD. So if mid-January, at night, there is no wind, and the next day it is windless and cloudy, then you have to compensate for hours, or even days, the base load with this, if, say, 80% of the provided power is solar/wind. This means that your hydro capacity has to be capable of generating 100% of the total load for an extended time, which is not available in most countries.
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Engineering news on
  • #72
Well pump storage can help, if not totally solve the problem. Also pump-storage doesn't require any existing rivers to dam, it can be man made anywhere, though practically it requires some natural elevation.
  • #73
baywax said:
Thanks Azael. The migration factor was something I had no idea about. What springs to mind every time are these 3 mile Island and Chernobyl scenarios. Its particularly enlightening to know that a lot of nuclear material will not contaminate water.

This thread kinda jumped the track:rolleyes: I know very little about nuclear, but I'm all for it.
If there might be a future value of the current waste, and if water is not contaminated, as implied above, then engineers should be able to design a storage system in the ocean, suspended in a quite zone midway between bottom and the surface, far from populations, and monitored and protected by NATO forces and cost to be shared by all users of nuclear power.
When safe methods of refinement and use have been developed, then very little expense of recovery would be involved.
With current detection systems, and a large area of water to cross, (evil-doers):approve: would not be able to make use of it, in some improper manner.
Starting now, a very focused effort to teach everyone about nuclear use, and a long term plan of storage and recovery, a plan to reach far into the future.

Just a few simple thoughts

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  • #74
RonL said:
This thread kinda jumped the track:rolleyes: I know very little about nuclear, but I'm all for it.
If there might be a future value of the current waste, and if water is not contaminated, as implied above, then engineers should be able to design a storage system in the ocean, suspended in a quite zone midway between bottom and the surface, far from populations, and monitored and protected by NATO forces and cost to be shared by all users of nuclear power.
When safe methods of refinement and use have been developed, then very little expense of recovery would be involved.
With current detection systems, and a large area of water to cross, (evil-doers):approve: would not be able to make use of it, in some improper manner.
Starting now, a very focused effort to teach everyone about nuclear use, and a long term plan of storage and recovery, a plan to reach far into the future.

Just a few simple thoughts


Yes, like I said, there's the image of Hiroshima and Nagasaki firmly attached to all things nuclear. We need to educate and be educated about the advances since the distant days of Oppenheimer, the cuban missle crisis and the cold war.

Turning back for a second to solar power. What's the chance of establishing an array of panels in space and somehow wirelessly transfering the power from them to earth? (without frying birds, planes and stuff)
  • #75
mheslep said:
Yes exactly. This is a 2100MW facility:
vanesch isn't looking for megawatts, he is looking for megawatt-hours. Typically, those installations are built to smooth-out daily peaks, so that 2100 MW is only meant to last, perhaps 6 hours (representing about half a day's electricity usage). So if you have six days of the wrong kind of weather, you'll need 12x the capacity to ensure you have enough power.

And even worse than the day-to-day fluctuations are the seasonal ones. Seasonally, you may get variations of as much as 75% on average for a month or two at a time.
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  • #76
russ_watters said:
vanesch isn't looking for megawatts, he is looking for megawatt-hours. Typically, those installations are built to smooth-out daily peaks, so that 2100 MW is only meant to last, perhaps 6 hours (representing about half a day's electricity usage). So if you have six days of the wrong kind of weather, you'll need 12x the capacity to ensure you have enough power.

And even worse than the day-to-day fluctuations are the seasonal ones. Seasonally, you may get variations of as much as 75% on average for a month or two at a time.

Yes, this is indeed the fundamental technological problem I see with wind/solar as baseload, and this is the reason why in the end, people will start constructing coal power plants, as in Germany.

Now, this may change one day. The day that we find a way to have a cheap storage system for HUGE amounts of electrical energy, I think the fundamental limit on wind/solar might be lifted. But as long as this isn't the case, they are condemned to remain a minority contribution. And the problem is, as long as they are a minority contribution, they don't show their REAL price, because they are using the flexibility of the complementary majority system (whether it is nuclear, coal, gas, hydro or whatever).

