Philosophy: Should we eat meat?

  • Thread starter physicskid
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In summary, some people believe that we should stop eating meat because it's cruel to kill other life forms, while others argue that we should continue eating meat because the world's population is expanding rapidly and we need to eat to survive. Vegans have many benefits over vegetarians, including the freedom to eat more healthy food, no need to cut any animal bodies or organs, and the fact that they're helping to protect animals that are about to be extinct. There is also the argument that the world would be much healthier if we all became vegetarians, but this is not a popular opinion. The poll results do not seem to be clear-cut, with some people wanting to stop eating meat and others preferring to continue eating meat as

Should we eat meat?

  • Yes

    Votes: 233 68.5%
  • No

    Votes: 107 31.5%

  • Total voters
  • #141
Just to put a little more light into this thread, I've been a vegetarian(eating milk and eggs) for 2 months now, after discussing in this thread.
I've tried a couple of times before, but now I found it suprisingly easy after discuissing against eating meat in this thread. :smile:
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  • #142

I commend you for making a compassionate decision. As you learn more thoroughly about the issues your ethics will evolve and you will become more secure in them. Remember to constantly ask yourself, "is the decision I'm about to make a compassionate one?". You're on the right path.
  • #143
what is it that the average vegitarian sees wrong eating meat? is it the killing or suffering caused to the living animal? Or, is it the consumption of the flesh of an animal that they don't like?(OR BOTH)

the killing is justified, it is for neutrients, for food, life. It is a natural way to get energy. If you think it cruel or evil, you must think about the fact that you are in your personal universe, it is reality as it exists to you, you only experience your own conciousness, so why would the pain inflicted be morally wrong if it is not as a result causing you personally any suffering? The feelings of the animal are not a part of your experience, the feelings don't exist to you, like a bad dream you had and then forgot, it causes no pain.

Death itself is not so bad(except the part where you actually experience death). but being dead is nothing bad, its nothing good either, its nothing at all really, so why is that not wanted for an animal? Do you fear not waiking up one day? why? you won't feel any regret or pain from not living anymore, so an animal is not going to care that its life is over.

If its the eating the meat that makes you not want it, the actual consuption of somethings body, that you find disturbing or whatever, then you should also stop eating plants too, infact just starve to death while your at it. the fate of your body doesn't matter just because you were once alive, a dead animal is just as much going to care about being eaten as a apple, or head of cabbage. so really eating meat is perfectly fine, in fact if you don't eat meat, then that's your problem. i don't see anything wrong with not eating meat, just that eating it is more convenient, and it tastes great.
  • #144
revesz, would you find nothing wrong in raising humans in intense confinement so that they could be slaughtered for your consumption?
  • #145
One thing i overlooked, i was not considering the living conditions of the animals, i was more thinking about the fate of the animal. It is wrong to have animals living in poor conditions, not because they are being eaten, but because while they are alive, they are unhappy.
I see how it is evil, and i eat meat, i see that the only thing to do personally that will in any way help, would be to stop eating meat, but I am also a gready human, and i want my meat, and I am not going to stop eating meat. if someone were to say, we should not eat meat, because eating meat is bad i would have to argue. but livestock should be raised in good conditions, in open fields.

I can't remember seeing anything wrong with the conditions of livestock. is it really confinement? cows live in open fields, and they seem happy, chickens don't need lots of room. dogs live in confinement, is that also wrong?

I think we should eat meat, but we should also, give the animals good soroundings, not overcrowded or dirty. And when we slaughter them, it should be by some nonpainfull or at least very quick method.
  • #146
When I first became vegetarian, I did not find it wrong to raise animals for slaughter in general, but I found that our system of production is so horrible that I could not fathom further supporting the system.

There are plenty of resources available on the internet that teach about the cruelties involved in modern intensive confinement food production, often referred to as "factory farming." Some URLs:

There are videos, too, like "Meet Your Meat" (, "Diet for a New America" (based on a book), and "Peacable Kingdom".

I do not believe that those who raise animals for food will give much concern to animal welfare. This is especially true given the trend towards larger and larger corporate operations.
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  • #147

I really don't care if we eat meat or not. Here's why.

There are a lot of people that eat meat. They don't care about the health of the animal they are eating. This is part of the food chain, whether we like it or not. We are at the top.

