Mathematical Quantum Field Theory - Fields - Comments

In summary, a field history is a collection of vectors that encode the direction in which a charged particle passing through that point will feel a force (the “Lorentz force”, see example 3.5 below).
  • #36
vanhees71 said:
Most of the fundamental fields in the standard model are not representing observables directly:

Got it :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

Physics news on
  • #37
strangerep said:
Why the change from "configuration" to "history"?

Because it's more appropriate in the Lorentzian setup, where a section of the field bundle is a field configuration over every spatial slice together with its change in time, hence a history.

strangerep said:
And why not call it simply "field on spacetime"?

Because this is too ambiguous and leads to confusion. For instance when we say "consider the electromagnetic field" we are not referring to a specific field history, but to the type of possible field histories.

strangerep said:
I guess that's to make a distinction between smooth/rough fields?


strangerep said:
But do we ever need rough fields in QFT?

If you mean non-smooth field histories, then: No.
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  • #38
strangerep said:
In "aspects of the concept of fields" appears the notation ##\delta_{EL}=0##. Later, under Remark 3.2. (possible field histories), it reappears as ##\delta_{EL}{\mathbf L}=0##. Is that a typo?

That's a typo, yes. I am fixing it.
  • #39
vanhees71 said:
but the choice of words, which may mislead a beginner to think that the fundamental field operators are observables.

Besides the condition of gauge invariance on observables that you mention, there are various further conditions which need to be considered. In the end the quantum algebra is based only on those observables which in addition are also local and microcausal. Also "on-shell" will have to be added as a qualifier, since it is useful also to consider off-shell observables.

For this reason, it is natural to say just "observable" for any functional on the space of field histories, and then eventually to add adjectives as one specializes. Citing from the lead-in paragraphs of chapter 7:

There are various further conditions on observables which we will eventually consider, forming subspaces of gauge invariant observables (def. 11.2), local observables (def. 7.35 below), Hamiltonian local observables (def. 8.12 below) and microcausal observables (def. 14.5). While in the end it is only these special kinds of observables that matter, it is useful to first consider the unconstrained concept and then consecutively characterize smaller subspaces of well-behaved observables. In fact it is useful to consider yet more generally the observables on the full space of field histories (not just the on-shell subspace), called the off-shell observables.
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  • #40
bhobba said:
But as to why it happens

Allow me to suggest that it (namely the suggestion that researchers sit in camps that constrain their ability to think about the total nature of the problem at hand) happens out of intellectual laziness. It takes little effort to copy quotes from Wikipedia that make fun of people in what is perceived a different camp, while it takes effort to learn all aspects of the problem and transcend the camp spirit.

I think it is plain obvious that to understan QFT you need all of it: A good idea of its physical meaning as well as the mathematical tools that it takes not to get confused (say about what "field" means in field theory...)
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  • #41
[URL='']Urs Schreiber[/URL] said:
There are various further conditions on observables which we will eventually consider, forming subspaces of gauge invariant observables (def. 11.2), local observables (def. 7.35 below), Hamiltonian local observables (def. 8.12 below) and microcausal observables (def. 14.5). While in the end it is only these special kinds of observables that matter, it is useful to first consider the unconstrained concept and then consecutively characterize smaller subspaces of well-behaved observables. In fact it is useful to consider yet more generally the observables on the full space of field histories (not just the on-shell subspace), called the off-shell observables.
I'd propose to use ''quantity'' for any functional on the space of field histories, and ''observable'' for those quantities that are actually observable.
  • #42
bhobba said:
I am sure you have read, as have I, the following:

I don't know if you have read Ballentine:

A number on this forum, me included, tend to think of Ballentine as our bible on QM.

Ballentine's book as well as Varadarajan's both having emphasis on QM over QFT, put the concept of a Hilbert space of states in the center of attention. When looking closely at field theory, it turns out that this is unhelpful, that other concepts are prior, and that a Hilbert space of states is an addendum to be considered after the theory has been constructed algebraically. States are a priori positive linear functionals on the abstractly defined algebra of quantum observables, and representing the latter on a Hilbert space may be a convenient tool for ensuring positivity of such functionals, but it is neither necessary nor in general possible or helpful. We'll get to that in the series in chapters 14 and 16.

