Take the Stupidity Test: Find Out Now!

  • Thread starter Lisa!
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In summary, the person scored as follows: 89% scored higher (more stupid), 3% scored the same, and 8% scored lower (less stupid). This means that they are 8% stupid.
  • #36
Only two who are only 2% stupid? I guess the other 96% IS stupider then :biggrin: :wink:
Anyone got the vacuous and oafish questions right?
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  • #37
mattmns said:
Red is at the top! No wonder they said I was stupid.

Just a quick question.

For that problem where you had to add up all the integers I used [tex]\frac{1}{2} n (n+1)[/tex]

Is that the gauss method, or was that a trick question that made me even stupider?
Yeah, I think that is the Guass method. I remember my teacher once telling me that when Gauss was in school his teacher asked the class to sum the first 100 integers to keep them busy and Gauss came up with that method and finished in a couple of minutes.
  • #38
Monique said:
Only two who are only 2% stupid? I guess the other 96% IS stupider then :biggrin: :wink:
Anyone got the vacuous and oafish questions right?
I think you need to be so clever to get %100 stupid result! :smile: :smile:
  • #39
mattmns said:
Red is at the top! No wonder they said I was stupid.

Just a quick question.

For that problem where you had to add up all the integers I used [tex]\frac{1}{2} n (n+1)[/tex]

Is that the gauss method, or was that a trick question that made me even stupider?
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  • #40
Lisa! said:
I think you need to be so clever to get %100 stupid result! :smile: :smile:
No really, sometimes I really had to think what would be the most stupid answer you could give. Also, the mirror question caught me off guard, I`m still not sure whether that's a trick question or not.
  • #41
Galileo said:
No really, sometimes I really had to think what would be the most stupid answer you could give. Also, the mirror question caught me off guard, I`m still not sure whether that's a trick question or not.
I'm not sure this is the best test on which to exercise your analytical muscle. :-p
  • #42
survivors don't get burried? since when O.O

I would hope that everyone said they won't be burried, or nowhere, or whatever the answer was O.O
  • #43
I scored 4% stupid.

95% scored higher (more stupid),
1% scored the same, and
4% scored lower (less stupid).

My favorite question was:

"What if you are totally smart?

(button) Yes
(button) No"
  • #44
Oh geeze, I took it again and saw that I read something wrong (stayed up way too late) and changed the smiley and it dropped me to 2%. :rolleyes: It matters which smiley you choose?

96% scored higher (more stupid),
2% scored the same, and
2% scored lower (less stupid).

What does this mean? You are 2% stupid. This means...

You are our next Einstein. Wow! Keep up the great thinking.
  • #45
57% stupid. Because I put wrong answers down on purpose.
  • #46

89% more stupid
3% the same
8% less stupid
Ahh--8% stupid:
"You are our next Einstein. Wow! Keep up the great thinking."
  • #47
I still havn't completed the test, I did it once and it said I missed a question so I just said screw it and closed the browser.
  • #48
Smurf said:
I still havn't completed the test, I did it once and it said I missed a question so I just said screw it and closed the browser.
Don't worry Smurf, I am stupid too :smile:

Diencephalon said:
57% stupid. Because I put wrong answers down on purpose.

Does that mean that you are 43% stupid because you could not come up with the worst answers? :smile:
  • #49
mattmns said:
Don't worry Smurf, I am stupid too :smile:

Does that mean that you are 43% stupid because you could not come up with the worst answers? :smile:
:smile: :smile: :smile: I don't thin a stupid person could be funny deliberately!
  • #50
Evo said:
Oh geeze, I took it again and saw that I read something wrong (stayed up way too late) and changed the smiley and it dropped me to 2%. :rolleyes: It matters which smiley you choose?

96% scored higher (more stupid),
2% scored the same, and
2% scored lower (less stupid).

What does this mean? You are 2% stupid. This means...