I see a lot of people that are against eating meat because it hurts the animals involved. Of course it will, you are killing the animals to eat them. Whether it's systematic or personal hunting, the animal dies, usually a painful death, to be eaten. So is nature.

The problem I have is that so many people are spending so much time on this topic. Whether to save the whales or not...come on! There are people dying every day from more ridiculous things. Shouldn't we focus our priorities on people first, then animals?

Maybe I am thinking too big, but this is the way I see things.

  • #148
Are cows even smart enough to care how they live?

  • #149
Yes I think so.

We do focus a lot more more on humans than other animals.

It's sad that when violence and torture is done to humans we are so horrified but when it's done between different animals(including us) it's suddenly supposed to be so natural.

Where is the line?
I might as well argue that my mom, dad and cousins are like me, and that americans are so different. I might as well back this up by saying nations have gone too war as long as man's memory, therefore it's completely natural that we capture all americans and do whatever we please with them.

There is no line to love, morals, and friendship.
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  • #150

Originally posted by chrismbg

The problem I have is that so many people are spending so much time on this topic. Whether to save the whales or not...come on! There are people dying every day from more ridiculous things. Shouldn't we focus our priorities on people first, then animals?

"When non-vegetarians say that 'human problems come first,' I cannot help wondering what exactly it is that they are doing for human beings that compels them to continue to support the wasteful, ruthless exploitation of animals." -- Peter Singer
  • #151
chrismbg said:
The problem I have is that so many people are spending so much time on this topic. Whether to save the whales or not...come on! There are people dying every day from more ridiculous things. Shouldn't we focus our priorities on people first, then animals?

This is a common argument and certainly not an unimportant one. Should we be focussing our attention on helping animals when there is so much to do to help people?

Is it possible that the two ideas are more closely intertwined than it may appear on the surface? May it be that when we can show compassion to a sentient non-human, we are better able to do the same for one of our own kind?

It is a conjecture which I am making for consideration, but here are some quotations from people who are fairly well-known in history who have said similar things:

"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."
Mahatma Gandhi, statesman and philosopher

"If you have men who will exclude any of God's creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who deal likewise with their fellow men."
Francis of Assisi, saint

"For as long as men massacre animals, they will kill each other. Indeed, he who sows the seed of murder and pain cannot reap joy and love."
Pythagoras, philosopher and mathematician

"Non-violence leads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of all evolution. Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages."
Thomas Edison, inventor

"Until he extends the circle of his compassion to all living things, man will not himself find peace."
Albert Schweitzer, missionary and statesman, Nobel 1952

Perhaps it is only by acquiring compassion for and showing compassion to, the helpless who can least ask for it, that we can achieve the integrity our own species is capable of.

In friendship,
  • #152
Mankind will always be violent. There will always be useless fighting and killing, because this is simply the nature of man.

Moving on to a different point, I don't think there is anything wrong with eating meat. Killing a plant is almost no different from killing an animal (the only difference being that an animal has a mind). So why not kill an animal instead of a plant? The fact that an animal has a mind is not a strong enough argument to persuade me.
  • #153
Do humans not also have minds?
  • #154
Before I actually read through all 11 pages, can I ask if anyone has presented an ecological argument for vegetarianism?
  • #155
motai said:
Do humans not also have minds?

I'm not sure I know what you're getting at, but yes humans have minds (and humans don't eat humans). In addition, I never said it was right to kill other humans. I said that humans most likely won't live in peace because the nature of humans is to fight.
  • #156
Dissident Dan said:
When I first became vegetarian, I did not find it wrong to raise animals for slaughter in general, but I found that our system of production is so horrible that I could not fathom further supporting the system. . . . I do not believe that those who raise animals for food will give much concern to animal welfare. This is especially true given the trend towards larger and larger corporate operations.

Kerrie said:
dan, so should we stop the cheetah from eating rabbits and other rodents? should we stop the eagle from eating fish from the rivers? can i ask how you feel about darwinism? in a sense, you are putting humans up on a pedestal by claiming we have the ability to think of the animals' feelings, which i think is modestly arrogant...we are animals ourselves, probably not much different then any other, thus it is instinctual for some of us to desire to eat meat...we are within the food chain, and as darwinism states, it's survival of the fittest...

I thought the arguments presented by Dissident Dan and Kerrie well represented two sides of the moral vegetarian debate. Since I agree and disagree with both of them, I used their general beliefs as a foundation to bounce my comments off of.

