Keep fear alive - Rally to Restore Sanity

  • News
  • Thread starter Ivan Seeking
  • Start date
In summary, the Rally to Restore Sanity will be held on October 30th in Washington D.C. to oppose the Tea Party and their attempt to take away our Fear.
  • #71
Ivan Seeking said:
CNN fired Rick Sanchez...
Long overdue.
Physics news on
  • #72
Ivan Seeking said:
WOW! CNN fired Rick Sanchez for making innapropriate remarks about Stewart.

Oh come on, we all know that PF is run by Jews :rolleyes: :smile:
  • #73
Gokul43201 said:
Long overdue.

What was it about it him that people seemed to enjoy enough for him to get so much airtime? I always felt he obscured the news more than anything else, but obviously he got ratings.

Lisab: :-p What can I say, I'm not a Twitter fan, and he seemed like a social networking huckster and not an anchor or reporter.
  • #74
nismaratwork said:
What was it about it him that people seemed to enjoy enough for him to get so much airtime? I always felt he obscured the news more than anything else, but obviously he got ratings.

Lisab: :-p What can I say, I'm not a Twitter fan, and he seemed like a social networking huckster and not an anchor or reporter.

It seemed evident to me that CNN was drifting towards the Fox Noise format. With any luck, this will change the momentum at CNN.

Kyra Phillips is another one at CNN I'd like to see axed. She is a journalist with a personal agenda. She doesn't know how to separate her personal opinions from her reporting.
  • #75
Was looking around for some juicy "RTRS" stuff and ran across the":

Jon was on Crossfire(CNN) back in 2004 with a gentleman who moved to Fox right after the".

wiki said:"
Stewart criticized the format of shows like Crossfire, calling Carlson and co-host Paul Begala "partisan hacks," and asked them to "stop hurting America."

Carlson countered by criticizing Stewart's July 2004 interview with then U.S. Presidential candidate John Kerry. He accused Stewart of "sniffing Kerry's throne" and "not asking tough questions." Stewart replied, contextualizing his own show as a comedic rather than informational venue, "I didn't realize that [...] the news organizations look to Comedy Central for their cues on integrity." After Carlson told Stewart "I think you're more fun on your show," Stewart replied by saying: "You know what's interesting though? You're as big a dick* on your show as you are on any show."

After watching the interview, I was in total agreement.

Interesting that the "partisan hack" Carlson has created a a political journalism website, "The Daily Caller", which has acquired the domain name:" ", only they devote the entire page to criticizing Keith. (I wouldn't waste my time with it as I just did. They make fun of Keith making fun of idiots, jerks, and the insane. Which is, as far as I can tell, why I like Keith.)

*dick, as in "Tricky Dick" Nixon, I'm sure. :rolleyes:
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  • #76
Ivan Seeking said:
It seemed evident to me that CNN was drifting towards the Fox Noise format. With any luck, this will change the momentum at CNN.

Kyra Phillips is another one at CNN I'd like to see axed. She is a journalist with a personal agenda. She doesn't know how to separate her personal opinions from her reporting.

I agree oh all points, but... Kyra is pretty. :blushing:

Anyway, CNN is almost "news free" these days, with "heroes" and showpieces being center-stage. They need to get serious again, or it's going to be Fox, and MSNBC and that's IT.
  • #77
OmCheeto said:
Was looking around for some juicy "RTRS" stuff and ran across the":

Jon was on Crossfire(CNN) back in 2004 with a gentleman who moved to Fox right after the".
After watching the interview, I was in total agreement.

Interesting that the "partisan hack" Carlson has created a a political journalism website, "The Daily Caller", which has acquired the domain name:"", only they devote the entire page to criticizing Keith. (I wouldn't waste my time with it as I just did. They make fun of Keith making fun of idiots, jerks, and the insane. Which is, as far as I can tell, why I like Keith.)

*dick, as in "Tricky Dick" Nixon, I'm sure. :rolleyes:

Heh, Tucker isn't just a hack, he's a ridiculous man-child who looks like he should be at the business end of a ventriloquists arm. Jon Stewart as a comedian is a better interviewer than Tucker Carlson will ever be. I never thought I'd say it, but I miss the old-guard conservatives who could at least carry on a conversation... now we have these leftovers and new-era idiots.
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  • #78
nismaratwork said:
I agree oh all points, but... Kyra is pretty. :blushing:

Anyway, CNN is almost "news free" these days, with "heroes" and showpieces being center-stage. They need to get serious again, or it's going to be Fox, and MSNBC and that's IT.

There is still the land of milk and honey - PBS.

Phillips ticked me off a quite few times. I've seen her blatently misquote the person she's interviewing to serve her own highly transparent agenda.