That said, I don't have anything against solar/wind in principle. If economically, they are viable, they are ecologically still much better than coal. So even a minority contribution can be a good thing, if it replaces coal. But the problem is that they are (by "ecologists") usually represented as a way to replace nuclear, and that's the error, because they cannot replace a base load. Well, of course if there's only about 10% nuclear in a grid, you can replace it by solar/wind. You will probably already have enough flexibility in the grid to compensate the variations. If not, you'll have to add some extra fossile capacity. But you didn't IMPROVE the ecological situation of your electrical production! You're still mainly fossile, and you've used your "joker" of your 10-20% wind/solar without storage.

If you are, like the Germans, at 36% nuclear, and you *phase out* nuclear to "replace it" with wind/solar, you will get stuck around 10-20 % with your wind/solar, and now you will have to replace ~ 20% nuclear by coal (that's what they ended up doing). You aggravated the ecological situation. If they would have ADDED wind/solar to their nuclear park, then they might have *improved* their ecological situation marginally, by shutting down, or reducing the use, some of their coal power plants.

And if you are, like the French, ~80% nuclear, you would be a hell of a dumbass to try to replace it by wind/solar!

But, all this can change if:
- the price of wind/solar goes down
- the efficiency goes up (size of the installations)
- one invents a cheap mass storage technique for huge amounts of electricity

But this has first to be demonstrated on industrial scale before one can build a policy on it! We're still far from such a demonstration.
  • #77
vanesch said:
You really really cannot compare Chernobyl (and the entire Soviet industry policies) with western countries.
But even so, place Chernobyl in context:
- a few hundred direct dead

No 56

- an estimated 10 000 victims of pollution over the next 50 years

Actually 4000.

But it nicely illustrates how we tend to hype disasters sky high.
  • #78
vanesch said:
- one invents a cheap mass storage technique for huge amounts of electricity
Well I am not quite ready yet to declare pump storage is not just that, yet.:-p Looks like it was built for $0.80/ Watt, and though I can't pull the exact run down time, I think this facility has the capacity to run 24 hours from a full lake (its > than 6hrs). Now, take the time frames suggested above, that wind/solar is out for 6 days in, say, Sweden. 2005 generation in Sweden was 18GW w/ some hydro in there, leaving a wild guess of 14GW of existing fossil and nuclear to be replaced w/ Solar/Wind.

So Sweden needs (14GW/(2.7GW/plant))*6 = ~30 pump storage plants to handle the slack while the Solar/Wind is down for a week, at a cost of 30*2.7GW * $0.80/W = $65B for all of Sweden. Point taken above though, that this storage cost should be considered part of the over cost of solar/wind.

Edit: wrong cost
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  • #79
Andre said:
No 56

Actually 4000.

But it nicely illustrates how we tend to hype disasters sky high.
Especially so if compared to the actuaries due to the emissions from an equivalent Soviet style coal/oil plant there.
  • #80
Dinorwig was the first large scale pumped storage in the UK.
It cost £500M (1975-1985) for 1800MW, although the cost was probably high because it is built in a national park and has to leave no sign that it there.
It's about 80% efficent and amazingly it can go from hot-standby to full 1800MW in 16seconds or shutdown to full power in 75seconds!
  • #81
mgb_phys said:
Dinorwig was the first large scale pumped storage in the UK.
It cost £500M (1975-1985) for 1800MW, although the cost was probably high because it is built in a national park and has to leave no sign that it there.
It's about 80% efficent and amazingly it can go from hot-standby to full 1800MW in 16seconds or shutdown to full power in 75seconds!

That's sounding like a good way to reduce nuclear waste! Are there any environmental/health downsides to pump station generators?
  • #82
Well it took about 1M tonnes of concrete to build and they had to remove 12M tons of rock so there is an enviromental impact from that - but that's only the same as a large quarry.
The main problem is the same as that of hydroelectric power - there are a limited number of sites where you can build them and they tend to be a large distance from the generators / users of the power - people tend not to build cities or factories in isolated mountain valleys.
Having said that, anywhere that experienced the last ice age probably has a stock of ideal geography for these schemes.

