Kitten Lovers: Cuteness Overload

  • Thread starter Evo
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In summary: I screamed like a little girl and the animal control guy threw the bag over the cat's head and squeezed. The cat went limp in the bag. It was one of the scariest things I've ever done, but I made it out unscathed. So I'm not exactly scared of cats, but I am definitely cautios about getting scratched by them. In summary, Moonbear was telling the story of how her cat Ember is doing, and how she is going through the terrible twos now. She also mentions how Ember is teaching her how to throw around kitty litter, and how the stray cat that had kittens a few
  • #36
Aww, these bunnies rule.

And I like the cats from post #1, although I don't specially like cats in general (yes, I know, I'm a monster :-p), which is a proof that they are really cute. :approve:
Physics news on
  • #37
whatta said: (speakers ON are must)

Thanks, Ember just took off across the room and hid!
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  • #38
awwr.. I like those little bunnies. Especially the little hopping one.
  • #39
and now famous <edited link out>
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  • #40
whatta said:
and now famous lsd cat *edit - link removed*
Those ****************! :mad: That really pisses me off - and I would be inclined to put those people through walls. If they want to do those experiments, they should do it on themselves.
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  • #41
Why would you post that here whatta? Thats disturbing to the power of 10, seriously. :/
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  • #42
um...the link is still there in Astronuc's post. I ain't clicking it.
  • #43
Math Is Hard said:
um...the link is still there in Astronuc's post. I ain't clicking it.
Link removed
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  • #44
Astronuc said:
Those ****************! :mad: That really pisses me off - and I would be inclined to put those people through walls. If they want to do those experiments, they should do it on themselves.

They also did such experiments on soldiers returning from Vietnam, giving them doses 100's of times above the normal, to be honest testing hallucinogenics in such a way on anyone or anything is pretty morally dubious. Should do what" did and test yourself with psychotropics, as you say, if your going to do it, do it on yourself.
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  • #45
Astronuc said:
Link removed

Thank you. :smile: o:)
  • #46
for Turbo

for CarlB

for Ivan

for Evo

for Moonbear
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  • #49
cat adopts squirrels

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  • #50
Math Is Hard said:
for Turbo
Darn! I don't watch cat threads too closely and missed this one for a long time. That's sweet!
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  • #53
larkspur said:
Those are hilarious. :smile: I wonder what prompts a cat to jump into a wall. Perhaps it's spatial misinterpretation or something. :rolleyes:

I've never seen a cat tackle a person before. :smile:

Chester, our male cat, has missed a couple of take-offs from the kitchen floor, which is hilarious to watch. His back legs slip on the floor during the initial lauch, and he ends up doing a 180° flip and a roll in mid-air. The surprised expression on his face quickly gives way to a look of indignation.
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  • #54
Math Is Hard said:
for Ivan
Aha!Now I realize what happened with your Barbie face...

BTW,I suspect cats can't walk backwards (or they avoid that under every circumstance).Anybody knows why?
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  • #56
This one makes me laugh, I think he was actually posing.
  • #57
oh yes, that's a "I rule" pose! Love it.
  • #59
scorpa said:
This one makes me laugh, I think he was actually posing.

Great picture! It's almost scorn - in a "I can't be bothered to truly scorn you" kind of way. :smile:
  • #60
turbo-1 said:
Darn! I don't watch cat threads too closely and missed this one for a long time. That's sweet!

You sure you don't want to adopt another ferret, turbo? They sure are cute!
  • #61
  • #62
These are all great!

Math, isn't Spock holding the kitty that turns into a beautiful woman? I don't think Tsu would allow it. :biggrin:

Scorpa, your cat is very cool, and he knows it. I like that in a cat.

For a long time I wasn't really connecting with our Bun III, but I finally realized why: I was treating her like a little tomboy, but she is really a sweet little girl who want to be treated as such. As soon as I got the message, we became best buddies.
  • #63
Math Is Hard said:
You sure you don't want to adopt another ferret, turbo? They sure are cute!
I would love to adopt/rescue another ferret (they are bought and abandoned frequently because people don't know how to deal with them) but I don't know if my wife an I can withstand the emotional damage that comes with loss of a special friend. If you have never interacted with ferrets, you have no idea how smart and how charming these guys are. I don't want to anger people who own dogs and cats (and humans in general), but pound-for-pound ferrets are the smartest animals in the world. They are also sweeties, who will interact with you, play games, and encourage more interaction.
  • #64
When I was an undergraduate living in an apartment, a ferret showed up at the patio door. So I took him in. Amazing creature. Eventually the owner came looking for him, and we had to say good-bye. :frown: All of our animals have been strays - and a couple came as abandoned kittens.
  • #65
lol, from MIH's link:

  • #66
Ivan Seeking said:
These are all great!

Math, isn't Spock holding the kitty that turns into a beautiful woman? I don't think Tsu would allow it. :biggrin:

I thought Bun could do that, though. :confused:

That "I can has cheezburger" site just slays me. I guess this is how it all started:
Seems to have some relationship to

turbo, I hope one day you will let another ferret friend or two into your life. Sounds like there are plenty that could use a loving home.
How long do they live, on average?
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  • #67
hee hee hee
  • #68
Math Is Hard said:
hee hee hee
:smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • #69
:smile: Oh dear! I've grown to dread getting things with packing peanuts! I got something around Christmas-time with packing peanuts galore, and by the next day, the floor was covered in them (so I shipped at least half of them with the Christmas presents for my nephew...his turn!). :biggrin:

And, well, that other cat looks like it's had more than just a few cheeseburgers. :bugeye:
  • #70
Math Is Hard said:
turbo, I hope one day you will let another ferret friend or two into your life. Sounds like there are plenty that could use a loving home.
How long do they live, on average?
What a sweetie! I would love to have another ferret, but it's tough to say goodbye to them after 6-7 years. They are clever and engaging and curious and its impossible not to fall in love with them. Cats are OK, and I like dogs, but I LOVE ferrets. We have rescued ferrets that have spent years in cramped cages, only to watch their personalities bloom when they had our love and trust and the run of the house.

Turbo was a special guy. We ordered him and his brother from a breeder who bred a female from NZ with a big male from Sweden. Our close friend wanted one ferret and we wanted one, so I picked them up from a Delta express flight and we had the boys for a couple of days. I picked out the feisty one, with the most impressive speed and bite and our friend took the more laid-back kit. Turbo quickly accepted my wife and me, and was easily trained with just a bit of verbal disapproval if he did something we did not like. He would either meet me at the door when I came home, or he would look me up as soon as he woke up (ferrets like to sleep) and we would play. His favorite game was ferret bowling. He would approach me and play "keep-away" until he agreed to be captured, at which point I would flip him onto his back and bowl him across the slick (fake wood) living room floor. He would right himself and get his little feet churning to slow himself down until he could reverse direction and run back to me for another round. After 15-20 minutes, he would come straight back to my hands without making me catch him. That was my cue to cuddle him to my chest and let him take a snooze.

Animals are precious. I might be able to bring myself to rescue another ferret that I find in horrible conditions, but I don't know if I can support ferret breeders by buying another ferret when so many of them get treated like they are disposable. (another conflict...)
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