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I found 5, 1, and 0 times the word virtual in these papers. Never is the ##W## or ##W^*## labelled as virtual. Furthermore, CMD never mentions ##W^*##. I found not a single occurrence of off-shell, off shell, or offshell in any of the three papers.mfb said:
Figure 1 in Atlas1 (the only Feynman diagram there) clearly shows that ##H\to WW## and ##H\to WW^*## have the ##W## and ##W^*## as external legs, hence on-shell, hence resonances. Note that Figure 3 is not a Feynman diagram but a space-time diagram, and carefully displayed in a different way!
CMA and Atlas2 have no Feynamn diagram. But all three papers frequently refer to ##H\to WW## (without reference to decay products), and the two Atlas papers also frequently refer to ##H\to WW^*## (without reference to decay products), in agreement with the Feynman diagrams they draw.
I also looked at reference [4] suggested by Atlas1, which says on p.8: ''The dominant backgrounds are non-resonant ##WW##, ##t\bar t##, and ##Wt## production, all of which have real ##W## pairs in the final state.'' Again ##W^*## (here apparently labelled ##W^{(*)}##) is not explained.
This means that based on your references it is clear that in the decay process ##H\to WW## or ##H\to WW^*##, both ##W## and ##W^*## are on-shell particles (represented by external legs of Feynman diagrams), though I still have no idea what ##W^*## means. Since it seems to occur only in the combination ##WW^*##, it looks as if it is perhaps just a joint notation for one of the three ##W##'s and its charge conjugate?
I also looked at the particle data group (PDG) entry on the Higgs boson ##H^0##. It lists ##H\to W^+W^-## in table 11.2 but not ##H\to WW## (which is however mentioned in the main text on p.19), and ##H\to WW^{(*)}## in Fig.11.16, without explaining the latter either. For the decay they talk of channels, which is standard S-matrix terminology for real particles. This PDG paper uses the word virtual a few times, each time correctly for internal lines mediating a collision process - never for the decay products ##WW## or ##W^*##. It uses the word off-shell 4 times, the most relevant two on pp.16-17 in the context of simulations with off-shell bosons, which are described as simulations of the decay ##H\to llll## ''without any on-shell approximation''. This means that this inclusive decay was not simulated as a sequence of three separate decay processes (##H\to WW## and twice ##W\to ll##, which would be inaccurate in view of the other approximations made in the simulation) but as a single decay process (unresolved in space-time). A few more details are given here (in Section 9). They refer to hep-ph/0604011 for details of the simulation mechanism. They say (correctly) in the abstract ''The decay of the Standard Model Higgs boson into four leptons via a virtual W-boson or Z-boson pair is one of the most important decay modes in the Higgs-boson search at the LHC.'' There is no occurrence of ##W^*##.
This means that in the simulation calculations done as part of the analysis, both ##W## particles are treated as virtual particles since these concern matrix elements of the 4-lepton decay. As always, the virtual particles appear as a calculational tool, not as a carrier of real physics.
The above shows that those publishing the experimental work were careful (and correct) in their language.
This seems not to be the case in the unpublished summary you linked to here:
That fourth paper says: ''When the mass of the Higgs boson is greater than 136 GeV the predominant mode of Higgs decay is to a pair of on/off-shell W bosons'', without giving formulas or references. (The only - global - reference given there is another summary, that neither uses the words virtual or off and doesn't mention a ##W^*##.) No other usage of off-shell is resent, and the word virtual does not appear. But the Feynman diagram given shows that both ##W## and ##W^*## are virtual in the process displayed. It is one of the contributions to the decay ##H\to llll## discussed already in my analysis above. It does not describe (as claimed) the Higgs decay to a pair of W bosons, which is a different decay process with different S-matrix elements and both W-bosons on-shell.mfb said:Here is a Feynman diagram - it is so basic that I doubt the papers include it, but the papers I linked to are exclusively about this process. Pages: all.
In the light of the testimony of the three published papers you summoned, do you still want to uphold your earlier claims?
mfb said:The W* in H->WW* -> ... appears as intermediate line in a Feynman diagram
And could you please find a proper (published) reference where the meaning of ##W^*## and/or ##W^{(*)}## (if this is not the same) is explicitly explained?mfb said:The star means it is off-shell.
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