PF Member Photo Thread Archive

In summary: Some members also made jokes and teased each other. The conversation ended with one member finally sharing his photo and asking the others to go easy on the photoshopping.
  • #2,101
yeah you can't get stoned from a hookah and you won't get pregnant if you use the rhythmn method.
Physics news on
  • #2,102
Awww... You look very pretty Gale. I can only see the one you attached because of this filter thing but it's definitely pretty.
  • #2,103
tribdog said:
yeah you can't get stoned from a hookah and you won't get pregnant if you use the rhythmn method.
whats the rythym method? i should try that!

and thanks s'ape. the other one's have hosam in them anyway. and if you're uptight about hookah's like trib, you mightn't approve anyway.
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  • #2,104
I have smoked out of hookahs before. I smoke cigarettes regularly too so everyone can give me **** now for being a smoker instead of you. :wink:
  • #2,105
lol, I don't care if you smoke a hookah. I don't care if you freebase coke. You are a big girl and can do whatever you want. But don't blame stoner eyes on flash bulbs.
  • #2,106
You can't get stoned from a hookah if you use it to smoke tobacco.
  • #2,107
hypnagogue said:
You can't get stoned from a hookah if you use it to smoke tobacco.

exactly. and i was smoking tabacco, which was surprisingly good especially compared to cigarettes, (EWW! ) So yeah, i don't have stoner eyes, i seriously just can't keep my eyes open during the flash. i have other pics that make me look even more stonerish, and I'm completely sober... damned flash.
  • #2,108
Loved the photos of you two!
  • #2,109
Hey guys/girls
Let me present to you my new cat, it's already my third. Her name is Gioia (Italian for Joy) and she's a Brittish Shorthair. She comes from the most famous city in Belgium, after Brussels that is, BRUGES. She is born on 8th october 2005.
She's a beautie, isn't she :)



  • GIOIA.jpg
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  • #2,110
Shes a real sweetheart!
  • #2,111
She's a cutie, marlon.
  • #2,112
Thanks you guys... Ahh, there are so many girls that have stolen my heart...:)

  • #2,113
am still alive! !
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  • #2,114
Adorable kitty, marlon! What a sweet face!

I loved Greg's picture of Mason, too. I'm crazy about tabbies. They are a very intelligent breed, and the ones I've had have been very "talkative".
  • #2,115
Math Is Hard said:
Adorable kitty, marlon! What a sweet face!
I loved Greg's picture of Mason, too. I'm crazy about tabbies. They are a very intelligent breed, and the ones I've had have been very "talkative".
Thanks MIH, i appreciate the compliment. Have you checked out the pictures of Lilli and Silvio, my other two cats ?

  • #2,116
Marlon, she's absolutely adorable!
  • #2,117
marlon said:
Thanks MIH, i appreciate the compliment. Have you checked out the pictures of Lilli and Silvio, my other two cats ?
It's been a while since I've seen them. I had to go looking for them. I found them here on this page, in case others want to see:

Such cuties! I hope they are getting along well with the new kitten. Our friends had an older adult cat (15 years old, I think) and they adopted two new kittens. It was hilarious to watch. The older cat would act reserved and dignified for as long as he could stand it, but then eventually give in and start chasing the babies around the house and acting like a big silly kitten himself.:smile:
  • #2,118
Math Is Hard said:
Such cuties!

Thanks, appreciate it. Also thanks to EVO.

I hope they are getting along well with the new kitten. Our friends had an older adult cat (15 years old, I think) and they adopted two new kittens. It was hilarious to watch. The older cat would act reserved and dignified for as long as he could stand it, but then eventually give in and start chasing the babies around the house and acting like a big silly kitten himself.:smile:

:smile: I know that story, i have seen such "cat-action" myself when i still lived at home. We have a big garden and always had several cats. Now, in the city, Lilli and Silvio are living at our new appartement and Gioia is still in the old one. So our cats have not really met yet. That will be something for around Christmass. My girlfriend and I are doing this because Gioia needs to go to the vet first and we just wanted some time to get to know her a little bit more. Ofcourse, i do think the three of them will get along...:rolleyes: after a considerable amount of time:rolleyes:

  • #2,119
Men with beards

Just couldn't resist. :biggrin:


  • Men with beards.jpg
    Men with beards.jpg
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  • #2,120
Astronuc said:
Just couldn't resist. :biggrin:
:smile: :smile: :smile: arent you the nature's greatest miracle :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • #2,121
Gale said:
exactly. and i was smoking tabacco, which was surprisingly good especially compared to cigarettes, (EWW! ) So yeah, i don't have stoner eyes, i seriously just can't keep my eyes open during the flash. i have other pics that make me look even more stonerish, and I'm completely sober... damned flash.

That's because the tobacco in cigarettes is junk You need the good stuff for the hooka

BTW you two look lovely and very happy together (a handsom dude you have there, and what competition :cry: ).
  • #2,122
yeah, but he's in arizona... i see you're a new englander too eh. hmmmm...
  • #2,123
But his name is Francis.
  • #2,124
tribdog said:
But his name is Francis.
Frank Sinatra's name was Francis.
  • #2,125
but he didn't go by Francis. and before you tell me not to make fun of someone's name remember, my last name is Whipple
  • #2,126
I'm an Ugly One.