The QFT textbook to recommend, as I did before, which gets the concepts right, is
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  • #43
A. Neumaier said:
I'd propose to use ''quantity'' for any functional on the space of field histories

That seems overly unspecific and also unconventional

It is completely conventional and useful to speak of "local gauge-invariant on-shell observables" and we couldn't do that if we defined "observanle" to already mean "local gauge invariant on-shell observables".

To relativize concern about the choice of terminology remember that even with plenty of qualifiers added, the mathematical concept of "observable" is necessarily still a highly idealized formalization of what happens to our sensory system as we make an observation in nature (for one we haven't even touched general covariance yet, or noise or coarse graining, not to speak of biological and psychological aspects), so it seems misguided to be pedantic about naturalistic linguistic here over having a useful crisp technical terminology.
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  • #44
Another trouble is caused by taking the infinite-volume limit. Haag's theorem is related to it. See, e.g.,

A. Duncan, The conceptual framework of QFT, Oxford University Press (2012) Sect. 10.5
  • #45
[URL='']Urs Schreiber[/URL] said:
Besides the condition of gauge invariance on observables that you mention, there are various further conditions which need to be considered. In the end the quantum algebra is based only on those observables which in addition are also local and microcausal. Also "on-shell" will have to be added as a qualifier, since it is useful also to consider off-shell observables.

For this reason, it is natural to say just "observable" for any functional on the space of field histories, and then eventually to add adjectives as one specializes. Citing from the lead-in paragraphs of chapter 7:

There are various further conditions on observables which we will eventually consider, forming subspaces of gauge invariant observables (def. 11.2), local observables (def. 7.35 below), Hamiltonian local observables (def. 8.12 below) and microcausal observables (def. 14.5). While in the end it is only these special kinds of observables that matter, it is useful to first consider the unconstrained concept and then consecutively characterize smaller subspaces of well-behaved observables. In fact it is useful to consider yet more generally the observables on the full space of field histories (not just the on-shell subspace), called the off-shell observables.
I'm not so much concerned about the use of the term "observable". That's anyway finally defined as something that's indeed measured in the lab, and the (far from trivial!) task of any quantum-field theory is to map the formalism to this operational definition of "observable". I'm a bit quibbled, why you use the term "field histories". A "history", as I understand the term, is a sequence of observed facts, but as we seem to agree upon, the fundamental fields are usually not directly observables in the formalism but are used to construct observables (or more carefully stated the corresponding representing operators of observables) via a local realization of the Poincare algebra.
  • #46
[URL='']Urs Schreiber[/URL] said:
epresenting the latter on a Hilbert space may be a convenient tool for ensuring positivity of such functionals, but it is neither necessary nor in general possible or helpful.
This may be the current state of the art in 4D relativistic quantum theory, but this is only because we still lack the right mathematical tools. A nonperturbative mathematical construction of any QFT will necessarily produce a representation of the (bounded part of the) quantum algebra on a Hilbert space of physical states. Each positive linear functional provides such a Hilbert space, and inequivalent representations are accounted for by taking a direct sum.
  • #47
[URL='']Urs Schreiber[/URL] said:
When looking closely at field theory, it turns out that this is unhelpful, that other concepts are prior, and that a Hilbert space of states is an addendum to be considered after the theory has been constructed algebraically. States are a priori positive linear functionals on the abstractly defined algebra of quantum observables, and representing the latter on a Hilbert space may be a convenient tool for ensuring positivity of such functionals, but it is neither necessary nor in general possible or helpful.
Well, then I respectfully challenge you to derive the usual quantum angular momentum spectrum without using a Hilbert space (directly or indirectly). Cf. Ballentine section 7.1 where he derives that spectrum from little more than the requirement to represent SO(3) unitarily on an abstract Hilbert space. :oldbiggrin:
  • #48
[URL='']Urs Schreiber[/URL] said:
strangerep said:
Why the change from "configuration" to "history"?
Because it's more appropriate in the Lorentzian setup, where a section of the field bundle is a field configuration over every spatial slice together with its change in time, hence a history.
OK, that's fine. But perhaps you could insert something like the last part of this sentence near the place where you define "field history"?
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  • #49
[URL='']Urs Schreiber[/URL] said:
The QFT textbook to recommend, as I did before, which gets the concepts right, is

Amazon has one copy left - may snap it up as a Christmas gift.