I've been a vegetarian for about 32 years, and I can assure you Kerrie neither you nor your children need meat to be healthy. Most doctors who recommend meat are counseling you as meat eaters, and from traditional "food groups" training. For example, when they say meat helps you to absorb certain nutrients you need, they mean that the fat soluable vitamins need fat to be asborbed; other basic principles are that meat has the eight essential amino acids, more iron than most vegetable sources, vitamin b-12, etc. Meat covers several bases nutritionally, but only on the front end. For that convenience, you may pay dearly down the road.

Before I move on to what I disagree with about Dissident Dan's reasons for why we "should" be vegetarians, there is one more reason besides overall health benefits why I like not eating meat: it is easier to digest non-meat stuff. If you know that digestion costs energy, and that what you eat gives energy, then the difference between the energy needed for digestion and the energy you end up with is important. I've have found ways to eat that minimizes the energy of digestion, such as eating sprouted bread made with the combination of sprouts that form a complete protein (check out "Food for Life" sprouted breads).

Even though I can whole-heartedly recommend the vegetarian diet, it isn't because of why Dan says so. Well, some of it is, like the utterly inhumane way slaughter animals are treated. I wish humans would boycott meat eating until both the way animals are raised/kept and how they are slaughtered are done with compassion.

But beyond that, as hard as I've tried I cannot come up with a moral reason why animals shouldn't be killed and eaten. If you are a Darwinist, then you can see killing and eating animals is quite the way things are done in the natural world. If you believe in God, then you can see God created things so that animals eat each other, so obviously God isn't all that worried about it (both possibililties make it VERY difficult to watch nature shows featuring carnivores because sometimes they start eating their victims while they are still alive).

So, I cannot see the moral "should" in meat eating if humane treatment of slaughter animals is factored in. However, I do see an "inner" sort of reason to not eat meat, something that goes beyond health and humane treatment issues.

I grew up around people who were used to slaughtering, and I saw in them a certain insensitivity to other living beings that seems to be what Dan talks about. I think you have to be that way to slaughter. If you've ever seen a pig slaughtered, his throat cut, hung upside down by his feet so the blood drips out, the pig squealing the whole time . . . well, it's not pretty. I know we get to remain unaware of that when we shop at the supermarket, but even that's a kind of deadness. Personally, I prefer to be more sensitive. I don't want to have to shut off my sensitivity for any reason.

So for me, the bottom line for being a vegetarian is, first, the heightened sensitivity not killing gives me; and then, how much easier it is to extract energy from non-dead-rotting-flesh food :wink:, along with the healthier life it gives.
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  • #157
darkmage said:
Mankind will always be violent. There will always be useless fighting and killing, because this is simply the nature of man.

Things can always improve. People have used such arguments to justify all sorts of the things (slavery, monarchism), but we've progressed passed them.

Moving on to a different point, I don't think there is anything wrong with eating meat. Killing a plant is almost no different from killing an animal (the only difference being that an animal has a mind). So why not kill an animal instead of a plant? The fact that an animal has a mind is not a strong enough argument to persuade me.

Killing a plant is completely different from killing an animal. The existence of sentience (the ability to experience) is the ONLY legitimate basis for ethics. We know what it is to suffer (bad) and to experience pleasure (good). Everything else is arbitrary.
  • #158
LW Sleeth said:
But beyond that, as hard as I've tried I cannot come up with a moral reason why animals shouldn't be killed and eaten.

I do not make a strong distinction between humans and other species. We are just another species.

If you are a Darwinist, then you can see killing and eating animals is quite the way things are done in the natural world. If you believe in God, then you can see God created things so that animals eat each other, so obviously God isn't all that worried about it (both possibililties make it VERY difficult to watch nature shows featuring carnivores because sometimes they start eating their victims while they are still alive).

I am a Darwinist, but not a Social Darwinist. Evolution and natural selection say nothing of ethics, only how things have occurred. They do not say what is right or wrong or good or bad. They are not things to revere.

I grew up around people who were used to slaughtering, and I saw in them a certain insensitivity to other living beings that seems to be what Dan talks about. I think you have to be that way to slaughter. If you've ever seen a pig slaughtered, his throat cut, hung upside down by his feet so the blood drips out, the pig squealing the whole time . . . well, it's not pretty. I know we get to remain unaware of that when we shop at the supermarket, but even that's a kind of deadness. Personally, I prefer to be more sensitive. I don't want to have to shut off my sensitivity for any reason.

