Is the U.S. Losing Its Freedom of Speech?

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  • Thread starter FlexGunship
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In summary: To be fair, yes, I have a tendency to rebel against oppression. In the same way that when someone tried to tie you up you struggle. It should be reflex. When someone tries to stifle your cries for help, you should yell out louder.Do you disagree?
  • #71
jarednjames said:
So as I understand it, Obama has said he disapproves of burning the Koran as it will anger Muslims.
But he approves of building a mosque at ground zero, even though it will anger many non-muslims.

Now, arguments of freedom aside, how can he impose such a double standard? Why is he so concerned about the views of Muslims whilst ignoring the views of the non-muslims? No, you can't judge all Muslims by the actions of a few, as everyone keeps pointing out, but then you can't judge all Christians by the actions of this pastor, so why is Obama differentiating between the two?

This is the double standard I keep seeing, particularly in the UK.
You are mis-stating Obama's position. He asked the preacher not to burn the Koran because the US was founded on tolerance and religious freedom.

Others (including Gates and Petraeus and Clinton) have weighed in and asked that Koran-burning not take place because it would only fuel hatred (and aid recruiting efforts by Taliban and others) in places where our troops are in harm's way, putting our troops in additional danger.

You are also parroting the statements of right-wing media with regard to the "mosque". Have you ever been to lower Manhattan? 2+ blocks there is not "at ground Zero" - it is a long way from the footprint of the WTC, and it is around a corner as well, so there is no line-of-sight to the site. Currently, it is an old Burlington Coat Factory building, a part of which has been used as a Muslim prayer-site for years. The notion that building a community center in the place of that old ruin would insult 9-11 victims resonates with people who are predisposed to hating Obama "because he is a Muslim" and other fools on the right, but it is far from rational. There are lots of religious buildings in lower Manhattan, many of them very impressive edifices devoted entirely to a religion. The "ground-zero mosque" is a proposed community center with meeting facilities, convention facilities, exercise facilities, etc, etc, with some space devoted to worship. The people who own that property have every right to develop it as they please. The Imam who is heading up that project is a very moderate Muslim (Sufi) who has undertaken foreign outreach/good-will missions for the Bush administration, as well as the current administration. We should all try to gain some perspective, here.
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  • #72
jarednjames said:
Why is he so concerned about the views of Muslims whilst ignoring the views of the non-muslims?

Billy wanted to eat the whole cake.
Bobby said "No, we'll each have half."
Mommy, not wanting apply a double standard by ignoring one over the other, said
"You are both equally entitled to what you want, so we'll compromise. Billy will get 3/4ths of the cake, Bobby will get 1/4. There, now it's fair."

The moral of the lesson here? Religious persecution is not a defensible stance.
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  • #73
jarednjames said:
So as I understand it, Obama has said he disapproves of burning the Koran as it will anger Muslims.
But he approves of building a mosque at ground zero, even though it will anger many non-muslims.

Obama only supported the right of the Muslims to build the mosque near ground zero; he never actually threw his approval to the project. Likewise, Obama said he disapproves of burning the Quran, but never said that the pastor didn't have the right to do so.

You're also over simplifying the issue. This is more than about angering a few Muslims; it's about the safety of American troops overseas and about US relations with Islamic countries. A number of high ranking government officials (including those in the military) have said that burning the Quran could put the lives of American troops at risk. It could also endanger our relations with a number of Islamic countries. You don't have to feel that these are adequate reasons to oppose the burning, but it doesn't help your case to make statements which are superficially true at best.

As one last aside here. The mosque isn't at ground zero. It's a couple of blocks away.
  • #74
it's about the safety of American troops overseas and about US relations with Islamic countries.
So they're going to attack American troops because a preacher of a small church burns some books? And we want to preserve a relationship with these people?
  • #75
jgens said:
As one last aside here. The mosque isn't at ground zero. It's a couple of blocks away.
HUGE blocks, BTW. Lower Manhattan blocks are not laid out on a scale comparable to blocks in most cities. When someone from Queens says "Yeah, he grew up on my block." they are talking about a neighborhood, not a sprawling complex of very large sky-scrapers with large footprints/building.
  • #76
turbo-1 said:
The Imam who is heading up that project is a very moderate Muslim (Sufi) who has undertaken foreign outreach/good-will missions for the Bush administration, as well as the current administration. We should all try to gain some perspective, here.