But it occurs to me, and this is something I have been meaning to investigate for some time now, it looks related to the latter work of Von-Neumann on C*algebras and QM. Would that be correct?. Of course I have read his classic Mathematical Foundations which is done entirely in Hilbert Spaces. In fact it was one of the first proper books on QM I ever read. Having studied Hilbert spaces as part of my degree it was a piece of cake so to speak - the other one I read - Dirac - was a big problem and I had to investigate RHS's to finally get a grip on it. When I did it was the other way around - I preferred Dirac to Von-Neumann.

Would the following be a good primer for the book you mentioned, as well as your whole series?

It has more formal math than I am used to these days - like Varadarajan it looks a bit of a 'slog' but if valuable will persevere.

  • #50
strangerep said:
perhaps you could insert something like the last part of this sentence near the place where you define "field history"?

Good point. Will do.
  • #51
strangerep said:
derive the usual quantum angular momentum spectrum without using a Hilbert space (directly or indirectly). Cf. Ballentine section 7.1 where he derives that spectrum from little more than the requirement to represent SO(3) unitarily on an abstract Hilbert space. :oldbiggrin:

You'll notice that what this computation (in Ballentine or elsewhere) really uses is the commutation relations of the angular momentum observables together with one ground state they act on. For amplification see for instance also the quantization of the hydrogen atom in the Heisenberg picture, e.g. section 12 of Nanni 15.

In passing from quantum mechanics to quantum field theory, it is important to notice that it is the Heisenberg picture (or interaction picture for perturbation theory) that generalizes well, not the Schrödinger picture (see also Torre-Varadarajan 98 for issues with the Schrödinger picture in QFT). Those quantum field observables ##\mathbf{\Psi}(x)## that we have been discussing elsewhere, they are the hallmark of the Heisenberg picture. And in the Heisenberg picture the Hilbert space of states is secondary. What is primary is the algebra of observables together with one state on them (the vacuum or ground state). Of course, as Arnold recalled above, under good circumstances a Hilbert space of states may be reconstructed from this data, but this is usally an afterthought, not key for the core computations.

If one looks at old articles such as the original Epstein-Glaser article on causal perturbation theory, they always carry around phrases like "assuming that all operators involved can be chosen to have joint dense domain of definition" etc., which comes from insisting that the quantum observables be represented on a Hilbert space. But in fact this is an unnecessary asumption for the results of causal perturbation theory, everything goes through directly with considering just the "abstract" algebra of observables. It's easier, less conceptual baggage.

That is not to say that having a Hilbert space representation is not useful. But it's not conceptually primary for the development of QFT.
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  • #52
Well, then I've big trouble making any sense of QFT at all since then I don't know, how to define states and how to interpret the S-matrix physically, or how do you define states and probabilities in a theory without an underlying Hilbert space. Of course, the general state is uniquely represented by a Statistical Operator rather than a Hilbert-space vector (or ray), but to make sense of the Statistical Operator you need at least a trace operation. Can this be defined without relying on a Hilbert-space concept?

I always thought the success of perturbative QFT, despite being mathematically quite undefined, is that the physicists intuitively take the limits in their calculations in a correct way, even although they are not able to rigorously define them in a mathematically satisfactory strict sense. Of course, I have in mind things like using a finite quantization volume (with periodic boundary conditions), adiabatic switching a la Gell-Mann and Low and various regularization procedures for divergent perturbative integrals (loops and Feynman diagrams), or appropriate counterterm-subtraction techniques without regularization (a la BPHZ) to make sense of the ill-defined divergent integrals.

I thought, particularly the Epstein-Glaser causal approach, is just another particularly physical way to take these limits in using "smeared" field operators, which makes a lot of physical sense, particularly in view of the Wilson approach to renormalization and his physical interpretation of the renormalization-group equations, and I also thought that this is at least some step towards a mathematically more satisfying foundation in providing the correct rules of mutliplying distribution-like operators or Green's and vertex functions.
  • #53
vanhees71 said:
Well, then I've big trouble making any sense of QFT at all since then I don't know, how to define states and how to interpret the S-matrix physically, or how do you define states and probabilities in a theory without an underlying Hilbert space.