I've heard stories about people who work in slaughterhouses who became abusive of their families.
  • #159
Dissident Dan said:
Killing a plant is completely different from killing an animal. The existence of sentience (the ability to experience) is the ONLY legitimate basis for ethics. We know what it is to suffer (bad) and to experience pleasure (good). Everything else is arbitrary.

That's what I essentially mean when I say "an animal has a mind". And still, I do not find this a sufficient reason as to why one would not eat meat.
  • #160
That's interesting. I hold the ability to experience as the only legitimate basis for any ethics.

For any linguistic explanation you attempt to give someone as to why something is right or wrong, bad or good, should be done or should be not done, they can always ask, "Why?" There is only one way to get past the infinite string of "Why?"s. That is to invoke the knowledge of experience of the person whom you are talking to. Each of us has experienced. We know what it is to suffer and to experience pleasure. We know the badness of suffering and the goodness of pleasure. It cannot be explained, because language has limitations, but each of us knows this because we know the qualities of these experiences.
  • #161
Dissident Dan said:
I do not make a strong distinction between humans and other species. We are just another species.

Okay, but lots of "other species" eat each other, and would eat us too. Are those species behaving immorally? And then, I don't eat meat. However, I do let my cat eat the gophers she catches (actually, as much as I hate what those little devils do to my garden :mad:, I do try to save them). What is the extent of my responsibility? Should I interfer with other animals killing and eating each other?

Dissident Dan said:
I am a Darwinist, but not a Social Darwinist. Evolution and natural selection say nothing of ethics, only how things have occurred. They do not say what is right or wrong or good or bad. They are not things to revere.

I know you're not a Social Darwinist, but my point was to ask what natural or universal conditions you are relying on to derive your ethics. It is one thing to determine what is ethical for yourself, but this thread is about what is "right" overall, and therefore for the rest of us. For that you need to something more than your compassionate beliefs (besides, if slaughter animals were given a good life, and killed humanely, we've actually improved the way most prey animals die). So I still cannot see the moral/ethic issue here, even if I personally agree with you about killing animals.
  • #162
LW Sleeth said:
Okay, but lots of "other species" eat each other, and would eat us too. Are those species behaving immorally? And then, I don't eat meat. However, I do let my cat eat the gophers she catches (actually, as much as I hate what those little devils do to my garden :mad:, I do try to save them). What is the extent of my responsibility? Should I interfer with other animals killing and eating each other?

Sometime in the past year, I have stopped being a preservationist. Applying the idea of morality to other creatures is more limited than application to humans, because the other creatures do not think or communicate on the levels that we do. You can't expect a cat to know why it is wrong to eat a gopher. I find the killing or suffering of any creature unfortunate and saddening, and would do what I could to reduce suffering. I would stop the cat from eating the gophers if able.

I know you're not a Social Darwinist, but my point was to ask what natural or universal conditions you are relying on to derive your ethics.

Read my last post (at the end of the last page). You were probably typing this up as I was typing mine.
  • #163
This is my first post. Great topic. It is a topic that only a human would have. Other animals do not concern themselves with the impact of their actions on the rest of the world. Of course, it could be argued that we are the only ones who impact the world enough to unbalance it.

I finally finshed all 11 pages and have a few points.

I do agree that the raising of meat as opposed to plants for consumption is wasteful. Cattle filter the food energy (most easily expressed as calories) that we could be receiving. It takes multiple pounds of grain to produce a pound of meat (aprox. ratios 10:1/cow 6:1/chicken). Not to mention that just by virtue of their stationary position plants are a wiser use of land for food production. Cattle require acres to roam. This is an issue which has to do with global starvation.

My probelem with vegetarians bringing up this reasoning is that they are not too sincere. As a general rule they don't eat foods which necessarily promote global food development. Most "veggie" items are wasteful themselves. Especially the burgers, hot dogs, and other processed "veggie" foods. Also, if you are concerned for global hunger you should boycott organic foods, as this way of creating food energy is less productive.

