Photo Contest - You Animal (6/6-6/13)

In summary, the contest rules state that any digital photo or digitally-scanned photo relevant to the theme will be accepted within the contest period. Members are allowed to submit ONE picture per contest. The picture must be of an animal and must be live. The photo must be no larger than 650 x 490 pixels and must not have been edited in any way. The photo must be posted in the relevant contest thread and linked using the img command. The poll at the end of the contest will determine the winner.
  • #36
Evo said:
My fruitbat.

She is adorable!
Physics news on
  • #37
Bawang from the San Francisco zoo.
  • #38
Moonbear said:
the way the camera caught it really makes it look vicious.
It's the eyes. People with cataracts are always scary looking.

0TheSwerve0 said:
Bawang from the San Francisco zoo.
I saw that exact same shot in Hustler a couple of years ago... but after she'd shaved.
  • #39
:smile: :smile: :smile:

she is a sexy one ain't she?:biggrin:
  • #40
I decline to answer that on the grounds that W might smack me with a frying pan if she doesn't like the answer.
  • #41
Danger said:
It's the eyes. People with cataracts are always scary looking.

Yeah I'm not really sure what happened there, I know a lot of times you get red eye in a picture but I've never seen brown eyes come out green lol
  • #42
Most predators (but mostly nocturnal ones like cats) have reflective lenses in their eyes to amplify incoming light. 'Red-eye' in a person is just from light bouncing off of the blood vessels in the retinae, so you can see how an extra reflective layer will make them glow.
  • #43
scorpa said:
I know a lot of times you get red eye in a picture but I've never seen brown eyes come out green lol

Here's another, not a submission for the contest, just a "green eye" demo:

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  • #44
dav2008 said:
Do they have to be live animals or are stuffed animals or other representations of animals allowed?

No, no dead ones. The animal/s must be alive.

  • #45
Some gorillas I saw last week...
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  • #46
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  • #47
ToxicBug said:

that's a mouse right? What kind is it?
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  • #48
0TheSwerve0 said:
that's a mouse right? What kind is it?
Looks like a chinchilla.
  • #49
Jeff Reid said:
Here's another:

Pretty cat! Is that an Abyssinian?
  • #50
J77 said:
Some gorillas I saw last week...

Do you live in Africa?!
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  • #51
larkspur said:
Looks like a chinchilla.
Yeah, my parent's pet actually.
  • #52
Our late ferret Turbo. When we had company, he would not sleep in his bed, but would sleep in this antique crock in the kitchen, so he could be near the action, visit, and beg for food, ear-rubs, etc. He had just woken up from a nap and was still a bit dozey-looking. He had his summer coat in the avatar picture - ferrets generally get lighter-colored in the winter when this was shot.
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  • #53
turbo-1 said:
He had his summer coat in the avatar picture
And here all this time I thought that your avatar was a badger. :redface:
  • #54 Here's[/URL] my dog, Gibson (named after my favorite guitar brand). Sadly, he died late last year :(

Paden Roder
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  • #55
PRodQuanta said:
Here's my dog, Gibson (named after my favorite guitar brand). Sadly, he died late last year :(

Paden Roder
Happy-looking guy! I have a soft spot for Gibsons, too, although right now, my current "ES335" is a sweet Yamaha SA800, and my favorite "'59 SG special" was a Hamer. :smile:
  • #56
Jeff Reid said:
Here's another:

Please note that we do have a size limitation as noted in our contest rules.

  • #57
Danger said:
And here all this time I thought that your avatar was a badger. :redface:
A badger?! Where have you ever seen a badger this cute? Turbo topped out at around 3 lbs - not exactly a badger-weight contender, but pound-for-pound these guys are about the smartest pet you can own. Don't buy a ferret unless you are willing to share all your living space (they need room and want to have a "territory"), and don't bring one home until you have ferret-proofed the house. That means magnetic and/or mechanical latches on cupboard doors AND drawers, no poisons where the little guys can get to, etc. They can sit up on their hind legs and use their dexterous front paws to open doors, drawers, etc. They don't have opposable thumbs, and that's about the only thing preventing them from taking over the world.
  • #58
turbo-1 said:
I have a soft spot for Gibsons, too,
I don't mind it once in a while, but I really prefer scotch over rye.

turbo-1 said:
A badger?! Where have you ever seen a badger this cute? Turbo topped out at around 3 lbs - not exactly a badger-weight contender
All badgers are cute. Keep in mind that you have nothing else in that picture to give a scale reference. It could be the size of a flea or a refrigerator for all I can tell. Besides, my eyes ain't that good any more. I have no intention of obtaining a ferret, but Lucy cat knows how to open doors as well (people doors, at that). She's keeping my mother company, though, so it won't be my problem for a while.
  • #59
Darn! I was expecting that most people would know that this guy is tougher than a badger :

These guys are handy! A ferret the size of a badger could have taken over all the local oil-change franchises in a year or two, and maybe some fast-food places, too. He's certainly cute enough to beat the customer-relations programs of any of the franchises.
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  • #60
ZapperZ said:
Please note that we do have a size limitation as noted in our contest rules.
That wasn't a submission, only the first picture. The rules stated only one submission per member. The second photo was just an example of green eyes. I'll resize it though.
  • #61
larkspur said:
Pretty cat! Is that an Abyssinian?
Yes, its our daughter cat. Her name is Kiwi. Extremely active when not napping.
  • #62
Jeff Reid said:
That wasn't a submission, only the first picture. The rules stated only one submission per member. The second photo was just an example of green eyes. I'll resize it though.

OK, then since this has occurred for the 2nd time, I'll add to the rules that ONLY photo submission can be the ones displayed in this thread. It is a tedious process to collect all the links and get them in order for the votes. It doesn't help when there are photos being displayed that are not to be included in the contest.

So please restrict pictures being displayed in the contest threads as being the ones for the contest.

  • #63
0TheSwerve0 said:
Do you live in Africa?!

Nah - they were at an open sanctuary.

Like Jurassic Park for Monkeys and Apes :smile:
  • #64
ONLY photo submission can be the ones displayed in this thread
Did you want me to delete the picture from the website in order to break the links (result will be little red x's)?
  • #65
Two of my cats.

Mother and son:
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  • #66

A seal(ion?) I saw at Half Moon Bay.
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  • #67

My bearded dragon Luna watching TV.
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  • #68
Burnsys said:
Two of my cats.

Mother and son:
Ok,[/URL] this is going to be impossible to decide. That is SO CUTE! :!)
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  • #69
detta said:

My bearded dragon Luna watching TV.
:smile: Love it. :smile:
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  • #70
Evo said:
Ok, this is going to be impossible to decide. That is SO CUTE! :!)
My gorillas would eat them kittens for breakfast :devil:

(Kitten photos should've been banned from this competition. In fact, banned from the net in general :-p )

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