Take the Accident Prone Test: See How You Rate!

In summary, Evo scored a 27 on the risk safety access test. She found it difficult to answer some questions, and thought that she would see how she rated. She was disappointed to find out that she had scored a 30. She is cautious when it comes to taking risks, but is not completely paralyzed by fear. She enjoys taking risks on occasion, but is usually more cautious when it comes to personal safety. She is surprised that she scored lower than her more accident prone friends, and feels that her nickname does not accurately reflect her personality.
  • #1
Gold Member
Dearly Missed
I thought i would see how i rated, it takes a few minutes so do not bother if you are busy.

I scored 55

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  • #2
I scored a 30, but it was really hard to answer a lot of the questions. I'm ultra-safe and focused at work because I work in a hazardous environment, and I like my limbs the way they are -- attached!

But on my own time I relax and take a lot more risks.
  • #3
I scored 26
According to the behavioral, attitudinal and personality scales on this test, you seem to walk on the cautious side, rather than the wild side, when it comes to taking risks. You are not completely paralyzed by risk - but you don't actively seek it out either.

There are some things I'll take risks on, like moving to new places, taking new jobs, starting out new projects that might fail, but when it comes to keeping my body parts in one piece, I'm very cautious, and get pretty annoyed if people around me aren't equally cautious (since their lack of caution also puts my body parts at risk).
  • #4
I scored 19. It appears that not wanting to visit 3rd world countries makes me a wimp. :rolleyes:

Is it even safe for Evo to take this test? What if she blows up the computer?
  • #5
Danger said:
I scored 19. It appears that not wanting to visit 3rd world countries makes me a wimp. :rolleyes:

Is it even safe for Evo to take this test? What if she blows up the computer?

I'm actually really curious to see what our more accident prone members score. I'm somehow shocked that you scored lower than me! You're really not living up to your nickname here, are you? :biggrin:
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  • #6
Moonbear said:
You're really not living up to your nickname here, are you? :biggrin:

Purely a misinterpretation of the name on your part, my dear. I am dangerous to others who irritate me, while doing my level best to maintain my own bodily integrity.
  • #7
I scored a 33. I'm surprised I didn't score lower. I may not avoid risk at all costs, but I at least make sure I know exactly what the risk is before I do it.

In other words, I'm the type of person that might do something like try to iron my shirt while I'm wearing it, but I'd analyze the situation before hand and find a safe way to do it.
  • #8
I got 17.

"According to the behavioral, attitudinal and personality scales on this test, you are an extremely cautious and rigid person. You can certainly be trusted to follow the safety rules, but you may be paralyzed by fear when it comes to having to take risks. You need structure and a stable, unchanging environment to feel secure."

I'm a wuss.
  • #9
I scored a lot lower than I would have predicted, but most of the questions were about safety at work, and I try to be safe at work or when others are in the crossfire. I got a 61.
  • #10
I got a 50, I don't really know how their scale works...
  • #11
tribdog said:
I scored a lot lower than I would have predicted, but most of the questions were about safety at work, and I try to be safe at work or when others are in the crossfire. I got a 61.

Aha, I thought i was quite a safe person so scoring 55 was a bummer, so now we a 61er
6 more than me :biggrin:
  • #12
28, but I suppose I could easily get either 5 or 95, as most questions are obvious. But I did my best to be honest.

"According to the behavioral, attitudinal and personality scales on this test, you seem to walk on the cautious side, rather than the wild side, when it comes to taking risks. You are not completely paralyzed by risk - but you don't actively seek it out either."

And I feel that fits.
  • #13
I scored a 14


According to the behavioral, attitudinal and personality scales on this test, you are an extremely cautious and rigid person. You can certainly be trusted to follow the safety rules, but you may be paralyzed by fear when it comes to having to take risks. You need structure and a stable, unchanging environment to feel secure.

I'm not afraid of taking risks, I prefer not to. I am cursed, freak accidents always happen to me. I am always being told "I have never seen that happen to anyone before" "that's the first time that's ever malfunctioned", etc...
  • #14
26, sharing the interpretation with Borek
  • #15
I scored a 42 but I guess a lot of that is down to having a short attention spa...

ooh shiny red ball. :biggrin:
  • #16
So far then,
14 Evo, super safe but super unlucky.
17 MIH.
19 for Danger, scratches head ?
26 for Moonb and Andre.
28 for Borek.
33 for BobG
42 for Kurdt.
55 for Wolram.
61 for Tibdog.
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  • #17
22, which seems about right for me.
  • #18
But one problem with this test is that quite a few questions only make sense if you assume that managers, health&safety people etc where you work actually understands the risks.
Where I work they don't, most of the stuff they do worry about is trivial or just plain nonsense which means most of us break the rules now and then.
But when it comes to the things that can really be dangerous we are all very careful and follow all the "unofficial" rules (unoffical since there are no official ones).
  • #19
I scored 14 too, same as Evo, and got the same "interpretation" text.

I was nearly too cautious to visit the site at all. I wonder if that effect will skew their results?

I'm not sure how accurate the site actually is; I'm always tripping over things at home, usually things which the kids have left in unexpected places such as on the stairs, even though I try to be careful and keep telling them not to put anything down in unsafe places (as if that would work!). That's especially likely when I wander around in my reading glasses. However, I'd agree that I'm not prone to serious accidents, or breaking things other than treading on misplaced toys.

