Random Thoughts Part 5: Time to Split Again

In summary, the conversation revolved around various topics such as dreams, different numbering systems, and education in different countries. The participants shared personal experiences, opinions, and debated about the merits of different theories. The conversation also included a discussion about a book and a recipe.
  • #2,241
Ibix said:
Hallucinations no, but I've had a few instances in my life where my analysis of a situation was way off base and the difference between analysis and reality was rather shocking. I wired a diode into a circuit the wrong way round once so, instead of shorting the back EMF from a relay's solenoid, it shorted the solenoid. I thought there was something wrong with the input signal that was trying to switch the relay and was investigating this hypothesis. The feeling of dawning realisation accompanying the sequence of thoughts (1) what's that burning smell? (2) why is that diode glowing? (3) why is the stripe at the wrong end of its package? (4) understanding! (5) unplug unplug unplug could be well described by "a mouthful of ant sandwich".
There you go! So you could say: "I put the diode in the wrong way, but I only realized this after eating a mouthful of ant sandwich."
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2,242
Maybe I should not have tried it. I was subbing in teaching an Intro Stats class last week and we were doing exercises on bar charts, stem-and-leaf displays, etc.
I was supposed to do three graphs on Sex (M/F), Zip code of residence and Age. I purposefully skipped the first and just did the last two. Then I stated we were done. A girl in the class asks, shouting: " How about sex"? I replied: " Maybe after class, but I can't give you any extra points (towards her grade)"
They laughed, but I guess I could have gotten in trouble..
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  • #2,243
Risky business indeed, better hope she passes or it might come back to hide failure.
  • #2,244
WWGD said:
They laughed, but I guess I could have gotten in trouble..
When you have people who hate you just because, they would use that against you even if they are deeply convinced that you were just joking. Here's just a small piece of what they could do (or not) if there is someone out there who has something against you: They could, with very little effort, blow it to ridiculous proportions to make you look like the latest wicked criminal in the avenue. They could/would, through the use of fear (like in the news), drive people around you to deliberately compare you to real dangerous criminals, your image damaged as they would talk dramatizing and difamating things about you behind your back and so on... They would engage the state and other set of authorities, wasting the state money, to investigate what the actual stuff happened while the state avert their eyes from real dangerous criminals who are completely hidden signing contracts like in the Panama Papers. It's society.

Then you will realize what smiles want to actually harm you. And then again there are those like in the tiny sombrero party who are wholeheartedly offended (or so they swear):
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  • #2,245
'Watching Columbo again. I can watch Columbo all day long.

Oh, the days where a woman can throw her drink onto a man's face without the threat of her being charged with assault.*

I had a drink thrown in my face once, I'm pretty sure. I don't remember the details, except it was an ex girlfriend. It was awesome. (Edit: She was awesome. I mean no disrespect in this post.)

*[Throwing a drink in somebody's face is technically assault, legally speaking. 'Certanly not acceptable these days, but back in the '70s things were a bit different.]

[Edit: Peter Falk is awesome, RIP.]