The probelem is not that we eat meat. It's that we eat too much meat. Even if you believe in the 4 basic food groups, it should be noted that almost everyone eats primarily meat. Our portions our half a plate of meat, some veggies, and some carbs. This is excessive by anyones standards. It is my opinion that if we still had to hunt & gather, we would primarily eat plants peppered with meats. I do not think it is ethical to eat something you would not get yourself. If you can't stomach killing & gutting a cow, then you have no business grabbing a burger. Luckily for me if I was hunting and gathering I'd grab some apples and broccoli on my way to kill/skin/roast a rabbit for dinner.
  • #164
LW Sleeth said:
Okay, but lots of "other species" eat each other, and would eat us too. Are those species behaving immorally? And then, I don't eat meat. However, I do let my cat eat the gophers she catches (actually, as much as I hate what those little devils do to my garden :mad:, I do try to save them). What is the extent of my responsibility? Should I interfer with other animals killing and eating each other?

As for the responsibility thing; I am not sure that interfering another animals' dinner is necessary (they are doing their instinctive thing), but we as humans should probably stop raising animals for the sole purpose of killing them.

LuciferPrometheus said:
This is my first post. Great topic. It is a topic that only a human would have.

Welcome to PF forums!
  • #165
When I think about the eating of animals, I wonder why it is such a contentious issue. Is it really such a detestable request that we extend some basic compassion to our fellow creatures? These animals feel and think as we do. For the sake of taste and texture, we subject them to horrors that would elicit immediate, impassioned, nearly-unanimous outcry had humans been subjected to them.

The suffer. They long for their families. They are diseased. They are malnourished. Their bodies are deformed and often unable to support them. Many cannot move. They cannot roam, for they are confined to small stalls, pens, or cages or are cramped in a huge, dark room with thousands of others. They stand or lie in their own excrement on metal or concrete.

Merely so we can satisfy our cravings they endure all this. It is unending for them until they die. What will it take for us to have some mercy? What will it take for us to respect other creatures as individuals?

Is it so radical that think that we should exhibit some decency in how we treat other animals?
  • #166
Dissident Dan said:
When I think about the eating of animals, I wonder why it is such a contentious issue. Is it really such a detestable request that we extend some basic compassion to our fellow creatures? These animals feel and think as we do. For the sake of taste and texture, we subject them to horrors that would elicit immediate, impassioned, nearly-unanimous outcry had humans been subjected to them.

The suffer. They long for their families. They are diseased. They are malnourished. Their bodies are deformed and often unable to support them. Many cannot move. They cannot roam, for they are confined to small stalls, pens, or cages or are cramped in a huge, dark room with thousands of others. They stand or lie in their own excrement on metal or concrete.

Merely so we can satisfy our cravings they endure all this. It is unending for them until they die. What will it take for us to have some mercy? What will it take for us to respect other creatures as individuals?

Is it so radical that think that we should exhibit some decency in how we treat other animals?
"Detestable request?" I wouldn't characterize it like that. Shortsighted, unrealistic, irrelevant, overly emotional maybe. There's probably another one, but I can't think of the right word. The issue here is simple: the animal kingdom is violent. To pretend otherwise is... see above.

If you personally feel uncomfortable with it, fine. But I don't consider your opinion all that reasonable here. It requires a lot of unreasonable logical leaps and assumptions:

-Animals have feelings: do they?
-We are causing unnecessary pain: are we causing any more pain than already exists? Have you ever watched National Geographic?
-We're better than the animals so we should treat them better: I don't see a logical connection there.
-And the biggie: animals have rights (not sure if you're suggesting that or not): no animals do not have rights.

To answer this one thouh: "What will it take for us to respect other creatures as individuals?" At the very least, evidence that they qualify for rights. Sentience, intelligence, etc. Ie, some reason to consider them equals to us.

edit: slight clarification - I'm not a big fan of the way calves for veal are treated. I think its unnecessary and unreasonable. But the general raising and kiling for food, no.
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  • #167
russ_watters said:
"Detestable request?" I wouldn't characterize it like that. Shortsighted, unrealistic, irrelevant, overly emotional maybe. There's probably another one, but I can't think of the right word. The issue here is simple: the animal kingdom is violent. To pretend otherwise is... see above.

I'm sure that people said all the same things about those who supported the abolition of human slavery in the USA.
It is not short-sighted.
Unrealistic? only history can tell. Saying such now is to have a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Irrelevant? It is only the most important thing I know of.
Overly emotional? It is not any more emotional than saying the same things regarding other human beings. What is overly emotional is letting our prejudices overcome the realizations of how similar we all really are and how irrelevant our differences are.

