Statistical ensemble interpretation done right

  • #106
vanhees71 said:
It's not an abstraction.
You do understand that it can be an abstraction in one interpretation and not in another, don't you?
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  • #107
vanhees71 said:
It's not an abstraction.
Again, please read the passages from Ballentine that I referenced. As far as I know Ballentine's definition of "ensemble" is the usual one in ensemble interpretations of QM. And it is inconsistent with what you are saying.
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  • #108
Of course, from a mathemtical point of view you need infinite abstract ensembles to define probabilities. QT is, however a physical theory and it is successfully applied to real-world experiments, where you deal with real-world finite ensembles, including the corresponding systematical and statistical errors, which you have to carefully estimate as an experimentalist. Of course, Ballentine is right with his formal cautions about the meaning of probabilities, but there's no contradiction to apply probability theory to statistics of real-world experiments/observations. If this were the case, QT (or any other probabilistic theory, as classical statistical physics!) wouldn't have any connection to real-world experiments, and nobody would consider it as a physical theory.
  • #109
vanhees71 said:
Of course, from a mathemtical point of view you need infinite abstract ensembles to define probabilities.
So now you agree that an ensemble is an abstract infinite set?

vanhees71 said:
QT is, however a physical theory and it is successfully applied to real-world experiments, where you deal with real-world finite ensembles
No, you deal with real-world finite sets of actual experiments, which are not, as Ballentine says, correctly described as "ensembles".
  • #110
Morbert said:
Both MSE and Copenhagen proponents can associate a state with a preparation procedure, but a Copenhagen proponent would happily proceed to think about measurement propensities in a single experimental run while an MSE proponent would not.
Except for the wordings, to me the "propensitites" in a single experiment, follwing a preparation still only has a the same operational statisitical meaning.

Or would you suggest that the MSE propoent would refuse to even use the term prospensities, they call it instead probability? How does that make a difference? or are we talking I think about interpretation of "probability" and not just interpretation of QM?

  • #111
PeterDonis said:
No, you deal with real-world finite sets of actual experiments, which are not, as Ballentine says, correctly described as "ensembles".
I think all would agree with this. The limit is a mathematical object only. But I didnt think this was the topic, it seemed too obvious.

I had another "fiction" in mind, namely wether there is a physical basis to the ensemble, set aside wether infinite or not. Here I see it physically encoded in the environment, as the tuned preparation setup and in that sense not fiction. I thought this was what vanhees tried to say?? to which i agree. The finite ensenble and the imperfect preparation procedure are not perfect, but not fiction?

  • #112
Fra said:
Or would you suggest that the MSE propoent would refuse to even use the term prospensities, they call it instead probability? How does that make a difference? or are we talking I think about interpretation of "probability" and not just interpretation of QM?
Fra said:
I think all would agree with this. The limit is a mathematical object only. But I didnt think this was the topic, it seemed too obvious.
This and the previous discussion did not get off-track over physical disagreements, but over disagreements how the mathematical abstractions related to probabilities and ensembles are to be interpreted in concrete physical contexts.
  • #113
vanhees71 said:
QT is, however a physical theory and it is successfully applied to real-world experiments...

That would be a stretch. Remove the Born's rule and it becomes a non-physical theory altogether.
  • #114
Fra said:
wether there is a physical basis to the ensemble
The physical basis would be the preparation procedure, which involves actual physical equipment and processes. At least, that is how Ballentine explains it.
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  • #115
Fra said:
The finite ensenble
There is no "finite ensemble". The term "ensemble" specifically means the abstract infinite set that has been described. It does not mean the actual finite set of actual systems we run the actual preparation procedure on.
  • #116
PeterDonis said:
The physical basis would be the preparation procedure, which involves actual physical equipment and processes. At least, that is how Ballentine explains it.
Exactly that's what I also say all the time. I don't see any contradiction between my view that real-world experiments use ensemles to test probabilistic predictions, including those of QT and what you quoted from Ballentine's intro chapter. It's well known that there's a difference between mathematical, idealized infinetely large ensembles and finite real-world empirical ensembles. Hypothesis testing thus is an entire subbranch of applied statistics.
  • #117
PeterDonis said:
There is no "finite ensemble". The term "ensemble" specifically means the abstract infinite set that has been described. It does not mean the actual finite set of actual systems we run the actual preparation procedure on.
Then just tell us which term you prefer for real-world collections of data, if we are not allowed to say "ensemble". It's really hard to discuss if one is not allowed to use standard terminology!
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  • #118
GarberMoisha said:
That would be a stretch. Remove the Born's rule and it becomes a non-physical theory altogether.
For me Born's rule is one of the fundamental postulates, and it's indeed crucial to make the theory to a physical theory.
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  • #119
vanhees71 said:
It's really hard to discuss if one is not allowed to use standard terminology!
I sort of agree, even so I don't want to voice an opinion on what is "standard". When I hint that "this and the previous discussion got off-track" in my opinion, it is because we started to disagree over so basic things (or talk past one another) that I don't even see which language we could use to reach a common understanding again.
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  • #120
Ballentine's book is very clear, as is Peres's. When I talk to experimentalists they all understand under "ensembles" their millions of repetitions of scattering experiments taken with real-world detectors (measurement) using particles from an accelerator (preparation).
  • #121
vanhees71 said:
The quantum state is the formal description of a preparation procedure on a single system. In this sense the quantum state refers to the single system. The meaning of the quantum state is, of course, entirely statistical
Focusing on the second part first -- statistics. You can generate statistics by (a) measuring a million different single systems once each or by (b) measuring the same single system a million different times (not always possible in practice, but in principle). Your measured statistics at CERN are of type (a), but by saying the system you are measuring is "an electron," you imply that it is of type (b).