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  • #2,246
collinsmark said:
I had a drink thrown in my face once, I'm pretty sure. I don't remember the details, except it was an ex girlfriend. It was awesome. (Edit: She was awesome. I mean no disrespect in this post.)
Did it hit you or did you avoided it like a ninja?
  • #2,247
Psinter said:
Did it hit you or did you avoided it like a ninja?
It was several years ago, but yes, as I remember, the drink ended up all over my face.
  • #2,248
collinsmark said:
It was several years ago, but yes, as I remember, the drink ended up all over my face.
:frown: I hope it wasn't a hot drink.
  • #2,249
Psinter said:
:frown: I hope it wasn't a hot drink.
No, it was fine. (Was it just beer?) It all worked out friendly in the end, whatever the case.
  • #2,250
collinsmark said:
No, it was fine. (Was it just beer?) It all worked out friendly in the end, whatever the case.
  • #2,251
collinsmark said:
It was several years ago, but yes, as I remember, the drink ended up all over my face.
I found this story disturbing because you seem so polite and affable on the internet that it is hard to conceive any woman would have cause to do such a thing. Is there a sort of, Mr. Hyde that we should know about? Or was she a psycho?
  • #2,252
zoobyshoe said:
I found this story disturbing because you seem so polite and affable on the internet that it is hard to conceive any woman would have cause to do such a thing. Is there a sort of, Mr. Hyde that we should know about? Or was she a psycho?
I don't know if I'd go so far as to use the word psycho, per se. But I'll relate that we are no longer dating.
  • #2,253
collinsmark said:
I don't know if I'd go so far as to use the word psycho, per se. But I'll relate that we are no longer dating.
  • #2,254
I just found out this guy died. I hardly knew him, but he was a regular at a coffee shop I used to hang out at, like any time I went there he was there, hanging out. When someone is a fixture like that, they don't seem mortal. It's like nothing should have been able to kill him except if the coffee shop closed.
  • #2,255
zoobyshoe said:
I just found out this guy died. I hardly knew him, but he was a regular at a coffee shop I used to hang out at, like any time I went there he was there, hanging out. When someone is a fixture like that, they don't seem mortal. It's like nothing should have been able to kill him except if the coffee shop closed.
I had a different type of situation with someone, a regular, from a coffee shop. He told me several times he worked 80 hours a week. Yet every time I walked by the coffee shop, I would see him there, reading a paper, or doing nothing; definitely not working. Then he would see my seeing him and this awkwardness would arise because I did not want to bring it up, but he knew I could tell his claim was false.
  • #2,256
WWGD said:
I had a different type of situation with someone, a regular, from a coffee shop. He told me several times he worked 80 hours a week. Yet every time I walked by the coffee shop, I would see him there, reading a paper, or doing nothing; definitely not working. Then he would see my seeing him and this awkwardness would arise because I did not want to bring it up, but he knew I could tell his claim was false.
There was a homeless guy, at the same coffee shop, which was open 24/7 who managed to essentially live there for over a year, by claiming he was working over the internet. Somehow he had a laptop and some small amount of money for coffee and a bus pass. He would nap in the comfy chairs as often as he could get away with it. He would leave for maybe 2 or 3 hours each day to maintain the token appearance of having some life outside the place, but it was discovered all he did was ride the bus around and back, napping. Anyway, if you approached from behind you could see all he was doing on his laptop was playing solitaire and other games.
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  • #2,257
Some people are incredible.
"I saw light in your kitchen at 3am. What happened?"
What happened that YOU looked out of the window at 3 am?
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  • #2,258
zoobyshoe said:
There was a homeless guy, at the same coffee shop, which was open 24/7 who managed to essentially live there for over a year, by claiming he was working over the internet. Somehow he had a laptop and some small amount of money for coffee and a bus pass. He would nap in the comfy chairs as often as he could get away with it. He would leave for maybe 2 or 3 hours each day to maintain the token appearance of having some life outside the place, but it was discovered all he did was ride the bus around and back, napping. Anyway, if you approached from behind you could see all he was doing on his laptop was playing solitaire and other games.
How about showering, laundry? You could take showers with Gym membership, laundromats, but I can't see how to do so without it. I knew this guy who lived rent free in a storage place , with a gym membership ( both open 24/7). Not comfortable, but not horribly difficult either.
  • #2,259
zoobyshoe said:
I just found out this guy died. I hardly knew him, but he was a regular at a coffee shop I used to hang out at, like any time I went there he was there, hanging out. When someone is a fixture like that, they don't seem mortal. It's like nothing should have been able to kill him except if the coffee shop closed.
There was once a girl in high school who died in a vehicle accident. Her dad managed to escape, but sadly she didn't. We weren't even friends, we just occasionally talked at launch time, but when I got the news I felt a little something in my chest :frown:. The only stuff I remembered was that when I talked with her, she was very humble. I felt like I couldn't believe it. I spent a good quite amount of time in silence thinking about it. I simply couldn't sort of believe it. It kinds of makes you think, I don't know...
Sophia said:
Some people are incredible.
"I saw light in your kitchen at 3am. What happened?"
What happened that YOU looked out of the window at 3 am?
:DD :DD :DD That woman looks so funny I would maybe invite her over for some fruit juice. :DD (Not really, but she looks funny :oldlaugh:)
  • #2,260
Hearing about someone's death is creepy even if you didn't know the person well. Makes you stop and think for a while... We don't see death so often as people used to in the past. It's somehow hidden.

That lady is just a random picture from the internet but the real one doesn't look so different. Only she doesn't wear scarf on her head. :)
  • #2,261
Sophia said:
Hearing about someone's death is creepy even if you didn't know the person well. Makes you stop and think for a while... We don't see death so often as people used to in the past. It's somehow hidden.

That lady is just a random picture from the internet but the real one doesn't look so different. Only she doesn't wear scarf on her head. :)
Here in the U.S we also started using euphemisms like "pass away" for death, instead of the direct "s/he died". But maybe that is part of the general PC movement.
  • #2,262
WWGD said:
Here in the U.S we also started using euphemisms like "pass away" for death, instead of the direct "s/he died". But maybe that is part of the general PC movement.

