PMs/VMs scheduled for global wipe

  • Thread starter Greg Bernhardt
  • Start date
In summary: to be her PM ? No idea about VMs.PMs take up about 150MB at the moment. Is that per user, or for all the users put together? If 150 MB is the total for all the users, that seems to be a fairly trivial amount, which can easily be backed up somewhere.That's a good question and the unfortunate answer is yes. PMs, like messages, take up storage space on the server. However, the amount of storage space they take up is relative to the number of users who have them. So, if there are only a few users with PMs, the storage space taken up by their PMs will be negligible. However, if there are a lot
  • #36
tiny-tim said:
PM all your tears to yourself, and Greg will wipe them away. :smile:

Oh... my... [STRIKE]god[/STRIKE] science...

That was like poetry.

EDIT: Now, if will you all excuse me, I'm going to spend the next few hours alone with my visitor messages. I already wiped my inbox and outbox clean just to retain some semblance of control over my life.

DOUBLE EDIT: Incidentally, after the wipe, how many threads do you think will be started with a title like: "all of my PMs are gone."
Physics news on
  • #38
Greg Bernhardt said:
visitor messages are now history. PMs in 30min
Oh, the humanity!

FlexGunship said:
DOUBLE EDIT: Incidentally, after the wipe, how many threads do you think will be started with a title like: "all of my PMs are gone."
  • #39
FlexGunship said:
DOUBLE EDIT: Incidentally, after the wipe, how many threads do you think will be started with a title like: "all of my PMs are gone."

LOL :smile:
  • #40
physicsforums said:
I like Serena has not received any visitor messages.

  • #41
I, like I like Serena, have no received any visitor messages.
  • #42
I like Serena said:

You are exaggerating.
  • #43
My visitor messages will be avenged!
  • #44
I'm going on a campaign of prolific visitor messaging. I will "first post" every forum member!
  • #45
Borek said:
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 1 of 1.

  • #46
Just URGHHH! That's not fair.
  • #47
Nearly 200,000 PMs cleared out! There were also some 50,000 VMs before.

Thanks for all! Carry on! :)
  • #48
... Let me be the last, Greg... PleaseEDIT: Too late! THANKS GREG!
  • #49
Greg Bernhardt said:
Thanks for all! Carry on! :)

Oh, we will... I've already posted no less than seven (yes, seven) VMs.

EDIT: Wonderful, my first PM is an infraction.
  • #50
As unlikely as it was, I got a PM from a user (hi! :wink:) just a moment before Greg wiped the database clean. I have an email on my computer, but I can't answer in a normal way. Sigh.
  • #51
flexgunship said:
oh, we will... I've already posted no less than seven (yes, seven) vms.

Edit: Wonderful, my first pm is an infraction.


Sorry, can't stop laughing.
  • #53
Greg, are you trying to collect all kinds of hatred to pour it upon you and YOU ONLY? :URGHHHHHH:
  • #54
drizzle said:
Greg, are you trying to collect all kinds of hatred to pour it upon you and YOU ONLY? :URGHHHHHH:

yeah I need some more hate mail ;)
  • #55
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  • #58
Borek said:

vBulletin Message said:
I like Serena, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

1. Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
2. If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.

Huh? :confused:

Greg Bernhardt said:
It's in the staff forum...

Ooooh! :wink:
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  • #59
Greg Bernhardt said:
It's in the staff forum...

So, yeah... if you could just give me access... you know... when you get a second.
  • #60
Too funny, the first member to ask what happened to their pm's was a mentor. :-p

It's going to take at least a week for my inbox to fill up.
Last edited:
  • #61
Greg Bernhardt said:
It's in the staff forum...

Oops, for some reason I was sure it is in the feedback

Early senior moments... I have spent an hour yesterday and an hour today trying to solve chemistry problem, only to find solution is posted in my pH lectures since 2005. Luckily, approach I found this time was much better, so time was not wasted.
  • #62
Greg Bernhardt said:
yeah I need some more hate mail ;)

... What ever you've seen in PMs, it wasn't me. *shifted eyes*
  • #63
Evo said:
Too funny, the first member to ask what happened to their pm's was a mentor. :-p

It's going to take at least a week for my inbox to fill up.
Maybe it will be a week if you have that much-vaunted 50K msg capacity. :devil:
  • #64
Congrats, now I have no idea to which girls I sent all my copied and pasted love letters. Kidding. :)
But yeah, I didn't see this post and sincerely this hasn't done harm to me.
  • #65
Greg Bernhardt said:
This thread will be bumped several times for reminders.
In the entire ... two weeks ... this was up, I never once saw this message.
  • #66
Thank God I haven't posted anything too fancy in the blogs...:rolleyes:
  • #67
You know Greg, 'infractions received' deserves a new start too.
  • #68
drizzle said:
You know Greg, 'infractions received' deserves a new start too.

  • #69
dextercioby said:
Thank God I haven't posted anything too fancy in the blogs...:rolleyes:
The blogs didn't disappear like last time.
  • #70
Evo said:
The blogs didn't disappear like last time.

wha, blogs never disappeared

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