The Life You Can Save: Peter Singer's Practical Ethics

  • Thread starter Greg Bernhardt
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In summary: But Singer argues that this is a poor excuse for not helping those in extreme poverty. He believes that we all live immorally by not helping those in dire need, and that our everyday choices of spending on non-essential items contribute to the deaths of those who could have been saved with that money. Overall, Singer's book challenges readers to reconsider their spending habits and consider the ethical implications of their choices. In summary, Peter Singer's book "The Life You Can Save" argues that spending money on non-essential items instead of helping those in extreme poverty is morally wrong. He stresses the idea of extreme poverty and how it puts people's lives in real danger with no options. Singer uses the example of a
  • #316
DanP said:
So what ? Until such a proof arise, I like my philosophy better than his. :devil:

As can be seen, I've freely cited the theory/evidence from systems science, anthropology, sociology, psychology and neurology. To claim that you are even doing philosophy, you would have to present an argument with a logical structure. Instead all we have is self-contradicting claims, vigorous denials, and games of word definition.

BTW, because you again seem out of focus, the thesis is not that morality is innate, it is that it is evolved. And further, that it is organised according to general systems principles. If you must bluster, at least bluster about something resembling the argument. :P
Physics news on
  • #317
Guys... we all bluster sometimes, and there are few issues as passionate as those touching on morality. Dan... you're taunting apeiron, and simply preferring your own views is not philosophy.

Apeiron... you've presented a lot, but your conclusions are not incompatible with Dan's... I'm baffled as to why you seem to have such rancor for his view.

I recognize bickering when I see it... this is bickering. Nothing personal, we all know I can be a bickering weenie, but it makes me qualfieid in this case to identify it.
  • #318
apeiron said:
As can be seen, I've freely cited the theory/evidence from systems science, anthropology, sociology, psychology and neurology. To claim that you are even doing philosophy, you would have to present an argument with a logical structure. Instead all we have is self-contradicting claims, vigorous denials, and games of word definition.

Philosophical ramblings are not evidence Apeiron. You didnt presented any kind of evidence. As you do in all your posts, you always steer away from anything which can pass as evidence.
  • #319
I think empathy is pretty immediate and that it is more basic response to when someone is in pain or distress, but I think humans in general have a hard time feeling this empathy when victims are far away. Combine this with a lack of information, problems in their own lives and a society that generally accepts the status quo and you'll have a harder time getting anyone to /really/ do anything about how much inequality there is. There are many other factors including how little control an individual has but also the monetary system and how everyone has to in the end fend for themselves and their own survival and comfort/stability.

There's also an inherent problem of how no rights are "built in" to the universe, and how taking someones supper doesn't do /anything/ to YOU, unless another decides to do something about it. This freedom which makes it very easy to take from others (and worse) can mostly be contained with law and an overarching governing state to keep things in order. In this sense how are we in richer countries responsible for those in poorer countries? Is it purely up to the group or individual to feel such a responsibility? And even when we are directly responsible by feeding off the poorer countries by way of sweat shops and cheap labor, there is still /no/ incentive for us to change, as long we we have the physical power and social/economic structures in place to allow it. It is a very cold and uncaring universe.
  • #320
octelcogopod said:
I think empathy is pretty immediate and that it is more basic response to when someone is in pain or distress, but I think humans in general have a hard time feeling this empathy when victims are far away. Combine this with a lack of information, problems in their own lives and a society that generally accepts the status quo and you'll have a harder time getting anyone to /really/ do anything about how much inequality there is. There are many other factors including how little control an individual has but also the monetary system and how everyone has to in the end fend for themselves and their own survival and comfort/stability.

There's also an inherent problem of how no rights are "built in" to the universe, and how taking someones supper doesn't do /anything/ to YOU, unless another decides to do something about it. This freedom which makes it very easy to take from others (and worse) can mostly be contained with law and an overarching governing state to keep things in order. In this sense how are we in richer countries responsible for those in poorer countries? Is it purely up to the group or individual to feel such a responsibility? And even when we are directly responsible by feeding off the poorer countries by way of sweat shops and cheap labor, there is still /no/ incentive for us to change, as long we we have the physical power and social/economic structures in place to allow it. It is a very cold and uncaring universe.