Their main benefit would come from making wave/solar/wind practical since you could have a nuclear base load and use pumped storage to smooth out extra demand without using gas-fired and store intermittent alternative energy.
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  • #83
mgb_phys said:
Dinorwig was the first large scale pumped storage in the UK.
It cost £500M (1975-1985) for 1800MW, although the cost was probably high because it is built in a national park and has to leave no sign that it there.
It's about 80% efficent and amazingly it can go from hot-standby to full 1800MW in 16seconds or shutdown to full power in 75seconds!
The water hammer at shutdown must rattle things a bit. :-p At Bath County the water towers for releasing the hammer energy are big enough for a helo landing in a Bond movie.
  • #84
To quote from their info page -
"The shock absorber is a 65-metre vertical surge shaft, 30 metres in diameter, with a surge pond at the top (at the same level as the upper reservoir) with a volume of 45 000 cubic metres. The total mass of water in the shaft and the pond is nearly 100 000 tonnes"

A shame really - it would be fun to have put a small Welsh mountain into orbit!
  • #85
mgb_phys said:
Well it took about 1M tonnes of concrete to build and they had to remove 12M tons of rock so there is an enviromental impact from that - but that's only the same as a large quarry.
The main problem is the same as that of hydroelectric power - there are a limited number of sites where you can build them and they tend to be a large distance from the generators / users of the power -
Well not quite. Its feasible to build one wherever one could build , as you allude, a large quarry. They don't require a large high flow river, a small source will do, or anything that will keep the reservoirs filled.
  • #86
mgb_phys said:
To quote from their info page -
"The shock absorber is a 65-metre vertical surge shaft, 30 metres in diameter, with a surge pond at the top (at the same level as the upper reservoir) with a volume of 45 000 cubic metres. The total mass of water in the shaft and the pond is nearly 100 000 tonnes"

A shame really - it would be fun to have put a small Welsh mountain into orbit!
Yes, a perfect hide out for a Bond villain.

"Do you expect me to talk?"
"No, I expect you to die in the water hammer Mr. Bond!"
  • #87
mgb_phys said:
Well it took about 1M tonnes of concrete to build and they had to remove 12M tons of rock so there is an enviromental impact from that - but that's only the same as a large quarry.
The main problem is the same as that of hydroelectric power - there are a limited number of sites where you can build them and they tend to be a large distance from the generators / users of the power - people tend not to build cities or factories in isolated mountain valleys.
Having said that, anywhere that experienced the last ice age probably has a stock of ideal geography for these schemes.

Their main benefit would come from making wave/solar/wind practical since you could have a nuclear base load and use pumped storage to smooth out extra demand without using gas-fired and store intermittent alternative energy.

Thank you mgb_phys. The way I see it the ice ages and bolide incidences caused a lot more environmental damage than anything we can come up with and probably will again in the future. Of course, these incidents can be seen as cleansing as well. For instance, if there were a hit to an area where nuclear waste was stored, how much worse would the consequences be?
  • #88
I meant that although the scheme claims to save 15,000t/yr of CO2 emmission from base load but it generates a lot of CO2 to make that much concrete.
There is also the question of local / global polution - how much is an unspoilt region / endangered species worth against a reduction in global climate change. The same argument as for most hydro-electric schemes.
There are lots of places you can put nuclear waste where any natural event isn't going to have much effect. Most mountains survive ice ages and 3 miles down a goldmine isn't going to leak into ground water anytime soon.

Yes, a perfect hide out for a Bond villain.
So far off-topic as to be accelerating over the horizon but...
Is it lack of real estate that limits super villians? Is there a section in the NYT property pages that lists -
"Deserted island with extinct volcano, suitable for monorail with local supply of sharks"
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  • #89
mgb_phys said:
So far off-topic as to be accelerating over the horizon but...
Is it lack of real estate that limits super villians? Is there a section in the NYT property pages that lists -
"Deserted island with extinct volcano, suitable for monorail with local supply of sharks"

Hee hee.
  • #90
Andre said:
No 56

You are right, I confused the number of people who had radiation sickness, 237, and the number who died of it 28 in 1986, and still 19 later. (28 + 19 = 47, I guess there must have been 9 elsewhere...)

Actually 4000.

But it nicely illustrates how we tend to hype disasters sky high.

The 4000 come from the "restricted region", Belarus, Ukraine and a few other places, limited to the 600 000 most exposed people.