If you personally feel uncomfortable with it, fine. But I don't consider your opinion all that reasonable here. It requires a lot of unreasonable logical leaps and assumptions:

-Animals have feelings: do they?
-We are causing unnecessary pain: are we causing any more pain than already exists? Have you ever watched National Geographic?
-We're better than the animals so we should treat them better: I don't see a logical connection there.
-And the biggie: animals have rights (not sure if you're suggesting that or not): no animals do not have rights.

1) Animals definitely do feel. Ignoring this, or claiming it as unproven is an unfortunate product of our prejudicial society. Behavior, biology, and evolution all demonstrate that they do feel.
2) We are causing unnecessary pain, because (a) that suffering would not otherwise occur, and (b) eating them is not necessary for our nutritional needs. I understand that there are saddening violences in the wild, which is why I am not a preservationist. However, one misfortune does not justify another misfortune.
3) I don't recall ever saying that we are "better" than animals. All I've said is that we have great abilities to comprehend, and we should use them to understand the moral obligations to other creatures. I'm not sure if I've even said this in a recent post.
4) If humans have rights, then animals have rights. There are no relevant differences. Animals have sentience. There is no question about it.

edit: slight clarification - I'm not a big fan of the way calves for veal are treated. I think its unnecessary and unreasonable. But the general raising and kiling for food, no.

Givent that we do not need to eat them, and even more animals suffer just as much as veal calves (egg-laying chickens, sows, etc.), I find it very unneccesary and unreasonable.

It is not such a very hard thing to do to give up meat, either, provided you don't mind the occasional joke. Hopefully, any adult could deal with that. It really is amazing how quickly one becomes used to a non-animal diet such that hardly does it even feel like restricting oneself.
  • #168
Dissident Dan you got my vote, i agree whith most of what you said. This sounds like the end of the thread. But there is one more consideration, what do we do with all the animals we do not eat. You know they would starve if there was no predators. So what do we do? Ask the predators. The problem does not end with us resolving the problem.
  • #169
The stomach dumps refined sugar, but hangs onto fruit sugar, and fruit, my guess is that it really wants to get at those minerals in the fruit. Coronary ICU's all over our nation are chock full of individuals on the Adkins diet. There were days in the last year where, 1/2 of the individuals I interviewed in the Coronary ICU, were on Adkins. A healthy diet has at least 2 whole fruits a day, and 3-5 servings of vegetables, and not much more than 6 oz of high protein food. The fuel foods, grains, need to be added last and in accordance with activity level. The grains need to be whole.
The number one solvent to facilitate all bodily functions is water, and we should make it easy on the body, by taking that on in pure water form. It is possible to live very well as a vegetarian, and as we move more into the genetic manipulation of animals for transplant tissue, and higher production of milk, and greater muscle mass, we have to remember that the animals that have our genetic material, might engender even more capable viral predators to our species. An example of this is the work done with pigs. Pigs are scavenging animals and therefore have super hardy immune systems. When we lend our wimpy genetic material to them, then their predators have a stab at gearing up to attack our tissues. The pigs might do alright with this, but we might not. The effects of BGH on humans who consume milk, are already showing, up because there are many other imitators of estrogen in the environment now. Very young girls are starting to menstruate, some of these estrogen imitators are in sunscreen, shampoo, cadmium from batteries in the groundwater, so the lower you eat on the food chain, the better off you will be. Even Salmon has gotten into the act now, with GM Farm Salmon, and dyed Salmon. So as in all matters, name your poison. Or name your Poisson.
  • #170
Rader said:
Dissident Dan you got my vote, i agree whith most of what you said. This sounds like the end of the thread. But there is one more consideration, what do we do with all the animals we do not eat. You know they would starve if there was no predators. So what do we do? Ask the predators. The problem does not end with us resolving the problem.

Well, the fact is that the whole country won't go vegetarian overnight. There would be a tapering off, if people are to leave off eating animals, as demand decreases in a more-or-less smooth fashion. There would be fewer and fewer animals bred to replace the ones slaughtered.
  • #171
Dissident Dan said:
Well, the fact is that the whole country won't go vegetarian overnight. There would be a tapering off, if people are to leave off eating animals, as demand decreases in a more-or-less smooth fashion. There would be fewer and fewer animals bred to replace the ones slaughtered.