Edit Message:

Oh yea. If you read any of my posts and got a picture of what you think I look like. Did you picture me how I look in the pic or did you picture me differently?


  • Photo35.jpg
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  • #2,127
comment pending approval
  • #2,128
Notice my big head, in which contains a Big Brain, where the Big Brain in turn contains original ideas!
  • #2,129
zeronem said:
Did you picture me how I look in the pic or did you picture me differently?
You're cute! :approve:
  • #2,130
Evo said:
You're cute! :approve:

Why thank you! Some people say I look like Brad Pitt sometimes. kidding!

Yes, but you see being cute and shy at the same time is a bad thing. Since being cute implys that the ladies are too shy to talk to me, in turn I'm too shy to talk to the ladies.

I'm working on this right now! It's one of the main reasons I'm going from Mathematics and Physics, to Theatre Acting.
  • #2,131
zeronem said:
It's one of the main reasons I'm going from Mathematics and Physics, to Theatre Acting.

I still remember that math major at Rice I dated. Math majors are hot! Well, so was the guy majoring in nuclear physics at Rice. :!)

Yep, math and physics guys are HOT!
  • #2,132
Evo said:

Somewhere along the line during last semester I had a sudden realization. You see, I tutor for the college and they have a facility in which all the beginning math students are required to attend to get help from tutors. Anyways, it just got repetitive. The Majority of students in the "Math Lab" come for help in Intermediary Algebra, so rarely do I get to tutor people in Calculus I, II, or III. But anyways people from all different kinds of math classes go to the "Math Lab" to get help and work on their homework. Anyway's I just got tired of helping people with the same problem over and over.

The semester also happened to be the semester in which I was unable to take a math class because the community college wasn't offering any higher math classes. So I sit bored out of my head waiting for this next coming spring semester so that I could further my knowledge in Mathematics. Sure, I could of have done some further reading on the next math class I would take and get ahead but in a sense I've done that already. I'm just not being challenged and I am not really happy with Math and Science anymore. I had a dream of attempting a Ph.D in Mathematics but last semester I learned that I didn't want to take that road and that it isn't worth it.

So anyways that last semester I took Creative Writing(Poetry), Theatre Appreciation, Government I, and Intro Chemistry(which I wasn't supposed to take, but I took it anyways for an easy 4 credits). During that semester I missed my first government exam due to being sick. So I went to go see my Government Professor who has a Ph.D to make up my exam. I went in his office and I saw the most devastating, saddest thing I've ever seen in my whole entire life. I saw a lonely old man who had no wife, no kids, and all he cared about was knowledge and the United States Constitution. I spent all of my time in his class listening to his unoriginal ideas and statements to back up original documents that were written in 1770's.

The crazy thing is last semester, I actually gave up in education in general too. I didn't study at all and I would go home after class and go directly to sleep. I still managed somehow to get an A in all classes and I was absolutely pissed off about that. I'm tired of making A's and it's making me sick. During that semester I developed a passion for theatre. So now I am going into Theatre, but I still rely on my skills in Mathematics and Physics to make money as a Freelance Tutor and as a Tutor for Community College.

Whoa! Sorry I tend to have long answers to even the most simple questions.
  • #2,133
Well, the most important thing is to do what makes you happy. Just don't think that an education is going to prevent you from getting married and having kids. You're probably less likely to find a wife and kids going the theatrical route.

If you completely turn your back on science, you may find out too late that's what really made you happy, and you just let a lack of being stimulated and challenged get you depressed.

Is there some way you could balance things to let yourself pursue both?
  • #2,134
Evo said:
Well, the most important thing is to do what makes you happy. Just don't think that an education is going to prevent you from getting married and having kids. You're probably less likely to find a wife and kids going the theatrical route.

If you completely turn your back on science, you may find out too late that's what really made you happy, and you just let a lack of being stimulated and challenged get you depressed.

Is there some way you could balance things to let yourself pursue both?

Well in a sense I feel I am pursuing both. I'm only taking one math class next semester with Acting, Introduction to film, and Government II with the same professor :( I learned that only 2 percent of all Actors make a living doing it, and this is taking in account all actors not just stars. So, I got to have something to fall back on.

I forgot to mention that I am also changing my route because I specifically want to get in touch with the left side of my brain. I feel I turned my brain into a kind of computer over the last semesters. In that Poetry class I wrote nearly over 50 poems, and a lot of them disturb me personally. They may not disturb others though. Then in Theatre Appreciation I saw the most beautiful lady in all the Universe. I could swear I think she was built for me. She was majoring in Business which requires a lot of Math and she thought I was actually majoring in Theatre due to my knowledge of the subject and the way I acted in that particular class.

God, I hope no body I know reads this.
  • #2,135
zeronem said:
I'm working on this right now! It's one of the main reasons I'm going from Mathematics and Physics, to Theatre Acting.
Oh, really? They must be doing "Quasimodo" this year.

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