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TrickyDicky said:They only come in virtual pairs. I don't think you can consider virtual particles as spin 1/2 but a reference would help. All virtual bosons obviously don't have spin 1/2 and they are interchangeable with any virtual pair.
Real pairs of course do have spin 1/2.
Virtual electrons and positrons are spin 1/2, just like real ones. The fact that they are virtual particles doesn't affect their spin. Also, virtual bosons aren't "interchangeable" with virtual fermions; they are separate kinds of virtual particles, just as they're separate kinds of real particles. I'll try to find a reference, but AFAIK this is basic QFT; virtual particle states are described by the same kinds of fields as real ones, just off the mass shell (which means their energy and momentum don't satisfy the equations of motion); being on or off the mass shell doesn't affect spin, since spin has to do with a different set of symmetries (pure spatial rotations vs. pure boosts).