Should I Become a Mathematician?

In summary, to become a mathematician, you should read books by the greatest mathematicians, try to solve as many problems as possible, and understand how proofs are made and what ideas are used over and over.
  • #876
mathwonk said:
i am ignorant in pde, but i myself like vladimir arnol'd's books, and i personally have his text on pde.

i gather there is no systematic theory of pde's as there is for ode's, so one studies the classically important special cases, like: heat equation, wave equation, and laplace equation.

i myself have studied the ehat equation quite a bit, and of course the laplace equation is important in all complex anakysis, since both real and imaginary parts of holomorphic functions satisfy it. harmonic functions are also important in geometry.

but i know nothing about the wave equation.

but i recommend arnol'd for auxiliary reading in any course.

I checked out Arnol'd today and although the language is rough for me I think it will be a good supplement. The preface was interesting; I didn't realize PDE's were such a ruthless and improper branch of math. Thanks for the advice
Physics news on
  • #877
Mathwonk, would you happen to know the type of math needed before a person studied chaos dynamics?
  • #878

PowerIso said:
Mathwonk, would you happen to know the type of math needed before a person studied chaos dynamics?

There is such thing as maths needed in chaos dynamics? Tell me about it
  • #879
Biology is this way >>>.
  • #880
i searched on google and found some notes with this intro:

"These are class notes written by Evans M. Harrell II of Georgia Tech. They are suitable for an introductory course on dynamical systems and chaos, taken by mathematicians, engineers, and physicists. Students are expected to have completed two years of calculus and basic courses on ordinary differential equations, linear algebra, and analysis."
  • #881
kaisxuans said:
There is such thing as maths needed in chaos dynamics? Tell me about it

Well, I am going to take a course called Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos I don't know much about it but the course info reads as followed: Dynamical systems associated with one-dimensional maps of the interval and the circle; elementary bifurcation theory; modeling of real phenomena.
  • #882
mathwonk said:
i searched on google and found some notes with this intro:

"These are class notes written by Evans M. Harrell II of Georgia Tech. They are suitable for an introductory course on dynamical systems and chaos, taken by mathematicians, engineers, and physicists. Students are expected to have completed two years of calculus and basic courses on ordinary differential equations, linear algebra, and analysis."

Ah thank you :D
  • #883
Poweriso, at Umiami, applied math majors can take this two course sequence:

"MTH 515: Ordinary Differential Equations, 3 credits.
Linear systems, equilibria and periodic solutions, stability analysis, bifurcation, phase plane analysis, boundary value problems, applications to engineering and physics.
Prerequisites: MTH 311 and either MTH 211 or 310.

MTH 516: Dynamics and Bifurcations, 3 credits.
Bifurcation of equilibria and periodic solutions, global theory of planar systems, planar maps, nonlinear vibrations, forced oscillations, chaotic solutions, Hamiltonian systems, applications to engineering and physics.
Prerequisites: MTH 515 or permission of the instructor."

Hope this helps.
  • #884
PowerIso said:
Mathwonk, would you happen to know the type of math needed before a person studied chaos dynamics?
You could browse here:
  • #885
me,me, I want to be a mathematician!:biggrin: Ha, sorry for this, I'm just happy today. That girl likes me! You know who you are:!)!
  • #886
hey hey hey ! congratulations! celebrate, take her to a nice restaurant.
  • #887
I sure will! But I know one thing I should not talk about there: MATH!:rolleyes:
  • #888
you are wiser than your years.
  • #889
Why is this "I want to be an mathematician" thread much larger than the "I want to be an enginner" thread?
  • #890
Well, did you also ask this in the eng thread? You should, this kind of questions sometimes get subjective answers. :) Also, check, you might be quoting something else. But no need rectifying yourself. I do know that this thread originated earlier (not sure of the time difference). Other than that, it might be showing some (maybe to you) interesting stat.
  • #891
O LORD, school begins tomorrow. With it, four pure math classes +... May the hand of Gauss and Cauchy move my pencil in a constructive way.
  • #892
Kummer said:
Why is this "I want to be an mathematician" thread much larger than the "I want to be an enginner" thread?