While I agree with your philosophy, when making philosophical decisions, you have to really think things out. A wrong decision could create more pain and suffering than it was suppose to elimate. Change must be gradual, as abrupt decisions can be catastrophic. Have you seen the data studies if everyone stopped smoking all at once. Half of the planet smokes and from the PF survery 3/4 of us eat meat, so if that is any indication of what the rest of the world does. If we stopped eating meat all at once, the world economy would collapse. It would take a gradual redistribution of weath in other sectors or the decision to stop eating meat would do more harm than good.
  • #172
Dissident Dan said:
I'm sure that people said all the same things about those who supported the abolition of human slavery in the USA.
I'm sure that's not even close to the same thing.
4) If humans have rights, then animals have rights. There are no relevant differences. Animals have sentience. There is no question about it.
And you base this on what exactly? Most animals can't even recognize their reflection in a mirror. That's one of the simpler tests of self-awareness.

As for rights, have you discussed rights with your cat? How can you be sure your cat's idea of rights is the same as yours? Your cat clearly doesn't see a moral issue with killing and dismembering that mouse for sport - yet you do. What gives you the right to decide for your cat what is right and wrong for it?

No, Dan, rights were invented by humans for humans. They most certainly were not intended to extend to animals. Though there are a lot of people who think they should be extended to animals, that they were not intended for animals when they were thought up is simply a matter of historical/literary fact: ie, find me a pasage in one of Locke's books about rights where he talks about animal rights.
  • #173
I have never seen such stupidity in my life as is in this thread. For all of you vegans, do you know how many acres of rain forests have been cleared in South America for guess what: Soybeans. That's right. Thousands of thousands of acres have been cleared for soybeans. South America has lines of trucks hundreds of miles long to dump grain at the terminals. Human life as we know it cannot exist without the consumption of animals. We have socially evolved by moving into cities, getting our food at the supermarket, having the conveniences of computers, automobiles, a pretty damn cushy lifestyle all because of the consumption of animals. So unless you vegans plan on moving out to the middle of nowhere and becoming gatherers that live in grass huts, shut up already. I live and work in ag country. Most land that is suitable for raising crops is used for that. Livestock graze on what we call waste-land. Land that is not suitable for raising crops. So until you agree to move onto this 'wasteland' and become a gatherer of berries and such, cattle will roam on it. They are not all 'couped up' as you would believe. They also don't come close to thinking like a human being. Most of the time they would rather trample you if you get to close to their calf. They don't 'give you the benefit of the doubt' like it is assumed we should give them. I agree, animals should be treated humanly unlike the chickens that are raised nowadays. Until people agree to pay more for their food, that is the way it is going to be.
  • #174
russ_watters said:
I'm sure that's not even close to the same thing.

What makes you say that? You don't think that people called abolitionists unrealistic? Ridding ourselves of human slavery was a revolutionary change. Such revolutionary talk necessarily was called unrealistic. There used to be people who said that black people didn't have feelings. Such people surely called people advocating for black slaves "emotional" or "sentimental".

And you base this on what exactly? Most animals can't even recognize their reflection in a mirror. That's one of the simpler tests of self-awareness.

1) "Self-awareness" is not the correct criterion upon which to extend consideration. The ability to feel is the criterion. This ability to feel is commonly called sentience.
2) The mirror test isn't a good test. It is a test of intelligence, not a test of whether or not one knows of one's own existence. You have to understand the idea of reflection, which is beyond merely knowing of one's existence. I am continually astounded by the belief that the mirror test is so significant.
3) As you implied yourself, some animals, such as nonhuman primates, do pass the mirror test. Should they, at least, be afforded rights?

As for rights, have you discussed rights with your cat? How can you be sure your cat's idea of rights is the same as yours? Your cat clearly doesn't see a moral issue with killing and dismembering that mouse for sport - yet you do. What gives you the right to decide for your cat what is right and wrong for it?

Any creature has an interest in not being harmed.

No, Dan, rights were invented by humans for humans. They most certainly were not intended to extend to animals. Though there are a lot of people who think they should be extended to animals, that they were not intended for animals when they were thought up is simply a matter of historical/literary fact: ie, find me a pasage in one of Locke's books about rights where he talks about animal rights.