It's not cold and uncaring, it just is what it is, and that's pretty amazing... it just kind of stinks for humans. Given that we're a mere shred of the universe, a speck on a speck, I'd say the universe is ticking along quite well.

Anyway, I'd add, empathy is moderated to a great degree by priming, and also for many requires either a vivid imagination and experience, or proximity as in... seeing, hearing, and smelling the suffering of another.

It's one thing to talk about someone dying in fear and agony, and another to be close enough to smell their fear... some people need that immidiacy... and a very small number are pathologically unmoved.
  • #321
nismaratwork said:
I recognize bickering when I see it... this is bickering. Nothing personal, we all know I can be a bickering weenie, but it makes me qualfieid in this case to identify it.

That is an understatement.
  • #322
Greg Bernhardt said:
I just finished Peter Singer's book "The Life You Can Save". It deals with practical ethics in approaching the topic of extreme poverty in the world. Peter essentially argues that any money spent on non-essential items and services is morally wrong. That money could be spent helping save the life a child who needs a vaccination or a sick widow on the street.

Peter stresses the term extreme poverty. Not someone who just lives in a trailer or someone on the street. Rather it's where someone's life is in real danger and has no real options (think africa...india...).

Peter gives an example of walking past a pond where a child is drowning. Most people will of course try to save the child by running in. If the option to save the child was that the passerby had to pay $5 a month for a few years, the vast majority would still do it. So why don't most people elect to save a child, say in in india, instead of going to a movie or buying an extra pair of shoes?

Of course I think the most powerful excuse is "out of sight, out of mind". But that is really no excuse. So Peter thinks we all live immorally and every day we indirectly let people die while continue to live relatively comfortable and extravagant lives.

Your thoughts?

There are too many people in the world. The worlds resources are becoming scarce. The quality of human life is becoming cheap, hence the outsourcing going on. I cannot be responsible for other people who should of not been born based on the world resources being scarce and not equally distributed. If a family has 12 kids is that morally just? If they are poor and starving am I responsible for their irresponsibility? If I buy some toys for myself rather than give them money to eat am I the guilty one or the smart and shrewd one? As long as I replace myself and I take care of my own that is all I should be responsible for. Not everybody else. Our taxes take care of the rest.
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  • #323
ptalar said:
That is an understatement.

Awww... you say the sweetest things with those marbles in your mouth. :wink:

Hey, WhoWee, Russ, Ivan, Al, CAC, etc... you want to take the "world is overcrowded" fallacy, or shall I?

The world isn't crowded... it's snug... take the USA, we have a lot of food and space. True, if you dumped 5 or 6 hundred million more people in our population overnight we'd have to give up much, but "too many people"? Nah.

Too many people usually means, 'Too many poor people, too many people in a given resource area.'
  • #324
I enjoy good discussion, do please tell me why there are not enough people on the planet and we should feel guilty about giving our excess cash to the poor and needy. Phil is my name or you can call me ptalar.
  • #325
ptalar said:
I enjoy good discussion, do please tell me why there are not enough people on the planet and we should feel guilty about giving our excess cash to the poor and needy. Phil is my name or you can call me ptalar.

Hmmm, excess people on the planet is one thing Phil, but it's more to do with the lifestyles we lead rather than the sheer number of people. In short, economics come into play, it's not a practical challenge if we all magically worked together.

In practice, because we rely on oil, coal, NG, Metals, Phosphorus, etc... it's about access to resources at a certain clip that matters. As to how many humans the planet COULD support... wow, I have no idea... a lot, if we changed to a mostly agragrian way of life, using modern farming techniques.

You shouldn't feel guilty about giving your money to the poor AFAIK, and even if that were a lost cause, I don't think it's a cause for guilt.
  • #326
ptalar said:
I enjoy good discussion, do please tell me why there are not enough people on the planet and we should feel guilty about giving our excess cash to the poor and needy. Phil is my name or you can call me ptalar.

A place to start might be considering how much of your own good life is due to a globalised economy where you benefit (probably unknowingly) from sweat shops and other forms of exploitation of the poor and needy parts of the world (where large populations, and a willingness to degrade their own environments, deplete their own ecological and mineral wealth, are what they have to sell).

A place like the US is less polluted because a place like Vietnam or India is more polluted. Goods like trainers and flower pots are less expensive in the US because someone in some other country is getting paid way below US wages.

