Random Thoughts Part 4 - Split Thread

In summary, Danger has a small crush on Swedish TV, and thinks that the russians are bad arses. He also mentions that taking a math class at 8:00 isdestructive.
  • #1,366
Ibix said:
I bought a table and chairs today. According to the labelling, pregnant women should take extra care when using the chairs.

There's a faint smell of stupid mixed with the aftershave of ambulance-chasing lawyers coming from the label.

I like that "ambulance chaser" , it is pretty powerful branding, just like the name "Frankenfoods" for food that comes from GMOs. I mean, whether you think it is accurate/fair or not, the name sticks.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #1,367
zoobyshoe said:
The reason I mentioned it was because it occurred to me a native French speaker might involuntarily interpret the upper right PF menu as:

If I were French, I'd be so déçu!
  • #1,368
I rented a U-Haul today for the first time in years. I got Virginia. It couldn't do more than 50 on a slight hill.
  • #1,369
Maybe time to start a new thread " Baby it's cold inside". Most places are blasting the ACs into mind-50's temperatures.
  • #1,370
WWGD said:
I like that "ambulance chaser" , it is pretty powerful branding, just like the name "Frankenfoods" for food that comes from GMOs. I mean, whether you think it is accurate/fair or not, the name sticks.
Maybe. But I can't think of anything pregnancy would do that would require someone to take extra care with a chair. Or, at least, nothing that isn't covered by regular pregnancy advice or specific medical advice for some conditions.
  • #1,371
Ibix said:
Maybe. But I can't think of anything pregnancy would do that would require someone to take extra care with a chair. Or, at least, nothing that isn't covered by regular pregnancy advice or specific medical advice for some conditions.
Strap a watermellon to your belly and experiment.
  • #1,372
Baby, it's cold outside And inside :S
  • #1,373
lisab said:
If I were French, I'd be so déçu!
If we had a PF cat, people would soon demand a PF dog. Then a hamster. It would lead to menagerie. Which is also a French word.
  • #1,374
a zoo?
  • #1,375
nuuskur said:
a zoo?
Technically a menagerie is a collection of wild animals. But I can't think of a word for a collection of domesticated animals and pets.
  • #1,376
zoobyshoe said:
If we had a PF cat, people would soon demand a PF dog. Then a hamster. It would lead to menagerie. Which is also a French word.
It would also lead to endless variations on "is it a live cat, a dead cat, or both" type jtokes. This would be a bad thing.
  • #1,377
Enigman said:
Well, we are about to move into page 69, this seems like an auspicious start... Here's a pu cat
And now for a Dick pic.


Happy Birthday Richard 'Dick' Feynman!
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  • #1,378
You are walking on some incredibly thin ice, I think :D
  • #1,379
nuuskur said:
You are walking on some incredibly thin ice, I think :D
I was going to post it in the Feynman quiz thread but the joke was too tempting to let go uncracked. Now to pray that the ice doesn't crack with it.
  • #1,380
I think it's fine. Richard Feynman went by "Dick" among friends, family and acquaintances.

[Edit: hee hee:
The student asks Gell-Mann about Feynman's notes. Gell-Mann says no, Dick's methods are not the same as the methods used here. The student asks, well, what are Feynman's methods? Gell-Mann leans coyly against the blackboard and says: Dick's method is this. You write down the problem. You think very hard. (He shuts his eyes and presses his knuckles parodically to his forehead.) Then you write down the answer.​
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  • #1,381
It feels like rain is imminent, but I checked the Doppler - there's nothing out there.
  • #1,382
zoobyshoe said:
The reason I mentioned it was because it occurred to me a native French speaker might involuntarily interpret the upper right PF menu as:

On my computer "chat" is now gone! Where is the PF cat??
  • #1,383
zoobyshoe said:
On my computer "chat" is now gone! Where is the PF cat??
I saw one running quickly across the screen right after the sign disappeared.
  • #1,384
  • #1,385
There is some high mischief going on at PF.
  • #1,386
lisab said:
It feels like rain is imminent, but I checked the Doppler - there's nothing out there.

Check your rain barrels. Mine were all empty yesterday, and full this morning.
  • #1,387
OmCheeto said:
Check your rain barrels. Mine were all empty yesterday, and full this morning.
You know how to tell if there's an elephant under your bed, right? It's when you wake up with your nose touching the ceiling...
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  • #1,388
Ibix said:
You know how to tell if there's an elephant under your bed, right? It's when you wake up with your nose touching the ceiling...


roof area: 900 ft^2
barrel capacity: 45 gallons (Ok... I have two rubbermaid garbage cans. Not quite "barrels"... And one has a slice halfway up from where I was testing my outboard motor one day, and, oops.)
7.48 gallons/ft^3
45 gal / 7.48 gal/ft^3 = 6 ft^3
6 ft^3 / 900 ft^2 = 0.0067 ft * 12 in/ft = 0.08 inches

It doesn't take much rain, to generate 45 gallons, from a roof.

