PF Member Photo Thread Archive

In summary: Some members also made jokes and teased each other. The conversation ended with one member finally sharing his photo and asking the others to go easy on the photoshopping.
  • #1,471
brewnog said:
Bloody hell Danger, you look like you've escaped from, urm, a 'special facility'.

When did they let you out? :smile:
What the hell are you talking about? I'm still here! :confused:
Physics news on
  • #1,472
make a run for it, brewnog, there's still time..

You can come to Norway, if you like
  • #1,473
arildno said:
make a run for it, brewnog, there's still time..
You can come to Norway, if you like

Hah, thanks! Norway is currently #3 on my list of places to visit.

Anyway, Danger is one of those who isn't as harmful as he looks.

It's a bloody good job too...
  • #1,474
Evo said:
Gza, you are such a hottie! :-p

Thanks evo, but just to let you know, I share the same sentiment with probably 100% of the male members on the board that I have a crush on you! :!)

whoops, quick edit, almost forgot SOS too! :!)

I'm head over heels with the both of ya!
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  • #1,475
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  • #1,476
hmm. Danger I'm sure that's a frog you got there.. and I'm sure those trippy posts from you are after you lick it..

  • #1,477
cronxeh said:
hmm. Danger I'm sure that's a frog you got there.. and I'm sure those trippy posts from you are after you lick it..
The frog, I'll have you know, is safely stored at home. My co-workers are loopy enough already without giving them access to something like that.

cronxeh said:
  • #1,478
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  • #1,479
Geez, how could Evo make an abeeceedearian photo list and leave mine out?

And I had posted such a risque picture, too.

Well, here's a different one - me at work (they should change the setting - the picture's a little grainy when you cut just one person out).

No, I don't get to dress like that everyday. It was Hawaiian day.


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  • #1,480
The_Professional said:
You look a bit like Hunter Thompson.
I don't think that I can ingest enough drugs in the remainder of my lifetime to truly resemble him. :biggrin:

The_Professional said:
I say ditch the aviator glasses, dye your hair golden blonde and go for the Steve Mc Queen look
Unless someone manages to work out the technical problems of gas-permeable soft 'Transitions' contacts, I'm stuck with the glasses. The room lights were low in those pictures, and I lightened them in Photoshop. Those lenses are at their least opaque here, and they go dead black outside. No way can I function in 'normal' light without them. (I often read by the light of the TV at night.)
  • #1,481
BobG said:
Geez, how could Evo make an abeeceedearian photo list and leave mine out?

And I had posted such a risque picture, too.
It was too risque. :blushing: I will see if I can add it.

Well, here's a different one - me at work (they should change the setting - the picture's a little grainy when you cut just one person out).

No, I don't get to dress like that everyday. It was Hawaiian day.
Hawaiian day, uh huh. :wink: That is a cute picture Bob.
  • #1,482
It's nice to see some guys over 21 posting their pics around here. :approve:
  • #1,483
The_Professional said:
...I say ditch the aviator glasses, dye your hair golden blonde and go for the Steve Mc Queen look
Danger--I can see the Steve McQueen thing there...You already drive like him, right?
Math Is Hard said:
It's nice to see some guys over 21 posting their pics around here. :approve:
Yeh, though BobG is married, and since he's from Colorado I'm surprised he owns a Hawaiian shirt. (Just kiddn') :biggrin:
  • #1,484
Math Is Hard said:
It's nice to see some guys over 21 posting their pics around here. :approve:
So you're into old guys, huh? Hmmmm... :rolleyes:

SOS2008 said:
Danger--I can see the Steve McQueen thing there...You already drive like him, right?
I've been known to, but there the similarity ends. (I'd like you tell you about my proudest record in driving, but it wouldn't make any sense without you knowing the geography and roads around here. I'll have to settle for mentioning the time I was doing 100mph in a 30 zone delivering a pizza to a cop. :approve: )

SOS2008 said:
I'm surprised he owns a Hawaiian shirt.
Why? There must be at least one weird Hawaiian who owns a parka. :-p
  • #1,485
Did it work?

Lots of attractive people in this forum. I thought I'd post my picture just to round it out a bit. Enjoy!


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  • #1,486
Huckleberry said:
Lots of attractive people in this forum. I thought I'd post my picture just to round it out a bit. Enjoy!
Hey huckleberry, you're cute! :-p What's on your thumb?
  • #1,487
It says 'space bar', but you can't read it well in this photo. It was clear in the original, but that was a huge file. I had some help reducing the image, but now the words are illegible. The poster in the background is a periodic table of mixology. What can I say? I like really bad jokes. :biggrin:
It's even better when they don't work and I have to explain them. :-p
  • #1,488
Wow Danger... you look a lot like a friend of mine. Well that is if he were maybe 10 years older. He's the opposite though. He liked people to think he was a nice guy so they wouldn't see it coming when they pissed him off. ;-p
  • #1,489
Huckleberry said:
It says 'space bar', but you can't read it well in this photo.
That's a relief; for a while there I thought that it was your special friend, Mr. Smiley. :-p
  • #1,490
  • #1,491
TheStatutoryApe said:
Wow Danger... you look a lot like a friend of mine.
The real me, or the avatar?