This is the old concept of state in AQFT, I recommend the lecture notes Fredenhagen 03 (section 2) for the non-perturbative (##C^\ast##-algebraic) version and Fredenhagen-Rejzner 12 (around def. 2.4) as well as Rejzner 16 (starting with section 2.1.2) for the perturbative QFT version (just dropping the ##C^\ast##-condition).

But you are secretly very familiar with this Heisenberg-picture perspective, because this is precisely what traditional perturbative QFT is based on. There we have the ##n##-point functions or scattering amplitudes defined as linear functionals on the collection of products of field observables, with respect to a "vacuum state" which is implicitly defined thereby, and no Hilbert space needs to be mentioned to speak about these. In fact for pQFT in curved spacetime no such Hilbert space needs to exist, and still the standard machine applies.

We will come to this in the series in chapters 14. Free quantum fields and 16. Quantum observables.

Regarding Epstein-Glaser 73, what they achieved is to axiomatiize the properties of the perturbative S-matrix, thereby making sense of the would-be path integral, and proving from these (very simple) axioms the construction of pQFT via renormalization by splitting/extension of the distributions given by the Feynman diagrams (here). Hence they managed to make good sense of (Lorentzian) pQFT.

We come to this in the series in chapter 15. Scattering.
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  • #54
[URL='']Urs Schreiber[/URL] said:
You'll notice that what this computation (in Ballentine or elsewhere) really uses is the commutation relations of the angular momentum observables together with one ground state they act on.
Well,... no, I don't notice that. (Do you have a copy of Ballentine in front of you?)

I see (on p160) that he starts by recognizing ##J^2## and ##J_z## as commuting self-adjoint operators. Hence if they act on a Hilbert space, that Hilbert space is spanned by common eigenvectors parameterized by the eigenvalues of these operators (##\beta,m##). Then he uses positivity of the Hilbert space inner product to derive an inequality ##\beta \ge m^2## in eq(7.4). Then he use the ladder operators ##J_\pm## and the inequality (7.4) to show that repeated application of either ladder operator eventually gives 0, and for any given value of ##\beta## there is a maximum value "##j##" of ##m##. Thus he deduces the dimension of the Hilbert space for any given value of ##\beta##, and also that ##\beta = j(j+1)## -- eq(7.10).
For amplification see for instance also the quantization of the hydrogen atom in the Heisenberg picture, e.g. section 12 of Nanni 15.
Nanni's section 12 (wherein he searches for a suitable factorization of the Hamiltonian) relies on results back in sections 6,7,8 concerning angular momentum properties of wave functions found from the usual Schrodinger equation.
  • #55
[URL='']Urs Schreiber[/URL] said:
But you are secretly very familiar with this Heisenberg-picture perspective, because this is precisely what traditional perturbative QFT is based on. There we have the ##n##-point functions or scattering amplitudes defined as linear functionals on the collection of products of field observables, with respect to a "vacuum state" which is implicitly defined thereby, and no Hilbert space needs to be mentioned to speak about these. In fact for pQFT in curved spacetime no such Hilbert space needs to exist, and still the standard machine applies.
Well, I guess that refers to free particles in the Heisenberg picture (which is anyway the most natural picture to use; it's only due to overemphasizing wave mechanics rather than the canonical approach, why in QM 1 we usually start with the Schroedinger picture). Then we construct the Fock space as the occupation-number eigenstates (usually in the single-particle momentum representation). Now, isn't his a Hilbert space (at least for a finite quantization volume imposing periodic boundary conditions)? I'll have a look at the mentioned lecture notes by Fredenhagen et al.
  • #56
strangerep said:
Then he uses positivity of the Hilbert space inner product

Right, one uses the positivity of a given state (one of the axioms on a state on an algebra of observables).

strangerep said:
Nanni's section 12 (wherein he searches for a suitable factorization of the Hamiltonian) relies on results back in sections 6,7,8 concerning angular momentum

Section 8 that the discussion relies on is aptly titled "Commutation relations". That means: The algebra structure of the algebra of observables. That's what enters.