Plus he has a Master's degree in plasma physics. You'd figure that would carry some weight around here. :-p
  • #77
jgens said:
You're also over simplifying the issue. This is more than about angering a few Muslims; it's about the safety of American troops overseas and about US relations with Islamic countries. A number of high ranking government officials (including those in the military) have said that burning the Quran could put the lives of American troops at risk. It could also endanger our relations with a number of Islamic countries. You don't have to feel that these are adequate reasons to oppose the burning, but it doesn't help your case to make statements which are superficially true at best.

As one last aside here. The mosque isn't at ground zero. It's a couple of blocks away.

So basically, he shouldn't burn the book otherwise peoples lives are put in danger? OK, I can go with that and it's certainly a fair argument. But then, as pointed out previously, the threat of violence in order to get ones own way (in this case it's an indirect 'burn it and people could get hurt' or 'we'll stop talking to you') is terrorism.

Regarding my double standards, I was looking more at the outcome of both events. Both could inspire protests and potential violence from either side (muslim anger at the burning, non-muslim anger at the mosque). Something which I think should be considered more, whether or not the right to do something exists.
  • #78
leroyjenkens said:
So they're going to attack American troops because a preacher of a small church burns some books? And we want to preserve a relationship with these people?

The radical recruiters are trying to portray a war between Islam and the West. Instead of attacking Afghanistan in self-defense and attacking Iraq because... whatever secular excuse was the real reason, they're trying to portray the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and our aggressive posture towards Iran as analogous to the Crusades. They want this to be one big Holy War, not a bunch of little secular engagements.

Acts like burning a Quran and protesting a peaceful community center provides evidence to Al Qaeda recruiters that American troops are waging a war against Islam, and thus the recruits would attack American troops IN SELF DEFENSE.

If there were no American troops on that side of the globe, I doubt they'd care about some small church "burning some books." But, the country that is burning books and banning mosques (or attempting to do both) is the same country that is sending armed soldiers over into these countries to kill people and break things.

You can't look at these incidents in a vacuum.

jarednjames said:
So basically, he shouldn't burn the book otherwise peoples lives are put in danger? OK, I can go with that and it's certainly a fair argument. But then, as pointed out previously, the threat of violence in order to get ones own way (in this case it's an indirect 'burn it and people could get hurt' or 'we'll stop talking to you') is terrorism.

The above goes for you, too. These people didn't say "hey, some guys is burning Qurans, let's go over to America and attack them." They're saying "These American troops are in our country, but maybe they're here for our good. Maybe they'll make our lives better. Wait, their fellow countrymen are doing WHAT? Hmm... maybe they're not looking after my welfare after all."
  • #79
turbo-1 said:
HUGE blocks, BTW. Lower Manhattan blocks are not laid out on a scale comparable to blocks in most cities.

This is missing the point.

You are attempting to placate them rather than showing them that their views are misguided and intolerant.

Article 18 - the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.
  • #80
If there were no American troops on that side of the globe, I doubt they'd care about some small church "burning some books." But, the country that is burning books and banning mosques (or attempting to do both) is the same country that is sending armed soldiers over into these countries to kill people and break things.
They know the American government isn't behind any of that. If a few people do something in America, those acts don't represent America as a whole, or the government who sent the troops over there. They know that, they just want more ammunition against America.
  • #81
America has definitely gone soft. A guy wants to burn some books and is condemned by every politician in the nation because it will piss off Muslims. Most people on this forum condemn the belief in God in general and will slam religion at every opportunity. But oh no don't burn the Quran. That's just hateful and mean and not what this country is about. Concerned more about how we appear to countries in which the majority of their population already hates the US. People are funny, they will intellectually convince themselves of anything that supports their self righteous bias. Got to keep up appearances. And I don't necessarily exclude myself from this statement. Just making an observation.

If it were a bible burning we'd be throwing a fund raiser.
  • #82
DaveC please don't bring human rights into this.

I can't stand people who argue for them. Although I know they are there on a good basis, they are the reason people in prison currently have better entertainment facilities than me, an up-standing citizen. They are quickly becoming a defence for anything people do.
  • #83
DaveC426913 said:
This is missing the point.