Incidentally, yet another of my worthy adversaries turns out to be young enough to be my kid. Nice to find out what you look like though. It's weird that even after seeing the photos, I still have preformed mental images of what I surmised from people's posts. So you're still an old fart with a massive collection of Girl Scout cookies as far as I'm concerned. :-p And Moonbear's still blonde in my head, despite the merkin.
  • #1,492
Math Is Hard said:
It's nice to see some guys over 21 posting their pics around here. :approve:

you have a great signature and an even greater avatar

  • #1,493
Math Is Hard said:
It's nice to see some guys over 21 posting their pics around here. :approve:

Give it 12 hours or so and there'll be another... eeeeeeeee! :smile:
  • #1,494
brewnog said:
Give it 12 hours or so and there'll be another... eeeeeeeee! :smile:
I should be back from work just in time. Get ready to par-tayyyyy! :biggrin:
  • #1,495
Appearance is not as important as what is inside a person.

Happily married with 2 children.

Work hard, play hard - still wild and untamed. Take life head on.

Fair, honest, straightforward, and generally good-natured, gentle, warm and tender.

Love the outdoors, Nature, gardening, strenuous activities and heavy labor - good for relaxation.

Gardening (vegetables, berries, fruit, herbs, flowers) and being with Nature are spiritual experiences. Harmony with Nature.

Martial arts - Tae Kwon Do, Shao-lin (Shorinji) Kempo, Muay thai - practice nonviolence and non-aggression. - Tae Kwon Do - Kempo - Shorinji Kempo , - Muay thai - Shotokan

A friend practices at Shaolin Kempo Arts. The school adapts elements of .

One of the prominent muay thai fighters is Tony Jaa who is the star of the movie "Ong Bak (Flash)

To learn more about Muay Thai, Muay Boran (predecessor of Muay Thai), and Krabi Krabong, see -

Always questioning/challenging authority.

In my natural element, although the pants are too long. :biggrin:

I have an aversion to suits and ties, and otherwise getting 'dressed up'. :biggrin:


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  • #1,496
That's a mighty inpressive beard you have there!
  • #1,497
matthyaouw said:
That's a mighty inpressive beard you have there!
What beard? Oh, right, he has a beard. :-p
  • #1,498
Astronuc said:
I have an aversion to suits and ties, and otherwise getting 'dressed up'. :biggrin:
Aren't you supposed to be green?

SOS2008 said:
What beard? Oh, right, he has a beard. :-p
That's not a beard; it's the remains of a very tenacious Romanian armpit trap. :eek:
  • #1,499

Here I be. (about as dressed up as it gets!)
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  • #1,500
Integral said:
Here I be. (about as dressed up as it gets!)
At last, another old guy! Say, do you and Astronuc share the same Romanians? :-p

By the way, I absolutely love that sweater.
  • #1,501
Wow -- How did I miss TheStatutoryApe's pic? Like Huck--not too young, not too old, just right said Mama Bear. And Integral, you look great! :biggrin: It's so cool to put a face to the names (well A.K.A.'s).
  • #1,502
SOS2008 said:
Yeh, though BobG is married, and since he's from Colorado I'm surprised he owns a Hawaiian shirt. (Just kiddn') :biggrin:
What?! You think I've never seen the ocean? I've seen both the Atlantic and the Pacific, plus I've seen the Mediterranean Sea!

Actually, I waited until the night before to buy the shirt. How hard could buying a shirt be? Colorado Springs isn't exactly the Hawaiian shirt mecca of the world and I wound up having to buy one about a size too big.
  • #1,503
Danger said:
By the way, I absolutely love that sweater.
You can have the sweater, I'll take what's inside! Hubba, hubba. :biggrin: Integral, how's that time machine coming? :wink:

Wow, Astonuc has a great body. A dab of Grecian Formula and he'd look 28. :cool:

I can't see TheStatutoryApe, his picture must be on a blocked website and I can't view it on my work laptop. I will have to wait until I get on my home computer. :frown:
  • #1,504
I'm back and looking better than ever. This is your present, hopefully. Right, Evo? :biggrin:


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  • #1,505
Jeebus said:
I'm back and looking better than ever. This is your present, hopefully. Right, Evo? :biggrin:
Oooh, this has been a good day. :-p Such a cutie. :!) Are you sure you're not boring? :wink:

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