You can tell that most constructions in quantum mechanics don't necessarily need the Hilbert space concept by the simple fact that standard textbooks and most students don't even know the functional analysis involved when really considering Hilbert spaces, and not just commutation relations. There are issues of dense sub-domains of unbounded operators, of self-adjoint extensions of symmetric operators on a Hilbert space etc. that need to be discussed if one is really speaking Hilbert spaces. The reason that students and textbooks get away without even mentioning this (such as Ballentine's book) is due to the fact that from just the algebra structure (commutators) of the observables and the basic properties of states (linearity, normalization, positivity) as functions from observables to complex numbers, one can obtain most results.
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  • #57
vanhees71 said:
Well, I guess that refers to free particles

No, this applies generally, also to interacting theory. In pQFT what changes as one turns on the interaction is that the Wick normal ordred product on observables gets deformed into the "retarded products" (the infinitesimal version of Bogoliubov's formula) and then it's still the vacuum state (or more generally Hadamard state) which serves to send such products of observables to their actual expectation value, which is the corresponding correlator.

vanhees71 said:
in the Heisenberg picture (which is anyway the most natural picture to use; it's only due to overemphasizing wave mechanics rather than the canonical approach, why in QM 1 we usually start with the Schroedinger picture).

Absolutely. And in the Schrödinger picture a Hilbert space of states needs to be assumed from the outset, while in the Heisenberg picture it is an afterthought, if it exsists at all. What matters in the Heisenberg picture is that we know one state, the vacuum state, given as a positive linear non-degenerate function which sends observables to their expectation value. In optimal situation the GNS construction allows to reconstruct a Hilbert space from this, but not generally (notably not in interacting pQFT).

vanhees71 said:
Then we construct the Fock space as the occupation-number eigenstates (usually in the single-particle momentum representation).

And that's where it begins to be misleading. First of all the representation of observables as operators on a Fock space is not necessary for the construction of the Wick algebra and second it does not generally exist for QFT on curved backgrounds. Instead what one needs is the Hadamard propagator which allows to construct the Wick algebra of observables and at the same time defines a single state (positive linear non-degenrate functional on observables) on this.

vanhees71 said:
Now, isn't his a Hilbert space

The Fock space is a Hilbert space, yes. In good cases it happens to exist. In general it does not, and even if it does, it is not actually necessary to do any and all of pQFT.
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  • #58
[URL='']Urs Schreiber[/URL] said:
There are issues of dense sub-domains of unbounded operators, of self-adjoint extensions of symmetric operators on a Hilbert space etc. that need to be dscussed if one is really speaking Hilbert spaces.

Too true.

Whats your view of resolving it with Rigged Hilbert Spaces and the Generalized Spectral Theorem?

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  • #59
bhobba said:
Whats your view of resolving it with Rigged Hilbert Spaces and the Generalized Spectral Theorem?

These are good tools if one wants to be serious about Schrödinger-picture quantum mechanics.

There is good stuff to be found in the Hilbert space Schrödinger picture, if done with due care (as amplified in texts like "Self-adjoint extensions of operators and the teaching of quantum mechanics").

One just has to exercise care with regarding this good QM stuff as indication that the Schrödinger picture is a robust foundation for quantum physics in a generality that includes QFT. It turns out that it is not. On the one hand there are intrinsic problems with applying the Hilbert space Schrödinger picture to QFT even in principle (Torre-Varadarajan 98). On the other hand the Heisenberg/interaction picture without a choice of Hilbert space (just with the option to find one, if possible) works wonders and is in fact, more or less secretly, precisely what everyone uses in practice anyway, even if it superficially seems as if Hilbert spaces are being used.
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  • #60
[URL='']Urs Schreiber[/URL] said:
On the one hand there are intrinsic problems with applying the Hilbert space Schrödinger picture to QFT even in principle (Torre-Varadarajan 98).

Dirac always disliked re-normalization. But I did read somewhere by using the Heisenberg picture he did obtain the same results without it. Evidently they were long but it did work.