It's simple, math people like to talk to other good looking people.
  • #893
Ha, yeah. BTW you forgot to mention how we love when engineering girls come to ask for our help (I guess I should also mention the mechanic for the other sex to be fair, but assume it implied)
  • #894
teleport said:
Ha, yeah. BTW you forgot to mention how we love when engineering girls come to ask for our help (I guess I should also mention the mechanic for the other sex to be fair, but assume it implied)

That's why I'm in engineering; for the chicks man.
  • #895
ekrim said:
That's why I'm in engineering; for the chicks man.

:cool:Ha, peace and good luck.
  • #896
I am a first year student, and I would like to major in pure maths. But here's the problem: the 1st year maths course is boring, in my opinion. It is 70% calculus, and I find calculus a dry subject. The other topics covered, such as vector, binomial theorem and such, those were more interesting. If I don't find the first year work interesting, does that mean maths is not for me? I feel like I am in a real crisis, because I thought I loved maths, but this first year maths course has really bored me. I feel it is too much routine. As a result I virtually never work. I always study for test for a few hours the night before, and I do ok, I am averaging 74%. I have even considered switching to mechanical engineering. Is maths still for me?
  • #897
qspeechc said:
I am a first year student, and I would like to major in pure maths. But here's the problem: the 1st year maths course is boring, in my opinion. It is 70% calculus, and I find calculus a dry subject. The other topics covered, such as vector, binomial theorem and such, those were more interesting. If I don't find the first year work interesting, does that mean maths is not for me? I feel like I am in a real crisis, because I thought I loved maths, but this first year maths course has really bored me. I feel it is too much routine. As a result I virtually never work. I always study for test for a few hours the night before, and I do ok, I am averaging 74%. I have even considered switching to mechanical engineering. Is maths still for me?

So then just take final exam to skip all those courses. That is what I did, it saved me a lot of time.
  • #898
qspeechc said:
I am a first year student, and I would like to major in pure maths. But here's the problem: the 1st year maths course is boring, in my opinion. It is 70% calculus, and I find calculus a dry subject. The other topics covered, such as vector, binomial theorem and such, those were more interesting. If I don't find the first year work interesting, does that mean maths is not for me? I feel like I am in a real crisis, because I thought I loved maths, but this first year maths course has really bored me. I feel it is too much routine. As a result I virtually never work. I always study for test for a few hours the night before, and I do ok, I am averaging 74%. I have even considered switching to mechanical engineering. Is maths still for me?

Averaging a 74% and wanting to major in my math is difficult. You have to do the dirty work before you can get to the real fun stuff. I can only speak from my personal experience, but I find even if a person doesn't like calculus, if they want to major in math, they give it a good go to get the grade and be able to go to graduate school. Just motivate yourself and keep pushing forward. However, I have to ask, why did you want to major in pure math?
  • #899
unfortunately many first year calc courses are not taught from the viewpoint of future math majors. that's why at uga, and chicago, we have a special course for them taught from spivak, and taught by outstanding profs.

not all courses do a good job of rpesenting what the subject is about. math is really not dry. take a look at what is mathematics by courant and robbins, or some of the many books recommended earlier in this thread.

this thread is now so lengthy that many questions asked here are already answered in earl.ier parts of this thread.

have you read the general guidelines and advices which began this thread on becoming
mathematician? i recommend it. in fact peruse the whole thread.

surprizingly, since there are now 900 posts, i easily reviewed the entire thread recently in a short amount of time. of course i did not reread every word of my own advice.
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  • #900
However, I have to ask, why did you want to major in pure math?
Because before I hit University, I used to love doing maths problems. Not necessarily ones covered in the high school syllabus. The joy of solving a difficult problem that you've been at for a long time! The excitement of arriving at a simple answer to what looked like a comlpex question. The joy of finding connections and the way the mathematics works! I used to love maths, but this first year maths course has really bored me, and now I think majoring in pure maths is not for me.

unfortunately many first year calc courses are not taught from the viewpoint of future math majors

I agree, that is the way with most of my first year courses.

have you read the general guidelines and advices which began this thread on becoming
mathematician? i recommend it. in fact peruse the whole thread.