Well, I said If humans have rights, then animals have rights. As is apparent from your post, you do not believe in rights as an inherent characteristic of a person. You believe in them as some made-up part of society. In this case, you would not see the conditional that I stated as applying, since no one really has rights in the first place.

My whole point is that there are no relevant differences between humans and many other species of animals. We all have interests. While the nature of those interests have variations between species, the fact that all these different species have the capacities for positive and negative experiences renders us all relatively equal.

It would be sticking one's head in the sand in one instance, and opening one's eyes in another (an inconsistency) to say that other humans can feel and nonhuman animals cannot. It would also be taking the more dangerous side of any error in calculation. The facts of behavior, biology (structure and process), and common heritage (evolution) show the link between oneself and other animals. These are the same facts upon which we believe in sentience in other humans (although the heritage link was not obvious until about a century and a half ago, and much knowledge of neurology is pretty recent). One of the many facts showing animal sentience is the fact that basic emotions like fear, anger, and lust are based in the hind- and mid-brain, present in mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, and fish.
  • #175
Averagesupernova said:
I have never seen such stupidity in my life as is in this thread. For all of you vegans, do you know how many acres of rain forests have been cleared in South America for guess what: Soybeans. That's right. Thousands of thousands of acres have been cleared for soybeans. South America has lines of trucks hundreds of miles long to dump grain at the terminals.

First, please stop and ask yourself why are you so angry and antagonistic.
Why human activity necessarily uses resources, the production of plants uses far less in land, energy, and water than the production of animals, especially in the USA, where most animals are no longer grazed, but are kept confined and fed cash crops.

BTW, soybeans aren't grains.

Human life as we know it cannot exist without the consumption of animals. We have socially evolved by moving into cities, getting our food at the supermarket, having the conveniences of computers, automobiles, a pretty damn cushy lifestyle all because of the consumption of animals.

This is just not true. Eating animals is much less efficient than eating plants. This would allow more resources to be available for improving living conditions.

Most land that is suitable for raising crops is used for that. Livestock graze on what we call waste-land. Land that is not suitable for raising crops. So until you agree to move onto this 'wasteland' and become a gatherer of berries and such, cattle will roam on it. They are not all 'couped up' as you would believe.

Most of the agricultural land in the USA was once considered "wasteland". Then the "Reclamation of the West" (irrigation) came about. In addition, synthetic fertilizers have rendered soil quality irrelevant. Also, notice that even grazing animals are fed bundles of hay, which had to be grown in fields elsewhere.

Beef cattle are often allowed to graze before being slaughtered. I live in Florida, where there are many pasture farms. However, I seriously doubt that grazing makes up the majority of the beef industry. Most other animals, including cows used for dairy, are kept in confinement. Birds and pigs get the worst of it. Dairy cows are in pretty bad shape. Here is a link that states that in Minnesota, only a small percentage of dairies graze their cows:

For animal welfare, if one is going to eat meat, it seems that eating beef would be the best, both because of the high amount of flesh per animal and the conditions of the animals. However, even many cattle "farms" keep the animals very closely packed, often in dirt or mud, as the following website shows:

40% of all beef production comes from two percent of the feedlots, with three companies (IBP, ConAgra and Cargill) having market shares of 35%, 21% and 20% respectively.8

There is also great suffering due to feeding animals drugs and synthetic growth hormones and selective breeding.

I could go on and on, but it is easy to do the research. Tell me if you find any facts contrary to what I'm saying.

They also don't come close to thinking like a human being. Most of the time they would rather trample you if you get to close to their calf. They don't 'give you the benefit of the doubt' like it is assumed we should give them. I agree, animals should be treated humanly unlike the chickens that are raised nowadays. Until people agree to pay more for their food, that is the way it is going to be.

I'm glad that you think that chickens should be treated better, but that does not make it so. As long as there is demand, great suffering will happen. Also, I find it interesting that you try to refute the vegetarian argument using one type of animal (cattle) while acknowledging the confinement the argument regarding birds.

Firstly, a person does not have to treat you well in order for you to treat that person well (a person not necessarily being a human). Secondly, if a creature that you perceived as potentially-threatening approached your child, I'm sure that you would do the same. Our moral appraisal of the animals doesn't matter. We cannot expect less intelligent creatures to be as good as we are. All that is relevant is that they can experience. Because they can experience, we should extend consideration for them. Due to this consideration, we should stop eating them.
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