Take the Accident Prone Test: See How You Rate!

In summary, Evo scored a 27 on the risk safety access test. She found it difficult to answer some questions, and thought that she would see how she rated. She was disappointed to find out that she had scored a 30. She is cautious when it comes to taking risks, but is not completely paralyzed by fear. She enjoys taking risks on occasion, but is usually more cautious when it comes to personal safety. She is surprised that she scored lower than her more accident prone friends, and feels that her nickname does not accurately reflect her personality.
  • #71

Math Is Hard said:
oh, dear! Did he earn a Darwin award for that?
No, he lived and was unharmed, I think he might have been arrested, it was one of those HUGE devastating wildfires.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #72
Just wondering:
If somebody survives an act of stupidity, but loses the ability to procreate (for example "it" gets lopped off), can they still win a Darwin Award? After all the idea is to remove yourself from the gene pool ...
  • #73
turbo-1 said:
It's pretty exciting dumping a kayak in a heavy rapids ... and trying to do an eskimo-roll before you get your head smacked by a submerged rock.
Exciting! :bugeye:

Evo said:
Ok, if you ever find yourself in Kansas, you will be enlisted to be my guide. Bring a first aid kit. :-p
Okay.. so First Aid kit? That's where the swiss army knife comes handy. If Wolly brings his along, we'll have a couple between us, in case of snake bite or stumbling across those pesky scorpions. The strong twine (if doubled up) may slow down a few http://www.cnn.com/2004/US/Central/02/21/pigs.gone.wild.ap/index.html and grizzlies. Remind me to bring a sling shot to distract the http://www.ksr.ku.edu/libres/Mammals_of_Kansas/lynx-ruf.html .. Wouldn't hurt to have fruit-bat along too, to scare the http://www.ksr.ku.edu/libres/Mammals_of_Kansas/roadkill.html .
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  • #74
Ouabache said:
Exciting! :bugeye:

Okay.. so First Aid kit? That's where the swiss army knife comes handy.

The swiss knifes are out. Nowadays I have a leatherman tool in the survival kit, on chord attachted to the belt, so it's always around when you need it. No need to kill all those critters. Just have a soccer referee wistle and wistle every few minutes. Scares off most animals.
  • #75
Andre said:
The swiss knifes are out. Nowadays I have a leatherman tool in the survival kit, on chord attachted to the belt, so it's always around when you need it. No need to kill all those critters. Just have a soccer referee wistle and wistle every few minutes. Scares off most animals.

What's a better invention? a leatherman or sliced bread? I use my leatherman more than I use sliced bread I think.
Edit: and the whistle should irritate off any fellow hikers
  • #76

Math Is Hard said:
Do you want to borrow my Garmin Nuvi navigator?
Damn! Calculators and a Garmin! MIH just gets hotter everyday. :!)

Andre said:
The swiss knifes are out. Nowadays I have a leatherman tool in the survival kit, on chord attachted to the belt, so it's always around when you need it. No need to kill all those critters. Just have a soccer referee wistle and wistle every few minutes. Scares off most animals.
I still like my Swiss army knife. It even works as a nice zipper handle for when I have to put the windows back on my Jeep on a cold or rainy day.

Evo said:
Ok, if you ever find yourself in Kansas, you will be enlisted to be my guide. Bring a first aid kit. :-p

I've been dreaming of making an ascent of Mt Sunflower in Kansas. This has to be one of the most extraordinary tales of daring I've ever read - http://www.bettingers.org/air/ks000.htm

If I can successfully reach the summit, I'll move on to even more treacherous climbing feats. I also want to ascend Panorama Point in Nebraska. I read about it in http://www.bettingers.org/air/index.htm
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  • #77

BobG said:
I've been dreaming of making an ascent of Mt Sunflower in Kansas. This has to be one of the most extraordinary tales of daring I've ever read - http://www.bettingers.org/air/ks000.htm

If I can successfully reach the summit, I'll move on to even more treacherous climbing feats. I also want to ascend Panorama Point in Nebraska. I read about it in http://www.bettingers.org/air/index.htm

That was great, luckily it is early and no one around to hear me laugh.

I should take pictures the next time I hike up to Puma Point, the wild untamed portion of the local Arboretum (there is no asphalt paved path here, we're talking treacherous hard packed dirt with some loose pebbles and acorns). This is where deadly mountain lions live. I have with my owns eyes seen a mountain lion print in mud crossing the path ( I really did). Unfortunately no mountain lions have been spotted since the day I saw one in my back yard. This was not too long after one ate my neighbor's chihuahua and another woman in the neighborhood accidently ran over it (the mountian lion) with her car.
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  • #78
I sent the link on Mt Sunflower to my friend Red Rum who is preparing for his climb of Mt Kilimanjaro next year. If that doesn't put fear into his heart, I don't know what will.
  • #79
wolram said:
I thought i would see how i rated, it takes a few minutes so do not bother if you are busy.

I scored 55


Yoohoo, Wolram, where are you anyway?

I do hope that something did not catch you in that 55%.
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  • #80
Andre said:
Yoohoo, Wolram, where are you anyway?

I do hope that something did not catch you in that 55%.
Silence of the Rams.

Where is Woolie?
  • #81
Evo said:
Silence of the Rams.

Where is Woolie?

When was his daughter getting married? Seems it was sometime around now, but I could be remembering wrong.
  • #82
He's online now!

Wolram, get in here!

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