PF Member Photo Thread Archive

In summary: Some members also made jokes and teased each other. The conversation ended with one member finally sharing his photo and asking the others to go easy on the photoshopping.
  • #2,136
zeronem said:
Then in Theatre Appreciation I saw the most beautiful lady in all the Universe. I could swear I think she was built for me.

I should have known. Women are the root of all evil.
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  • #2,137
tribdog said:
Oh, really? They must be doing "Quasimodo" this year.
I bet I could play a good Quasimodo! :smile:
  • #2,138
lol, I once quit a GREAT job because I fell in love with a blackjack dealer at the casino. I quit my job and got a job dealing blackjack because I figured that would be the best way to get to know her.
  • #2,139
Anyways, I'll say this on my last speech to the whole Math and Science faculty at the last meeting with them,

"I love the mathematics and Science's! but,
I'm going to be a ROCK STAR!/(movie star), Peace out!"
Then I'll walk quickly out of the meeting.

I can already imagine the looks on their faces, all dissapointed...

Realistically they would all laugh as they would probably think I'm joking. Until that is when I walk out unexcused.
  • #2,140
judging by your sense of humor I'd say you are a geek and might want to rethink leaving the hard sciences. Your only chance of making it in the arts is as a "William Hung" or whatever that guys name was.
  • #2,141
I'll take that into consideration!

I'm not as smart as William Hung is though. I'll have to brush up on my physics.
  • #2,142
Gale said:
yeah, but he's in arizona... i see you're a new englander too eh. hmmmm...

Born and raised in the Berkshires. Right after HS I went into the Navy and spent 8 wonderfull years on the West Coast:cool: With a stop in Hawaii, Japan, and Korea.

Moved back in 96 and went to work out here in the Boston area in 99 because they closed the palnt I was working in and moved it to Burlington VT.

Jees Gale you're like a sailor or something;a guy in every port(state).Insatiable you are,watch out guys :biggrin:
  • #2,143
time to tell you more about myself:
my profile

and just a important thing: I'm not ready for a relationship now. so I'm sorry for you if you're in love with me!
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  • #2,144
Cute face, and nice scales, lizard. :biggrin:
  • #2,145
zeronem said:
I went in his office and I saw the most devastating, saddest thing I've ever seen in my whole entire life. I saw a lonely old man who had no wife, no kids, and all he cared about was knowledge and the United States Constitution. I spent all of my time in his class listening to his unoriginal ideas and statements to back up original documents that were written in 1770's.
The crazy thing is last semester, I actually gave up in education in general too. I didn't study at all and I would go home after class and go directly to sleep. I still managed somehow to get an A in all classes and I was absolutely pissed off about that. I'm tired of making A's and it's making me sick. During that semester I developed a passion for theatre. So now I am going into Theatre, but I still rely on my skills in Mathematics and Physics to make money as a Freelance Tutor and as a Tutor for Community College.
Whoa! Sorry I tend to have long answers to even the most simple questions.

Well, i had the exact same situation going on during my predoctoral year (this was just last year). I am doing a physics PhD at IMEC, Belgium after having completed by master degree at college. During that year i really felt that science was not my thing for about the same reasons that you state here. To be honest, i still have some doubts up this very moment. Anyhow, i just decided that after getting my PhD scholarship i would give it a try. I must admit that suddenly there was a transition in the way i looked at my work. I really feel i am growing into the research-work and i am starting to see/like the challenges ahead.

I too, really wanted to go into acting and indeed i also tutored freshman students at college to get some extra pocket money. I really feel there are much similarities between your story and mine, so i would just like to say : don't give up on science too easily because it can be a "little thing" that triggers your love for research.

  • #2,146
Okay, this is what I do in my spare time when I visit the house...I love to irritate my neighbors...and yes, so what if I'm an Indian guy?


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  • #2,147
Sting said:
Okay, this is what I do in my spare time when I visit the house...I love to irritate my neighbors...and yes, so what if I'm an Indian guy?
Very cool, are you playing some sort of bagpipe?
  • #2,148
Evo said:
Very cool, are you playing some sort of bagpipe?
How many canaries can you fit under a piper's kilt?

