PF Member Photo Thread Archive

In summary: Some members also made jokes and teased each other. The conversation ended with one member finally sharing his photo and asking the others to go easy on the photoshopping.
  • #2,031
Danger said:
And the leather pants have nothing to do with it... :rolleyes:
okay some how you got me there, what can i say ,i'm kind of a artist and I'm prone to apreciate beauty

You can't be too serious about that one; you haven't installed the steerable spotlights on hers.
actually Irina is the kind of person that likes to make her own things and yes for a long time we were pretty Serius sadlly does times are now gone...
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  • #2,032
ricardo kuhn said:
I hope you realize that I'm copying these to my HD for my own perverse purposes. :-p

ricardo kuhn said:
yes for a long time we were pretty Serius sadlly does times are now gone...
Sorry, dude. I didn't mean to make light of your relationship. You seem to have recovered nicely, though. :smile:
  • #2,033
Danger said:
I hope you realize that I'm copying these to my HD for my own perverse purposes. :-p
Okay but for the really PeRveRt pictures i will charge you..

and give the money to her

Sorry, dude. I didn't mean to make light of your relationship. You seem to have recovered nicely, though. :smile:

I don't get obsete with stuff like that, I'm a dumma^^ because i let her go, actually she graduate from Moscou university with a PHD and everything, so for sure is no dummy at all...

okay i better shut up now before the salty water drops start to rundown my nose...
  • #2,034
ricardo kuhn said:
Okay but for the really PeRveRt pictures i will charge you..
and give the money to her
Sounds fair. It's good to know that you're not a pimp. Do you accept Pay Pal? :biggrin:
  • #2,035
Danger said:
Sounds fair. It's good to know that you're not a pimp. Do you accept Pay Pal? :biggrin:

I was joking,,,I will not let you see "those" even to safe my life since they are "personal" in between her and me,, but at the same time she have absolutlly no problems if i use her "normal" pictures at anytime..
Oh Irina is forty something years olf too.

for sure we need more woman like her in this planet, such a tropper, so uncomplicated and without all this "Fear","Scary-cat", "barrior with the private" and whatever other CPcrap the ladys (well and guys) around here suffer from so much ...

I love that about the Woman's I meet in Amsterdam (NO,, not those ladys of the night) the normal females back there live their life as PeRsOnS not Boxed into this Lady roll,, you know they are not even feminist, they when by that stage million months ago and now they are free to do whatever they want and feel like...

maybe mister Danger you need to take a trip up there (not in the winter) to keep you away from the :Puter from time to time...
Oh man and they are so So pretty and So So many is not even funny

Now I got you back...Ahh
  • #2,036
:smile: Thanks Evo
  • #2,037
Evo said:
You look adorable!
Seconded... You're a cutie Hypatia.:wink:
  • #2,038
hypatia said:
heres a newer {today} photo!
What a cutie! You look MARVELOUS! :smile:
  • #2,039
ricardo kuhn said:


For what "real" purpose were you visiting the Netherlands ?:wink:

  • #2,040
marlon said:
For what "real" purpose were you visiting the Netherlands ?:wink:
Actually believe it or not for purelly Scolastic reasons.

i have some serius interest in Human power transportation, to the point i end up with two master deggres on the subject, and Amsterdam is pretty much the epitomy of the inteligent use of resourses in terms of transportantion.

just look at this

3000 bike parking structure right next to the train station,, freaking amazing..

actually I when there for "Business" to test ride a "Secret" motorbike and do some good contacts for my design studio

Now I can show since the bike already race the Dakar trails

What can I tell you I have a "Fetish" For bend up tubes and fancy welds

and also mecanical things
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  • #2,041
ricardo kuhn said:
Actually believe it or not for purelly Scolastic reasons.

i have some serius interest in Human power transportation, to the point i end up with two master deggres on the subject, and Amsterdam is pretty much the epitomy of the inteligent use of resourses in terms of transportantion.

just look at this

3000 bike parking structure right next to the train station,, freaking amazing..

Interesting observation, i admit. I have visited this city many times but i never noticed this. Indeed you are quite correct.

I need to re-open my eyes i guess.

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  • #2,042
marlon said:
Interesting observation, i admit. I have visited this city many times but i never noticed this. Indeed you are quite correct.
I need to re-open my eyes i guess.

actually is very comun, for the person being inmerse on their enviroment.
the things that look like "Marvels" to a tourist are provincial and comun at best for the people that frequent the same exact enviroment.. (that is why is so cool to go on trips and adventures, at least for me)
I also have seven semesters of Semiotic science studies,,,what can i say I love No verbal comunication, maybe because I'm so Dizlexic...

Did you ever see the "Bend" buildings...??
acording to a friend (I think is a joke) the Hollander were so prone to show their achivements and materail gain, they develope this kind of buildings so other can pick inside their windows and see how much they have..

personally i think is more to do with the soft ground the city is build,, but you need to admite my friends story is for more fun and interesting.

I also love all this house Boats


i think this is going a little to far of topic,, maybe we need to start a whole tread if you guys have any questions...

