Kitten Lovers: Cuteness Overload

  • Thread starter Evo
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In summary: I screamed like a little girl and the animal control guy threw the bag over the cat's head and squeezed. The cat went limp in the bag. It was one of the scariest things I've ever done, but I made it out unscathed. So I'm not exactly scared of cats, but I am definitely cautios about getting scratched by them. In summary, Moonbear was telling the story of how her cat Ember is doing, and how she is going through the terrible twos now. She also mentions how Ember is teaching her how to throw around kitty litter, and how the stray cat that had kittens a few
  • #71
turbo-1 said:
What a sweetie! I would love to have another ferret, but it's tough to say goodbye to them after 6-7 years. They are clever and engaging and curious and its impossible not to fall in love with them. Cats are OK, and I like dogs, but I LOVE ferrets. We have rescued ferrets that have spent years in cramped cages, only to watch their personalities bloom when they had our love and trust and the run of the house.

Turbo was a special guy. We ordered him and his brother from a breeder who bred a female from NZ with a big male from Sweden. Our close friend wanted one ferret and we wanted one, so I picked them up from a Delta express flight and we had the boys for a couple of days. I picked out the feisty one, with the most impressive speed and bite and our friend took the more laid-back kit. Turbo quickly accepted my wife and me, and was easily trained with just a bit of verbal disapproval if he did something we did not like. He would either meet me at the door when I came home, or he would look me up as soon as he woke up (ferrets like to sleep) and we would play. His favorite game was ferret bowling. He would approach me and play "keep-away" until he agreed to be captured, at which point I would flip him onto his back and bowl him across the slick (fake wood) living room floor. He would right himself and get his little feet churning to slow himself down until he could reverse direction and run back to me for another round. After 15-20 minutes, he would come straight back to my hands without making me catch him. That was my cue to cuddle him to my chest and let him take a snooze.

Animals are precious. I might be able to bring myself to rescue another ferret that I find in horrible conditions, but I don't know if I can support ferret breeders by buying another ferret when so many of them get treated like they are disposable. (another conflict...)

I can certainly understand your pain. I feel the same way when I lose a kitty. But to me "home is where the cat is" and I can't imagine a life without them, especially when I can offer them a loving, happy alternative to a cruel fate. All I've ever wanted in life is to live in a place where I could have all the critters I wanted, and all the critters who wanted me. I share your feelings about breeders. My four-legged children have all been ones who adopted me.

I think you have a very special connection with ferrets. My native american ancestors would say they are your "totem" animals. I hope the door to your heart is not closed when the next little one in need comes knocking.
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  • #73
Kitty eating corn:

I just thought this was cute. :smile:
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  • #74
I hope they have floss for the kitty!
  • #75
Math Is Hard said:
Kitty eating corn:

I just thought this was cute. :smile:

That’s quite cute. We had a beautiful kitty called Potato who liked to nibble on fingers dangling appealingly from the edge of sofas. One minute you were lost in a reverie, the next you had a boisterous kitten hanging from your paw!

I know better now, of course: I should have thrown him some corn.

I like this kitty…
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  • #76
hypatia said:
I hope they have floss for the kitty!
He was really digging in!

The Bulk said:
That’s quite cute. We had a beautiful kitty called Potato who liked to nibble on fingers dangling appealingly from the edge of sofas. One minute you were lost in a reverie, the next you had a boisterous kitten hanging from your paw!

I know better now, of course: I should have thrown him some corn.

I like this kitty…
Maybe Potato would have liked corn. :smile: They are cute at that Velcro stage when they attach themselves to you. Can be painful as they get bigger, though.

awwwrr.. cute overload..:!)
  • #78
Math Is Hard said:
Kitty eating corn:

I just thought this was cute. :smile:
My cat Tig when I was growing up, ate corn on the cob. He would grab the cob, one paw at each end and eat it, turning it with his paws as he went.
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  • #79
Cute video, Mallig! Poor doggy -- kitty is treating doggy's leg like an ear of corn!

Evo, you should have taken some pics of that. I had a kitty that was wild about canned peas. He'd eat as many as I would let him have.
  • #80
Well, not a kitten story, but when I was a kid we had a beautifully-marked mixed-breed dog that LOVED tossed salad. My mother made oil-and-vinegar dressings with oregano, garlic, and other herbs and spices, and Lady would gladly chow down any left-overs, although sometimes she would leave a few onions if she'd already had enough. She lived to be almost 20 years old, and although her eyesight was failing toward the end and her arthritis slowed her down, she never failed to meet me at the door, tail wagging like crazy.

When I was in HS, I gave her a lesson on the word "no" that she never forgot. I was eating Spanish olives with pimento out of a jar, and she came running over and gave the whole routine - "sit, shake, beg, lie down, roll over" over and over again trying to get an olive. I told her "no" and she persisted, so I gave her one and she immediately spit it out on the floor. I said "eat that" and she reluctantly picked it up in her mouth and retreated to a rug in the entryway where she used to enjoy bones and other long-lasting treats, and returned to the kitchen with her tail wagging. I went to the front door and saw the olive on the rug, called her and told her to eat the olive. She ate it, but the edges of her mouth were pulled back in a grimace so severe that I would love to have a picture of it. After that, when I said "no" I got no arguments from her.
  • #81
I am surprised she didn't like the olive, since she liked the oil and vinegar salad so well. Now, if she had just tucked that olive under the rug she might have been able to fool you with the "I'll eat it later" trick. Nice try, though :)
  • #82
I don't understand why cats would eat corn. I'm surprised. And that is a super cute video.

