Post Your Grades for Spring Term

In summary, the conversation involves several individuals discussing their grades for the semester. Some are happy with their grades in difficult courses, while others are disappointed with their performance. One person mentions taking 25 hours of honors classes and getting mostly B's, while another mentions only taking two classes and receiving an A and a B. The conversation also touches on the topic of A+ grades and how they are perceived at different universities.
  • #1
If you want to!

I had to make this topic, because I have been waiting for grades for the last week, checking incessantly each and every day. I finally found out that I received an A in Chemistry I and a B in Calculus II. I wanted an A in Calculus II, but after a slow start to the semester, I'm happy taking home a B.

I only took two classes, but I'm interested to see some of your grades, particularly if you took 25 hours (of honors, no less) like it seems everyone does around here.
Physics news on
  • #2
Calc III: B
Physics II: B
Chem II: B

My worst semester so far, but calc and physics were both very close to an A, so I am personally satisfied.
  • #3
Calculus III- A
Ordinary Differential Equations - A
Intro to Engineering - A
Physics II- B
Statics - C

Really pissed about that C in statics but the class had only 2 tests and after doing well on the first test I kinda stopped going to class (stupidest and most boring class I've ever taken). Completely bombed the second test, in fact I asked about 6-7 of my classmates and none of them passed it either and that was after a 20pt curve. I didn't think it was too hard but there was one hard question worth 40% of the grade and the guy gives 0 partial credit.

Kinda messed up my semester especially since I had been doing pretty well up until the end. (messed up on ODE final but thankfully I had a near perfect grade before that)
  • #4
I just hope all of the "OMG I got a B+! My life is over" posts find their way to this thread instead of polluting the rest of the board.

My finals are next week, I'll post my grades in about 2 weeks.
  • #5
I got an A- for Physics (E&M), I really don't deserve it seeing how I bombed the midterms. I got 77% on the final and the prof threw out my midterms and replaced it with my final lol.
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  • #6
Oh, fine.

Linear Algebra: B
Graph Theory: B
Topology: B
Statistical Theory II: C

Grade-wise, that was easily my worst semester. I admit that Topology was hard and that I devoted a lot of energy into it at the expense of my other classes, but there's really no excuse for not having received an 'A' in Linear Algebra but carelessness and a touch of overconfidence (interestingly, linear and abstract algebra seem to come easily to me). I could've gotten an 'A' in Graph Theory, too, but I didn't like the course for the first couple months, so I didn't put as much effort into it as I otherwise would've.

I don't really care about the Stat Theory. A 'C' sucks, but I had my final on the same day as my Linear Algebra and Graph Theory finals and just got overwhelmed at the very end. Had I just pulled an 'A' in Linear Algebra, I would've been content...
  • #7
Real Analysis : A
Abstract Algebra II : A
Calc IV : B-

Don't really know what happened with Calc, I was pretty pumped about Abstract Algebra and Real Analysis though.
  • #8
What is Calc IV? Is it a calculus on manifolds course?
  • #9
I have 10 (one left to go!) this year...most were, in a word, GPA is taking a hit this time round I fear.

No grades yet but my classes were:

General Relativity
Astro Data Analysis
Radio and Optical Telescopes
Solid State
Math Methods II
Nuc and Particle
Atomic Systems
Electromagnetic Theory
General Paper
  • #10
Real Analysis: B (88%)
Design and Analysis of Algorithms: C (79%)
  • #11
I was also incessantly checking my marks page for the last week hyper-obsessively aha (refreshing every 5 minutes)
Analysis I: A-
Algebra II: A-
  • #12
I didn't take many fancy courses, but mine were as follows:

Calculus 1: A+
General Chemistry 2: A+
Physics 1: A+
Spanish 4/Advanced: A
  • #13
anybody from uof toronto??
  • #14
QuarkCharmer said:
I didn't take many fancy courses, but mine were as follows:

Calculus 1: A+
General Chemistry 2: A+
Physics 1: A+
Spanish 4/Advanced: A

You get A+ in your college? There is no such thing in the colleges around me.

What grade is A+?
  • #15
Chaostamer said:
What is Calc IV? Is it a calculus on manifolds course?
Diff Eq, probably.
  • #16
^At my school A and A+ are both a 4.0. My school's official grading criteria basically says that an A means you comprehensively understand the subject matter, and an A+ means you excelled beyond what was required for the course. In practice, it usually means you did about 5-10% better than what was needed for an A, which is usually around 85-90% for a science/engineering course. However since it's worth the same in grade points as an A, I guess an A+ is more of an official pat on the back than anything.