Depends on the size of the perch.

Sorry, couldn't resist.
I have a really cheesy one I made up myself!

Why do accordian players make such terrible boyfriends?

Because they are always fooling around on their main squeeze!:biggrin:

Still no groan smiley I see.
  • #2,149
Very cool, are you playing some sort of bagpipe?

Thank you. Yes, I'm playing a bagpipe (err...I think it's more accurate to say that I'm making noise on a bagpipe).

It's something unusual so I thought to invest in some and learn how to play them.

How many canaries can you fit under a piper's kilt?

Depends on the size of the perch.

Sorry, couldn't resist.
I have a really cheesy one I made up myself!

Why do accordian players make such terrible boyfriends?

Because they are always fooling around on their main squeeze!

Still no groan smiley I see.

You know why bagpipers have such large families?

Because their wives will do ANYTHING to get them to stop playing.

(drumroll and cymbal crash)
  • #2,150
my neighbor plays the bagpipes, they're horrible! he's not as good looking though...
  • #2,151
Im into bodybuilding so the only pics i have is posing shots hope no one takes offense to a pic in my underwear:smile:



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  • #2,152
my neighbor plays the bagpipes, they're horrible!

I can only imagine what my neighbors are saying about me. Getting pipes in tune is difficult and keeping them intune is even more of a challenge. I picked up the bagpipes a few months ago and starting off, it sounds like an audio long has your neighbor been playing?

he's not as good looking though...


I've added three, according to my friend, is a goofy attempt at trying to look like a bad*ss with bagpipes (kind of ironic I know). There's one with my nephew and myself and then there is one with me playing guitar (I learned how to play Jane's Addiction's "Just Because" during the Christmas break so I had the moment captured on film).


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  • #2,153
that guitar one is pretty hot, but the one with your nephew makes you looks sort of like my dad, (we a tad mexican, so he's got pretty dark skin and black hair... and he likes to do the facial hair thing too.. but he's a bit gray nowadays...) those bag pipes look a bit badass i spose... yeh... what's your tatoo say?

oh, and my neighbor has been playing for like 1-2 years i guess. or that's when i remember him starting. about the same time, they also got donkeys... so we got used to irritating noises pretty quickly. nothing like a donkey's bray followed by the national anthem on the bagpipes to wake you up in the morning.
  • #2,154
that guitar one is pretty hot

:blushing: You're sweet.

but the one with your nephew makes you looks sort of like my dad, (we a tad mexican, so he's got pretty dark skin and black hair... and he likes to do the facial hair thing too.. but he's a bit gray nowadays...)

lol, me looking fatherly is quite a scary thought. As much as I hate to admit it, I think it's a male thing to really be into the facial hair thing...I know few males who prefer to be clean shaven.

I just stopped shaving a week before Christmas so now I'm sporting a's kind of appropriate because I spent most of my winter break chopping firewood and lighting campfires so the beard kind of gave a "outdoor" feel.

those bag pipes look a bit badass i spose... yeh... what's your tatoo say?

I think it was just the irony of it...I saw a picture of James Hetfield (the singer for Metallica) and he was holding a guitar with the same kind of hat I was wearing in that I just wanted to emulate him with my own twist.

The tattoo is Japanese for "courage"...I wanted to be the first Indian kid on my block to get inked!

oh, and my neighbor has been playing for like 1-2 years i guess. or that's when i remember him starting. about the same time, they also got donkeys... so we got used to irritating noises pretty quickly. nothing like a donkey's bray followed by the national anthem on the bagpipes to wake you up in the morning.

Well he has me beat there. I don't play my bagpipes till the afternoon out of consideration for my neighbors...but that donkey bray following the national anthem is pretty funny.