You personally don't have total responsibility for the imbalances, but everyone clearly has some responsibility.

You can chose to be selfish and "just look after your own". But that is being selfish. Or you can seek in small ways to be a small part of the rebalancing of things.

Morality is about an equilbrium of behaviour. Globalisation does mean that the remotest part of the world are now part of "your own". You are benefiting from what is happening to others. So you should be seeking to benefit them in return.

Just dishing out aid cash is not really the answer of course, except as a crisis measure. But micro-loans, educational programs, getting rid of rich country agricultural subsidies, buying fair trade produce, not bolstering autocratic regimes, etc. There are a whole bunch of initiatives you could support.
  • #327
nismaratwork said:
As to how many humans the planet COULD support... wow, I have no idea... a lot, if we changed to a mostly agragrian way of life, using modern farming techniques.

What? The green revolution has already happened. And will soon un-happen as petroleum becomes a constrained, increasingly expensive, resource, and as irrigation water disappears from the last of the great aquifers.

Or have you discovered a farming technique even more modern than chucking chemicals and dumping buckets of water on the land?

Maybe you mean permaculture?

I would agree that does lie in our future, but I would doubt that it represents a step-change increase in the planet's population carrying capacity that the green revolution was.
  • #328
apeiron said:
A place like the US is less polluted because a place like Vietnam or India is more polluted. Goods like trainers and flower pots are less expensive in the US because someone in some other country is getting paid way below US wages.

So what ? The market in India is open, and the price for their work is a resultant of the market conditions. As the market conditions will change, so will the price for their work. It;s already an equilibrium for current conditions.

apeiron said:
You personally don't have total responsibility for the imbalances, but everyone clearly has some responsibility.

No, not everyone does. And unless you want the world a big communist country, there always be what you call "imbalances". Some will have better air and better wages tan others. Maybe we deserve it. Perhaps what you call "imbalances" is actually the equilibrium. A free market equilibrium. Only commies believed in legends, such as controlled markets for the benefit of everyone and for the sake of "balancing" things socially.

From each according to his ability, to each according to his need, said Marx. I bet he was seeking "equilibrium and re-balancing" as well. Only that it doesn't work that way. The failure of Marxism is not a a theoretical question. It is reality. It happened time and gain in the world. Every regime based on Marxism collapsed into an economical black hole. Policy seeking to equalize individual welfare is not leading to equilibrium. Free markets are.
apeiron said:
You can chose to be selfish and "just look after your own". But that is being selfish. Or you can seek in small ways to be a small part of the rebalancing of things.

Re-balancing ? Can you prove that the situation is out of equilibrium ? The world doesn't have to be a big communist kibbutz to be in "balance".

apeiron said:
Morality is about an equilibrium of behavior. Globalization does mean that the remotest part of the world are now part of "your own". You are benefiting from what is happening to others. So you should be seeking to benefit them in return.

Morality is descriptive.

Yes, I am benefiting after what is happening to others. And they are already benefiting from the contact with the western civilization, and those who work for us already have a better life than those who choose they don't. And btw, you don't get to tell anyone who is "your own".
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  • #329
apeiron said:
What? The green revolution has already happened. And will soon un-happen as petroleum becomes a constrained, increasingly expensive, resource, and as irrigation water disappears from the last of the great aquifers.

Or have you discovered a farming technique even more modern than chucking chemicals and dumping buckets of water on the land?

Maybe you mean permaculture?

I would agree that does lie in our future, but I would doubt that it represents a step-change increase in the planet's population carrying capacity that the green revolution was.

Permaculture does not just lie in our future. I lies in our present and near and distant past.

But it certainly is no answer for any burgeoning world population.

Permaculture isn't the answer .. the green revolution is seeing it's own limitations ..

In the end, no matter how far you take it, the ultimate conclusion is population reduction by evolution - natural forces such as hunger, disease, pesticlence, etc.
  • #330
apeiron said:
A place to start might be considering how much of your own good life is due to a globalised economy where you benefit (probably unknowingly) from sweat shops and other forms of exploitation of the poor and needy parts of the world (where large populations, and a willingness to degrade their own environments, deplete their own ecological and mineral wealth, are what they have to sell).

