Kitten Lovers: Cuteness Overload

  • Thread starter Evo
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In summary: I screamed like a little girl and the animal control guy threw the bag over the cat's head and squeezed. The cat went limp in the bag. It was one of the scariest things I've ever done, but I made it out unscathed. So I'm not exactly scared of cats, but I am definitely cautios about getting scratched by them. In summary, Moonbear was telling the story of how her cat Ember is doing, and how she is going through the terrible twos now. She also mentions how Ember is teaching her how to throw around kitty litter, and how the stray cat that had kittens a few
  • #106
Math Is Hard said:
Awww, Ember looks so soft. That basket is just right for her!
Evo said:
Moonbear, Ember has really grown into a beautiful cat!

And she knows it! Spoiled rotten! :biggrin: Too smart too...she's figured out all the loopholes in the rules around here. She's not allowed on kitchen counters, but has figured out how to leap to the top of the kitchen trash can and up onto the top of the cabinets, so she can check out everything going on in the kitchen without touching a countertop! :rolleyes: She also knows that rules don't apply if the water bottle is nowhere near me. And, yep, her fur has stayed very soft, which is great, because she's just so fun to snuggle. :smile: We play fetch, tag, boxing, wrestling...nobody who meets her seems to think she acts like a normal cat (they think similar things about her owner too). :rolleyes:

Evo said:
MIH, I thought of the fruit helmet too, but then I remembered this


What cat wouldn't love to wear this?

Wow! That's a cool set of armor! I'm not letting Ember know cats can have armor though...she just might want it for herself. She's already learned bad things from the other cats here. She never touched a Q-tip until someone else mentioned it here somewhere, and ever since, she has gone to great lengths to fish used Q-tips from the trash.
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  • #107
Can you imagine her tooling around with her real whiskers folded up in the helmet and just those falsies hanging out? All night long, you'd hear "clang - yeow", "clang - yeow" as she slammed into door frames, cabinets, etc. Imagine the yowling when she couldn't eat a little snack at night and decided to jump on your bed and head-butt you for be fair, it might be you yowling in this case.:smile:
  • #108
turbo-1 said:
Can you imagine her tooling around with her real whiskers folded up in the helmet and just those falsies hanging out? All night long, you'd hear "clang - yeow", "clang - yeow" as she slammed into door frames, cabinets, etc. Imagine the yowling when she couldn't eat a little snack at night and decided to jump on your bed and head-butt you for be fair, it might be you yowling in this case.:smile:
Yeah, I noticed the fake whiskers, but figured I could pull his real whiskers through the holes. :rolleyes:

Ouch, getting gored by an irate cat while asleep doesn't sound too enticing. Guess I will have to go with plan B. The hound helmet.
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  • #109
I would love to be there while you pull Foofer's whiskers through the gaps in that armor. I'm sure that it would be a "family moment".

I will refrain from dumping emoticons on this post so you can pretend to be "normal" on some level.
  • #110
What's not normal about putting helmets and armour on pets?!??

MIH, Moonbear, tell him it's normal. :redface:

I don't make this stuff up, you know.
  • #111
turbo-1 said:
Imagine the yowling when she couldn't eat a little snack at night and decided to jump on your bed and head-butt you for be fair, it might be you yowling in this case.:smile:
Somehow, I think that would be the selling point for Ember! :smile: At least she's gotten over her penchant for headboard diving...with my stomach as her landing pad. (Looks around to make sure Ember isn't reading over my shoulder and getting any ideas.)
  • #112
Evo said:
What's not normal about putting helmets and armour on pets?!??

MIH, Moonbear, tell him it's normal. :redface:

Of course it's normal! I guess some people here didn't have "Action Cats" sets when they were growing up. Kinda sad.

Moonbear said:
Somehow, I think that would be the selling point for Ember! :smile: At least she's gotten over her penchant for headboard diving...with my stomach as her landing pad. (Looks around to make sure Ember isn't reading over my shoulder and getting any ideas.)

Oof! I remember those days!
  • #113
Fruit Bat

By popular demand, here's the first picture of the Fruit Bat for those that missed it


and another one

  • #114
Popular demand? At least that little rascal is a little more appealing than the murderers that cat-lovers inflict on small animals and ground-nesting birds by "letting them out" every day. How could I keep my "pocket pals" if these assassins were on the loose?