The one thing I really like about the bagpipes is the double takes I get...people just find it hard to swallow that it's an Indian guy playing them...and the girls here at Tech normally do not pay me any attention but when I have bagpipes in my hand, they pay attention so it has its perks. :-p
  • #2,155
well, i like facial hair as long as its taken care of... and doesn't resemble my father's too too much.. that would be just weird. the rugged look is very sexy though. what were you doing over break that had you chopping wood and making fires eh?

you're an Indian guy, with a Japanese tatoo, who plays the bagpipes... heh, that's pretty interesting indeed. at any rate, its pretty hard to ignore anyone with bagpipes... they're sooo loud! when i worked at a hotel, someone had the brilliant idea to hire a bapiper for live music in the lobby. you could hear him EVERYWHERE. you couldn't help but notice that guy. you ever wear a kilt? that'd get you loads of attention i'd bet... specially if you have nice legs!
  • #2,156
well, i like facial hair as long as its taken care of

Facial hair that's not trimmed can be a big headache to deal with...and a scraggly beard just makes people look lazy.

I tend to grow a beard during the winter to keep the face warm. It's nice but shaving it off is hell.

the rugged look is very sexy though. what were you doing over break that had you chopping wood and making fires eh?

I'm glad at least some girls like it. I think it was this previous semester. It was really stressful and living in Atlanta, I got homesick for the country. So I promised myself that I would just spend the holidays chopping wood, lighting fires and listening to Neil Young.

But I think I got a balance out of it...I also ended up teaching my nephew his colours, learning to cook Indian food, and reading a lot of poetry (even managed to write two or three).

How did you spend your holidays?

you're an Indian guy, with a Japanese tatoo, who plays the bagpipes... heh, that's pretty interesting

Thanks :wink: . I try to be different.

at any rate, its pretty hard to ignore anyone with bagpipes... they're sooo loud! when i worked at a hotel, someone had the brilliant idea to hire a bapiper for live music in the lobby. you could hear him EVERYWHERE. you couldn't help but notice that guy.

Yes, they are VERY loud. When I just got my set of bagpipes, my sister wanted to hear what they sounded like so I played it soon as the chanter went off, my nephew literally fell off his tricycle trying to get away.

you ever wear a kilt? that'd get you loads of attention i'd bet... specially if you have nice legs!

I'm looking for one.

In India, men wear something very similar to a kilt...serves the same purpose as a kilt though not as well known.
  • #2,157
I don't find an Indian playing bagpipes that strange (is it that strange?). I think people forget that there was a lot of British influence in Indias past for quite some time.
I'm trying to teach myself the fife, talk about simple looking but tough! I haven't read sheet music in so long I've forgotten how :cry:

BTW. How do you tell when bagpipes are in tune :smile: Just kidding.
  • #2,158
I don't find an Indian playing bagpipes that strange (is it that strange?).

You make a valid point about British influence in India...but here in the south, seeing an Indian guy playing the bagpipes (while not strange when you think of British influence) is a rare sight.

But other than that, I tend to have other "British" tendencies...drinking a lot of afternoon tea, using British English, preference for the metric system (although that just may be because of the physics background :biggrin: ).

I'm trying to teach myself the fife, talk about simple looking but tough! I haven't read sheet music in so long I've forgotten how

That was the same thing with me and bagpipe music. Take it easy and slowly and it'll come back to you. Let me know how the playing is coming along.

BTW. How do you tell when bagpipes are in tune Just kidding.

I don't. The only way that you can get two pipers in tune is if you shoot one.

On a serious note, you stop one of the three drones and then play a low A on the chanter...then adjust the length of the chanter appropriately. Then you do this with every drone.
  • #2,159
Here's a "slightly photoshopped" version of my head, haven't got a simple one currently.


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  • #2,160
Sting said:
The only way that you can get two pipers in tune is if you shoot one.
Okay... I didn't want to do this, but you forced me into it.
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  • #2,161
LOL. That's pretty funny Danger. :biggrin:

I don't know...I like the sound of (in-tune) bagpipes...I think it sounds wonderful when you play it outdoors overlooking a valley...but that's just me.

I guess bagpipe music is an acquired taste.
  • #2,162
Thanks, Sting... and for the set-up. :biggrin:
I'm half Scots (a Bruce, no less), so I actually like the damned things in spite of myself. It must be genetic.
  • #2,163
I love bagpipes too. I have a burned CD of mostly Irish music and a couple of pieces by The Scottish Rogues. I also have a couple CDs by a Scottish punk band called The Real McKenzies with a lot of bagpipe in their music. Dropkick Murphys, an Irish punk band, also have bagpipes in some of their songs. I have yet to pick up a CD of nothing but bagpipes though. Know any good ones?
  • #2,164
Sting said:
I can only imagine what my neighbors are saying about me. Getting pipes in tune is difficult and keeping them intune is even more of a challenge.