A place like the US is less polluted because a place like Vietnam or India is more polluted. Goods like trainers and flower pots are less expensive in the US because someone in some other country is getting paid way below US wages.

And they are probably as happy with their lot in life as a US citizen - perhaps more so. Or should the whole world be on US wages ?

You personally don't have total responsibility for the imbalances, but everyone clearly has some responsibility.

What imbalances ? The world, rigt now, this moment, is in perfect balance. It can never be otherwise.

You can chose to be selfish and "just look after your own". But that is being selfish. Or you can seek in small ways to be a small part of the rebalancing of things.

Have you ever, I wonder, dealt with a wealthy Indian for example ? They are some of the most selfish people on Earth ! As you develope their (those you would help make more affluent, etc) lot in life, you had better make sure you develope their altruism too .. lol ..

Morality is about an equilbrium of behaviour. Globalisation does mean that the remotest part of the world are now part of "your own". You are benefiting from what is happening to others. So you should be seeking to benefit them in return.

Nice plattitude. But I can't see your point, unless you quantify the extent of such 'return'. I too, have been somewhat discontent with the 'return' I received for some efforts in the past during my life and my lot, and felt that I was used - taken advantage of, reduced to a slave in one or two cases. Will we be chasing my oppressors as well ?

Just dishing out aid cash is not really the answer of course, except as a crisis measure. But micro-loans, educational programs, getting rid of rich country agricultural subsidies, buying fair trade produce, not bolstering autocratic regimes, etc. There are a whole bunch of initiatives you could support.

To what end ?
  • #331
alt said:
In the end, no matter how far you take it, the ultimate conclusion is population reduction by evolution - natural forces such as hunger, disease, pesticlence, etc.

Sadly, that is where I was going with my discussion with nismaratwork. Unless we, the world human population, gets our population down to al level where we all have a good "quality of life" level, of say maybe 2 billion people on the whole planet, I believe we are heading for population reduction by evolution (or maybe more appropriate: Darwinism). That is why I am not sure I want to support an excess population. Better to have a quality life for a smaller world population than have an unlimited human population like we have now with all the misery, hunger, poverty and so forth going on.
  • #332
apeiron said:
What? The green revolution has already happened. And will soon un-happen as petroleum becomes a constrained, increasingly expensive, resource, and as irrigation water disappears from the last of the great aquifers.

Or have you discovered a farming technique even more modern than chucking chemicals and dumping buckets of water on the land?

Maybe you mean permaculture?

I would agree that does lie in our future, but I would doubt that it represents a step-change increase in the planet's population carrying capacity that the green revolution was.

I was thinking more along the lines of vertical farming and permaculture for less dense regions. In addition, if you repurpose some farmland used for cattle by fast food... you'd also free up fairly useful land for more efficient crops and livestock.

(note: I couldn't post this last night, sorry!)
  • #333
ptalar said:
Sadly, that is where I was going with my discussion with nismaratwork. Unless we, the world human population, gets our population down to al level where we all have a good "quality of life" level, of say maybe 2 billion people on the whole planet, I believe we are heading for population reduction by evolution (or maybe more appropriate: Darwinism). That is why I am not sure I want to support an excess population. Better to have a quality life for a smaller world population than have an unlimited human population like we have now with all the misery, hunger, poverty and so forth going on.

Should have just said that, I agree and have made that very case to the cornucopian elements here myself in other threads. That's not the same as running out of room however, just running into natural limitations as people crowd together, and what we consider to be high quality of life is highly restricted by region.

Still, I'm not sure that knocking off a few billion people would yield the result you're hoping for, as alt is saying quite well. People horde resources, and people still flock together, fight, and there are always psychopaths willing to try and rule it all.
  • #334
nismaratwork said:
Still, I'm not sure that knocking off a few billion people would yield the result you're hoping for, as alt is saying quite well. People horde resources, and people still flock together, fight, and there are always psychopaths willing to try and rule it all.

Referring to clinical cases, or to politicians, lawyers &co in general ?
One of the more interesting points made at the Edge conference is that “people who behave morally don’t generally do it because they have greater knowledge; they do it because they have a greater sensitivity to other people’s points of view,” otherwise known as empathy. Marc Hauser of Harvard reported that bullies—people clearly not acting morally-- are surprisingly sophisticated in the ways of interpersonal commerce, particularly in reading others’ intentions, but they are not able to "feel their pain." Which makes them good manipulators and strategic operators for their own benefit without the drag on their trajectory of caring about the impact of their actions on others.