You are our next Einstein. Wow! Keep up the great thinking.
The smiley one confused me. Only 3 smilies showed up, but there were 5 radio buttons that weren't quite aligned with the smilies. I'm not quite sure if I chose the right button for the smiley I wanted.
  • #51
Okay, with a little cheating to find the optimal answers on a few (and this time all the smilies showed up, so yes, I picked the wrong one there):
Overall, you scored as follows:

100% scored higher (more stupid),
0% scored the same, and
0% scored lower (less stupid).

What does this mean? You are 0% stupid. This means...

You are our next Einstein. Wow! Keep up the great thinking.

The answers to the ones that count follow in white for anyone who wants to check their responses against the correct answers:

First off... Do you feel stupid?

How old are you? (No impact on score, just for statistics)
Doesn't matter

Boy? Girl? (Again, just for stats)
Doesn't matter

Can you read?

Do you read?

Do people call you oafish?

What about vacuous?

A plane crashes on the United States - Canada border. Where are the survivors buried?
They aren't

How many planets are in this solar system?

Jan is twice as old as her sister Betty, but half of Joe's age. Betty just got married. How old is Joe most likely to be?
84 (Betty is obviously a gold digger.)

Look at your computer time. Is it correct?
To within a second! (I lost points the first time for knowing my computer time isn't correct.)

How many F's are in the following sentence:


What is the sum of integers from 1 to 10?

How did you figure out the last problem?
In my head
The 'Gauss' method (both replies are acceptable and don't affect the score)

Cat is to Dog, as Snake is to ...

How much dirt is in a 2m x 2m x 2m hole in the ground?

Which of the following is least like the others

If you were called perspicacious, how would you feel?

How many times is it possible to fold a newspaper in half?

When you talk, what do others around you do?
Completely agree with you

How many states (in the USA) border the Gulf of Mexico?

Which smiley best describes you?
The smiley in front of the chalk board.

What color is at the bottom of a rainbow?

An electric train is moving north at 100kph and a wind is blowing to the west at 10kph. Which way does the smoke blow?

What do you see in the following image?

A farmer has 20 sheep, and all but 15 die. How many sheep are left?

How do batteries work?
Electrochemical Reaction

You are told to take a pill every hour. You have 3 pills. How long before they are all gone?
2 hours

What is Antarctica?
A continent

Which side is your left hand on when looking at your mirror image?

What is the next number in this sequence:
0, 2, 4, 6, 8, ...

What about this sequence
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, ...

Without looking, what is the second question that you answered?
How old are you

FYI, you get a nifty graphic to share with others at the end of the test.

If you end up being totally stupid will you show the graphic?

What if you are totally smart?
(either answer works)
  • #52
Hrm. I seem to recall that the trick with the electric train is supposed to be there is no smoke... you sure that's the answer the puzzle givers required?
  • #53
Darn, I missed that dirt question, and I thought I got most of those silly ones right. I had no clue about the vocabulary.
  • #54
there are more than 9 planets in the solar system. sedna!
  • #55
Hurkyl said:
Hrm. I seem to recall that the trick with the electric train is supposed to be (deleted to not give away answer in white)... you sure that's the answer the puzzle givers required?
:smile: Obviously I missed that! Though, it didn't deduct points for west. When I was a kid, we had electric trains (toys) that you added a drop of oil to the smokestack and got smoke. You could try with all my answers and just change that one and see if it affects the scoring.
  • #56
Are you sure about the Frog? I answered Frog and got 100% stupid.
  • #57
I had several answers different to Moonbears and still got;

Overall, you scored as follows:

100% scored higher (more stupid),
0% scored the same, and
0% scored lower (less stupid).

What does this mean? You are 0% stupid. This means...
So guess it's just a stupid quiz :biggrin:
  • #58
i am fully stupid!
  • #59
Galileo said:
Are you sure about the Frog? I answered Frog and got 100% stupid.
I am sure about the Frog. It's written backward, but if you look from the right side of the monitor, you'll see the letters are clearly there.
  • #60
Art said:
I had several answers different to Moonbears and still got;

So guess it's just a stupid quiz :biggrin:
:rolleyes: Guess so. Oh well.