I still like Blitzer, King, and a couple of others on CNN, but that's it. As always, David Gergen is the best. I was thilled to see them hire Gergen.
  • #79
nismaratwork said:
I agree oh all points, but... Kyra is pretty. :blushing:

Anyway, CNN is almost "news free" these days, with "heroes" and showpieces being center-stage. They need to get serious again, or it's going to be Fox, and MSNBC and that's IT.

is Buchannan still on MSNBC in the mornings? he's freaking brilliant at times and pretty much a straight shooter.

somebody else that is a straight talker on political commentary is Dick Morris. that guy really needs his own show.
  • #80
Gergen and Morris... but no, we get "Parker and Spitzer"... "cry"
  • #81
Yay, it's the noon report, it's CNN, and there's no Rick Sanchez!
  • #82
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  • #83
lisab said:
Yay, there's going to be a Rally to Restore Sanity in Seattle, the same day as the one in Washington!

In Washington? Seattle Washington?


I said a while back that I'd never drive back to Seattle. Bumpity bump from hell through Tacoma, and then the 5 hour parking lot drive back through to Olympia... On a Sunday afternoon no less.


I'd do a momentary lapse of sanity, for the sake of sanity.


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  • #84
I live near Seattle...I'll be sure to avoid the random mob. X_X
  • #85
Ariana Huffington will be busing people to the rally... Interesting...
  • #86
nismaratwork said:
Ariana Huffington will be busing people to the rally... Interesting...

Yes, and as I said, Oprah is involved as well, which could mean that a foothill or two of her mountain of money is involved.
  • #87
This is streaming live on Comedy Central and C-SPAN. Who's watching it? I'm stuck here at work today.
  • #88
I'm watching it.
  • #89
Evo said:
I'm watching it.
Very good coverage!
  • #90
turbo-1 said:
Very good coverage!

I'm enjoying it too :smile:.
  • #91
I want one of Colbert's "runs with scissors" medals!
  • #92
Pretty good entertainment, too. I've never been a Kid Rock fan, but his number with Cheryl Crow was pretty good. "the least I can do is care"
  • #93
Her current number is reminiscent of Sly and the Family Stone.
  • #94
I hope they don't burn the field to the ground. :biggrin: :rolleyes:
  • #95
Stewart's closing remarks were great. Now watch the media pan it.
  • #96
lisab said:
I'm enjoying it too :smile:.


shows over.

was looking for breaking news commentary regarding the rally and found the following:

and knitting, and knitting... huh HA HA HA HAWWWWW!
I love Pee-Wee.

Anyways, I think it captured the essence of rally, in one minute, thirty eight seconds.

And just in case anyone missed the finale, here's a close approximation:

until they release the DVD boxed set.
  • #97
turbo-1 said:
Stewart's closing remarks were great. Now watch the media pan it.

Jon's closing remarks:

And of course, some of the" wasn't bad.

I was caught off guard by the former Black Sabbath member & current spokesperson for the Mountain of Light being photographed together:


Though reading the lyrics to Mr. Ozbourne's incomprehensible singing, made me realize that the song may have been very apropos to the event:"

Heirs of a cold war
That's what we've become
Inheriting troubles
I'm mentally numb
Crazy, I just can not bare
I'm living with something that just isn't fair

Mental wounds not healing
Who and what's to blame
I'm going off the rails on a crazy train
I'm going off the rails on a crazy train
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  • #98
I saw it in bits and pieces on the news. I did see the closing speech live and it was very impressive.

I was so busy this morning that I didn't realize that it would be shown live on Comedy Central starting at 9:00 AM my time. I hope they re run it.
  • #99
edward said:
I saw it in bits and pieces on the news. I did see the closing speech live and it was very impressive.

I was so busy this morning that I didn't realize that it would be shown live on Comedy Central starting at 9:00 AM my time. I hope they re run it.
I didn't see all of it, either, but would like to. I missed Ozzie, for instance. Not my favorite musician, but I'm glad he chipped in.
  • #100
The closing speech by Jon Stewart was fantastic. My favourite quote:

Most Americans don’t live their lives solely as Democrats or Republicans. Most Americans live their lives just a little bit late for something they have to do.

And although that line is quotable, the whole of what he had to say was inspiring.

It's an event I would have loved to attend. The mass of people on the Mall was truly impressive. Has anyone seen hard number yet?
  • #101
GeorginaS said:
The closing speech by Jon Stewart was fantastic. My favourite quote:

Most Americans don’t live their lives solely as Democrats or Republicans. Most Americans live their lives just a little bit late for something they have to do.

And although that line is quotable, the whole of what he had to say was inspiring.

It's an event I would have loved to attend. The mass of people on the Mall was truly impressive. Has anyone seen hard number yet?

The number was between one hundred and fifty thousand, and ten million.

You decide...
  • #102
I'd believe the 150, OmCheeto. Press releases said they had a permit for sixty thousand.

Favourite rally sign that I saw:

I'm going for sushi. Who's coming with me?!

followed closely by

Don't be mean.


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  • #103
GeorginaS said:
I'd believe the 150, OmCheeto. Press releases said they had a permit for sixty thousand.

Favourite rally sign that I saw:

I'm going for sushi. Who's coming with me?!

followed closely by

Don't be mean.



The signs were *awesome*!
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  • #104"

I must admit -- lots of people are really, really funny.
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  • #105
Lots of pics here, not many signs.
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