Empathy is one of the traits that lawyers often score low on--all the better to not deter us from surging onward on behalf of our clients, certainly some would say. But firms might consider steps to counter that tendency by adopting compensation and other encouragements to "feel each others' pain."

Note that for me empathy is just another emotion. A modulator of behavior. Not a intrinsic component of morality, should you choose to define it in a non-descriptive way. Just saying.
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  • #335
DanP said:
Referring to clinical cases, or to politicians, lawyers &co in general ?

Well, you've got me there... I was definitely thinking of the latter, but the former present a danger too. Generally unless you get a Genghis Kahn, Attila The Hun, or Alexander The Great... you end up with just-plain-crooks. Still, that's going to be one hell of a strain on a more limited and (presumably) devastated society dealing with billions of dead.

DanP said:

That's a very good point, and here I should probably stop speaking casually.

You have AS-PD (Anti-Social Personality Disorder) aka Sociopathy/Psychopathy/Moral Imbecility... and so forth. That is a complete diagnoses based on the presence of "Conduct Disorder" that continues into adulthood, when it becomes AS-PD. MOST people who match that diagnosis just are not competent to lead their lives, never mind hold office.

HOWEVER... traits... you can have Narcissistic traits, psychopathic traits, etc... which may not add up to a diagnosis of AS-PD, or PD:NT, but which for the rest of us is pretty damned close. It's not enough to be AS-PD, but the ultimate hallmark of AS-PD is a lack of empathy... not poor empathy, but a complete lack.

Sociopaths aren't trying to be evil, they don't feel your pain at all so they live in a world of their immediate wants. Often you find that some such people transient/indigent, and many more are career criminals or prisoners.

OTHER traits however, such as a high arousal threshold (not sex), can be fantastic if you're saaaaay, a firefighter. On the other hand you have daredevils, and a subset of addicts for the same reason. Why one person walks into burning buildings to save people, and others just shoot heroin is a topic of ongoing research. I'd add, not all firefighters have these traits, but you can see how any given sociopathic trait can lead to obvious career choices.

Lack empathy, and are willing to take crazy risks with yourself and others? Politician! Lack empathy, but you're smart and capable, and you want the 'best' things in life...maybe being a lawyer is a good match.

The trick here is this: if you genuinely, clinically, lack empathy... you can't be induced to experience it, although people who rise to that level often are able to mimic some of the range of appropriate responses and pretend. This is in contrast to the Bernie Madoff sociopath, who doesn't seem to experience any anguish at all, except where it's his life, and who literally is unable to see how others didn't "do this to [him]." Add his total lack of remorse to the destruction wrought in his family, and his lack of meaningful reaction there, and an ugly picture emerges of a true sociopath.

What is that?

Without getting DSM on you:

Lacking Empathy
Lacking Insight
Lacking Planning (even when it harms one's self)
Lack of Drive (always takes the path of least resistance, or cuts through the crowd)
A history of the above in childhood, which continues into adulthood.

So... wow... I just went WAY off course here. :bugeye:

I'm still posting it. :smile:
  • #336
Oh, and re: NOTE: It's not an emotion, or a guarantor of morality... it's the basis however for it, along with insight. You take away someone's ability to imagine the emotions of others, and you end with something profoundly amoral. Empathy informs us of the state of others, or possible state of others, but alone it's no sure-bet that you'll react positively to it. Some people relish the pain of others, and some understand, but they're too self-involed (clinically or not) to bother.

Empathy is not Morality, but without empathy you have at LEAST an amoral person, who is not much of a person at all.
  • #337
nismaratwork said:
Add his total lack of remorse to the destruction wrought in his family, and his lack of meaningful reaction there, and an ugly picture emerges of a true sociopath.

What is that?

Without getting DSM on you:

Lacking Empathy
Lacking Insight
Lacking Planning (even when it harms one's self)
Lack of Drive (always takes the path of least resistance, or cuts through the crowd)
A history of the above in childhood, which continues into adulthood.