But if you enlarge this to the 6 000 000 people that were slightly exposed, this adds a 5000 more foreseeable premature deaths in the next 50 years (see p 106 of the quoted report). This is based on the hypothesis of linear dose-effect relationship.
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  • #91
mheslep said:
So Sweden needs (14GW/(2.7GW/plant))*6 = ~30 pump storage plants to handle the slack while the Solar/Wind is down for a week, at a cost of 30*2.7GW * $0.80/W = $65B for all of Sweden. Point taken above though, that this storage cost should be considered part of the over cost of solar/wind.

Right. Now, a nuke of about a GW electric has a price ticket of ~1 G Euro, so order of 1 Euro/W. Nukes don't need big pumping stations (but they do need small ones...). Now, even with 1 Euro = $1.5, let's add (I'm generous) $0.5 of pumping station to a nuke, the nuke comes down to $2.0 per W.

If we take it that you need about 6 times a pumping station with $0.8/W, this will cost you $4.8 in pumping station, to compensate for 1W of variable power. So *just the compensation* already costs more than twice the cost of a nuke. And we didn't even pay for the wind/solar.
  • #92
vanesch said:
Right. Now, a nuke of about a GW electric has a price ticket of ~1 G Euro, so order of 1 Euro/W. Nukes don't need big pumping stations (but they do need small ones...). Now, even with 1 Euro = $1.5, let's add (I'm generous) $0.5 of pumping station to a nuke, the nuke comes down to $2.0 per W.

If we take it that you need about 6 times a pumping station with $0.8/W, this will cost you $4.8 in pumping station, to compensate for 1W of variable power. So *just the compensation* already costs more than twice the cost of a nuke. And we didn't even pay for the wind/solar.

Check out this CDN company, Canadian Hydro. They're using environmentally sustainable pump stations as well as buying up and building Wind Farms like crazy. The former CEO's first project was to buy a small pump house used to irrigate land and cattle in Alberta and turned it into a power station for 100,000 homes.
  • #93
vanesch is right - even 'free' power costs more than nuclear, unless you have some local customer that can use power whenever it's available.

It still might make business sense though if you can get your customers to pay more for 'green' power than they would pay for nuclear.

It's also worth having a couple of pumped storage schemes to both handle unexpected peaks (superbowl ad breaks) and to provide grid load -balancing and restarting.
  • #94
mgb_phys said:
vanesch is right - even 'free' power costs more than nuclear, unless you have some local customer that can use power whenever it's available.

Well, this is not totally unthinkable of course. For instance, hydrogen production by electrolysis might (I'm no expert) probably be such kind of flexible load, which could be powered by an erratic source.

The point is that we DO have a big load which is not flexible, and which requires adaptation. And it is this part which cannot economically be expected to live on a majority of renewables.

Again, I'm not against renewables. But I think that in the current state of technology, they do not play in the same ballpark as does nuclear, which, in my eyes is the only *realistic* alternative to fossil fuel on a majority basis. As I said, if you plan to do 10% nuclear, you can just as well plan to do 10% wind/solar. If wind/solar replaces nuclear, well, then you've won 10% on fossile, if wind/solar ADDS to nuclear, well, you'll have 20% gain in fossile, and you will be cheaper on average.

You've pretty much installed what you can concerning wind/solar, but you can go up to 80% nuclear if you want to. So the REAL replacement for fossile on LARGE scale, is nuclear.

Now, the (distant) future might be different, but you cannot plan a POLICY on something that hasn't yet been demonstrated.

It still might make business sense though if you can get your customers to pay more for 'green' power than they would pay for nuclear.

Although this might make microeconomic sense, it is stupid on macro-economic scale (you put several times the resources in just for sake of ideology), and I'm also not convinced that it makes objective ecological sense. I'm really not convinced that compact nukes are environmentally less friendly than HUGE installations, of which the impact has not been considered seriously.

It's also worth having a couple of pumped storage schemes to both handle unexpected peaks (superbowl ad breaks) and to provide grid load -balancing and restarting.

Of course, that's why you cannot even go to 100% nuclear either. Nukes are (contrary to what people think maybe) flexible, but not on a minute-scale. That is, they do not need to be static baseload (as was their use in the 70ies-80ies), they can follow the consumption, but their "slew rate" is limited, for security reasons (not technologically: Chernobyl went from 200 MW to 30GW in 7 seconds ... ok, this is bad taste :smile: )

So you need a small "fast responder" capacity to take over the very strong rises and drops in consumption, during the few minutes it takes for the nukes to adapt.

