Random Thoughts Part 4 - Split Thread

In summary, Danger has a small crush on Swedish TV, and thinks that the russians are bad arses. He also mentions that taking a math class at 8:00 isdestructive.
  • #2,486
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2,487
According to an episode of Mysteries at the Museum I'm currently watching, a Titan missile could devastate an area "900 square miles wide."
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  • #2,488
zoobyshoe said:
a Titan missile could devastate an area "900 square miles wide."
Probably with a large thermonuclear warhead, or several smaller warheads. π*(17 mi)2 = 908 sq. miles.

I remember reading about hydrogen bombs in second grade. The energy involved really impressed me, as did the map showing the scale of destruction on a large city.
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  • #2,489
HomogenousCow said:
First day of college starts on monday for me, excited. Not looking forward to the 12 hour flight though.
That's what I call a long commute ;).
  • #2,490
Last week I had the first day since April when I needed a sweater. Today:first day since April that I needed a coat, and had my first hot coffee since then (previously iced, of course). My hope for endless summer shattered again.
  • #2,491
Finally figured out why some people walking the streets were wearing surgical masks (obvious): they had the cold/flu and did not want to pass it on to others. I used to think it was the other way around, that these people thought the city was too polluted and they wanted to protect themselves from the pollution.
  • #2,492
It is currently -45 F at the South Pole.
  • #2,493
Is that warm? I don't understand how you people can make sense of Fahrenheits :D
  • #2,494
nuuskur said:
Is that warm? I don't understand how you people can make sense of Fahrenheits :D
It's funny because -40 F is just about the same as -40 C. That being the case, you should be able to tell if -45 F is warm or cold.
  • #2,495
oh, -40C, eh? Might have to close the window.
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  • #2,496
zoobyshoe said:
It's funny because -40 F is just about the same as -40 C. That being the case, you should be able to tell if -45 F is warm or cold.
Let's see:

We have : C=(F-32)(5/9). So set F=(F-32)(5/9) , so (9/5)F=F-32 , so 9F=5F-160, so 4F=-160, so F=-40. You got it right on the dot.
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  • #2,497
I clearly have not still mastered some of the socializing repertoire, like when and how to cut of a conversation when I am doing small talk. An art I have not mastered yet, not by far.
  • #2,498
I heard from a friend of mine who were imprisoned months ago for shoplifting that he wasn't allowed to use the restroom while being forced to clean the floor.
  • #2,499
Silicon Waffle said:
I heard from a friend of mine who were imprisoned months ago for shoplifting that he wasn't allowed to use the restroom while being forced to clean the floor.

Pfft! Having to use the restroom is a well known method of escape, during disciplinary floor scrubbing.
  • #2,500
nuuskur said:
I don't understand how you people can make sense of Fahrenheits :D


WWGD said:
We have : C=(F-32)(5/9). So set F=(F-32)(5/9) , so (9/5)F=F-32 , so 9F=5F-160, so 4F=-160, so F=-40. You got it right on the dot.

I lived most of my life in Florida, so when i first experienced water frozen outdoors it was quite a shock.

When i visited Canada and the radio announcers gave the temperature in Centigrade i was lost.. Who can divide by 9 in their head?
So i came up with this:
Given degC,
Double it,
Subtract 10%
add 32 and you get degF

given -40C
doubles to -80
10% of -80 is -8
subtract -8 from -80 : -80 -(-8) = -72
add 32 = -40F.
Indeed Centigrade and Fahrenheit cross at -40,
which was the temperature at Quebec Winter Carnival. (Crazy Polar Bear Club chopped a hole in the ice and jumped in the water !)

Test of method at more comfortable temperature:
Given 25C
doubles to 50
subtract 10% gives 50 - 5 = 45
add 32 gives 77F ,
you can do that in your head while driving...

but i never figured out so easy a way to go F to C .
  • #2,501
jim hardy said:
you can do that in your head while driving...

but i never figured out so easy a way to go F to C .
I just treat everything as a 2:1 ratio from 30F which gets me closer than most people care about.

0F -> -15C (actual -17.7C)
10F -> -10C (actual -12.2C)
20F -> -5C (actual -6.6C)
32F -> 0C (I cheat here because everyone knows this)
40F -> 5C (actual 4.4C)
50F -> 10C (actual 10C)
60F -> 15C (actual 15.5C)
70F -> 20C (actual 21.1C)
80F -> 25C (actual 26.6C)
90F -> 30C (actual 32.2C)

Of course you could add an extra degree C for every 20F after 50F to get closer.
Last edited:
  • #2,502
Tonight is the season 5 premiere of American Horror Story. I am looking forward to it with much trepidation because the evil female lead that has always been given to Jessica Lange will be taken over by Lady Gaga. (Lange quit after last season citing the shooting schedule as too grueling. Each season tied her up for six months out of the year.) Although Lady Gaga seems like she could do evil quite well, it remains to be seen if she's enough of an actress to suck the viewer in.
  • #2,503
zoobyshoe said:
Tonight is the season 5 premiere of American Horror Story. I am looking forward to it with much trepidation because the evil female lead that has always been given to Jessica Lange will be taken over by Lady Gaga. (Lange quit after last season citing the shooting schedule as too grueling. Each season tied her up for six months out of the year.) Although Lady Gaga seems like she could do evil quite well, it remains to be seen if she's enough of an actress to suck the viewer in.

