Take the Accident Prone Test: See How You Rate!

In summary, Evo scored a 27 on the risk safety access test. She found it difficult to answer some questions, and thought that she would see how she rated. She was disappointed to find out that she had scored a 30. She is cautious when it comes to taking risks, but is not completely paralyzed by fear. She enjoys taking risks on occasion, but is usually more cautious when it comes to personal safety. She is surprised that she scored lower than her more accident prone friends, and feels that her nickname does not accurately reflect her personality.
  • #36
According to the behavioral, attitudinal and personality scales on this test, you seem to walk on the cautious side, rather than the wild side, when it comes to taking risks. You are not completely paralyzed by risk - but you don't actively seek it out either.

Your score = 29
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm... Don't agree...

I am very much a "by the rules" kinda girl, but I will also be the one to walk over to the edge of the cliff to look down just for the rush. As long as I think it is safe! I won't leave my daughter without a mother. I'm a wild child, with a safety streak. I like my thrills, when I get them.
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  • #37
I rated a 31. Fairly odd, since I was a devil-may-care downhill racer as a teenager, went technical rock-climbing on a very technical first ascent my first time on a cliff, and ran class 3-4+ white-water rivers in both canoes and low-volume kayaks in my 30's and 40's. It's pretty exciting dumping a kayak in a heavy rapids in 30+ deg water in a spring run-off, and trying to do an eskimo-roll before you get your head smacked by a submerged rock.
  • #38
Ms Music said:
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm... Don't agree...

I am very much a "by the rules" kinda girl, but I will also be the one to walk over to the edge of the cliff to look down just for the rush. As long as I think it is safe! I won't leave my daughter without a mother. I'm a wild child, with a safety streak. I like my thrills, when I get them.

I think that's what your results said. That's what I think it means that you're not paralyzed by risk. You're not sitting out at the picnic bench while everyone else heads to the scenic outlook, but you're also not climbing over the loose gravel to get a better view from that section without a fence.
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  • #39
Andre said:
The test is not very realistic since it did not include the question: Do you dare to challenge global warming for the sake of sound science?

In that case consider my points to be doubled at least.

You are off the scale Andre, so much so i think we should rename you Dan.
  • #40
I guess I just interpreted it a little differently, since it said I "seem to walk on the cautious side, rather than the wild side." Everyone says I'm wild...
  • #41
So far then,
14 Evo, super safe but super unlucky and Johnathon Scot.
17 MIH.
19 for Danger, scratches head ?
22 for hypatia.
26 for Moonb
28 for Borek, and f95toli .
29 for Ms Music.
30 for Lisab.
31 for turbo-1.
32 for mcknia07.
33 for BobG
40 for Redbelly98.
41 for DaveC426913.
42 for Kurdt. should be way more.
54 for DH, as if, sure you did not leave the 1 out 154?
55 for Wolram.
59 for moose, hope we are are not on the same continent.
61 for Tribdog
100 for Andre.
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  • #42
Fairly uniform distribution so far:

10-19: 4
20-29: 5
30-39: 4
40-49: 3
50-59: 3
60-69: 1
  • #43
Redbelly98 said:
Fairly uniform distribution so far:

10-19: 4
20-29: 5
30-39: 4
40-49: 3
50-59: 3
60-69: 1

Andre has been awarded maximum points for his daring exploits, you must have got the 250 between the few milliseconds it took to edit post.
  • #44
I want to know why I should be way more now. :biggrin:
  • #45
Kurdt said:
I want to know why I should be way more now. :biggrin:

ooh shiny red ball. deserves at least 20 points.
  • #46
wolram said:
19 for Danger, scratches head ?

Will you please quit scratching your head at me, Woolie? It makes me nervous. :rolleyes:
  • #47
I got 15
  • #48
So far then,
14 Evo, super safe but super unlucky and Johnathon Scot.
15 for~christina~
17 MIH.
19 for Danger, scratches head ?
22 for hypatia.
24 for Ouabache
26 for Moonb
28 for Borek, and f95toli .
29 for Ms Music.
30 for Lisab.
31 for turbo-1.
32 for mcknia07.
33 for BobG
40 for Redbelly98.
41 for DaveC426913.
42 for Kurdt. should be way more.
54 for DH, as if, sure you did not leave the 1 out 154?
55 for Wolram.
59 for moose, hope we are are not on the same continent.
61 for Tribdog
100 for Andre.
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  • #49
Actually wasn't there one question which asked if you had ever been in a serious accident where you were injured? I should have more points then because I said I hadn't been but I forgot I was run over twice before the age of 8. :redface:
  • #50
Kurdt said:
Actually wasn't there one question which asked if you had ever been in a serious accident where you were injured? I should have more points then because I said I hadn't been but I forgot I was run over twice before the age of 8. :redface:

I'm not sure those should count against you...but who was it running you over?! :bugeye:
  • #51
Moonbear said:
I'm not sure those should count against you...but who was it running you over?! :bugeye:

