Stop Posting Creepy Dating Advice - Seek Professional Help

In summary, this forum is frequented by young people who have doubts and anxieties about relationships. It's inevitable that girls (or boys) will be on their minds. But Cyrus, this forum is frequented by young people. And a lot of young people have doubts and anxieties about relationships. So, I think it's inevitable that girls (or boys) will be on their minds.
  • #71
B. Elliott said:
:smile: OMG! I LOVE IT!

I'm sending this to the Evo Child.
Physics news on
  • #72
Lol...translation: Cyrus says talk of rodents elsewhere!
  • #73
  • #74
Evo said:
:smile: OMG! I LOVE IT!

I'm sending this to the Evo Child.
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  • #75
binzing said:
Lol...translation: Cyrus says talk of rodents elsewhere!

Meh, he's just getting a bit squirrely. :biggrin:
  • #76
Cyrus said:
And YOOOU thought this wouldn't happen!
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  • #77
Cyrus said:
You yourself said you made up a bogus screen name to trick your girlfriend to get information from her.

Seriously, you don't think this might be just a *little* creepy?

I truly am sorry your girlfriend broke your heart; however, that's no excuse for what you did.

This is not healthy behavior.

It's my fault that I didn't explain why that happened, but that's giving away too many details. If you knew the context behind it, it wouldn't sound as creepy to you.
  • #78
rootX said:
look at your own thread like a year from now ...

I will and will still feel the same way.
  • #79
LightbulbSun said:
I will and will still feel the same way.

You're that slow?
  • #80
LightbulbSun said:
It's my fault that I didn't explain why that happened, but that's giving away too many details. If you knew the context behind it, it wouldn't sound as creepy to you.

I don't care what your rationalization is. What you did was wrong. Period.

I would never do that. So no matter what you tell me, I'm going to give you the same answer. It's creepy and childish.
  • #81
Cyrus said:
I don't care what your rationalization is. What you did was wrong. Period.

I would never do that. So no matter what you tell me, I'm going to give you the same answer. It's creepy and childish.


I have no respect for that.
  • #82
If you guys want to be narrow-minded about the whole thing then whatever floats your boat, I guess.

And my ex evading from telling me why we broke up is such the adult thing to do.
  • #83
LightbulbSun said:
If you guys want to be narrow-minded about the whole thing then whatever floats your boat, I guess.

And my ex evading from telling me why we broke up is such the adult thing to do.

She can do what she wants.

You're the most insecure person I've met... in my life and ONLINE!

No respect.
  • #84
JasonRox said:
She can do what she wants.

You're the most insecure person I've met... in my life and ONLINE!

No respect.

Listen, I know you aspire to be an alpha male, but some people like to know the reason why they're being abruptly dumped.
  • #85
Evo said:
No, this is due to the number of threads, I think there is one thread started in 2003 that had over 10,000 replies or something crazy like that.

Was that the squirrel trouble thread? er, I mean girl trouble?
  • #86
BobG said:
So, I have this girlfriend I ordered on the internet. We'd like to come over for dinner.

There's just one problem. Someone stole her luggage at the airport so he she doesn't have much clothes. Could we borrow some of yours?

I don't think it matters whether she's the same type as you. She doesn't worry about things like that. By the way, she's crippled. And they stole her wheelchair at the airport when they stole her luggage, so I'll have to carry her. Just so you know. And she doesn't talk much. She's kind of shy that way.

Do you think Bianca and I have any future?

By the way, do you know where I can get rid of a big box?

I liked that movie. :)
  • #87
LightbulbSun said:
If you guys want to be narrow-minded about the whole thing then whatever floats your boat, I guess.

And my ex evading from telling me why we broke up is such the adult thing to do.

Ah, so two wrongs make a right. I see.
  • #88
LightbulbSun said:
Listen, I know you aspire to be an alpha male, but some people like to know the reason why they're being abruptly dumped.

I highly doubt she abruptly dumped you. I think you never caught on that she never really like you to begin with.

you said:
I know the reasons why it happened, which I waited so long for, but with that piece of knowledge I can say I have my closure.

Please don't BS me.
  • #89
LightbulbSun said:
Right dude, she stayed with me for a year and a half because she never really liked me. You're making a ton of sense right now.

Considering that you yourself said she liked another guy for about 2-3 months....take a hint and know when to move on. You can lie to me, you are going to have a harder time lying to yourself though.

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  • #90
This thread going down the hill .. as I thought :biggrin:!

  • #91
rootX said:
This thread going down the hill .. as I thought :biggrin:!


Grow up or get lost.
  • #92
Cyrus said:

Considering that you yourself said she liked another guy for about 2-3 months....take a hint and know when to move on. You can lie to me, you are going to have a harder time lying to yourself though.


I didn't know about that until after the fact, so I didn't have any foreknowledge. Again, you don't know what you're talking about and you should just stop posting.
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  • #93
LightbulbSun said:
I didn't know about that until after the fact, so I didn't have any foreknowledge. Again, you don't know what you're talking about and you should just stop posting.

The ends don't justify the means. You sunk to her level just for personal gratification.
  • #94
Cyrus said:
The ends don't justify the means. You sunk to her level just for personal gratification.

No, I didn't. I just wanted to know the reasons why she broke up with me.
  • #95
LightbulbSun said:
No, I didn't. I just wanted to know the reasons why she broke up with me.

Come again? You directly lied to her to get that information.

Do you see how acting this way can make things snowball into a nasty mess quite quickly?
  • #96
Cyrus said:
Come again? You directly lied to her to get that information.

Do you see how acting this way can make things snowball into a nasty mess quite quickly?

I'm not even going to get into this. Someday you'll understand, hopefully, but I doubt you will.
  • #97
LightbulbSun said:
I'm not even going to get into this. Someday you'll understand, hopefully, but I doubt you will.

....yeah okay.

Moral of the story: You don't spy on people behind their backs. If you're going online to get dirt, you're not mature enough to be dating. That's a violation of her trust. What you did was very unethical.
  • #98
Cat fight! I'm locking.

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