Random Thoughts Part 4 - Split Thread

In summary, Danger has a small crush on Swedish TV, and thinks that the russians are bad arses. He also mentions that taking a math class at 8:00 isdestructive.
  • #456
axmls said:
Am I the only one who thinks it's so freaky that we can look into the past on this forum? I mean, I can go look at students struggling with their choice of major back in 2004. That means that person, by now, has possibly picked a major, finished it, gotten a Ph.D, and has maybe even become a professor. I can find people my age, sophomores in college, who I feel like I can associate with, only it turns out they posted it 11 years ago, and by now they're off on their careers, and I'm in college.

It's kind of sad. These poor people have no idea about the big recession coming up. They have no idea how far we'll come with smart phones. They don't even know about smart phones! Facebook? Why would anyone use that?

I wish I could go back in time and tell these people about all that happens between them posting their threads and 2015.
Think about it: Greg's only about 30. He could live to be a hundred. PF could still exist 70 years from now. People born tomorrow could eventually become members, go through college, have a whole carrear, and retire before Greg's a hundred.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #457
very optimistic :D
  • #458
My friend had a hiccups problem and could not help himself into stopping. I knew he had parked his car outside right before meeting us. So I walked out for a bit and I asked him, making things up, "who was that other person driving your car"? That helped scare his hiccups problem away. Apparently the "news" also helped cure him from a small constipation problem he had been having.
  • #459
nuuskur said:
very optimistic :D
I think Zoobyshoe meant something else about Greg, not the positive view as it may sound. :)
  • #460
Quds Akbar said:
and what are P-branes?
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  • #461
Medicol said:
I think Zoobyshoe meant something else about Greg, not the positive view as it may sound. :)
  • #462
I've been reading a novel about Scotland Yard, circa 1880's. It's very irritating to read one of the inspectors consoling the spouse of a murder victim by saying, "I'm sorry for your loss." I'm just about certain that's an anachronism. I never heard any detective use that stock phrase until the television show NYPD Blue, which started airing in 1993.
  • #463
Bystander said:
Quds Akbar said:
What does it do or sopposed to do and what are P-branes?
Whenever I hear the word "branes" it reminds me of one of the funniest paper titles I've seen:
"Making the most out of zero branes and a weak background"
(I haven't read the paper, don't know much about string theory)
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Likes OmCheeto
  • #464
Just in case to get rid of that stupid draft ...:oldeyes:
  • #467
I wanted to become a cost accountant at one point. Just because I wanted to , say, hold a door open for someone
carrying something and having them tell me " I appreciate it" , and then I would reply " I _depreciate_ it". Seems
like a good-enough reason to choose it as a career.
  • #468
Astronuc said:
Thinking about the good ol' days, that weren't so good, for some.



I had reservations about sharing some weird historical stuff I discovered today...

"Crowds loved a good ear nailing" <-- from Astro's linked article
Reminds me of something my Hyderabadi acquaintance once told me about:

"...a lower caste person should be punished ... and molten glass should be poured in his ears if he hears Sanskrit" [random google reference]
Humans, are freaks.


Anyways, today I learned from my sister that my grandparent's grave sites in Poland are unmarked. I told her that I'd previously discovered that the grave markers of our great great great grandparents in the Ukraine disappeared, as the locals would round up the tombstones, and use them as building materials.

Being somewhat Klingonish, I considered that to be a very practical use for old, well carved stones.

But being somewhat human, it kind of gave me the willies, aka heebie jeebies, imagining going down to fix the plumbing under the house, raising my flashlight, and seeing that tombstones had been used as the foundation.

ps. I'm also up to season 3, of the original Twilight Zone series. The series started around the time I was born. Watching them, it struck me, that nothing really changes. Which, kind of reminds me, of Astro's post.

  • #469
Hey, I went to the supermarket yesterday and saw people sell only skin whiteners i.e those of Bioré but none as a skin darkener.
Even the chemical components they use in the whiteners themselves include e.g black coffea and it is still good for facial skin activities though. hahaha :D
  • #470
Watched an impatient, self-centered woman punish herself yesterday. I was at a Redbox trying to find a movie. A woman walks up and tried to put a return in while I'm using it. I explained that she can't return anything while someone is using it and that there were others waiting behind me. "I just need to return it" she said. So, as I rolled my eyes and looked apologetically at the gentleman behind me, I backed out of my menu and selected return so that she could put her CD in the machine. Of course, she tried to put it in backwards so I had to show her the right way. After she got the CD in the machine, she was off like a shot. Five seconds later, out comes the CD with a "read error" on the screen. When I looked at the CD case, there wasn't a CD in it! I passed the machine to the gentleman behind me and ran in the direction that I saw her go but she was nowhere to be found. I wonder if she will even notice when Redbox charges her the maximum of $25.50 for an unreturned movie. Probably not. :oldeyes:
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Likes OmCheeto and Medicol
  • #471
So called instant karma.
  • #472
So true.
  • #473
I like your story although I can't read between the lines.
  • #474
Right now I'm too tired to read the lines!:biggrin:
  • #475
Borg said:
Watched an impatient, self-centered woman punish herself yesterday. I was at a Redbox trying to find a movie. A woman walks up and tried to put a return in while I'm using it. I explained that she can't return anything while someone is using it and that there were others waiting behind me. "I just need to return it" she said. So, as I rolled my eyes and looked apologetically at the gentleman behind me, I backed out of my menu and selected return so that she could put her CD in the machine. Of course, she tried to put it in backwards so I had to show her the right way. After she got the CD in the machine, she was off like a shot. Five seconds later, out comes the CD with a "read error" on the screen. When I looked at the CD case, there wasn't a CD in it! I passed the machine to the gentleman behind me and ran in the direction that I saw her go but she was nowhere to be found. I wonder if she will even notice when Redbox charges her the maximum of $25.50 for an unreturned movie. Probably not. :oldeyes:
LOL! I would have launched Operation Find the Self-Centered Woman! Transform into a dragon, fly into the skies... and find her! :-p

