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... from http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/79906f2e-6ac8-11e2-9871-00144feab49a.html#axzz2JV7ZNnGXIt emerged on Wednesday [Jan 30] that ANA, the largest operator of the 787, had problems with the lithium-ion batteries on its Dreamliners before the emergency landing on January 16.
ANA replaced Dreamliner batteries on 10 occasions last year because of faults with this equipment or related components, although the airline and Boeing said safety was not compromised.
I'm sticking with my original "best guess": there won't be a quick fix for this.
An interestng choice of words in the FT article: Boeing is "assuming" (not "forecasting"!) no significant financial impact from all this. Elsewhere, I've seen an estimate that a grounding to the end of 2013 would knock about $7bn off their 2013 earnings, plus knock-on effects on canceled orders and other future business.
EDIT: Those 10 battery incidents at ANA were on a fleet of just 17 aircraft
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