  • #61
[URL='']Urs Schreiber[/URL] said:
No, this applies generally, also to interacting theory. In pQFT what changes as one turns on the interaction is that the Wick normal ordred product on observables gets deformed into the "retarded products" (the infinitesimal version of Bogoliubov's formula) and then it's still the vacuum state (or more generally Hadamard state) which serves to send such products of observables to their actual expectation value, which is the corresponding correlator.

Well, the physical interpretation of Heisenberg field operators is highly non-trivial, if not even one can say it basically doesn't exist. That's the reason why one finally only discusses S-matrix elements, which rely on asymptotic free in and out states which have a proper particle interpretation. To make sense of transit states is usually not even considered!

Absolutely. And in the Schrödinger picture a Hilbert space of states needs to be assumed from the outset, while in the Heisenberg picture it is an afterthought, if it exsists at all. What matters in the Heisenberg picture is that we know one state, the vacuum state, given as a positive linear non-degenerate function which sends observables to their expectation value. In optimal situation the GNS construction allows to reconstruct a Hilbert space from this, but not generally (notably not in interacting pQFT).

And that's where it begins to be misleading. First of all the representation of observables as operators on a Fock space is not necessary for the construction of the Wick algebra and second it does not generally exist for QFT on curved backgrounds. Instead what one needs is the Hadamard propagator which allows to construct the Wick algebra of observables and at the same time defines a single state (positive linear non-degenrate functional on observables) on this.

So the trick is that you only need the vacuum state and then reconstruct everything through the N-point functions, defined as "vacuum expectation values"? That's very interesting since it sounds intuitively to be sufficient to define S-matrix elements for definite scattering processes since for asymptotic free states you have a particle interpretation.The Fock space is a Hilbert space, yes. In good cases it happens to exist. In general it does not, and even if it does, it is not actually necessary to do any and all of pQFT.[/QUOTE]
  • #62
bhobba said:
Dirac always disliked re-normalization.

Clearly the old Schwinger-Tomonaga-Feynman-Dyson renormalization is to be disliked. But I think this is unrelated to the issue of the Schrödinger picture that I just mentioned. Essentially nobody ever works or worked in the Schrödinger picture in QFT, it's only that people fall back to it when trying to conceptualize what they are doing
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  • #63
vanhees71 said:
the physical interpretation of Heisenberg field operators is highly non-trivial

Here I am not fully certain what this is arguing about. If you mean Heisenberg picture as opposed to interaction picture, hence non-perturbative as opposed to perrturbative, then there is a dearth of examples, sure, but no conceptual issue. On the contrary, the Haag-Kastler AQFT axtioms are all about this: axiomatizing the Heisenberg picture observables in QFT, and that's just where the algebraic definition of quantum state that I have been highlighting originates. The point of "perturbative AQFT" is to notice that if one keeps everything about Haag-Kastler except the demand that the star-algebras of observables have ##C^\ast##-algebra structure, then one gets a precise conceptualization of traditional perturbative quantum field theory.

vanhees71 said:
So the trick is that you only need the vacuum state and then reconstruct everything through the N-point functions, defined as "vacuum expectation values"? That's very interesting since it sounds intuitively to be sufficient to define S-matrix elements for definite scattering processes since for asymptotic free states you have a particle interpretation.

I would say that's just how pQFT works: We fix a vacuum state, given by a linear map

$$\langle -\rangle \;:\; \mathrm{NiceEnoughObservables} \longrightarrow \mathbb{C}$$

(on curved spacetimes a Hadamard state) and then for incoming field excitations at ##x_{in,i}## in state ##a_{in,i}## and outgoing field excitations at ##x_{out,j}## in state ##b_{out,j}## we form the observable

$$ \left( \mathbf{\Phi}^{a_{out,1}}(x_{out,1}) \cdots \mathbf{\Phi}^{a_{out,n_{out}}}(x_{in,n_{out}}) \right)^\ast \, S_g \, \mathbf{\Phi}^{a_{in,1}}(x_{in,1}) \cdots \mathbf{\Phi}^{a_{in,n_{in}}}(x_{in,n_{in}}) \;\in\; \mathrm{Observables} $$

and then apply the above vacuum state to it to produce a function (in fact a generalized function) in the positions ##x##

$$\left\langle \left( \mathbf{\Phi}^{a_{out,1}}(x_{out,1}) \cdots \mathbf{\Phi}^{a_{out,n_{out}}}(x_{in,n_{out}}) \right)^\ast \, S_g \, \mathbf{\Phi}^{a_{in,1}}(x_{in,1}) \cdots \mathbf{\Phi}^{a_{in,n_{in}}}(x_{in,n_{in}}) \right\rangle $$

