- #141
Lord Jestocost
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I completely agree. The heart of the problem in all these disputes is quantum probability and randomness. Andrei Khrennikov and Karl Svozil/1/ put it – to my mind – in a nutshell:vanhees71 said:We experience these correlations in our experiential reality (what other reality should be?), because obviously QT is a correct description of Nature and not something invented by EPR what they think should be the right description. That's, how the natural sciences work under the best of all circumstances: You have two well-defined models about how Nature is described (this was of course not given by EPR but by Bell about 30 years later for the model "local, realistic HV theory", while it was established for modern QT already in 1926 ;-)), and you can thus objectively decide which of the models describe the observations better, and that's clearly QT. It's even better: There's not the slightest hint that QT delivers any wrong predictions for the outcome of experiments yet!
“It might not be totally unreasonable to claim that, already starting from some of the earliest (in hindsight) indications of quanta in the 1902 Rutherford–Soddy exponential decay law and the small aberrations predicted by Schweidler [6], the tide of indeterminism [7,8] was rolling against chartered territories of fin de siécle mechanistic determinism. Riding the waves were researchers like Exner, who already in his 1908 inaugural lecture as rector magnificus [9] postulated that irreducible randomness is, and probability theory therefore needs to be, at the heart of all sciences; natural as well as social. Exner [10] was forgotten but cited in Schrödinger’s alike “Zürcher Antrittsvorlesung” of 1922 [11]. Not much later Born expressed his inclinations to give up determinism in the world of the atoms [12], thereby denying the existence of some inner properties of the quanta which condition a definite outcome for, say, the scattering after collisions.
Von Neumann [13] was among the first who emphasized this new feature which was very different from the “in principle knowable unknowns” grounded in epistemology alone. Quantum randomness was treated as individual randomness; that is, as if single electrons or photons are sometimes capable of behaving acausally and irreducibly randomly. Such randomness cannot be reduced to a variability of properties of systems in some ensemble. Therefore, quantum randomness is often considered as irreducible randomness.
Von Neumann understood well that it is difficult, if not outright impossible in general, to check empirically the randomness for individual systems, say for electrons or photons. In particular, he proceeded with the statistical interpretation of probability based on the mathematical model of von Mises [14,15] based upon relative frequencies after admissible place selections.” [Bold by LJ]
/1/ Khrennikov, A., Svozil, K.: Quantum probability and randomness. Entropy 21(1), 35 (2019)