Kitten Lovers: Cuteness Overload

  • Thread starter Evo
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In summary: I screamed like a little girl and the animal control guy threw the bag over the cat's head and squeezed. The cat went limp in the bag. It was one of the scariest things I've ever done, but I made it out unscathed. So I'm not exactly scared of cats, but I am definitely cautios about getting scratched by them. In summary, Moonbear was telling the story of how her cat Ember is doing, and how she is going through the terrible twos now. She also mentions how Ember is teaching her how to throw around kitty litter, and how the stray cat that had kittens a few
  • #141
ScienceGurl said:
Omgosh! Kitties! I luffs kitties. :P Those kitties are soo cute! :D

Do you have a kitty, SG?

I love seeing everyone's pretty kitkats! :!)
(but I am sorry about the loss of your little baby kitty, Evo. What a sweet little face.)

Swerve, that last pic you posted should go to for captioning! That's way cool. :cool:

Ember sure has grown up. What a GRAND tail!

MJ your cats must be related, yes?
Physics news on
  • #142 :smile:
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  • #143
Ember reminds me of our calico Pumpkin who came to us the first year my wife and I were married and living in married student apartments. She was only a few months old and had been abandoned. So we took her in and she lived with us for just over 17 years.

In the apartments, we had tacky furniture (couch, chairs) with vinyl covering. Pumpkin used to dig her claws into the vinyl to exercise them. She would go near whatever scratching post or device we could find. She'd always go back to the vinyl cahir or couch. We even covered the furniture with sheets and rugs, but she would find a way to burrow in at get to the vinyl. The damage she did cost us the security deposit. :rolleyes:
  • #144
Ahahahahahha @ done. That just made my day.
  • #145
0TheSwerve0 said: :smile:
:smile: That's excellent! :smile:

Astronuc said:
Ember reminds me of our calico Pumpkin who came to us the first year my wife and I were married and living in married student apartments. She was only a few months old and had been abandoned. So we took her in and she lived with us for just over 17 years.

In the apartments, we had tacky furniture (couch, chairs) with vinyl covering. Pumpkin used to dig her claws into the vinyl to exercise them. She would go near whatever scratching post or device we could find. She'd always go back to the vinyl cahir or couch. We even covered the furniture with sheets and rugs, but she would find a way to burrow in at get to the vinyl. The damage she did cost us the security deposit. :rolleyes:
Arggh! That's so appropriate, because after a year and a half of leaving the furniture alone and being content with scratching posts, Ember has decided within the last two weeks that the sofa is a much better scratching post. She's even decided that the double-sided tape I've put on corners to discourage her from scratching is especially fun to dig at and play with. :rolleyes: The squirt bottle has returned to the coffee table. And it's so obvious she KNOWS she's not supposed to be doing that...I'll hear her scratching, and the moment I even start to move to peek over at her to stop her, she's backed away from the couch, sitting very innocent looking. So, no hope of grabbing her while she's scratching and relocating her to an authorized scratching location to remind her of what's allowed (she takes off running the moment I stand kitty is a juvenile delinquent :cry:). I think she's starting to catch on again with the squirt bottle though...I squirt her, then she looks at me, and I give her the "I don't know what the problem is" innocent look that she usually gives me when I catch her scratching. o:)
  • #146
Moonbear said:
Arggh! That's so appropriate, because after a year and a half of leaving the furniture alone and being content with scratching posts, Ember has decided within the last two weeks that the sofa is a much better scratching post. She's even decided that the double-sided tape I've put on corners to discourage her from scratching is especially fun to dig at and play with. :rolleyes: The squirt bottle has returned to the coffee table. And it's so obvious she KNOWS she's not supposed to be doing that...I'll hear her scratching, and the moment I even start to move to peek over at her to stop her, she's backed away from the couch, sitting very innocent looking. So, no hope of grabbing her while she's scratching and relocating her to an authorized scratching location to remind her of what's allowed (she takes off running the moment I stand kitty is a juvenile delinquent :cry:). I think she's starting to catch on again with the squirt bottle though...I squirt her, then she looks at me, and I give her the "I don't know what the problem is" innocent look that she usually gives me when I catch her scratching. o:)
Pumpkin would just run into another room if we approached her while she was scratching the furniture. We used the water spray bottle to discourage her - but she never got discouraged. She just got sneaky and stealthy.
  • #147
Math Is Hard said:
MJ your cats must be related, yes?

