PF Member Photo Thread Archive

In summary: Some members also made jokes and teased each other. The conversation ended with one member finally sharing his photo and asking the others to go easy on the photoshopping.
  • #176
Ok! Again, my friend Polash helped me to make this one!

This is an Indian Public Toilet! Here others are doing their natural work and there was no place left for newcomers, alas! dduardo could not wait more and started...
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Physics news on
  • #177
I like the detail of the mouth :S :)
  • #178
Moni, nice pictures. Unfortunetly, you might want to look at my profile one more time. My birthday is in September, not December. Also, what is with the hammer and sickle. I thought it was only used during the communist russia era.

Now that's what I call a Public Toilet! How sanitary.
  • #179
Originally posted by Evo
Well, I'm new to the forum and apparently ancient in comparison to the ages I am seeing here.

Here is my picture.

Hmm...WELCOME to PF :smile:

You look like a scientist with your glass, are you really a scientist ?
  • #180
Originally posted by dduardo
Moni, nice pictures. Unfortunetly, you might want to look at my profile one more time. My birthday is in September, not December. Also, what is with the hammer and sickle. I thought it was only used during the communist russia era.

Now that's what I call a Public Toilet! How sanitary.

Thanks! Actually you have done a superb job :) by POCHAANO ("Picture modification of others" in Bangla) others from the very first time :)
Nice idea indeed ;)

I am not sure but are you talking about that logo in the wall?
Yes that's an Logo of an Indian Communist party :)
  • #181
Hi Moni,

Not a scientist, just a bookworm.

My Dad wouldn't pay my expenses in college if I went into any field of science, because he said I wouldn't make enough money. :frown:

My interests still are in cosmology, archaeology, and quantum physics and I try to keep current in my spare time.
  • #182
Originally posted by Evo
Hi Moni,

Not a scientist, just a bookworm.

My Dad wouldn't pay my expenses in college if I went into any field of science, because he said I wouldn't make enough money. :frown:

My interests still are in cosmology, archaeology, and quantum physics and I try to keep current in my spare time.

Oh! Exellent! I am also a bookworm and mad for good movies :)
But not much read English books, most of the books I read are (near 1000+) in our native language - Bangla :)

And about your father...I don't know in our countries (Bangladesh) people think that they should study science and Engineering to earn more money and led a good life :( Why your father thinking in that way? Then how old are you and what you are studying now? Arts?...

I am also not that *Physics* student (I am of CSE) but I like physics very much :) and surprizingly I don't like practical fields of Physics only the theoriticas...ha..ha...Theory of every thing ;)

And as I've read Carl Sagan I like cosmology too :)
  • #183
I am also interested to know in which field the money can be found :P but I'd have to agree with your dad that in Science we are usually dependant on grants which last usually 2-3 maybe 4 years.. not really a steady job.. or companies which are very demanding on results.
  • #184
Oh! Then what companies are looking for ?
  • #185
My dad made me go for a business management degree (which I HATED). I design & sell data communications networks and it is quite lucrative. So, I make a lot of money, but it's not really what I am interested in.
  • #186
Oh! Then here is me again CLOSE-UP:
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  • #187
Originally posted by Evo
Hi Moni,

Sorry, I didn't get to answer all of your questions.

I'm 48 (yes, the picture is recent, about 2 years old). I am not in school, well, due to being in technical sales, I do have to occasionally attend "school" provided by the company I work for to keep up with what's going on.

Monique - technical or medical sales for a large corporation will have annual incomes exceeding $100,000 US dollars. The jobs are frantic, stressful and offer little besides financial rewards, very cutthroat. I never wanted or expected to enter this just happened. I'd much rather be a scientist.

My daughter says my picture looks like I'm angry, so here is a "happier" one. are may be the most senior over here!

Your work is then good for money but not for mental setisfaction :( This is also main problem in 3rd world countries :(

I don't know scientist work for their mental setisfaction or for money (Nuclear weapon developers) or for betterment of humanity (Ancient scientists - Hypetia, Archemedes...) but I like them as they find new things...they search the nature to collect pearls for ours! May be we are the users who are abusing science...

Hmm...your new pic is OK! Happy :) Your daughter have good eyes...why don't you show any family photo?
  • #188
Hi Moni,

Great picture!

Yes, I am elderly.:wink:
  • #189
Originally posted by Evo
Hi Moni,

Great picture!

Yes, I am elderly.:wink:
Elderly?! I think not. You're very pretty, I must say.

- Warren
  • #190
Moni, where can I buy one of those tiny rhinoceri?

- Warren
  • #191
Thank you Warren. I guess the "Look 10 years younger" lens filter I bought for my camera was worth it. :)
  • #193
Theres a photo of me at ... on my page username 1amp
  • #194
Found it! Lucky to say, you don't look like your avatar :wink:
  • #195
Thanks, Monique

I did fuzz it up a little.
  • #196
Originally posted by Evo
Well, I'm new to the forum and apparently ancient in comparison to the ages I am seeing here.

Here is my picture.

You don't look that old to me!

Welcome to the boards.
  • #197
Thank you Integral. I'm enjoying the wide range of discussions and personalities.
  • #198
Originally posted by Monique
I guess me changing my avatar might have set off this thing :P (which again I got from Gale17) btw, I am not too happy with this avatar, since now I have to look at my own face the whole time.. :S

Let me see if I can dig up a pic..

OMG... You look so much like Elaine from Final Fantasy 8!
  • #199
Originally posted by Evo
Hi Moni,

Not a scientist, just a bookworm.

My Dad wouldn't pay my expenses in college if I went into any field of science, because he said I wouldn't make enough money. :frown:

My interests still are in cosmology, archaeology, and quantum physics and I try to keep current in my spare time.

I stopped those interests when I saw a few texts on those subjects... The mathematics is just too bazar for me right now. I mean.. tripple integrals,... come on...
  • #200
It gets worse. As long as it's a simple Riemann-integral, no problemo. Wail till you get to Lebesgue-integrals :wink:
  • #201
The Newcomer's picture...

Here is the best picture of me that i could find from the summer of 2003...


  • 100_0047.jpg
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  • #202
Haha. I'm finding these hilarious. (I'm in the process right now of rediscovering physicsforums.)

This picture's a year or two old, but without a digital camera or a scanner, it is all I can give. :)


  • betsy_small.jpg
    2.7 KB · Views: 1,179
  • #203
Question...where is the attachment shown on our two posts?
-Bob Smith
  • #204
if you build, it will come.

or we have to wait for the moderator to approve it.

  • #205
Ah, okies, i was confuzzled about that.
-Bob Smith
  • #206
Originally posted by qwpoi
Haha. I'm finding these hilarious. (I'm in the process right now of rediscovering physicsforums.)

This picture's a year or two old, but without a digital camera or a scanner, it is all I can give. :)
Great picture! You should also enter the cutestguy/gal at PF contest.
  • #207
Can somebody tell me how to enter?
  • #209

Originally posted by Evo
Nice pick axe! You should enter the competition for cutest guy at PF in the general discussion forum. The judges are still accepting pictures.
Nice gloves, too!
  • #210
its hard for me to imagine Greg as anything OTHER than the Bigfoot from "The Hendersons" sorry Greg u are always going to be a bigfoot to me!

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