I look forwards to it as well when will it be out in the UK?
  • #2,505
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  • #2,506
Cool last nights episode of the Flash got part of a Kerr black hole right.
They nicely described the fact of it having "two event horizons".

Would've been cool if they did something with the Penrose process :)
  • #2,507
Running out of fresh episodes of " Two and a Half Men" . Need a new sitcom to vegetate on when I go back home , as a veg myself after a long day.
  • #2,510
  • #2,512
Astronuc said:
Why This Author Calls Leadership Training A Bunch Of Bulls***

I've known quite a few people who've done leadership/management training. It didn't seem to help much.

I'm sure a lot of us who spent decades both in and out of management would concur.
I had two managers, who seemed to have studied only one book: "Winning Through Intimidation".
I've never read the book, but "Intimidation" seemed to be their style of management.
Googling for the book, turned up an article by another L&M expert, which seems to mirror your story pretty well:
Donald Trump Wins Through Intimidation [Forbes]
Aug 7, 2015
Though the author concludes, correctly IMHO, that the world is changing, and once successful "old style" L&M techniques may not work in the future.
Now as to why it still works for Donald Trump, is another story.

hmmm... pfoogle pfoogle pfoogle
Donald Trump Running for President [Physics Forums]
Evo; "thread's open"
Evo; "Closed for moderation again".
Drak; "Mentors, please note that the thread is currently locked. Please refrain from posting until further notice".​

Hahahahaha! PF's funniest thread by far.
As the PF winner of the 2012 & 2014 "Funniest member" award, there is no one more qualified than me to judge that.
Drak obviously locked the thread, as he knew I was about to enter, and throw some serious smackdown, on some of those commentators.
And as the only PF member who has ever yelled at Greg's dad, I'm the only person qualified, as that takes kahunas. And I have kahunas!

ps. As the only PF member who has 5 or more boats, making me the wealthiest boat member here, I am right.
I would go on all day, but I'm starting to hear the distant sound of "hammers". :bugeye: :blushing: :bow: :redface:
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Likes Silicon Waffle
  • #2,513

A bit apprehensive about being the DOMald Trump of PF, but, meh...


Does anyone know the word for "forty spoken languages", as in "I speak 40 languages"?

Bilingual means two.
Trilingual means three.

And how do you say it in Vietnamese?

From my notes, as I remember nothing, "I know nothing", sounds like; "Thoi cham biek yee" in Thien Viet.

ps. I'm having a most delightful time with new neighbors this morning. The girl, prior to "Bhen", pronounced "Ben", the Vietnamese gentleman, when I, in my best redneck accent, yelled out; "Where the hell are you from!*", claimed to be Ookranski.
I asked her how to say "I know nothing", in Ukrainian, and she said it in Russian!

*slight embellishment of my initiation of the conversation. I'm never impolite to random strangers.
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  • #2,514
Does anyone know the word for "forty spoken languages", as in "I speak 40 languages"?
Bilingual means two.
Trilingual means three.
I found it. It is quadragintilingual
  • #2,515
Silicon Waffle said:
I found it. It is quadragintilingual
Good grief! How am I supposed to remember that?

And is it wiki or the English language that shouldn't be trusted in this instance:
The matrix indicates that Latin Cardinal requires us to ride: unicycles, ducycles, and tricycles.
While the specific list indicates: Cardinal Latin series: unicycle, bicycle, tricycle, ...

Language, is stupid.
  • #2,516
Very intelligent human beings.
  • #2,517
  • #2,518
OmCheeto said:
Good grief! How am I supposed to remember that?

And is it wiki or the English language that shouldn't be trusted in this instance:
The matrix indicates that Latin Cardinal requires us to ride: unicycles, ducycles, and tricycles.
While the specific list indicates: Cardinal Latin series: unicycle, bicycle, tricycle, ...
As an English native speaker, which one does it sound more familiar that you prefer to use now , ducycle or bicycle ?
I like both myself.
  • #2,519
I was just listening to a cover of Bob Dylan's. "Don't Think Twice, It's Alright", by by Ramblin' Jack Elliot.

The original lyric is,

It ain’t no use to sit and wonder why, babe
It don’t matter, anyhow
An’ it ain’t no use to sit and wonder why, babe
If you don’t know by now

But Elliot sang that last line as,

If'n you don't know by now

That first word -- "if'n". Now, *that* is straight-up, ol' time American slang!

Here's the recording I was listening to:

Wow, Dylan wrote it in 1963. The year I was born.
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  • #2,520
lisab said:
Wow, Dylan wrote it in 1963. The year I was born.
So you're just a babe; but it don't matter, anyhow :approve:

Here's the real one for ya.

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