You are attempting to placate them rather than showing them that their views are misguided and intolerant.
You are right, of course. My point is that the right-wing is trying to portray the project as being "at ground zero" and therefore provocative. Muslims have worshiped at that site for years (and yes, there are Muslims working in the financial district, just like all over the country) and they have the right to continue to do so. My aim WRT to geography was to point out that the right-wing is trying to whip up hatred against inoffensive Muslims who are simply trying to exercise their right to practice their religion.

What if a Baha'i group wanted to establish a community center there? How low can our elected officials go in fomenting fear and hatred?
  • #84
drankin said:
America has definitely gone soft. A guy wants to burn some books and is condemned by every politician in the nation because it will piss off Muslims. Most people on this forum condemn the belief in God in general and will slam religion at every opportunity. But oh no don't burn the Quran. That's just hateful and mean and not what this country is about. Concerned more about how we appear to countries in which the majority of their population already hates the US. People are funny, they will intellectually convince themselves of anything that supports their self righteous bias. Got to keep up appearances. And I don't necessarily exclude myself from this statement. Just making an observation.

If it were a bible burning we'd be throwing a fund raiser.

Exactly, take the christmas lights situation in the UK. People asked to take them down to avoid 'offending other nationalities living nearby'. The government is more interested in keeping everyone else happy and ignoring their own countries traditions.
  • #85
jarednjames said:
So as I understand it, Obama has said he disapproves of burning the Koran as it will anger Muslims.
But he approves of building a mosque at ground zero, even though it will anger many non-muslims.

Now, arguments of freedom aside, how can he impose such a double standard?
Even if this were true (and it's not), the primary purpose of building a mosque/Islamic cultural center is NOT to insult or anger 9/11 victims, Americans, Christians, or express disrespect toward any particular group of people. On the other hand, the primary (only?) purpose of burning a batch of Qurans is to piss off the Muslim world, or to put it politely, express disrespect towards the Islamic faith through a public event. In one case, the angering of a group of people is a by product that is regretted by the primary party, while in the other case it is the purpose. There is no real equivalency between these two situations.

A more comparable pair of situations would be the Mohammed cartoons (primary purpose is humor, pissing off is unavoidable) and the ground zero Mosque.
  • #86
jarednjames said:
DaveC please don't bring human rights into this.

I can't stand people who argue for them. Although I know they are there on a good basis, they are the reason people in prison currently have better entertainment facilities than me, an up-standing citizen. They are quickly becoming a defence for anything people do.

Yes. Very inconvenient.
  • #87
leroyjenkens said:
They know the American government isn't behind any of that. If a few people do something in America, those acts don't represent America as a whole, or the government who sent the troops over there. They know that, they just want more ammunition against America.

Who is "they?"

Sure, the RECRUITERS know. The recruiters are happy about the book burning and community center protests. I don't feel like searching for a link right now, but earlier today I read an article that quoted counter-terrorism officials saying that in the Jihadist chat rooms they're happy about these things as it give them more ammo.

The kids they're recruiting, though, might not know the difference between the US government and backwater US hicks. The US government is trying to dispel rumors that this is a war against Islam, but actions by US citizens, who vote for the US government, are providing evidence that this IS a war against Islam.
  • #88
drankin said:
Most people on this forum condemn the belief in God in general and will slam religion at every opportunity. But oh no don't burn the Quran. That's just hateful and mean and not what this country is about.

Those threads get blocked. I don't believe people here can condemn or insult a paritcular religion as it is against the forum guidelines IIRC.
  • #89
Jack21222 said:
I can understand why some would find a book burning offensive. I can't understand why anybody would find a community center offensive. There is no double standard, you're looking at two very different events. One is an act of destruction, the other is an act of construction.

Well said, I almost missed this one.
  • #90
DaveC426913 said:

Yes. Very inconvenient.

Trust me, if I had my way, humans would have the right to air and to defend themselves if necessary. Everything should be worked for, just like every other life form on this planet.
  • #91
Gokul43201 said:
... when Obama said that the decision to build a mosque in Manhattan was misguided? ...
You are mistaken.

Aug 14 in Fla said:
"I was not commenting and I will not comment on the wisdom of making the decision to put a mosque there," Obama told reporters in Florida.
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  • #92
rootX said:
Those threads get blocked. I don't believe people here can condemn or insult a paritcular religion as it is against the forum guidelines IIRC.

Yes, of course, but I've been here long enough to know they are rarely blocked even though they are obvious insults.
  • #93
I estimate 30 minutes to thread lock. Poor Evo!
  • #94
turbo-1 said:
I estimate 30 minutes to thread lock. Poor Evo!