Do you mean this very thread? If so, I think I have read the first page or two, but I will go back now and read more of the thread.
  • #901
qspeechc said:
Because before I hit University, I used to love doing maths problems. Not necessarily ones covered in the high school syllabus. The joy of solving a difficult problem that you've been at for a long time! The excitement of arriving at a simple answer to what looked like a comlpex question. The joy of finding connections and the way the mathematics works! I used to love maths, but this first year maths course has really bored me, and now I think majoring in pure maths is not for me.

I agree, that is the way with most of my first year courses.

Do you mean this very thread? If so, I think I have read the first page or two, but I will go back now and read more of the thread.

I didn't become interested until after lower level math. Diff eq, multivariable, etc were filled with uninterested non-majors, and the homework was long and thoughtless. Once I reached upper level math, there are less homework problems that require deeper thought and it feels exciting to dive deeper and deeper into the subject. If at all possible try your best now even if it is boring, because youd regret having a lukewarm background in lower math later on.
  • #902
I don't know if this is of any use, but during my first year second semester, I was very much bored by electricity and magnetism class, even though that was my major concentration back then. This was quite a change for me since I always loved physics before university. As a result, I also didn't study almost at all, and my mark wasn't the best. Now I think there is a similarity with your situation here, because now, whenever they talk about modern physics (what I'm taking now) my eyes open up wide, and I just love going to that class. So, I was afraid initially that I wouldn't like physics, but as you can see, it was probably that specific subject. So try and see if you like linear and abstract algebra. They are as important as the other. But then again, Calc is so important too...
  • #903
Wow, talk about doppelganger...I feel exactly the same way about my electricity and magnetism course. I thought I'd take my second major in applied maths or physics, but this physics course has put me off the idea.
I guess the point is to just grind through the first year.
  • #904
or to take more honors courses
  • #905
? You mean major in more than three things?
  • #906
Well, you could do a challenging, maybe COMP Minor for example. For example, the COMP MINOR in my university requires me to take 8 courses, for a total of two comp classes per year. The neat thing is, that you can do all of them in the summer, making it totally doable. Also, because you are already majoring in two highly respectable subjects (and they probably consider you an "intellectually capable"/hard working student) you may ask them to replace the courses in the Minor with the ones the majors take. As I said, if you take them in the summer, this is attainable (if you like it, and are prepared to put some extra effort). Think of it this way, the opportunity is given to you to be better educated; why not take it if you can and want it? I have made up my mind, and will at least give it a try.

There are so many subjects that are just so damn interesting. Don't fix yourself with the idea that people are just good at something more than the other. That might just be an ilussion. But be true to yourself, and live the moment, and follow what is your passion at the moment. Even mathematicians get bored of math, they take a break, do something else for which they have a passion, only to come back later, ONLY because they like it. So, I would guess that it is useful to try many things, so that later on in the future, you pursue whatever you feel like at the moment.

You like math, not so much calc. You like that girl, but you hate her mom. So what? Who in this world can tell you that if you don't like calc, then you don't like math!? That's absurd! Just do whatever you like. A couple of years ago I sent an email to a mathematician asking him what should I read to make myself better at math becuase I loved it. I was stoned not so much because he did really reply, but becuase he just said this: "Just go to a math store, look for a couple of books; if you find something that looks interesting, and you wish to learn it, just take it". He never mentioned anything about calc, algebra, or whatever! I thought that I understood what he meant, and I think that quote is full of wisdom.
  • #907
Mahtwonk, this might be a stupid question, just out of curiosity, is there an object that could contain a sphere, have more than three dimensions, and have a surface so that for each point in the sphere inside it, and a tangent through it (the pt.), there is at least one tangent of the object that is both perpendicular to the previously mentioned tangent and points towards the center of the sphere? Don't ask me why I want to know this because my excuse will sound crazy :) Thanks.
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  • #908
I have been thinking about an object with some sort of rectilinear zigzag shape on the surphace, so there might not be a need for more than 3D. But if that is right, I wonder if there is some other shape.
  • #909
Maybe more interesting if a restriction is that there is one-to-one correspondence between the tangents of the sphere and the tangents that have the properties above. Now I realize that perhaps I should be worrying a little bit more with my broken car than this. :smile:
  • #910
q: major schmajor. there are usually choices available for math courses, you can choose regualr or honors versions. honors versions are for people who want a challenge and a good teacher and deep coverage. are you saying that at your uni these courses are reserved for majors?
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