So... wow... I just went WAY off course here. :bugeye:

I'm still posting it. :smile:

You can't say that Maddof lacked insight planing and drive :P
  • #338
DanP said:
You can't say that Maddof lacked insight planing and drive :P

He certainly lacked insight and introspection; consider that a man of his intelligence engaged in a crime that he didn't have to, for gains that nobody could spend in a lifetime. Drive... well... that's complex... he did in fact take the cheap way, the easy (at first) way, without appreciation for the snowball he was rolling. Absurd given his knowledge of what he was doing, right?... not if you truly lack that capacity, and for you it's better to steal a candy bar than buy it with the money in your pocket.
  • #339
nismaratwork said:
He certainly lacked insight and introspection; consider that a man of his intelligence engaged in a crime that he didn't have to, for gains that nobody could spend in a lifetime.

Nobody can scam other humans of even 100 USD without a insight in social behavior (ammount of insight prolly proprtinal to the complexity of the scheme), and understanding of others and playing with their emotions, not to talk intelligence. It's orders of magnitude less trivial to scam billions and get away with it over a period of almost 40 years. (if you trust FBI which says his scamming activities may have began as far as 1970 and he was only taken in custody in 2008.Manipulation of this order requires social insight, planning, flawless execution.

Can a criminal mastermind exist without empathy ? The planners of biggest heists and biggest conn works in the history, especially conns, could they ever pull what they did without an understanding of human feelings and reactions ? The tradionatioal wisdom says they lack empathy. Ok, but how can you pull the strings to conn billions without understanding human behaviour and perceiving the feeling of others, alleviate their fears, tell them what they want to hear, string them to hell ?
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  • #340
DanP said:
Nobody can scam other humans of even 100 USD without a insight in social behavior (ammount of insight prolly proprtinal to the complexity of the scheme), and understanding of others and playing with their emotions, not to talk intelligence. It's orders of magnitude less trivial to scam billions and get away with it over a period of almost 40 years. (if you trust FBI which says his scamming activities may have began as far as 1970 and he was only taken in custody in 2008.Manipulation of this order requires social insight, planning, flawless execution.

There's nothing written in stone that says sociopaths can't be intelligent... in fact they run the gamut. As with any personality disorder, it's not a monolith, and simply throwing out diagnositic criteria is of limited use. Do I KNOW that Madoff is a sociopath? Hell no... I've never met him for one, and that's a deal-breaker already. Do I suspect, based on his conduct? Yep. His scamming has been long term, but from what I read he made tons of mistakes, but had the charm and connections to smooth them over. That's not insight, that's manipulative behaviour, which is another major diagnostic critera for both CD, and AS-PD.

DanP said:
Can a criminal mastermind exist without empathy ? The planners of biggest heists and biggest conn works in the history, especially conns, could they ever pull what they did without an understanding of human feelings and reactions ?

You can form intellectual understandings of people, and how to manipulate them and their reactions... it doesn't require empathy. John Wayne Gacy is a fine example of someone who had no empathy, no remorse, and no insight and minimal planning. He was very good at being a predator, but he sucked at hiding it... he was caught wtih 30+ bodies AROUND him. That's very typical of sociopaths and serial killers (who are sometimes sociopathic, and sometimes not).

This is the basis of the quasi-myth of "Superficial Charm"... it's not empathy however, anymore than a crocodile empathizes with a gazelle... it just knows to wait until they take a drink.

DanP said:
The tradionatioal wisdom says they lack empathy. Ok, but how can you pull the strings to conn billions without understanding human behaviour and perceiving the feeling of others, alleviate their fears, tell them what they want to hear, string them to hell ?

For one thing, people in such powerful positions are often surrounded and supported by family members and colleeagues; they are after all, master manipulators. Having no compunctions about hurting others in any way makes you BETTER at manipulation. Remember however, that MOST sociopaths end:
1.) In prison
2.) Indigint
3.) Dead

The exceptions are not the rule, they're the really smart sharks, and ones who get lucky. If you look at a guy like Ted Bundy, he could have been caught earlier, but circumstanes conspired FOR him... eventually they have to for someone. That's not the norm however...

Another side of the lack of empathy, is the lack of regret and remorse, even when the harm is done to one's self, and the projection of blame. It's not just the usual, it's a genuine inability to appreciate personal responsiblity.