If we are attached to the idea of Hilbert spaces, then we write this as

$$ \left\langle \mathbf{\Phi}^{a_{out,1}}(x_{out,1}) \cdots \mathbf{\Phi}^{a_{out,n_{out}}}(x_{in,n_{in}}) \right\vert \, S_g \, \left\vert \mathbf{\Phi}^{a_{in,1}}(x_{in,1}) \cdots \mathbf{\Phi}^{a_{in,n_{in}}}(x_{in,n_{in}}) \right\rangle $$

and feel that we have justified the term "matrix" in "S-matrix". But the previous notation is better for reminding us that all we actually need to use is a single state: the vacuum state (generally: Hadamard state).
  • #64
[URL='']Urs Schreiber[/URL] said:
Section 8 that the discussion relies on is aptly titled "Commutation relations". That means: The algebra structure of the algebra of observables. That's what enters.
Yes, that's what "enters". But section 8 doesn't derive the quantum angular momentum spectrum. The output is important here, not just what "enters". The closest it gets is a passing mention of an eigenvalue equation for ##L^2## in terms of ordinary wave functions.

You can tell that most constructions in quantum mechanics don't necessarily need the Hilbert space concept [...]
"Most" being the key word here. The point of my challenge to try and establish whether derivation of the quantum angular momentum spectrum is one of the cases in QM for which a Hilbert space is essential.

You're not the first person to whom I have offered this challenge. But so far, no one has actually provided a satisfactory response (nor reference) to the point of the challenge, instead evading that point by giving references that don't actually address the point, and (eventually) by unhelpful denigration of other authors. I grow concerned that you seem to be sliding into the latter category.

I also notice that you ignored my question about whether you have a copy of Ballentine there to refer to. I guess your non-response means "no"?
  • #65
[URL='']Urs Schreiber[/URL] said:
Here I am not fully certain what this is arguing about. If you mean Heisenberg picture as opposed to interaction picture, hence non-perturbative as opposed to perrturbative, then there is a dearth of examples, sure, but no conceptual issue.
It's about physics. You have no particle interpretation of transient states. For practical purposes, it's a delicate issue. One example is the off-equilibrium production of photons in heavy-ion collisions. There was quite some debate due to these problems. We have investigated it for a simple toy model (photon production due to a time-dependent scalar background field):

F. Michler, H. van Hees, D. D. Dietrich, C. Greiner, Asymptotic description of finite lifetime effects on the photon emission from a quark-gluon plasma
Phys. Rev. D 89, 116018 (2014)
arXiv: 1310.5019 [hep-ph]

F. Michler, H. van Hees, D. D. Dietrich, S. Leupold, C. Greiner, Off-equilibrium photon production during the chiral phase transition
Contribution to the proceedings of the 51st International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics, 21-25 January 2013, Bormio (Italy)
PoS Bormio2013, 055 (2013)
arXiv: 1304.4093 [nucl-th]

F. Michler, H. van Hees, D. D. Dietrich, S. Leupold, C. Greiner, Non-equilibrium photon production arising from the chiral mass shift
Ann. Phys. 336, 331 (2013)
arXiv: 1208.6565 [nucl-th]

It's not about the mathematics, and I'm quite sure that the formalism gets the standard perturbation theory right, but it's about the physics interpretation, and there also the axiomatic approach deals with ther properly defined in physically interpretable S-matrix elements, i.e., the transition amplitudes from asymptotic free into asymptotic free out states. Only the asymptotic free states have a clear particle interpretation, not any quantities in "transient states".
  • #66
strangerep said:
Yes, that's what "enters". But section 8 doesn't derive the quantum angular momentum spectrum. The output is important here, not just what "enters". The closest it gets is a passing mention of an eigenvalue equation for ##L^2## in terms of ordinary wave functions.

