- #36
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To attempt the sound analogy again: a dragster race is about 300 m long (1000 foot). It takes about 3.6 s to complete it. You start at the finish line and close your eyes. Between the sound of the tires screeching and engines reving to indicate the race has started and the feeling of the dragsters swooshing past you, it takes about 2.7 s. Why? If you had opened your eyes you would have seen the dragsters take off 0.9 s before you heard the sound. The only difference with your example when exchanging sound for light and hear for see is that in the case of light there is no signal that travels faster - so you cannot really do the equivalent of opening your eyes. What you can do is to realize that the sound/light has a finite speed and account for it. When you hear the dragsters starting, you know that it happened 0.9 s ago. When you see the spaceship launch, you know that it happened 2 million years ago.
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