Hence the old, "Moral Imbicile"... or the translated from french, "Mania without Delirium"

It's long been held that sociopaths are not generally salvagable, and that while it's a mental illness, it's not an excuse. A sociopath knows they're doing the wrong thing, they just don't care.
  • #341
nismaratwork said:
You can form intellectual understandings of people, and how to manipulate them and their reactions... it doesn't require empathy.

empathy: understanding and entering into another's feelings

So , if you understand someone and his feelings , you have empathy by definition.

What exactly you try to express ? That if you do not mimic the emotional state of another automatically, there is only understanding without empathy ?
  • #342
DanP said:
empathy: understanding and entering into another's feelings

So , if you understand someone and his feelings , you have empathy by definition.

What exactly you try to express ? That if you do not mimic the emotional state of another automatically, there is only understanding without empathy ?

I'm not an expert in AS-PD, but you'll often notice innapropriate reactions in such people, and fankly they ARE good mimics. You can be a fine mimic, and manipulator based on cues given, and experience through trial and error.

I think you're giving even successful criminals too much individual credit.
  • #343
nismaratwork said:
I think you're giving even successful criminals too much individual credit.

Just saying, is not easy at all to conn somebody of billions, and doit on Wall Street where everybody and their mother is a financial expert.

As much as the deed itself is socially repugnant, it takes skills which frankly, too few ppl possesses IMO. You don't make billions by luck.
  • #344
alt said:
And they are probably as happy with their lot in life as a US citizen - perhaps more so. Or should the whole world be on US wages ?

What imbalances ? The world, rigt now, this moment, is in perfect balance. It can never be otherwise.

Have you ever, I wonder, dealt with a wealthy Indian for example ? They are some of the most selfish people on Earth ! As you develope their (those you would help make more affluent, etc) lot in life, you had better make sure you develope their altruism too .. lol ..

Nice plattitude. But I can't see your point, unless you quantify the extent of such 'return'. I too, have been somewhat discontent with the 'return' I received for some efforts in the past during my life and my lot, and felt that I was used - taken advantage of, reduced to a slave in one or two cases. Will we be chasing my oppressors as well ?

To what end ?
To say that the world is in perfect equilibrium is one of the most absurd statements I've heard in awhile, and I don't mean that as a personal attack. But seriously, there are billions who are starving and living off a couple dollars a day, many do not have clean water, and the west is highly profiting off the misery of those in poorer countries forced to work under poor conditions and are not given education or much of a chance to get the riches that the west does. Do you think they are happy because they don't know any better or because they chose not to be unhappy about it? I think it's bordering on grotesque to spend so many billions on other things while at the same time people are starving everywhere. This is what humanity as a whole pays for the way things work. By definition someone who has wealth will not want to do work that they do not have to do, but the ones who are poor must do all that work simply because they have to support themselves. The inequality is inherent both in localized situations and globally.

Having the inequality is something we have to deal with, but I think it's extremely naive to keep running this mass consumption over here, which is both as environmentally destructive as it is unfair to people who don't even have the basics. The world is now one big "network" of flowing information and influence, and I think we DO have a responsibility to change our mad consumption and inequality at least a LITTLE. Enough to bring some clean water and food at least
  • #345
octelcogopod said:
To say that the world is in perfect equilibrium is one of the most absurd statements I've heard in awhile, and I don't mean that as a personal attack. But seriously, there are billions who are starving and living off a couple dollars a day, many do not have clean water, and the west is highly profiting off the misery of those in poorer countries forced to work under poor conditions and are not given education or much of a chance to get the riches that the west does.

Its not whatever they are happy or not, the question is whatever there exist an ESS. Happiness and unhappiness doesn't have anything to do with it.
  • #346
octelcogopod said:
To say that the world is in perfect equilibrium is one of the most absurd statements I've heard in awhile, and I don't mean that as a personal attack.

No personal attack assumed - thanks for your comments. The world is in perfect, omnifarious balance. There are a huge variety of people, from the most wealthy to the most poor. That, I would say, is humanities lot. It has always been so - go back in history as far as you care, and tell me where or when it hasn't been so !

But seriously, there are billions who are starving and living off a couple dollars a day, many do not have clean water, and the west is highly profiting off the misery of those in poorer countries forced to work under poor conditions and are not given education or much of a chance to get the riches that the west does.

But seriously, what would happen if they got those riches ? Have you thought this through ?