"Most" being the key word here. The point of my challenge to try and establish whether derivation of the quantum angular momentum spectrum is one of the cases in QM for which a Hilbert space is essential.

You're not the first person to whom I have offered this challenge. But so far, no one has actually provided a satisfactory response (nor reference) to the point of the challenge, instead evading that point by giving references that don't actually address the point, and (eventually) by unhelpful denigration of other authors. I grow concerned that you seem to be sliding into the latter category.

I also notice that you ignored my question about whether you have a copy of Ballentine there to refer to. I guess your non-response means "no"?
I don't understand what's the issue with angular momentum. It's a nice operator algebra of a compact semisimple Lie algebra and as such doesn't make any trouble at all in the standard Hilbert-space theory. You construct them algebraically via raising- and lowering operators or, even more convenient, using the fact that the 2D harmonic oscillator has SU(2) symmetry and construct everything with annihilation and creation phonon operators.

For orbital angular momentum you also get a very elegant derivation of the spherical harmonics by just writing the algebraic findings in position representation. I think it's very easy to make this also mathematically rigorous in the standard Hilbert-space representation. It's of course the same in relativistic and non-relativistic physics, because SO(3) is a subgroup of both the proper orthochronous Poincare as well as the Galileo group.

In other words: What do you use instead of the standard Hilbert space concept to define states (represented by statistical operators, where pure states are special cases being represented by projection operators) and why should one do so?
  • #67
[URL='']Urs Schreiber[/URL] said:
in the Heisenberg picture the Hilbert space of states is secondary. What is primary is the algebra of observables together with one state on them (the vacuum or ground state). Of course, as Arnold recalled above, under good circumstances a Hilbert space of states may be reconstructed from this data, but this is usually an afterthought, not key for the core computations.
The GNS construction always associates to the vacuum state a Hilbert space representing the algebra. The only requirement is that the vacuum state is a positive linear functional of the associated *-algebra; this basic property is a necessary physical requirement. Thus the Hilbert space is as relevant to the Heisenberg picture as it is to the Schrödinger picture. The only difference is that the Heisenberg picture is manifestly covariant, while the Schroedinger picture assumes a preferred frame (or foliation) .

Note that perturbative QFT neither constructs the observable algebra nor a positive vacuum state. (Constructing both would imply having constructed a model of the Wightman axioms.) Instead it constructs an approximate algebra in a Fock space corresponding to an asymptotic state space. This asymptotic subspace is unphysical, as it treats both infraparticles such as the electron and confined quarks as asymptotic particles. This is the deeper origin of the infrared problems.
Thus taking the Hilbert space as only an afterthought of QFT is one of the roots of the main unsolved problems in the area.
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  • #68
[URL='']Urs Schreiber[/URL] said:
Clearly the old Schwinger-Tomonaga-Feynman-Dyson renormalization is to be disliked. But I think this is unrelated to the issue of the Schrödinger picture that I just mentioned. Essentially nobody ever works or worked in the Schrödinger picture in QFT, it's only that people fall back to it when trying to conceptualize what they are doing
Well, there's one book, treating the Schrödinger picture in relativistic QFT (although I never understood, why I should use it for this purpose anyway):

B. Hatfield, Quantum Field Theory of Point Particles and Strings, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 10 ed., 1992.
  • #69
vanhees71 said:
Well, the physical interpretation of Heisenberg field operators is highly non-trivial, if not even one can say it basically doesn't exist. That's the reason why one finally only discusses S-matrix elements
How can you say that? In your work you don't only discuss S-matrix elements but all the correlation functions, related by Kadanoff-Baym equations!
  • #70
[URL='']Urs Schreiber[/URL] said:
The point of "perturbative AQFT" is to notice that if one keeps everything about Haag-Kastler except the demand that the star-algebras of observables have a ##C^*##-algebra structure,
And one has to give up the idea that ##\hbar## is a number - instead it is only a formal parameter! And one has to give up the idea that operators act on more than a compact part of space-time - to avoid all the infrared problems.

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