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confusedashell said:Yeah I agree, but I don't agree there exist other universes.
It's too science fiction brink of losing my sanity to me.
Thats not a good "scientific arguement" but there is other interpretations of the formalism, could you (since your a PhD) lead me to a more rational single universe independant of observer interpretation?
There's only one I know of, and that's Bohmian mechanics. However, in order to accept that, you have to give up the principles of relativity... and you won't be able to do a lot with it if you want to understand quantum field theory (which is understandable, QFT is strongly mixed with special relativity).
You accept MWI(beyond my capabilities), to me accepting MWI would be accept life is utterly meaningless and life is impossible to live (for me).
Luckily, MWI might not be true at all, so as long as it's not proven at all, I will cling to proven science and the one observeable universe and hope it'll be confirmed even at the quantum world.
My only motivation to stick to MWI is that it is in fact a non-interpretation. It says that the mathematical entities you manipulate in the quantum formalism are "really out there", and that ALL happenings are quantum interactions, the way they are described in the quantum formalism. In other words, MWI is nothing else but applying strictly the axioms of quantum theory to the whole world, and give a status of reality to the mathematical objects that these axioms claim, give the state of the system.
So it is in fact nothing else but "picturing for real" the mathematical entities of the quantum formalism (hence you will have a hard time finding an experiment that "violates MWI" but is "in agreement with QM": this is why I'm so sure about this!).
The "many worlds" are then just a natural consequence of the axioms of quantum theory. Indeed, a fundamental axiom (the superposition principle) of quantum theory tells you that
"if a system can be in state A and can be in state B, then it can be in any state x |A> + y |B> with x and y complex numbers, and in as much as these states aren't multiples of one another, they represent physically distinct states".
It is this statement which is crazy ! But it is a fundamental axiom of the quantum formalism.
So, apply this to a guy in his lab: "the guy seeing a green light flashing" as a possible state, right ? "the guy seeing a red light flashing" is another possible state, right ?
Well, apply bluntly the axiom of the superposition principle, and you will find that the guy can be in states which correspond to superpositions of "seeing a green light flashing" and "seeing a red light flashing".
And it turns out that - under the assumption of strict applicability of quantum theory - that if the lights flashing are a result of a quantum experiment on a small system, that these superpositions are unavoidable, and moreover, give the correct OBSERVATIONS if we re-interpret the complex numbers by squaring them, and giving them the probability of observation.
So, you say AAAH, easy. These "superpositions" are just probabilities, right ?
Well, wrong. Because if you do that on the *microscopic* scale, the complex coefficients don't behave as probabilities.
Let's apply the superposition principle to our photon. The axiom of the superposition tells us that |slit1> + |slit2> is a different physical state, distinguishable from slit 1 or from slit 2. And indeed, in a 2-slit experiment, the |slit1> + |slit 2> state gives rise (using the formalism of quantum theory) to an interference pattern. This is NOT compatible with saying that |slit1> + |slit 2> represents 50% chance of |slit1> and 50% chance of slit 2, because that would give you two bumps, each with a weight of 0.5. That's what I mean with "the complex coefficients don't behave as probabilities".
Now, the CI tells us that somehow, on a "classical scale", we have to see these coefficients as probabilities, but not on a microscopic scale.
MWI tells us that the "state" continues to have these complex coefficients, but that they represent "probabilities to be experienced".
Hence, the "many" worlds are just the other terms in the wavefunction. In CI, we "put them to 0", in MWI we tell you that we "don't experience them although they are still there".
The formal advantage of MWI over CI is that it can be mathematically shown that "putting the coefficients to 0" cannot happen within the strict quantum formalism, and moreover, that if ever there were such a mechanism, that it would be strictly non-local (and would violate the principles of relativity). So MWI simply doesn't put them to 0.
MWI sounds crazy ? Sure ! But it only ILLUSTRATES the crazyness of the axioms of quantum theory. Nevertheless, these axioms do give rise to a highly successful formalism, as I guess you know. So in order to get a "feel" for this crazy formalism, it can be good to have a faithful (crazy) PICTURE of it.
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