Do you think they are happy because they don't know any better or because they chose not to be unhappy about it?

Probably a combination of both, an also, probably because they don't measure happiness by the standards which you assume, i.e., material assets, money, Western lifestyle, etc. I maintain that some people in poor third world nations, may in fact be healthier, happier, have greater longevity, etc, than many of your fellow citizens.

I think it's bordering on grotesque to spend so many billions on other things while at the same time people are starving everywhere. This is what humanity as a whole pays for the way things work.

Answer me this - a question I have put many times here, but which no one endeavoured to answer; What will you do with those now fed millions, their subsequent aspirations towards a wealthy (and probably profligate) lifestyle, and their multitudinous offspring for which such aforementioned aspirations would be even more compelling ?

By definition someone who has wealth will not want to do work that they do not have to do, but the ones who are poor must do all that work simply because they have to support themselves.

I agree. Even in the poorest societies, exists a hierarchy of workers and owners / bosses. Anyway, I work to support myself. Most folk here would be working to support themselves. What are you saying here ? That everybody in the world should have the same, or similar roles ?

The inequality is inherent both in localized situations and globally.

Yes, there is much inequality in this world. Would you prefer NO inequality at all ? Obviously not - so, what is your standard ? What is YOUR new scale of balance ? That no one should have more than, say, one million dollars in net assets, and that anyone who has an excess, should have it seized and redistributed to the poorest ? What are you going to do then, when those poorest prosper ? Nobody here ever develops this argument to the extent of replying to this and other such questions that I pose.

Having the inequality is something we have to deal with, but I think it's extremely naive to keep running this mass consumption over here, which is both as environmentally destructive as it is unfair to people who don't even have the basics.

I agree that the West is overconsuming. I don't believe the answer is to enable millions, billions more, to head in the same direction. Giving them the basics sounds kind, and humanitarian and all, and I agree it IS. But you, other similar thinkers, contributors here, NEVER seem to want to take this part of the discussion one or two steps further.

The world is now one big "network" of flowing information and influence,

Not necessarily a good thing IMO

and I think we DO have a responsibility to change our mad consumption and inequality at least a LITTLE. Enough to bring some clean water and food at least

And then what ?
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  • #347
In a way I have to side with alt. Our lifestyle in the west comes at a cost to those who are exploited so that we can maintain our lifestyle.

I don't know if zero-sum is the best way of describing it, but if everyone demanded the lifestyle and inequality that many of us take for granted, then you need someone to exploit and realistically I can't see everyone having the lifestyle that those have at the top or even at the middle.

Its sad, but its the truth.
  • #348
chiro said:
In a way I have to side with alt. Our lifestyle in the west comes at a cost to those who are exploited so that we can maintain our lifestyle.

I don't know if zero-sum is the best way of describing it, but if everyone demanded the lifestyle and inequality that many of us take for granted, then you need someone to exploit and realistically I can't see everyone having the lifestyle that those have at the top or even at the middle.

Its sad, but its the truth.

As contrasted with India, the Emirates, Saudi Arabia, England, Russia, Italy, (enter African Nation Here)... or any other country save for a few largely homogeneous (and successful) wealthy Scandinavian countries?
  • #349
alt said:
Yes, there is much inequality in this world. Would you prefer NO inequality at all ? Obviously not - so, what is your standard ? What is YOUR new scale of balance ?

The only moral justification for tolerating social inequality that comes to mind is if there is equality of opportunity.

If life for people is to be set up as a competition to motivate their creative energy (and I have already argued that societies are naturally a balance of local competition~global cooperation) then what there must be equality of is the chance to enter the race.

So world inequality is "fair" if we are doing what we can to give real opportunity to everyone, and not creating mechanisms that hold them artificially back. (This would be the globally co-operative part of the deal).
  • #350
apeiron said:
The only moral justification for tolerating social inequality that comes to mind is if there is equality of opportunity.

If life for people is to be set up as a competition to motivate their creative energy (and I have already argued that societies are naturally a balance of local competition~global cooperation) then what there must be equality of is the chance to enter the race.

So world inequality is "fair" if we are doing what we can to give real opportunity to everyone, and not creating mechanisms that hold them artificially back. (This would be the globally co-operative part of the deal).

Now that I'll buy.

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