The only "fast" responders on a minute scale are hydro and gas turbines.
  • #95
baywax said:
Check out this CDN company, Canadian Hydro. They're using environmentally sustainable pump stations as well as buying up and building Wind Farms like crazy. The former CEO's first project was to buy a small pump house used to irrigate land and cattle in Alberta and turned it into a power station for 100,000 homes.

Yes, Canada is the dream country for hydro of course. Like some Scandinavian countries. Such experiments are interesting, they form part of the research and demonstration that they could be majority contributions. But I read on that page:

Right now, approximately 98 per cent of Alberta's energy comes from traditional methods-coal, natural gas and hydro power plants. The remaining two per cent represents alternative sources-wind, run of river hydro and biomass. At the present time, renewable energy represents a very small percentage of the mix.

That's still far from the 16-20% where the Danes arrived.

The day that a region/country arrives at, say, 50-60% alternatives with its own buffering capacity, independent from an external grid, in a relatively populated area, they will be on the same "demonstration" level as nuclear was end mid-80ies. From that point on, one can consider that a realistic demonstration has been made, and from that moment on, one can consider it in terms of large-scale policies.
  • #96
I believe the recent posts right here on PF are a good example of how the nuclear safety issue is failing to be adequately addressed. The recent post on '"Aftermath: Population Zero" view of unattended nuke plants' above addresses the National Geographic shock drama which includes the Nuke plant storage building exploding in 5 days after being left unattended. The teaser clips posted include the waste cooling building exploding dramatically. It surprises me to see, as Homer Simpson posted there, that NG is now a tool of GreenPeace type agenda groups. Now, if that can not be shot down as absolute crap with round condemnation of the NG film by every nuclear expert, then there's still something wrong with the nuclear power process regards safety.

Vanesch said:
It wouldn't be difficult to design an "all-safe" storage pool, with a closed circuit with passive cooling (thanks to natural convection).

That said, I think a week is really short. The thermal power generated by fresh spend fuel is of the order of 2KW per ton of spend fuel, which isn't that much. It is comparable to body heat (if you take a person to produce 200W per 100 kg)!

EDIT: uh, that last number is wrong, it is after a cooling period of 4 years
So is it physically impossible for a cooling storage pool w/ freshly spent fuel to explode or not? Also, Homer's comment about well the 'Russians might have one' that could blow but not here is relevant to this future energy sources discussion, since if nuclear power is to be promoted to replace fossil fuel it can not be for just the EU/US.
  • #97
vanesch said:
The day that a region/country arrives at, say, 50-60% alternatives with its own buffering capacity, independent from an external grid, in a relatively populated area, they will be on the same "demonstration" level as nuclear was end mid-80ies. From that point on, one can consider that a realistic demonstration has been made, and from that moment on, one can consider it in terms of large-scale policies.

Excellent observation.
  • #98
So is it physically impossible for a cooling storage pool w/ freshly spent fuel to explode or not?
A cooling ponf cannot explode/meltdown in a nuclear sense.
The fuel if stacked in a dense enough pile and left uncooled could heat to the point where the cans would rupture and the metal burn. That would lead to a cloud of radioactive particles which wouldn't be good. It is unlikely if the cans are just left suspended in air.

'Russians might have one'
The chernobyl reactor was a particularly bad design - like most early designs it was built in a hurry to produce weapons material. Candu reactors are incredibly safe - certainly safer than the Bhopal type chemical plants near a lot of US/Eu cities!
Pebble bed reactors are so safe that it's probably better letting 3rd world countries build them than gas fired stations!