To me being a scientist, geek, nerd whatever is to able to the avility to see what most can not,, not necesary in fisical terms but the endless possibilites the human brain can bring..
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  • #2,043
Pardon the delay in response. The not-wife (henceforth abbreviated N/W) showed up to give me a ride home from work, and there were all sorts of complications what with her locking her keys in the car and whatnot. This is my first chance to get back.

ricardo kuhn said:
maybe mister Danger you need to take a trip up there (not in the winter) to keep you away from the :Puter from time to time...
It's not 'up there', ricardo. It's 'over there'... way, waaaayyyy over there. I'm in Alberta.
  • #2,044
I thought you were from Canada.

my truck automatically locks the doors if you hit 15 mph. Sometimes at work it is easier for me to drive from point to point holding the GPS out the open door. Then when I get to the next point the doors are locked, but open so when I jump out and shut the door I'm locked out. I've done it three times now. Everytime the truck has been running, once it was in the middle of an intersection. I'm getting pretty good at breaking into the truck.
  • #2,045
The disgusting part is that I'm a locksmith, but I would have had to walk half a mile home to get my tools, and it was -20C with a wicked windchill. We just called AMA and waited inside.
  • #2,046
Don't feel bad. I'm a land surveyor and got lost a couple of days ago.
  • #2,047
ricardo kuhn said:
Did you ever see the "Bend" buildings...??
acording to a friend (I think is a joke) the Hollander were so prone to show their achivements and materail gain, they develope this kind of buildings so other can pick inside their windows and see how much they have..
Nice story, but the reason that the houses bend forward is another one. If you've ever been inside you'll notice it's impossible to move furniture up the staircases, all the furniture is moved into the house through the windows. On the top of the building you see a pole sticking out, furniture is attached to a rope and with the help of the pole tackled up and into the house.

To prevent the furniture banging into the lower windows, the front of the house is build with a slope. That's what I've been told at least :smile:
  • #2,048
Wow, we just built bigger staircases
  • #2,049
  • #2,050
Monique said:
Nice story, but the reason that the houses bend forward is another one. If you've ever been inside you'll notice it's impossible to move furniture up the staircases, all the furniture is moved into the house through the windows. On the top of the building you see a pole sticking out, furniture is attached to a rope and with the help of the pole tackled up and into the house.
To prevent the furniture banging into the lower windows, the front of the house is build with a slope. That's what I've been told at least :smile:

Thanks Monique, that makes Perfect sense, actually i spends some time watching the guys of the moving companies doing their thing,,,

pretty amaxing if you ask me. specially in the "Center" of the city were the streets are so so narrow..

I like you explenation even better than the one form my friend Mike and my rational aproach


  • #2,051
  • #2,052
ricardo kuhn said:
thanks,,i hope the participant as not super mega Gekky...
i take a look.
Nope. Some of our finest and most beloved members have it.
  • #2,053
zoobyshoe said:
Nope. Some of our finest and most beloved members have it.

I'm so So Piss...

that tread is super fun, i feel right at home,,,wrote a big long and i will say pretty elaborate compendium of my Dixlexic predicament, and some How I push something somewere on the keyboard and the whole hour i spend writing ,,, when Plufff...

well I will start again when i recover a little...

thanks for the link, that posting is great at least for people like me..
  • #2,054
ricardo kuhn said:



The building of the last picture must be the only monument in the world that is perennially surrounded by a haze of cranes :mad:

With a bit of luck (I'm crossing my fingers) it will be finished within the next 3 thousand years (its construction started in 1882, so the delay is yet annoying)
  • #2,055
meteor said:
The building of the last picture must be the only monument in the world that is perennially surrounded by a haze of cranes :mad:
With a bit of luck (I'm crossing my fingers) it will be finished within the next 3 thousand years (its construction started in 1882, so the delay is yet annoying)

but even then before you Dye, la sagrada familia is a Place to visit, the structures are just so incredible, the curves so sensual..

at least for me, that Catedral was a experience that change my life in a good way for ever.

just my own opinion oviuslly.
  • #2,056
all these pictures are cool, but why is that ugly monkey in all of them? Is that a pet of yours?
  • #2,057
Here's the latest Spawn of Evo picture, not to be confused with the Child of Evo. I will probably get in trouble because she says the picture is ugly and her nose looks big and the glare on her glasses blocks out her eyes.

Oh well, I like it. And that little round thing on her face is not a mole, it's a piercing.


  • blah2.jpg
    7 KB · Views: 1,216
  • #2,058
:-p She just keeps getting better all the time. Thanks, Evo. :-p
  • #2,059
face piercing, yuck. I remember my dad telling me the story about when he was a volunteer fireman. He went to a car wreck and was loading a victim into the ambulance. He kept trying to flick a piece of glass off this girls face and it wasn't til quite a few flicks later that he realized it was a piercing.
  • #2,060
She's gorgeous. Ofcourse what else should we expect from that particular genetic line.

There's a goth industrial club chick here at my work. She has about ten or so facial piercings. Maybe I've just become desensitized but they don't look that bad on her. Not my cuppa but I don't cringe when I see her either.
  • #2,061
She's a cute one, evo. Any chance she'll stop with the weird stud on face? Every time I see those, I think it's a mole until I look a little harder.
  • #2,062
ShawnD said:
She's a cute one, evo. Any chance she'll stop with the weird stud on face? Every time I see those, I think it's a mole until I look a little harder.
I'm sure it will be the one and ONLY. She got it a few years ago. It's to where I don't even notice it usually. Thank God she didn't get her eyebrow pierced. Those look creepy to me.

The Child of Evo was forbidden to get any type of face piercing. :devil: I allowed her to get her belly button pierced though, and that actually looked very pretty.
  • #2,063
Evo said:
I allowed her to get her belly button pierced though, and that actually looked very pretty.
where're those pictures?
  • #2,064
tribdog said:
where're those pictures?
I'd rather see the ones of Evo's many tattoos. Rumor has it, they're in delicate places.
  • #2,065
zoobyshoe said:
I'd rather see the ones of Evo's many tattoos. Rumor has it, they're in delicate places.
:bugeye: I can honestly say that I have no tatoos.

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