Has anyone contacted her yet? She'd lock this quicker than spit.
  • #95
drankin said:
Yes, of course, but I've been here long enough to know they are rarely blocked even though they are obvious insults.

I disagree.
  • #96
mheslep said:
You are mistaken.
Correction noted and accepted. The line of questioning following that statement is retracted.

But for all practical purposes, when someone says they are not going to comment on the wisdom of a particular action, it almost inevitably conveys their disapproval. And that's why your article is titled "Obama's Clintonian speech pulls rug from under mosque supporters".
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  • #97
jarednjames said:
Everything should be worked for, just like every other life form on this planet.

So you are an anarchist. You believe the very notion of 'civilization' is not something we are entitled to. OK.

Thing is, you live in a country where that is not the way it works. Would you consider moving somewhere where you would have to fight for everything?

No, didn't think so.

Personally, I think there is no such thing as a bona fide anarchist, only armchair anarchists. :biggrin:
  • #98
Jack21222 said:
I can understand why some would find a book burning offensive. I can't understand why anybody would find a community center offensive. There is no double standard, you're looking at two very different events. One is an act of destruction, the other is an act of construction.

DaveC426913 said:
Well said, I almost missed this one.

Really? I understand disagreement, but you really contend you "can't understand" why an overwhelming majority oppose the mosque?
When asked if they "support or oppose the proposal to build the Cordoba House," New Yorkers said they oppose the facility, which is expected to cost $100 million, by a 63-27 percent margin. At the same time, by a 64-to-28 percent margin, New Yorkers say Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf has the constitutional right to build it.
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  • #99
Ugh, this is going to go a little off-topic ...
drankin said:
Yes, of course, but I've been here long enough to know they are rarely blocked even though they are obvious insults.
If there are any direct insults, the posts should be reported. Do you report them when you see them? If not, why not?
  • #100
jarednjames said:
Trust me, if I had my way, humans would have the right to air and to defend themselves if necessary.

We don't? Please say this isn't so! I spent twenty years in the military, laying my life on the line in defense of our Constitution and the American way of life. I'd hate to think that was all for nothing!

Everything should be worked for, just like every other life form on this planet.

Agreed. I started to say, "Last time I checked, no other animal on our planet has welfare or retirement," but that's not quite true. Communal societies from ants to dolpins and chimps always have some members who work harder than most, and others who don't work nearly hard enough, but are usually kept on because they provide some benefit to the group.
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  • #101
mheslep said:
Really? I understand disagreement, but you have no really contend you "can't understand" why an overwhelming majority oppose the mosque?

Sorry, I'm feeling a little dense. I don't get your point. Unless it's that this is a budget issue...

I was merely trying to highlight the sage words that one is an act of destruction while the other is an act of construction.

It's kind of harder to get offended at an act that builds and provides.
  • #102
mheslep said:
Really? I understand disagreement, but you have no really contend you "can't understand" why an overwhelming majority oppose the mosque?
Do you have any links to polls that show that an "overwhelming majority" of Americans oppose the construction of a Muslim-funded community center in lower Manhattan? If you pose poll questions in inventive ways to support your ideology, you can produce about any outcome you like. How about an honest poll? Got anything?

If you link to a poll, please link to the questions that the poll presented. It's only fair.
  • #103
mheslep said:
Really? I understand disagreement, but you have no really contend you "can't understand" why an overwhelming majority oppose the mosque?

I do contend that I can't understand it. All of the opposition seems to be based on ignorance. The only connection between this interfaith community center being built by a Sufi and Al Qaeda is that they're both related to Islam. Beyond that, there is NO CONNECTION AT ALL.

Almost all of the opposition stems from people assigning importance to that superficial connection. A small amount of the opposition is just rooted in xenophobia. I've never heard a rational argument against the community center.
  • #104
Jack21222 said:
Almost all of the opposition stems from people assigning importance to that superficial connection. A small amount of the opposition is just rooted in xenophobia. I've never heard a rational argument against the community center.
"Almost all of the opposition stems from people assigning ..."? You know most think this way how?
  • #105
mheslep said:
"Almost all of the opposition stems from people assigning ..."? You know most think this way how?

Based on a sample size of every argument I've ever heard from anyone, whether it be on the internet, in person, or on the television. Not a scientific study, but it's all I'm able to go on.

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