I got run over by a couple of cars, no idea who the people driving them were. The first one stopped on my foot, after I ran into traffic at a school crossing because I thought I could make the gap, and I managed to pull it out and was fine apart from a graze on the foot (I was 4 then). The second knocked me off my bike when I was about 7 or 8 and I just had cuts and bruises. Both were in ares where the speed limit was 30MPH but I don't know how fast they were going when they hit me. I think the second one was a lot less, but the first was just normal flowing traffic since I ran out onto the main road.
  • #52
Kurdt said:
I got run over by a couple of cars, no idea who the people driving them were. The first one stopped on my foot, after I ran into traffic at a school crossing because I thought I could make the gap, and I managed to pull it out and was fine apart from a graze on the foot (I was 4 then).
You were allowed to walk by yourself at 4?! :bugeye: I think that's a point against your parents, not you. Unless accident-proneness is genetic. :rolleyes:
The second knocked me off my bike when I was about 7 or 8 and I just had cuts and bruises. Both were in ares where the speed limit was 30MPH but I don't know how fast they were going when they hit me. I think the second one was a lot less, but the first was just normal flowing traffic since I ran out onto the main road.

Were you doing something you shouldn't have been doing, or was it a careless driver?

I'm starting to suspect, based on the scores in this thread, that the most accident-prone people are the overly cautious ones who don't realize how crazy the people around them are, so don't get out of the way fast enough. :biggrin:
  • #53
Moonbear said:
You were allowed to walk by yourself at 4?! :bugeye: I think that's a point against your parents, not you. Unless accident-proneness is genetic. :rolleyes:

Noo. My mum was there but she didn't catch me in time since it was a split decision and I just bolted. There was a lollipop lady (crossing guard) there as well.

Were you doing something you shouldn't have been doing, or was it a careless driver?

I was blasting down a hill on my BMX and misjudged the braking distance and emerged into the road from behind some parked cars. Both were totally my fault. I also took all the skin off my elbow on that corner and had to have stitches when the local anaesthetic didn't work on a separate occasion. In fact my hands and arms are full of scars from minor biking related incidents. I was a huge fan of BMX and then later downhill biking in my youth. I don't know if those minor incidents count though. :biggrin:

But if you didn't know before now (most people probably do know) I'm a complete idiot. :smile:
  • #54
Kurdt said:
I was blasting down a hill on my BMX and misjudged the braking distance and emerged into the road from behind some parked cars. Both were totally my fault.

Well, I don't count mistakes as a 4 year old. You're not supposed to know any better at that age. By 7, that might have been an indicator of trouble in your future. :rolleyes:

Then again, I used to rollerskate down the BIG hill by my house when I didn't know how to brake properly. If we started to go too fast, we'd roll into someone's lawn...I don't mean roll on rollerskates, I mean body roll. But that's only because my mom forbid us to skateboard in the street anymore after one too many skinned knees and/or elbows (knee and elbow pads were UNHEARD OF back then :rolleyes:).

In spite of my childhood mishaps, I've never required a visit to an emergency room. I'm reasonably cautious nowadays, but I attribute most of my good fortune simply to bouncing well. :biggrin: This summer, during the last experiment I was running with sheep, one of them finally managed to topple me while I was trying to get her to the scales...the fat beast must not have wanted anyone weighing her. :rolleyes: I was knocked face forward toward a concrete floor. I think most people either would have wound up with a scraped up face from hitting the floor, or a broken arm from bracing their fall with their arms in front of them. This was certainly not a forgiving surface to land on. Somehow, I managed to do a push-up as I landed with my arms outstretched in front of me. I don't know how, but it was just enough to keep my chin and nose off the floor and my arms flexed enough not to break. Otherwise, Evo and I would have had the same fractures from the way I nearly landed. :eek:
  • #55
You should give Evo some lessons :wink:

I guess I too am well versed in the art of falling without protection.
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  • #56
My score = 24
According to the behavioral, attitudinal and personality scales on this test, you seem to walk on the cautious side, rather than the wild side, when it comes to taking risks. You are not completely paralyzed by risk - but you don't actively seek it out either.
This analysis (interpretive report) seems to cover a broad range of results (24-29) for those of us who fall into this bin. I wonder if it goes lower than 24. Let's ask Hypatia.
Hypatia said:
22, which seems about right for me.
Hypatia, did you also receive the same report?
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  • #57
wolram said:
54 for DH, as if, sure you did not leave the 1 out 154?
Just because I sheltered in place during a hurricane?

Or did you somehow know that the only bone I know with a certainty that I broke was my back?

Or did you somehow know that I suspect I broke my big toe, multiple times, playing soccer? I only reported one broken bone, because I don't know with a certainty that I broke my toe, and besides, a broken toe just doesn't compare to a broken back. To quote the doctor, "You most likely fractured your toe. There's not much we can do about it, so there's not much point in an x-ray. Learn to kick with your left foot, and learn to aim better."

Or do you somehow know that my wife forbid my from doing flips on skis after we started having kids?
  • #58
D H said:
Just because I sheltered in place during a hurricane?