As far as the thread, I was quite pleased with my grades, but I'm not comfortable posting them.
  • #17
Electrodynamics - A
Quantum Mechanics I - A
Special (and General) Relativity - A
Statistical Mechanics - A
Undergraduate Research - A

Pretty pleased. This was another good semester.
  • #18
Nano-Passion said:
You get A+ in your college? There is no such thing in the colleges around me.

What grade is A+?

It's a 4.0 the same as an A. I don't know why I put the + down, was thinking about my final grades.
  • #19
Chaostamer, Calc 3 and 4 go over multivariable calcus and vector calculus at my school.
  • #20
Calculus II - A
Physics I (Mechanics) - A
Data Structures and Algorithms in Java - B (I expect, not posted yet =[ )
Freshman Comp - B (same as with csci above)
  • #21
101physics said:
I have 10 (one left to go!) this year...most were, in a word, GPA is taking a hit this time round I fear.

No grades yet but my classes were:

General Relativity
Astro Data Analysis
Radio and Optical Telescopes
Solid State
Math Methods II
Nuc and Particle
Atomic Systems
Electromagnetic Theory
General Paper

o_O and/or =O
  • #22
anonymity said:
o_O and/or =O

Haha...It was a TOUGH year (I think my final year will not be quite as severe). Also, it looks like a lot, but I think our classes are a wee bit shorter than US courses- the astronomy were 22 lectures each and the physics options were 18 lectures each. Plus we had no labwork this year, as our research project is in 5th year, and this was my whole course-load as we don't take general humanities or anything that's not physics/astro/math based.
  • #23
anonymity said:
o_O and/or =O

I'm pretty sure that's over 2 semesters.

Here's what I got this semester:

Calculus III: A
Ordinary Differential Equations: B
Introductory Physics II: A
Fundamentals of Scientific Computing: A-
Academic Writing: A

Disappointed about the B in ODEs but other than that, pretty happy with it.
  • #24
Probability was basically a pure math class. I am disappointed in my grade, though.

Probability: B
Thermal Physics: B+
  • #25
Modern Physics: A
Mathematical Physics: A
Numerical Methods: B
Complex Variables: A
Physics 2 Lab: A
Ballroom Dance: A (that one was a big surprise...)

Overall, it went better than expected.
  • #26
Got A's in Linear Algebra, ODE's, Calculus III, General Chemistry, and English II. I missed a few labs for chemistry, never went to class, and felt like I failed a few tests. What a surprise I had to see that letter. The rest was extremely easy.

I'm about to start QM and electro & magneto statics, should I start studying for classical mechanics first this summer or dive straight into QM? Also, do you think this is all the math I need to complete a physics degree? If there is anything else I need I would rather self-study it, unless you think that is insane.
  • #27
Calculus III A
Eng. Physics I A
Chemistry II A
Eng Physics Lab A
Ground School A
a humanity course on aviation A
  • #28
I only had two classes that were being graded this term. I received an A in Elem. Differential Equations and a B in Intermediate Micro-Economic Theory.
  • #29
Organic Chemistry II - A
Lab - A
Physics II - A
Calc III - A
Humanities class - A
Something called "Culture and Health" - A
  • #30
Chem. Eng. Thermodynamics - A
Chem. Eng. Calculations - A
Transport Processes - A-
Mathematical Statistics - A
Quantitative Chem. Analysis - A
  • #31
Nano-Passion said:
You get A+ in your college? There is no such thing in the colleges around me.

What grade is A+?

At the universities around here (BC) an A+ is 4.33.

Well... Except for the University of Victoria... 7 point scale or something crazy.
  • #32
Electricity and Magnetism ~ A-
Macroeconomics ~ A
Linear Algebra ~ A
Econometrics ~ A-
Scientific Computing ~ A
  • #33
I see some very impressive grades in this thread. They look so pretty. =D My classes are much easier than from what I see in this thread but here it goes:

College Algebra A (took it in winter intersession)
Cultures and Values A
Intro to Physical Science (No grade yet)
College Composition II A
Precalculus A
  • #34
Honors US History A- (4.75)
Honors Junior English B (4.0)
AP Computer Science A/B (6.0-5.0) [Don't know yet...]
Calculus I A (4.0)
  • #35
TylerH said:
Honors US History A- (4.75)
Honors Junior English B (4.0)
AP Computer Science A/B (6.0-5.0) [Don't know yet...]
Calculus I A (4.0)

Woah.. Is this college? AP computer science is out of a 6.0?? That would reallyyy boost your gpa. I want to take honor classes now!

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