The distinction you make in post #62 is not the appropriate one. It isn't between one million CERNS measuring one electron each vs one CERN measuring a million electrons. Rather, it's between one CERN measuring a single electron one million times vs one CERN measuring one million different similarly prepared electrons. Therefore, it is a fact that your measurements refer to an ensemble of similarly prepared elections or to the preparation procedure. To say the system being measured is "an electron" requires additional justification.

You are obviously free to interpret the QM state as referring to "an electron" rather than "an ensemble of similarly prepared electrons" (assuming you agree there's a difference between the two). That is not the issue. But then, how do you link the theory to the experiments? Only one of those "interpretations" is directly consistent with what you measure; you always measure an ensemble of similarly prepared electrons. Though each individual detector click refers to a particular electron, what justifies you putting all the results together, doing statistics on them, and then ascribing the resulting statistics to "an electron"? You will never ascribe the average height of people in a population to "an individual." Why do it here?

I guess I'm suggesting that you may have multiple ways of interpreting the math but only one way of interpreting the experiment.
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  • #122
vanhees71 said:
It's well known that there's a difference between mathematical, idealized infinetely large ensembles and finite real-world empirical ensembles.
My point is that Ballentine (who, I think, is a reasonable representative example of the literature) does not use the word "ensemble" at all to describe the latter (the "finite real-world" sets of systems). There might be some other standard term that is used for that, but it is not "ensemble". And we should be using terms the way they are used in the literature.
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  • #123
vanhees71 said:
Then just tell us which term you prefer for real-world collections of data, if we are not allowed to say "ensemble". It's really hard to discuss if one is not allowed to use standard terminology!
I am disputing whether "ensemble" is "standard terminology" for real-world collections of data, at least not in QM. That is why I gave Ballentine as a counter-example. I do not know another standard term for real-world collections of data. I just know that, at least according to Ballentine, "ensemble" is not that term.
  • #124
vanhees71 said:
Ballentine's book is very clear
Not if you are claiming he uses "ensemble" to mean finite real-world collections of data. I have already given specific quotes to show that he does not.

vanhees71 said:
When I talk to experimentalists they all understand under "ensembles" their millions of repetitions of scattering experiments taken with real-world detectors (measurement) using particles from an accelerator (preparation).
Then perhaps there is a difference of terminology between different parts of the physics community in this regard. Is there a standard reference that experimentalists use for such terminology?
  • #125
I have read what you quoted. Ballentine's book is not the bible, you have to follow literarly. QT is a successful physical theory and not an empty mathematical scheme. It is also clear that any measurement has its statistical and systematical errors, and you never literary measure probabilities but statistical approximations to them. That's well understood by any serious experimentalist.
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  • #126
In fields which do real signal processing (not just symbolic math) of data where the patterns are masked by high variability, ensembles and ensemble averaging is indeed a standard term, in the signal processing options in various softwares this is also how it's called. Wether you acquire the data from multiple "objects/subjects" or from repeated sampling on the same object the signal processing terminology is the same, and these are of course never abstractions or infinite. You get the average and statistical variations.

(To decompose a mixed ensemble into say standard distributiosn are handled by other algorithms as a separate issue.)

matlab uses the term, so does software for neuroscience i used.

  • #127
vanhees71 said:
When I talk to experimentalists they all understand under "ensembles" their millions of repetitions of scattering experiments taken with real-world detectors (measurement) using particles from an accelerator (preparation).
PeterDonis said:
Then perhaps there is a difference of terminology between different parts of the physics community in this regard. Is there a standard reference that experimentalists use for such terminology?
I know that you are asking vanhees71 for a "reference of experimentalists terminology". I cannot help with that. But maybe I can help with terminology common among (applied) statisticians:
haushofer said:
I'm reading The art of statistics by Spiegelhalter now. Fun book which stresses conceptual aspects of statistics and data analysis.
That is indeed a very good and readable book, and it contains a 24-page glossary and a 7-page index. Here are some examples from the glossary:
aleatory uncertainty: unavoidable unpredictability about the future, also known as chance, randomness, luck and so on.
epistemic uncertainty: lack of knowledge about facts, numbers or scientific hypotheses.
probability: the formal mathematical expression of uncertainty. Let P(A) be ...
probability distribution: a generic term for a mathematical expression of the chance of a random variable taking on particular values. A random variable X has ...
sampling distribution: the probability distribution of a statistic.
statistic: a meaningful number derived from a set of data.
Neither the glossary nor the index contain the word "ensemble," and the word "empirical" only appears in the index as:
empirical distribution 197, 404
sampling distribution 197, 404