Well that was a clue, i mean anyone that would risk a hurricane must be a mega risk taker :smile:
It seems male homework helpers are a bit shy including every thing, or remember after the test, i wonder why.
Seems like Moonb was a bit shy too.
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  • #59
So far then,
14 Evo, super safe but super unlucky and Johnathon Scot.
15 for~christina~
17 MIH.
19 for Danger, scratches head ?
22 for hypatia.
24 for Ouabache
26 for Moonb
28 for Borek, and f95toli .
29 for Ms Music.
30 for Lisab.
31 for turbo-1.
32 for mcknia07.
33 for BobG
40 for Redbelly98.
41 for DaveC426913.
42 for Kurdt. should be way more.
54 for DH, as if, sure you did not leave the 1 out 154?
55 for Wolram.
59 for moose, hope we are are not on the same continent.
61 for Tribdog
100 for Andre.
  • #60
Possum Trot Orienting

Oh, at work they had a notice about the Possum Trot Orienting Club.

They would place Evo in the middle of the woods with nothing but a compass and a map and Evo has to find her way out.

This sounds like fun. If the Evo Child would come, I'd like to do this. If I can get my lower back to stop locking up after 3 minutes (since my last fall where I broke my arm).


Wolram, come over and we'll do this together.
  • #61

Evo said:
Oh, at work they had a notice about the Possum Trot Orienting Club.

They would place Evo in the middle of the woods with nothing but a compass and a map and Evo has to find her way out.

This sounds like fun. If the Evo Child would come, I'd like to do this. If I can get my lower back to stop locking up after 3 minutes (since my last fall where I broke my arm).


Wolram, come over and we'll do this together.

That would deserve an extra 20 points, i mean there could be all maner of rampant wild life
out for a meal ,as well as all the obstacles found in wood land waiting to put your face where your feet should be.
  • #62

Evo said:
They would place Evo in the middle of the woods with nothing but a compass and a map and Evo has to find her way out.

You better take you mobile and GPS with you, so that you can call for rescue and give your position.
  • #63
Wolram, come over and we'll do this together.

Yey, it will be worth the danger, i will bring strong twine, my swiss army knife and k rations for one week.
  • #64

Evo said:
Oh, at work they had a notice about the Possum Trot Orienting Club.

They would place Evo in the middle of the woods with nothing but a compass and a map and Evo has to find her way out.

This sounds like fun. If the Evo Child would come, I'd like to do this. If I can get my lower back to stop locking up after 3 minutes (since my last fall where I broke my arm).


Wolram, come over and we'll do this together.

Do you want to borrow my Garmin Nuvi navigator?
  • #65

Math Is Hard said:
Do you want to borrow my Garmin Nuvi navigator?
Oooh, yes!

I can always do what that bright hiker did when he lost his way in the woods 1-2 years ago and started that enormous wildfire that destroyed so much property. The idiot built a bonfire as a signal without taking any precautions and caught the neaby trees on fire, which started the forest fire.
  • #66
For the histogram buffs:

0-9 . . . 0
10-19 . . 5
20-29 . . 6
30-39 . . 4
40-49 . . 3
50-59 . . 3
60-69 . . 1
70-79 . . 0
80-89 . . 0
90-100 . 1

(If you'd rather believe Andre's reported 26 instead of the 100 assigned by Wolram , then move that count from "90-100" into the "20-29" bin.)

Median = 30 (... or 29, if we use Andre's 26)
  • #67

Evo said:
Oh, at work they had a notice about the Possum Trot Orienting Club.
They would place Evo in the middle of the woods with nothing but a compass and a map and Evo has to find her way out..This sounds like fun...
It is fun! I've done some variation on this while navigating trails in the woods. Sometimes I meander off the beaten path and leave it to my wits (angle of the sun, side of the tree that moss tends to grow, compass), to find my way. (a headlamp is useful, in case it gets dark before you find your way out :rolleyes:) Your orienteers provide a topo map, that makes it even easier. Just after college I led a YCC group for summer and taught them (amoung other things), how to use a topo map to navigate variable woody terrain.
  • #68

Ouabache said:
It is fun! I've done some variation on this while navigating trails in the woods. Sometimes I meander off the beaten path and leave it to my wits (angle of the sun, side of the tree that moss tends to grow, compass), to find my way. (a headlamp is useful, in case it gets dark before you find your way out :rolleyes:) Your orienteers provide a topo map, that makes it even easier. Just after college I led a YCC group for summer and taught them (amoung other things), how to use a topo map to navigate variable woody terrain.
Ok, if you ever find yourself in Kansas, you will be enlisted to be my guide. Bring a first aid kit. :-p
  • #69
Redbelly98 said:
(If you'd rather believe Andre's reported 26 instead of the 100 assigned by Wolram , ...

You could, but I sense that Wolrams assessment is pretty accurate.
  • #70

Evo said:
Oooh, yes!

I can always do what that bright hiker did when he lost his way in the woods 1-2 years ago and started that enormous wildfire that destroyed so much property. The idiot built a bonfire as a signal without taking any precautions and caught the neaby trees on fire, which started the forest fire.

oh, dear! Did he earn a Darwin award for that?

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