MIT OCW 8.02 Electromagnetism: how were these two limits calculated?

In summary, the conversation discusses the technique of using Taylor expansion to calculate limits in the context of the MIT OCW's 8.02 Electromagnetism course. The specific example being discussed is example 2.3 on page 18, with the limits being on page 20. The technique involves expressing the equation in terms of dimensionless quantities, such as ##l/y## or ##y/l##, and taking the limit as ##y## or ##l## approaches infinity. The conversation also touches on the binomial theorem for fractional powers and the various orders of expansion. Ultimately, the conversation concludes with the understanding that in the limit where ##y >> l##, the expression simplifies to ##\frac{k_e Q
  • #1
Homework Statement
I'm having a bit of trouble with calculating two specific limits.

Here is some context about where the limits came from, though my question is strictly about how to calculate the limits.

I was asked to calculate the electric field at a point ##P##, located a distance ##y## from the center of a rod along its perpendicular bisector (see image below).
Relevant Equations
The answer is the following expression for the electric field at point ##P##:


I would like to calculate the limit of this expression in two edge cases:

1) ##y>>l##
2) ##l>>y##

The answers are ##\frac{k_eQ}{y^2}\hat{j}## and ##\frac{2k_e \lambda}{y}\hat{j}##, respectively, where ##\lambda## is simply the linear density of the rod, ie ##\frac{Q}{l}## (again, this is just for context).
I know what the answers are, because this is all part of the notes from MIT OCW's 8.02 Electromagnetism course. In case you want to see the actual problem, it is example 2.3 that starts on page 18; the limits I am asking about are on page 20.

How do I go about calculating the limits? Ie, what is the name of the specific technique from Calculus used to solve them? I think it might be a Taylor expansion of part of the denominator of the expression for ##\vec{E}_p##.

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  • #2
The technique here would be to express your equation in terms of the dimensionless quantities ##l/y## or ##y/l##. In each case, ##l >> y## or ##y >> l## imply that ##y/l## or ##l/y## are approximately zero.
  • #3
$$E_p = \frac{k_eQ}{y\sqrt{y^2+\frac{l^2}{4}}}$$

Here we have a ratio of two functions. Say we'd like to know what happens if ##y>>l##.

From inspection we can see that there is a ##y^2## term and a term that approaches ##1## in the square root.

Actually, now it seems to me that we're not really after the limit ##\lim_{y \to \infty}E_p## because this limit is simply ##0##. What we're doing seems to be what I initially guessed which is somehow using a linear approximation of the ##\sqrt{1+\frac{l^2}{4y^2}}## term to conclude that when ##y>>l## we have

$$1+(\frac{l}{2y})^2=1+s^2 = f(s)$$
$$y>>l \implies s \approx 0$$
$$\implies f(s) \approx f(0) +f'(0)s,\text{ near s=0}$$
$$\implies f(s) \approx 1$$
$$E_p \approx \frac{k_e Q}{y^2}$$

The notes explicitly say "in the limit where ##y>>l##", but now that seems inaccurate. Am I right or wrong about this?
  • #4
zenterix said:
The notes explicitly say "in the limit where ##y>>l##", but now that seems inaccurate. Am I right or wrong about this?
Perhaps that's loose language. You could say "in the limit as ##\frac l y \rightarrow 0##", which is what ##y >> l## means. In any case, I don't see it as something to get confused about.

zenterix said:
You should be able to go straight from there to $$=\frac{k_eQ}{y^2} \ \ (y >> l)$$
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  • #5
PeroK said:
Perhaps that's loose language. You could say "in the limit as ##\frac l y \rightarrow 0##", which is what ##y >> l## means. In any case, I don't see it as something to get confused about. You should be able to go straight from there to $$=\frac{k_eQ}{y^2} \ \ (y >> l)$$
Indeed it is the limit as ##\frac{l}{y}##. Out of curiosity are you able to show how to do the Taylor expansion of the denominator ##(1+\frac{l}{y})^{1/2}##? This is the first time I am trying to use Taylor Expansion outside of calculus, having a hard time doing it for this, and it is indeed a technique I've seen used with such fractions to investigate such scenarios as ##y>>l##.
  • #6
zenterix said:
Indeed it is the limit as ##\frac{l}{y}##. Out of curiosity are you able to show how to do the Taylor expansion of the denominator ##(1+\frac{l}{y})^{1/2}##? This is the first time I am trying to use Taylor Expansion outside of calculus, having a hard time doing it for this, and it is indeed a technique I've seen used with such fractions to investigate such scenarios as ##y>>l##.
That's a particular case called the binomial theorem (for fractional powers):

In this case, we have ##x = \frac l y##.

That said, you only need an expansion when you want to keep at least first order terms in ##\frac l y##. We have:
$$ (1+\frac{l}{y})^{1/2} = 1 + \frac 1 2 (\frac l y) + \frac{\frac 1 2 (-\frac 1 2)}{2!}(\frac l y)^2 \dots \approx 1 + \frac 1 2 (\frac l y) - \frac 1 8 (\frac l y)^2$$
That's called the expansion to second order - i.e. up to an including the term in ##(\frac l y)^2##.

The first order expansion would be
$$ (1+\frac{l}{y})^{1/2} \approx 1 + \frac 1 2 (\frac l y)$$
And, in the limit ##y >> l## we have:
$$ (1+\frac{l}{y})^{1/2} \approx 1$$
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Related to MIT OCW 8.02 Electromagnetism: how were these two limits calculated?

1. How were the two limits in MIT OCW 8.02 Electromagnetism calculated?

The two limits in MIT OCW 8.02 Electromagnetism, the upper limit and the lower limit, were calculated using mathematical equations and formulas derived from Maxwell's equations. These equations take into account factors such as the distance between the two charges, the strength of the charges, and the medium in which the charges are located.

2. Why are there two limits in MIT OCW 8.02 Electromagnetism?

The two limits in MIT OCW 8.02 Electromagnetism, the upper limit and the lower limit, represent the maximum and minimum values for the electric and magnetic fields around a charged object. These limits help us understand the behavior of electromagnetic fields and how they interact with other objects in their vicinity.

3. Can you explain the significance of the two limits in MIT OCW 8.02 Electromagnetism?

The two limits in MIT OCW 8.02 Electromagnetism are significant because they provide boundaries for the strength of electric and magnetic fields. These limits help us understand the behavior of electromagnetic fields and how they affect the world around us.

4. How do the two limits in MIT OCW 8.02 Electromagnetism relate to each other?

The two limits in MIT OCW 8.02 Electromagnetism, the upper limit and the lower limit, are interrelated and depend on each other. As the upper limit increases, the lower limit also increases, and vice versa. This relationship helps us understand the behavior of electromagnetic fields and how they change under different conditions.

5. Are there any real-life applications of the two limits in MIT OCW 8.02 Electromagnetism?

Yes, there are many real-life applications of the two limits in MIT OCW 8.02 Electromagnetism. For example, these limits are used in the design of electronic devices and in understanding the behavior of electromagnetic waves. They also play a crucial role in the study of electric and magnetic fields in various fields such as engineering, physics, and telecommunications.

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