- #141
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Hans de Vries said:The Liènard Wiechert potentials can be derived from the assumption that they (the
four components V, Ax, Ay, Az) obey the classical wave equation (Poisson's equation)
and that the charge is the source for V and current is the source for A.
You'll find the term "Transverse mass" only in very old text. In both non-relativistic
and relativistic mechanics the force is proportional the change of momentum. In
non-relativistic physics this happens to be proportional to the acceleration.
If you apply a force on an ultra-relativistic particle in the direction of the speed,
to push it closer to c, then you'll increase its momentum but you'll hardly increase
its speed. you'll only achieve a very small acceleration.
If you apply the same force transversal to the direction of motion then you change
the momentum proportional to the force by the same amount. However, the change
in speed will be much bigger, the acceleration will be much larger.
The acceleration is asymmetrical but it is not true that, as suggested, that the
transversal acceleration will tend to infinity. It doesn't get easier to accelerate
a faster moving object transversely to its motion.
A wave function has a constant charge density and current density at each point
of the wave-function. The current density can be associated with moving charge
which can be associated with motion.
Regards, Hans
Poisson's wave equation is based on spherical waves. This does not apply to electrons moving at high velocity.
Your assertion that "transverse mass" is found only in very old text is quite incorrect. It is currently used in particle physics, for instance in analyzing the characteristics of quarks. I suggest that you do some Googling on this subject. The transverse mass relates directly to the Lorentz equations and was derived therefrom. The Lorentz equations show that the transverse mass decreases with velocity, and therefore the acceleration in the transverse direction is much faster. When an electron is moving through space, a transverse force acts on it, as is shown by the Lorentz force equation. This is simply basic electromagnetic analysis that is quite commonly used.
Your quote: "A wave function has a constant charge density and current density at each point of the wave-function." completely baffles me. An electromagnetic wave has no charge densite or current density. It consists of an E-field and and H-field, both of which are smoothly distributed through space.
Perhaps we have a little communications problem regarding languages?