ps. They both overflowed, and they only collect half of the rain from my roof, at most, so I'm guessing we had about 1/4 inch of rain last night. My neighbor had a minor pond in his front yard. He had a major pond in his front yard, when last, we had an inch of rain, during the day.
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  • #1,389
OmCheeto said:

roof area: 900 ft^2
barrel capacity: 45 gallons (Ok... I have two rubbermaid garbage cans. Not quite "barrels"... And one has a slice halfway up from where I was testing my outboard motor one day, and, oops.)
7.48 gallons/ft^3
45 gal / 7.48 gal/ft^3 = 6 ft^3
6 ft^3 / 900 ft^2 = 0.0067 ft * 12 in/ft = 0.08 inches

It doesn't take much rain, to generate 45 gallons, from a roof.
There's...not a lot I can say to that. o:)

You scientists and your maths, going around making reasonable points...
  • #1,390
Ibix said:
There's...not a lot I can say to that. o:)

You scientists and your maths, going around making reasonable points...

Being a PPIRATTSAP, there is little I don't know about my house.

Om said:
binzing said:
Rainwater can be collected and used, via gravity feed, to flush the toilets in the house.
I did the calculations on that one day... . My roof catches exactly the amount of water I use in a year. But I would require 76 blue barrels to be completely independent of the water system. It's those darn dry summer months. I suppose during the rainy seasons you could get by with a couple of barrels and cut your water bill to zero.

One idea that is not a good idea... is to generate electricity from the water collected from your roof. I determined that I could cook 3 packets of top ramen per year by doing this.
ref: circa Jan, 2008, Physics Forums

Good grief! That's 60 gallons a day.
I think that must be the tomato plants' fault.
Last year was the first year I experimented with potting them, and a mature plant can consume between 2 and 5 gallons per day.
Мали свиње! :oldgrumpy:----------------------------
PPIRATTSAP: Perpetually poor independent researcher always trying to save a penny.
  • #1,391
It is currently -56 F at the South Pole.
  • #1,392
Help science, play a game - http://fold.it/portal/info/about#whygame
Does this count as cluster computing?
  • #1,393
zoobyshoe said:
It is currently -56 F at the South Pole.
But it is a dry cold.
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  • #1,394
Pshh, I've been to a "cold sauna" at -140 'C - not sure what they are called in English, anyway it's unbelievably cold, but it's dry. It was about -30 'C outside that day and it felt really really warm after spending about 15 minutes in -140.
  • #1,395
Turned on the weather man just after the news
I needed sweet rain to wash away my blues
He looked at the chart but he look in vain:
Heavy cloud but,
no rain.

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Likes OmCheeto
  • #1,396
zoobyshoe said:
Turned on the weather man just after the news
I needed sweet rain to wash away my blues
He looked at the chart but he look in vain:
Heavy cloud but,
no rain.


I always liked his music.

  • #1,397
OmCheeto said:
I always liked his music.
I like a lot of his songs that other people don't seem to like. My sense is, a large percentage of people who liked the Police don't like Sting the individual songwriter. Sting, the individual songwriter, is perceived as too emo relative to The Police. However, I don't believe any such group as "The Police" ever existed. What we call "The Police" was actually just younger, edgier Sting utilizing the same support musicians from album to album. As he got older his taste went in a different direction, and he started to select support musicians on a case by case basis.
  • #1,398
zoobyshoe said:
I like a lot of his songs that other people don't seem to like. My sense is, a large percentage of people who liked the Police don't like Sting the individual songwriter. Sting, the individual songwriter, is perceived as too emo relative to The Police. However, I don't believe any such group as "The Police" ever existed. What we call "The Police" was actually just younger, edgier Sting utilizing the same support musicians from album to album. As he got older his taste went in a different direction, and he started to select support musicians on a case by case basis.

Maybe he should go back to his original, less edgy name : Gordon Sumner; quite a jump from a relatively- mainstream name to "Sting". Of course this is not fully serious, since the brand name is way too easily recognizable to start using the name "Gordon Sumner".
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  • #1,399
WWGD said:
Maybe he should go back to his original, less edgy name : Gordon Sumner; quite a jump from a relatively- mainstream name to "Sting".
Sting claims he was never called "Gordon."

Sting performed jazz in the evening, weekends and during breaks from college and teaching. He played with the Phoenix Jazzmen, Newcastle Big Band, and Last Exit. He gained his nickname after his habit of wearing a black and yellow sweater with hooped stripes with the Phoenix Jazzmen.[14] Bandleader Gordon Solomon thought he looked like a bee, which prompted the name "Sting".[14] In the 1985 documentary Bring on the Night a journalist called him Gordon, to which he replied, "My children call me Sting, my mother calls me Sting, who is this Gordon character?"[15] In Time in 2011 he said: "I was never called Gordon. You could shout 'Gordon' in the street and I would just move out of your way."[16]
  • #1,400
So BB King passed away...

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