No. They are not related, but they both fit in one cat bed :biggrin:.
  • #148
0TheSwerve0 said: :smile:

haahahahahaha! good one! :smile:
  • #149
Astronuc said:
Pumpkin would just run into another room if we approached her while she was scratching the furniture. We used the water spray bottle to discourage her - but she never got discouraged. She just got sneaky and stealthy.

Thanks for the warning. I suspect that's what Ember has in mind too. I think my next sofa will be made of Kevlar!
  • #150
You can get those lovely plexiglass corner covers that screww into the sides of your furniture. Dr Foofer has found the new armchair to be very interesting. :frown:
  • #151
This one is for MIH and Moonbear.

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  • #152
That's lovely, Evo!

I have some mustard and ketchup and I'm going to make a Jackson Pollock cat.
  • #153
Math Is Hard said:
I have some mustard and ketchup and I'm going to make a Jackson Pollock cat.
  • #154
Math Is Hard said:
That's lovely, Evo!

I have some mustard and ketchup and I'm going to make a Jackson Pollock cat.


I'm trying to figure out if that's a photoshop job or if someone really did that to their cat! :bugeye:
  • #155
Moonbear said:

I'm trying to figure out if that's a photoshop job or if someone really did that to their cat! :bugeye:

I'm guessing photoshop. The layering would be incredibly easy.
  • #156
I'm pretty sure it's done in Photoshop. As is this one:

and this one:

More painted kitties here:
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  • #157
I like the one with the mustache :biggrin:.
  • #158
Well, spawn took washable non-toxic crayola markers and did the cats when she was little. They had purple mohawks and red and green spots. It was hysterical. How she got them to stay still long enough for the full treatment, I don't know.
  • #159
Math Is Hard said:
I'm pretty sure it's done in Photoshop. As is this one:
Ah, seeing several of them, it looks more like a photoshop trend. But, when it's just one, well, I've seen people do strange things to their pets with hairdye, so it didn't escape the realm of possibility for me. I like the plaid cat! :biggrin:
  • #160
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  • #161
hypatia said:

Do you suppose that conversation was all about who was going to get their ears washed, and who was going to do the washing?
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  • #162
Cat1..its your turn tonight
Cat2...ewww no
Cat1..ok I run away and join the circus
Cat2..what! uuuuuuu nuts?
Cat1..just lick me
Cat2..only if you show me your belly
Cat1.. ok see?
Cat2..mewppppppp your hot!
Cat1..{close up to camera} gets him every time
Cat2..licks purrs licks purrs
  • #163
ohmigosh, watch this! Someone dubbed the video - it's hilarious:


We should make one dubbing in your version, hypatia.
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  • #164
Ahahahha getting the treats yet? That was so cute.
  • #165
I was watching that video and my cat came flying into my room trying to figure out where these meowing noises were coming from. Eventually he hopped up on my desk, sat next to the speakers and stared at them. He must have thought if he waited long enough the source of the sound would emerge.
  • #166
One of my cats hissed and all the fur on his back stood up. Lol he didn't like what they were saying at all.
  • #167
Those are so funny! The first one is adorable and the translation is hilarious!
The German translation is even more funny.
  • #169
the cat's pajamas


Jelly thinks I bought these kitty pajamas for her.
  • #170
larkspur said:
Those are so funny! The first one is adorable and the translation is hilarious!
The German translation is even more funny.

I didn't see the German one. :confused:
  • #171
Math Is Hard said:

Jelly thinks I bought these kitty pajamas for her.
AAAAAAAHHHHH! I LOVE THOSE PAJAMAS! I am wearing my flannel cat pajamas right now. :approve:

Did I mention my cat and mouse knit slippers?
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  • #172
Evo said:
AAAAAAAHHHHH! I LOVE THOSE PAJAMAS! I am wearing my flannel cat pajamas right now. :approve:

Yeah! Flannel cat pajamas rock! I can't wait to go home and get into mine. I've had to run all over campus in the rain today, so I've had to spend most of the day in wet clothes. pleh

I got those kitty PJs at Victoria's Secret. First, they put them on sale, then they sent me a $10 off coupon in the mail, so I finally gave in and bought them.

Evo, I want to see your cat and mouse slippers. Those sound cool!
  • #173
Math Is Hard said:
Evo, I want to see your cat and mouse slippers. Those sound cool!
I'm trying to figure out what they are, it looks like either the cat is a race car and the mouse is the driver, or the cat is a bed and the mouse is sleeping in it. :bugeye:
  • #174
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  • #175
Astronuc said:

:smile: I love watching my cats play-fight. Then if you make a movement they stop and stare at you just like that.
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