I'm very dissapointed on you Borg. You did not transform into a dragon to help the self-centered woman. :oldgrumpy:

You wander the whole desert in look of water only to find... salt water. Biggest joke nature can play on you.

Namib Desert​
  • #476
Psinter said:
LOL! I would have launched Operation Find the Self-Centered Woman! Transform into a dragon, fly into the skies... and find her! :-p

I'm very dissapointed on you Borg. You did not transform into a dragon to help the self-centered woman. :oldgrumpy:
I did try to find her but I wasn't going to waste my day trying to track her down.
Where did you get the idea that Borg could turn into a dragon? :oldconfused: You think that I'm one of those transformers or something? :oldcool:
  • #477
Borg said:
I did try to find her but I wasn't going to waste my day trying to track her down.
Where did you get the idea that Borg could turn into a dragon? :oldconfused: You think that I'm one of those transformers or something? :oldcool:
[PLAIN]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borg_%28Star_Trek%29 said:
The[/PLAIN] Borg are a collection of species that have been turned into cybernetic organisms functioning as drones of the Collective, or the hive.
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  • #478
Do we have any members in Scotland?
I'd like to know if the following website is the equivalent of our "Onion":

Alex Nash, from Cornwall, was invited to the party just before Christmas, but his friend’s mother, named by the BBC as Julie Lawrence, sent an invoice for £15.95, claiming Alex’s non-attendance had left her ‘out of pocket’ and that his parents had her contact details to inform her he would not be going.
Never mind. Sometimes, the answer is in the url:
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Likes Medicol
  • #479
£15.95 <<< How are you going to read this number ? Is it "fifteen point ninety five pounds" or "fifteen pounds 95 xxxx" ?
BTW are Scottish people still wearing kilts everyday ? :D
  • #480
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Likes Medicol
  • #481
Enigman said:
Warning: Clicking this link may lead to staring at mutating cars evolve for the rest of your day.
You, are the devil...

But, it's interesting. Marcus and I were joking about possible lifeforms on Ceres the other day. I thought they might be tiny little Moby inspired creatures. Marcus predicted that they'd be trees.

Given the simulation provides only the moon's gravitational field as the minimum, and having watched several generations, I've decided that he is probably correct.
Mobile surface creatures would soon find themselves in orbit, IMHO.

But, then again, from my experience with "humble opinions"...

Escape velocity of Ceres = 510 m/s = 1140 mph

Ok. Maybe they wouldn't launch themselves into orbit. :oldgrumpy:
  • #482
  • #483
I am fascinated by biology. I wish I was good at it - I have so much respect for folks like Ryan_m_b! Meanwhile,
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Likes DennisN, Lizabella, Nikitin and 7 others
  • #484
I had a random thought.:D
What if there was an eccentric person posting on a particular thread by himself all the time(nobody other involved). He raises a question by himself and after some time a answer clicks to him and he is so eccentric, that he is posting the answer in his thread himself.
Are there any instances of this in PF?
  • #485
lisab said:
I am fascinated by biology. I wish I was good at it - I have so much respect for folks like Ryan_m_b! Meanwhile,
Ryan-m-b is a biology bear but I only don't like the guy in that he always seems careful about what if his ideas might be stolen by public community so he doesn't seem to share with everyone.
  • #486
  • #487
I'm recognized! :oldcry: :oldcry: :oldcry:
  • #488
I know it's not funny that someone got killed, but...

"A construction worker was killed and a tractor-trailer driver injured when an interstate overpass undergoing demolition collapsed in Cincinnati" [ref]
Isn't it kind of to be expected that something will collapse when you are demolishing it? :oldconfused:
  • #489
OmCheeto said:
I know it's not funny that someone got killed, but...

"A construction worker was killed and a tractor-trailer driver injured when an interstate overpass undergoing demolition collapsed in Cincinnati" [ref]
Isn't it kind of to be expected that something will collapse when you are demolishing it? :oldconfused:

Yeah it is expected, but it might be that the construction worker and tractor driver might be showing some dare.
How come Rafa Nadael is coming in 4th photo of your link? I think he might be involved in bribing these people, the way he is smiling :D.
Referring to my 484 post, can anybody answer it? :olduhh:
  • #490
Raghav Gupta said:
I had a random thought.:D
What if there was an eccentric person posting on a particular thread by himself all the time(nobody other involved). He raises a question by himself and after some time a answer clicks to him and he is so eccentric, that he is posting the answer in his thread himself.
Are there any instances of this in PF?
This usually happens when crackpots post on PF, the posts are known as Fruit Loops. :)
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