My science teacher told me that we can't digest cellulose, which made me wonder about why we eat corn, and now I see cats enjoying it. Now I'm itching to hear about any of our animals' interesting dietary habits.
  • #83
Math Is Hard said:
I am surprised she didn't like the olive, since she liked the oil and vinegar salad so well. Now, if she had just tucked that olive under the rug she might have been able to fool you with the "I'll eat it later" trick. Nice try, though :)
Spanish olives are REALLY salty (and maybe in the '60's the brine was even more potent than it is today-I don't remember) and I didn't think that she would enjoy eating one. She didn't.

Of course, when she ate left-over salads with a little vinegar and olive oil, she was probably getting stuff that was real good for her. I never saw a short-haired mixed-breed dog with such a sleek, shiny coat, and apart from the arthritis, etc later in life, she was always the picture of health.
  • #84
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  • #85

Zoo reveals rare Persian leopard triplets
The cubs that were born almost two months ago are healthy, the zoo says

BUDAPEST, Hungary - A set of rare Persian leopard triplets was presented Tuesday at the Budapest Zoo. The cubs — a male and two females — were born at the zoo on June 19 and were doing well, said zoo spokesman Zoltan Hanga.

The Persian leopard — Panthera pardus saxicolor — is the largest of the leopard subspecies and is native to Western Asian countries like Iraq, Afghanistan and Armenia.
  • #86
My baby doll..
  • #87
Oh she's so cute!

She's a she, right?
  • #88
Evo said:
Oh she's so cute!

She's a she, right?

Thank you. :smile: Yes, that's my girl. She is fifteen now, so she is getting up there. Jelly is still a pistol. She chased the neighborhood bully-cat out of the bushes the other day.

I have been worried about her in this heat. I wet her fur down today to make sure she was keeping cool. She just sleeps all day when it is hot like this.
  • #89
You should report your landlord to the Humane Society. It seems rules for animals are sometimes better than those for humans.
  • #90
Evo said:
You should report your landlord to the Humane Society. It seems rules for animals are sometimes better than those for humans.

You're so right about that. The one nice thing that's happened lately is that I did get to watch my landlord get thoroughly chewed out by the housing inspector. He is very unhappy with him for not making the repairs he was told to make.
  • #91
She is just a doll! Nice that you have such a sweet animal friend.
  • #92
sasha and shanna.jpg
These are two of my babies when they were younger. We call them sisters, but they're really not.
  • #93
hypatia said:
She is just a doll! Nice that you have such a sweet animal friend.

Thank you. She's my angel. o:)
  • #94
jmnew51 said:
View attachment 10806These are two of my babies when they were younger. We call them sisters, but they're really not.

Ooh, how pretty! :!)
  • #95
Math Is Hard said:
My baby doll..

  • #96
Lisa! said:

I just realized that in this pic she looks like one of those "Munchkin cats" with the very short legs. She's not one of those, though. It's the angle, and her stockiness enhances the effect.
  • #97
I love how she's looking right into the camera. That's a great picture!
  • #98
We need some new Foofer pics. Fruit bat, too!
  • #99
Are you looking for a date for Jelly, MIH? I know of a nice 1:wink:
  • #100
Math Is Hard said:
We need some new Foofer pics. Fruit bat, too!
I need to get a new camera. Foofer is hardly ever here anymore. I'll need to capture him soon for the move. He's going to be one angry cat when we move, he won't be able to roam outside anymore. The Child of Evo thinks he'll snap. Trapped in the house with the Fruit bat, and we know how the Fruit bat likes to drill holes into cat's heads. I will need to get a cat helmet made for Foofer. This is not going to be an easy transition. :frown:
  • #101
Ooh, poor Foofer. We'll have to locate a tiny helmet for him. :smile:

Here's an Ember update. These were taken at the beginning of the summer, when she seemed to think her toy basket was an excellent place to sleep too (and you can see she's very grumpy when woken up by the flash :biggrin: :smile:).

I can't believe she's already a year and 2 months old! :bugeye: Though, she hasn't outgrown attaching herself to my fingers by her teeth yet.
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  • #102
Lisa! said:
Are you looking for a date for Jelly, MIH? I know of a nice 1:wink:
:biggrin: Greg also mentioned that his cat was looking for a girlfriend. Unfortunately, Jelly hates other cats, won't even tolerate them in her presence. :frown:

Evo said:
I need to get a new camera. Foofer is hardly ever here anymore. I'll need to capture him soon for the move. He's going to be one angry cat when we move, he won't be able to roam outside anymore. The Child of Evo thinks he'll snap. Trapped in the house with the Fruit bat, and we know how the Fruit bat likes to drill holes into cat's heads. I will need to get a cat helmet made for Foofer. This is not going to be an easy transition. :frown:

That's going to be tough for him. My first thought was one of these helmets, but considering it is made out of fruit, that is only going to drive the fruit bat wild.

Moonbear said:
Ooh, poor Foofer. We'll have to locate a tiny helmet for him. :smile:

Here's an Ember update. These were taken at the beginning of the summer, when she seemed to think her toy basket was an excellent place to sleep too (and you can see she's very grumpy when woken up by the flash :biggrin: :smile:).

I can't believe she's already a year and 2 months old! :bugeye: Though, she hasn't outgrown attaching herself to my fingers by her teeth yet.

Awww, Ember looks so soft. That basket is just right for her!
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  • #103
Moonbear, Ember has really grown into a beautiful cat!
  • #104
MIH, I thought of the fruit helmet too, but then I remembered this


What cat wouldn't love to wear this?
  • #105
Evo said:
MIH, I thought of the fruit helmet too, but then I remembered this


What cat wouldn't love to wear this?
You might be able to persuade a drugged or catatonic cat to get strapped into that, but if Foofer has any spirit, you'd look like hamburg after trying to apply that armor.

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