Yes, we use euphemisms, too. Like "s/he is not with us anymore". Or "s/he is in God's truth/justice".
There is also saying from Latin "rest in peace". Or "may the soil be light to him/her".
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  • #2,263
Sophia said:
Yes, we use euphemisms, too. Like "s/he is not with us anymore". Or "s/he is in God's truth/justice".
There is also saying from Latin "rest in peace". Or "may the soil be light to him/her".
I'll stick to " May the Force be with you " .
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  • #2,264
Sophia said:
Hearing about someone's death is creepy even if you didn't know the person well. Makes you stop and think for a while... We don't see death so often as people used to in the past. It's somehow hidden.
People more often die in hospitals now, rather than on the farm or in the home.

I've actually had a lot of coffee shop acquaintances die. Two were wild kids who overdosed on drugs. One was a young girl who got cancer. One was a 65 year old guy who got cancer, and one was a 56 year old guy who apparently committed suicide. That one hit me the hardest because I talked to him very often and also knew his wife and daughter. It was also strange because it coincided with that coffee shop closing down due to a weird chain of events. He went back east to "see his mother." Apparently he did, but unknown to everyone else it was goodbye for good, and after seeing her he did himself in in his hotel. After he'd been out of town a few days, there was an electrical fire in the empty storefront next to the coffee shop where he and I used to hang out. They "temporarily" closed the coffee shop due to smoke damage. A couple weeks later, I ran into his wife at the mall where the coffee shop was, and she told me of his apparent suicide back east. As time went on, (for some reason, I never found out the details) the coffee shop just never opened up again, despite the fact there were signs saying they'd "be back soon." A year went by. Then a sandwich shop took over the space. That was a serious loss of zoobie habitat: I used to go there almost every day.
  • #2,265
zoobyshoe said:
[...] there was an electrical fire in the empty storefront next to the coffee shop where he and I used to hang out. They "temporarily" closed the coffee shop due to smoke damage. [...] As time went on, (for some reason, I never found out the details) the coffee shop just never opened up again, despite the fact there were signs saying they'd "be back soon." A year went by. Then a sandwich shop took over the space. That was a serious loss of zoobie habitat: I used to go there almost every day.

Wait a second. I also used to hang out at a coffee shop that "temporarily" closed down after an electrical fire in the vacant space next door that caused a lot of smoke damage. After a long time of waiting to reopen, it never did. Eventually the space reopened as a sandwich shop.

Although I didn't hang out there every day, I did order a coffee from there most days (sometimes to go), and at least walked by the place pretty much every single day for years.

  • #2,266
collinsmark said:
Wait a second. I also used to hang out at a coffee shop that "temporarily" closed down after an electrical fire in the vacant space next door that caused a lot of smoke damage. After a long time of waiting to reopen, it never did. Eventually the space reopened as a sandwich shop.

Although I didn't hang out there every day, I did order a coffee from there most days (sometimes to go), and at least walked by the place pretty much every single day for years.

Coffee Bean in the mall at Balboa and Genesee. You and I have seen each other without realizing it.
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  • #2,267
zoobyshoe said:
Coffee Bean in the mall at Balboa and Genesee. You and I have seen each other without realizing it.
Yes, I believe we have. :wideeyed:
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  • #2,268
Wait, you guys might still frequent the same coffee shop!

I believe the word serendipity isn't wrong in this case.
  • #2,269
zoobyshoe said:
Coffee Bean in the mall at Balboa and Genesee. You and I have seen each other without realizing it.
Maybe you are part of a real-life Ionescu play and you are roommates.
  • #2,270
collinsmark said:
Yes, I believe we have. :wideeyed:
The internet is a strange country.
  • #2,271
JorisL said:
Wait, you guys might still frequent the same coffee shop!

I believe the word serendipity isn't wrong in this case.
WWGD said:
Maybe you are part of a real-life Ionescu play and you are roommates.
Actually, I bet every PF member who lives in a city has passed another PF member on the street without knowing it, and a lot have probably talked to each other for one reason or another, without either knowing the other was a PF member. It is, in fact, conceivable that two members could be living in side by side apartments. Roommates? Unlikely, since a shared interest in math/science would come to light under those circumstances, I think.
  • #2,272
zoobyshoe said:
Actually, I bet every PF member who lives in a city has passed another PF member on the street without knowing it, and a lot have probably talked to each other for one reason or another, without either knowing the other was a PF member. It is, in fact, conceivable that two members could be living in side by side apartments. Roommates? Unlikely, since a shared interest in math/science would come to light under those circumstances, I think.
I was exaggerating just a bit, actually a lot.
  • #2,273
Now you can have coffee together in real life! Only in another coffee shop.
World is really small :-)
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Likes WWGD and Garlic
  • #2,274
Sophia said:
That lady is just a random picture from the internet but the real one doesn't look so different. Only she doesn't wear scarf on her head. :)
I don't think I have it in me to stand in front of her without laughing. I would stand trying very hard to contain my laugh.

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  • #2,275
WWGD said:
I won't marry people having names like this.

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