I don't hate cats, but I am intolerant of cat-owners who take the "easy way" out and let their cats slaughter wildlife so they don't have to tolerate their cats' destructive behavior indoors or change litter-boxes. Wild animals deserve a chance to live, too, and we need them.

Edit: when Astonuc and family visited, his daughter asked if a chipmunk on the patio was one of my pets, and I had to tell her that since I had started relocating the red squirrels, my buddies were so free of scars that I had a hard time telling them apart. I've lost a number of 'munks since then, and I'm afraid that a recently wide-ranging local cat has been killing them off.


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  • #115
Here is an update on my little guy (who isn't so little anymore!)

Here is him having just woken from a nap:


Here he is sitting in the window bars looking outside :

Here is is being fascinated by the printer:

  • #116
scorpa said:
Here is an update on my little guy (who isn't so little anymore!)

Here is him having just woken from a nap:


Oh, I love the spots on the belly. :!) He's a very handsome cat!
  • #117

Our female cat Misty just hanging out on the landing of our stairway. Unfortunately, the flash was reflected in her eyes.
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  • #118
Astronuc said:

Our female cat Misty just hanging out on the landing of our stairway. Unfortunately, the flash was reflected in her eyes.

Very pretty! Is she what they call a "pastel calico"?
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  • #119
Misty is a pastel tortoise shell. She showed up under our front porch on Halloween night about 4 years ago, when she was about 7 weeks old.

We had an older cat, Pepper, who was a tortoise shell - mostly black with orange/brown spots.

All of our cats have been strays, and we took in one stray dog. We have a Yorkshire terrier, Sassie, who belonged to my mother-in-law until she could take care of it.
  • #120
scorpa said:
Here is an update on my little guy (who isn't so little anymore!)

Here is him having just woken from a nap:

:!) I'm going to steal your cat!
  • #121
Evo said:
:!) I'm going to steal your cat!

Oh no your don't he's mine! He is such a lovely handsome young fella, I will never understand how someone could have been able to abandon him and his siblings :(
  • #122
I take it through the pictures that most if not all of you are in the US. I'm in London, England and we have two cats, one is a year old English Tom with full nuts on, and the other is an English feral queen about six months old.
Our Henry is a domesticated breed and I guess all domesticated cats have the same general behaviour - cute, cuddly, like to be indoors in the warm etc.
We stole the feral from her mum when she was weaning them but her traits are totally different to the domestic, she hunts persistently, has eaten all the grasshoppers in the garden, and pretty much prefers to stay outdoors except when she hears the spoon clinking on her plate. She is also extremely vicious when it comes to a fight, she doesn't bother with all that arched back and long drawn out meowing stuff, instead she hisses and spits and goes at it with all four legs and mouth. It's kinda scary sometimes because she is only about four or five months old and she does not respect the other cats submission signs, she just keeps going until the other legs it, the neighbouring domestics that is.
Mind you, she loves our Henry, always plays with him, and him with her, like a Mr & Mrs kinda thing. I can't wait for the kittens.
  • #123
Ian said:
We stole the feral from her mum when she was weaning them but her traits are totally different to the domestic, she hunts persistently, has eaten all the grasshoppers in the garden, and pretty much prefers to stay outdoors except when she hears the spoon clinking on her plate. She is also extremely vicious when it comes to a fight, she doesn't bother with all that arched back and long drawn out meowing stuff, instead she hisses and spits and goes at it with all four legs and mouth. It's kinda scary sometimes because she is only about four or five months old and she does not respect the other cats submission signs, she just keeps going until the other legs it, the neighbouring domestics that is.'ve described fairly well the conditions of my acquisition of Ember, but she's much better behaved than that. It took a lot of loving attention though. When she first came home, she'd hide behind the toilet and hiss if I tried to pick her up, though I don't think she anticipated a human mom who thought the hissing was just too adorable in a kitten instead of scary. Whenever she hissed (and lots of other times) she got picked up and held and handled gently and when she stopped hissing and calmed down, she got lots of positive attention and treats and play. She still prefers to rough-house play instead of the cuddly scritches other cats seem to like, but is constantly by my side and is pretty well-behaved now (relatively speaking). Once in a while she still gets pissed off at me and growls or hisses about something, and my reaction to that is to hold her and make her be calm and getting away and being left alone if she's growly. When she settles down and plays nice, she gets a treat. For all her bluffing, she's actually not as pissed off as you'd think when she growls and hisses...she runs off for about 2 min, and then comes right back to play some more. :rolleyes:

There are plenty enough feral, unfixed cats running loose that unless someone is breeding purebreds, there's no reason or need to keep a cat intact here...nobody needs to let cats breed, there's more than enough kittens up for adoption all the time. I wouldn't want a male that wasn't fixed at all...their spraying is just too nasty. Like turbo, I believe cats should be kept indoors, or only taken outdoors supervised on a leash so they aren't killing the local wildlife. Ember has learned to accept a harness and leash, and gets to sit outside with me when I go out, though the last month, she was picking up fleas every time she went outside, so has been kept indoors until flea season is over. She doesn't seem as interested in going out since the neighbor dog left though...she seemed to get great enjoyment from taunting the dog, also on a leash. I told her she's on her own if she got too close to the dog since she was clearly guilty of the taunting. She didn't like the harness at first, and it took a few attempts to find a style of harness she couldn't wriggle herself out of, but we've finally succeeded and she enjoys sitting on the deck chattering at birds, and I enjoy that she can't actually reach the birds but still gets to sit out with me on nice days. I have a 10 ft lead for her, which gives her full reign of the deck, other than when she tangles it all up in the patio furniture. :rolleyes:
  • #124

Head will explode from cuteness in..



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  • #125
Math Is Hard said:
Head will explode from cuteness in..




Awwwwwwwww! I'm not sure which one is cuter. :!)
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  • #126
Oh that is so cute!
  • #127
Believe it or not, this is a kitten - 12 weeks old and already the size of a fully grown domestic cat (~5 kg). He's a bobcat kit who may have been injured. Further medical examination is needed.
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  • #128
Is this a baby you found, Astro?
  • #129
Math Is Hard said:
Is this a baby you found, Astro?
No. This little guy was found by someone else who brought him to the wildlife rehabilitator who works in the office next to mine. She's the one that has the flying squirrel about whom I posted in the Wildlife Photo thread. I just happened to drop in the day that she had the bobcat with her, so she could feed it. I got to play with him for a few minutes. They have very sharp claws and fangs that are twice the size of an adult domestic cat, and that's only when bobcats are 12 weeks old. He'll grow 3 times that size to about 15 kg.

His behavior was a little odd in that he was more playful and less wild than he should be. The rehabilitator thinks he might have some head injury, which could've happened if he was hit by a car. He'll be undergoing more tests. The rehabilitator had to take him to another rehabilitator who had a couple of other bobcats. Like foxes and other wildlife, bobcats need to be raised with their own kind. I think that's so they learn from each other and develop their wild ways, as opposed to becoming more domestic. They really are not appropriate as pets because they do retain their wildness somewhat, and their larger claws and fangs could do some real damage to a person.

If one finds a wild animal that needs help/rescue, here are some useful sites to keep in mind:
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  • #130
What a little cutie! I hope he ends up being ok!
  • #131
I want this cat!
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  • #132
That is a cool cat!
  • #133
Omgosh! Kitties! I luffs kitties. :P Those kitties are soo cute! :D
  • #134
Mine's a bit more active than that couch potato cat. :biggrin:

She's always into something!

A rare photo of her NOT getting into trouble. :biggrin:
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  • #135
That's too funny! She's become so elegant, look at her posture! And that tail!
  • #136
Evo said:
That's too funny! She's become so elegant, look at her posture! And that tail!

She only *looks* elegant! She's a regular trouble maker! (She must take after me. :devil:)
  • #137
My baby that died earlier this year. :cry: :cry: :cry:
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  • #138
My kitties Mocha (grey/black) and Chocolate (black)




Although, they do not snuggle like that very often. They are usually in my room stalking my gecko.
  • #139
Iggy & Twiggy

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  • #140
Awwwwwwwwww...kitties snuggling is so cute!

I especially love those fuzzy cheeks on Mocha, and that last shot by TheSwerve that looks like it's one long, contortionist cat playing in that tower thingy. :biggrin:

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