How can you tell they're in tune? :biggrin:

I don't mind bagpipes, as long as they guy playing them wears a kilt and has nice legs. I think the setting has to be right, and I really couldn't just listen to a whole album of bagpipe music, but a few songs is okay...though they all sound the same to me on bagpipes.
  • #2,165
One of my favorite king of the hill quotes is when the oriental neighbour refers to his daughters violin playing as sounding like a flock of seagulls being beaten by a bag pipe.
  • #2,166
I'm half Scots (a Bruce, no less), so I actually like the damned things in spite of myself. It must be genetic.

Ah, I don't know if my love for the bagpipes is necessarily genetic but regardless, it's there.

It's the opposite with me the sitar is a traditional Indian instrument but the sound of it irritates me beyond comprehension.

But I do like the tabla...thought of picking up some basic skills with one.

And keep the bagpipe jokes coming in :-p

I love bagpipes too. I have a burned CD of mostly Irish music and a couple of pieces by The Scottish Rogues. I also have a couple CDs by a Scottish punk band called The Real McKenzies with a lot of bagpipe in their music. Dropkick Murphys, an Irish punk band, also have bagpipes in some of their songs. I have yet to pick up a CD of nothing but bagpipes though. Know any good ones?

Interestingly, Korn features bagpipes on their song "Chutes and Ladders"...played by Korn frontman Jonathan Davis himself...

As for a CD of all bagpipes...Gordon Duncan is pretty amazing...did a bagpipe rendition of ACDC's "Thunderstruck"...I was speechless for the first five minutes...

How can you tell they're in tune?

You can't...that's the fun of it :biggrin:

Actually, it's like tuning a guitar. You'll tune the A string by fingering the 5th fret of the low E string...the D string by fingering the 5th fret of the A string, and on and on...bagpipes work the same way except you'll stop two of the three drones (you can stick your finger into the drone and flick outward or use some plugs)...once you get them to stop playing, tune the open drone by playing a low A on the chanter...adjust the tuning pin on the drone accordingly.

I don't mind bagpipes, as long as they guy playing them wears a kilt and has nice legs.

I'm currently looking for a I get partial credit?

One of my favorite king of the hill quotes is when the oriental neighbour refers to his daughters violin playing as sounding like a flock of seagulls being beaten by a bag pipe.

I can picture that...quite frightening.
  • #2,167
like a flock of seagulls being beaten by a bag pipe.
Sound heavenly!
  • #2,168
My first girlfriend, Vicki, who was my fairy-princess. I spent a lot of time with her when I wasn't play football or sports with the guys.

The school has a dance, a cotillion, and she was my partner. :biggrin:
I am on the far left.

I was probably the only boy in first grade who was thrilled to be with his girl.


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  • #2,169
Astronuc said:
My first girlfriend, Vicki, who was my fairy-princess. I spent a lot of time with her when I wasn't play football or sports with the guys.
The school has a dance, a cotillion, and she was my partner. :biggrin:
I am on the far left.
I was probably the only boy in first grade who was thrilled to be with his girl.
Aww, how cute!

A boy named Bryan had a terrible crush on me starting in kindergarten, in first grade another boy tried to hold my hand and dance with me during "rythyms", this was basically skipping around in a circle to music. Bryan punched the other boy and a fight broke out. I wonder what happened to Bryan.
  • #2,170
Evo said:
Aww, how cute!
A boy named Bryan had a terrible crush on me starting in kindergarten, in first grade another boy tried to hold my hand and dance with me during "rythyms", this was basically skipping around in a circle to music. Bryan punched the other boy and a fight broke out. I wonder what happened to Bryan.
:smile: I probably would have done the same thing if I had been Bryan. :biggrin:

Evo, you seem to have a rather profound affect on boys/men. :smile:

I'll bet Bryan still remembers you. :smile:
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