mheslep said:
that NG is now a tool of GreenPeace type agenda groups.
I used to support greenpeace ( I like whales and I don't think atmospheric nuclear tests are a terribly good idea) but their recent anti-science tack has put me off.
"Acid rain is bad, nuclear power is bad -> therefore nuclear power causes acid rain"
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  • #99
mgb_phys said:
...The chernobyl reactor was a particularly bad design - like most early designs it was built in a hurry to produce weapons material. Candu reactors are incredibly safe - certainly safer than the Bhopal type chemical plants near a lot of US/Eu cities!
Pebble bed reactors are so safe that it's probably better letting 3rd world countries build them than gas fired stations!
Of course, I was referring to this post commenting on", not a reactor.
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  • #100
mgb_phys said:
I used to support greenpeace ( I like whales and I don't think atmospheric nuclear tests are a terribly good idea) but their recent anti-science tack has put me off.
"Acid rain is bad, nuclear power is bad -> therefore nuclear power causes acid rain"
I understand one of their more reasonable founders left the organization because of its more recent radical tendencies including their desire to ban Chlorine. Just ban the entire element, everywhere.
  • #101
mheslep said:
So is it physically impossible for a cooling storage pool w/ freshly spent fuel to explode or not?

It certainly won't explode. I don't know what it WILL do, but I'm sure that this has been studied, as the document that was linked in the thread.
The possibilities are these:
-slow evaporation of the water (5 days seems short to me, but ok).
- some equilibrium temperature of the rods will appear ; if this temperature is above the self combustion temperature of zircalloy, then a fire might indeed result, but not a big one: after all, once the metal is burned up, there's nothing else to burn.
- if the equilibrium temperature of the fuel is above 2850 degrees, then it will melt. That will be about it.

- I think you won't reach a critical situation, as there is no water (moderator) anymore, and the fuel is already depleted. In any case, this can be studied.

One can design a pool that can hold these elements indefinitely, but I think that current pools are not designed that way, simply because it was not one of the criteria. Normally, one specifies a certain "time of autonomy" a system has to be able to cope with. I don't know what is this specification.

The way to solve this is simply by increasing the volume of water per element stored, and to provide passive cooling (convection, cooling wings,...). So it has a price. People won't over-design things. Given a certain power density, one will be able, using usual engineering techniques, to estimate the temperature evolution and equilibrium temperature of a system (the hotter the system gets, the more heat is given to the environment, so at a certain temperature, there will be as many heat lost, as there is generated, and equilibrium is reached). It is hence sufficient to design the system such that the equilibrium temperature is acceptable (that no self-destruction occurs).

I don't know what is the current design of pools - I don't know what are the requirements. The only thing I want to say is that this is not a problem of principle. It is a matter of specifications. If people consider it ridiculous to expect 5 days of autonomy, then this is not specified. If this is specified, then it can be handled. Even current pools can continue to exist, one simply has to limit the amount of allowed elements inside.
  • #102
vanesch said:
It certainly won't explode. I don't know what it WILL do, but I'm sure that this has been studied, as the document that was linked in the thread.
The possibilities are these:
-slow evaporation of the water (5 days seems short to me, but ok).
- some equilibrium temperature of the rods will appear ; if this temperature is above the self combustion temperature of zircalloy, then a fire might indeed result, but not a big one: after all, once the metal is burned up, there's nothing else to burn.
- if the equilibrium temperature of the fuel is above 2850 degrees, then it will melt. That will be about it.
Then in a drained storage building a fire is possible, perhaps likely? If the storage buildings are fire proof then no problem. I wonder if they are?
  • #103
It isn't so much a question of the ponds being fireproof as being airtight to contain any airborne particles. A fire is possible if the plant was abandoned - not a very likely situation to be worth building an extra containment building for!
  • #104
mgb_phys said:
It isn't so much a question of the ponds being fireproof as being airtight to contain any airborne particles. A fire is possible if the plant was abandoned - not a very likely situation to be worth building an extra containment building for!
Well neglect and mismanagement often approximates abandonment.

Edit: BTW I don't mean to attribute either malady to the US nuclear industry, which appears to be run amazingly well. I know a guy over at the NRC and its impressive how on top of every thing happening at every plant in the country. What concerns me is that if nuclear power is blessed as the major replacement for fossil, and unless technology makes the full nuclear cycle stupid proof then a) I don't trust that the current track record will hold when scaled up 10 and 100X, and b) I don't see anyway at all to insure that kind of record around the world, esp. the third world.
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  • #105
ban Chlorine. Just ban the entire element, everywhere.
Do they plan to remove just the Cl-, leaving the sea as concentrated NaOh, or remove all the salt leaving the sea as fresh water. Either way the whales are going to be seriously unhappy!

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