My feeling would have been that the actual finite experimental ensemble would be called "empirical ensemble," but maybe this usage of "empirical" was only common 25 years ago in Germany, when I had statistics and probability courses at university. But "sampling ensemble" would not sound nice in my ears. But even back then, we were told that of course the clarifying word "empirical" would often be omitted, but that we should still try to distinguish between the formal mathematical expression and the actual empirical data.
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  • #128
vanhees71 said:
For me Born's rule is one of the fundamental postulates, and it's indeed crucial to make the theory to a physical theory.
I agree. Unfortunately Born's rule seems inextricably linked to the term "measurement" (and, in consequence, decoherence, macroscopic apparatus, etc.).

vanhees71 said:
Measurements are nothing else than interactions between the system and a measurement device, which obey the same "quantum rules" as any other interaction.
vanhees71 said:
In the paper we describe of course an open system, because we couple the particle to a heat bath, but the underlying equations are quantum time evolution
Excellent. Your paper shows that (using the Schwinger-Keldysh formalism) one can write down expressions for observable quantities without the need to talk about measurements and (god forbid!) collapsing wavefunctions. :smile:
  • #129
All of physics is about observation and thus measurement. A physical theory has to predict what's measured from some fundamental principles, and that does all of theoretical physics since Newton, and so does Q(F)T in the 21st century.
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  • #130
vanhees71 said:
All of physics is about observation and thus measurement
Sounds tautological. And beside the point. Obviously you disagree with John Bell ("Against Measurement").
  • #131
I agree with John Bell's physics but I don't agree with his philosophy ;-).
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  • #132
vanhees71 said:
Then just tell us which term you prefer for real-world collections of data, if we are not allowed to say "ensemble". It's really hard to discuss if one is not allowed to use standard terminology!
PeterDonis said:
I do not know another standard term for real-world collections of data.
That's called a statistical sample.
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  • #133
vanhees71 said:
Ballentine's book is not the bible
I understand that, but it is still a published reference. If there is indeed a difference of terminology in this area in different parts of the relevant scientific community, you should give published references for your preferred usage of the term "ensemble", as I have asked you.
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  • #134
I don't have specific references. Just tell me, how I'm allowed to call collected data of real-world experiments, that are taken from "equally prepared systems" in this forum, so that we can discuss the real issues rather than pure semantics. I only said, it's very hard to get really to the interesting core of things, when you are not allowed to use the standard terminology everybody uses when discussing physics among physicists. You can really get into a state of "rigor mortis" being too rigorous! At least in my community we often call collections of experimental data as data taken from "ensembles" or one simply says things like: "We have collected data about 1 Mio. ##J/\psi## decays in pp collisions at the LHC" etc. That of course refers to many pp collisions and in this sense to an "ensemble" described in QFT by asymptotic in states (two protons colliding head on at a given center-momentum energy).
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  • #135
vanhees71 said:
I don't have specific references.
Then I'm very confused about how you can be so confident about your usage, with no reference to back it up. I have given a reference to back up mine.

vanhees71 said:
Just tell me, how I'm allowed to call collected data of real-world experiments, that are taken from "equally prepared systems" in this forum
@A. Neumaier gave a term for it in post #132.
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  • #136
vanhees71 said:
so that we can discuss the real issues rather than pure semantics
We can only discuss real issues if we agree on the terminology to describe them. If a particular term has multiple, incompatible usages, we don't have such agreement. That appears to be the case for the term "ensemble".

I agree it's unfortunate that there are such cases, but that doesn't change the fact that there are. When such a case arises, it would be very helpful if you would not continue to use the disputed term in your preferred way when it has already been pointed out that that usage is in dispute, without even acknowledging that there is such a dispute. We could have gotten to this point quite a few posts ago if you had stated earlier what you stated in the first sentence of post #134.
  • #137
Just tell me, how I should call, real-lab measurement results, which are evaluated by statistical means to compare them to the predicted probabilities. I try to learn the special "Physics Forum's terminology" defined by @PeterDonis. As I said, I like to discuss physics and not get lost in semantics and linguistics.
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  • #138
vanhees71 said:
I try to learn the special "Physics Forum's terminology" defined by @PeterDonis.

This is just ridiculous, @PeterDonis backed up his usage, and you are just quibbling all over the place. Do you even read what others are saying?
  • #139
Could be a language issue. There is plenty of loose language being used in the physics comminities to compound an already brewing translation difficulty from other languages to English.
  • #140
weirdoguy said:
This is just ridiculous, @PeterDonis backed up his usage, and you are just quibbling all over the place. Do you even read what others are saying?
Yes I do! Just tell me, how you want me to phrase things, so that we can avoid this nonsensical debates about semantics!

I'm well aware that empirical finite measurement results is not the same as an abstract mathemtical ensemble!

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