Also, I'm perfectly capable of handling a crisis without panic or hesitation and I'm quite happy to break rules when necessary.

How many suckers are going to pay for the detailed results, then?
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  • #20
f95toli said:
But one problem with this test is that quite a few questions only make sense if you assume that managers, health&safety people etc where you work actually understands the risks.
Where I work they don't, most of the stuff they do worry about is trivial or just plain nonsense which means most of us break the rules now and then.
But when it comes to the things that can really be dangerous we are all very careful and follow all the "unofficial" rules (unoffical since there are no official ones).

Mostly i was the only one from my dept working the night shift and had the most responsibility,
so i upheld the rules i thought important.
  • #21
Jonathan Scott said:
I scored 14 too, same as Evo, and got the same "interpretation" text.

I was nearly too cautious to visit the site at all. I wonder if that effect will skew their results?

I'm not sure how accurate the site actually is; I'm always tripping over things at home, usually things which the kids have left in unexpected places such as on the stairs, even though I try to be careful and keep telling them not to put anything down in unsafe places (as if that would work!). That's especially likely when I wander around in my reading glasses. However, I'd agree that I'm not prone to serious accidents, or breaking things other than treading on misplaced toys.

Also, I'm perfectly capable of handling a crisis without panic or hesitation and I'm quite happy to break rules when necessary.

How many suckers are going to pay for the detailed results, then?

It sounds like you are a boarder line Evo but with more luck :smile:
  • #22
wolram said:
It sounds like you are a boarder line Evo but with more luck :smile:

I'm not sure about the luck; considering how cautious I've always been, I had much more than my share of minor accidents (falls, cuts, breaking things) when young, possibly because of not getting enough exercise and being excluded from ball games because of eyesight problems (or rather because they wouldn't let me wear my spectacles because of the fear of injury, in the days before plastic lenses, and I couldn't see well enough without them) and hence having poor coordination and control. However, after doing ballet classes (extremely unwillingly) and learning to play the violin my coordination and control problems mostly went away.

Learning to sail small boats in my teens also helped me learned to stop worrying about things going wrong, as they did so often (usually due to equipment failure when racing too hard) that it became routine to find myself in cold water surrounded by a tangle of ropes and sails.
  • #23

High because I'm an aggressive driver and because I seem to be having trouble with sleep/concentrating (but not while driving!).

But not too high because I waffle between adventures and couch potatoeing.
  • #24
So far then,
14 Evo, super safe but super unlucky and Johnathon Scot.
17 MIH.
19 for Danger, scratches head ?
22 for hypatia.
26 for Moonb and Andre.
28 for Borek, and f95toli .
33 for BobG
41 for DaveC426913.
42 for Kurdt.
55 for Wolram.
61 for Tribdog
  • #25
If you put Evo and Tribdog in a closed room for an indefinite time, which one would emerge injured?
  • #26
DaveC426913 said:
If you put Evo and Tribdog in a closed room for an indefinite time, which one would emerge injured?
I would. tribdog causes accidents, I am always the victim of one. :frown:
  • #27
I got a 32... So what does that mean?
  • #28
wolram said:
So far then,
14 Evo, super safe but super unlucky and Johnathon Scot.
17 MIH.
19 for Danger, scratches head ?
22 for hypatia.
26 for Moonb and Andre.
28 for Borek, and f95toli .
33 for BobG
41 for DaveC426913.
42 for Kurdt.
55 for Wolram.
61 for Tribdog

Hey, you missed me, Woolie...I scored 30, remember?
  • #29

Im a safe driver... I just like to take a ton of risks in life outside of driving.
  • #30

The test seems to equate being accident-prone with risk taking. A risk taker will likely run a light that has just turned red, but probably won't run a red light that has been red for some time. People who do that are in a different class than mere risk takers. An accident prone person is someone who is the fifth car to go through a light after it turns green, only to be hit by the stupid driver who was distracted by
Kurdt said:
ooh shiny red ball. :biggrin:
  • #31
lisab said:
Hey, you missed me, Woolie...I scored 30, remember?

OMG, i am mortified, i feel like pond scum now :cry:
  • #32
So far then,
14 Evo, super safe but super unlucky and Johnathon Scot.
17 MIH.
19 for Danger, scratches head ?
22 for hypatia.
26 for Moonb and Andre.
28 for Borek, and f95toli .
30 for Lisab.
32 for mcknia07.
33 for BobG
41 for DaveC426913.
42 for Kurdt. should be way more.
54 for DH, as if, sure you did not leave the 1 out 154?
55 for Wolram.
59 for moose, hope we are are not on the same continent.
61 for Tribdog
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  • #33
The test is not very realistic since it did not include the question: Do you dare to challenge global warming for the sake of sound science?

In that case consider my points to be doubled at least.
  • #34
I got a 40.

According to the behavioral, attitudinal and personality scales on this test, you seem to be a moderate risk-taker. Either you are someone who wavers between different types of risks, or you stick to moderately risky behavior in general.

I said I would go skydiving because I did that 20+ years ago. But I don't plan to do it again, ever. Not sure I gave the best answer for right now in my life.

binzing said:
I got a 50, I don't really know how their scale works...
100=risky, 0=cautious
  • #35
And not 0 = dead?

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