The Way Back to Your Universe Test

In summary: Yes, indeed, you have somehow ended up in a world where animals can talk and hold jobs.The rabbit introduces himself as the mayor of the city and explains that in this world, humans are considered the "wild animals" and are not allowed to live in the cities. You are quickly whisked away to a human reservation where you are given a job as a janitor.As you navigate this strange new world, you soon realize that humans are treated as second-class citizens and are not allowed to have any positions of power or authority. You also learn that this world is facing a major crisis as the human population is dwindling due to a mysterious illness.As you try to figure out a way to return to your own world
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
This is one of the best tests I've taken in a long time. It has a fun storyline. I missed one answer, apparently in the American history section.

Your score -
Eh...Close Enough

You scored 0.0.-1 chronofrequency!

You stumble back from the device, and hearing the doctor approach, quickly you pat down your scraggly hair. He looks in on you with a suspicious eye and asks if you have been fiddling with his machine. You deny it with a lot of pathetic mumbling, and it is only when he is satisfied and leaves that you realize that he was now sporting a small goatee.

"Oh, well," you figure, though you're pretty sure you answered all the questions correctly.

You settle back into your life normally, none-too-concerned with unfamiliar reality TV shows like "American Survivor" and "Big Idol." Does it really matter that it's Fred Hussein that President Gore overthrew as dictator of Iraqistan? Or that "Cheaper by the Dozen 2" won a Best Picture Oscar? "Nah," you say as you kick back and enjoy a Diet Croak. "It's close enough."

[Note: if you are taking this test as a trivia test to know how many right and wrong answers you have, then the chronofrequency is your best judge of accuracy. If each number is 0, then you either got everything correct, or all your plus and minus answers balanced out to the correct values.]
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  • #2
Eh...Close Enough
You scored 0.0.1 chronofrequency!

My test tracked 3 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 99% on technology
You scored higher than 99% on culture
You scored higher than 99% on government
  • #3

You stumble back from the device and stagger into a cannon. You're reasonably sure that wasn't around when you were last in the lab. Nor do you remember the lab looking so much like a fortified castle, or the outside looking so much like a tropical island, or the interdimensional device looking so much like a squawking parrot. In trepidation, you wonder what other surprises are in store for you.

Your ponderings are quickly addressed when the doctor bursts in, shouting, "Look sharp! They're here."

"Who?" you ask.

"Pirates!" he cries. You glance out the embrasure, and sure enough, you see a swarthy mass of one-legged, one-eyed, one-handed buccaneers charging from the beach, cursing you with the most charming nautical metaphors. It almost breaks your heart to have to fire the cannon at them, reducing them to smithereens.

Still, you get used to it. Apparently pirate attacks are a daily affair in this largely lawless world, and they seem to be highly convinced that you and the doctor are hoarding a goodly amount of treasure.

It is just a matter of time before they will one day breach your defenses and you are pressganged into one of their ships, forced to swab the deck daily at the whim of an obsessive-compulsive captain.
  • #4
I scored "2.0.-2." I don't get to know what I got wrong?

I guessed on the Visigoths question.
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  • #5
Mk said:
I scored "2.0.-2." I don't get to know what I got wrong?

Are we supposed to get a bigger number or closer to zero?
All zeros is a perfect score.

What world did you end up in?

The score means you missed two in the first section, zero in the second section and 2 in the third section. I spoke to the author and he is going to see if there is some way for him to let us know which exact questions we missed, but he said the program doesn't seem to allow it.
  • #6
Mk said:
I guessed on the Visigoths question.
I wrote about this in the history section! You don't read my history postings?

Evo said:
The sacking of Rome by King Alaric of the Visigoths is a good story by Procopius of Caesarea. The Visigoths had the city of Rome surrounded, the inhabitants of Rome were cut off, but after a long and fruitless siege Alaric realized it was going to take too long and be too difficult to capture the city so he made a plan. He decided on what basically amounted to a human "trojan horse"

He told the Romans that he gave up and would be moving out. He chose 300 of his youngest warriors to present to the Roman nobles as slaves, of course buttering the Romans up and telling them how great they were (the Romans of course believed this :rolleyes: ).

Alaric instructed the Visigoth youth that they were to obey their new masters without argument and serve them eagerly to gain their new master's trust. On a predetermined day, at noon, (a time when Roman Nobles normally napped), they were to head to the Solarian gate, kill the guards and open the gates so that Alaric's men could invade the city.

The plan went off without a hitch and Rome was sacked.

The Emperor at the time, Honorius, having heard of the barbarians initial approach on Rome, fled to the city of Ravenia. When Rome was destroyed by Alaric, a servant handed him a message stating that "Rome (Roma) was dead". The Emperor cried out "but I just fed him"! (the Emperor had a pet chicken named Rome) The servant realizing the emperor's mistake advised him that it was the city of Rome, not his pet chicken that had died. The emperor was greatly relieved saying "Oh, I thought it was my pet chicken Roma that had perished". :rolleyes:
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  • #7
You scored -1.3.1 chronofrequency!

Now we know that Friends was telecast into other universes too! :biggrin:
  • #8
neutrino said:
You scored -1.3.1 chronofrequency!

Now we know that Friends was telecast into other universes too! :biggrin:
Post the story about your world. I want to see what the other worlds are. :frown:
  • #9
Evo said:
Post the story about your world. I want to see what the other worlds are. :frown:
I ,too, went to the world in which the doc has a goatee. :biggrin:
  • #10
You scored -4.0.6 chronofrequency!

You stumble back from where the device should be only to land at the feet of a pair of heavily armored guards. They aim their crossbows at you and ask, "Be ye human or be ye witch?"

They get as far as tying you to ye olde witch-pole before you use your extensive knowledge of Monty Python to make the duck-weight argument, thereby disproving their witch theory. So they cautiously label you their villiage idiot instead.

It's unfortunate too. They're not doing too well on their own after all. They haven't even come up with air-conditioning yet, for crying out loud. And your revolutionary suggestions of crop rotation, regular bathing, and the metric system are all met with condescending pats on the back and remarks of "Oh, villiage idiot, you so crazy!"
  • #11
Evo said:
The score means you missed two in the first section, zero in the second section and 2 in the third section. I spoke to the author and he is going to see if there is some way for him to let us know which exact questions we missed, but he said the program doesn't seem to allow it.

What's with the negative numbers?
  • #12
I would have gotten a -2. -2. -1, but I googled answers as I went. Even so, I got guestion 11 wrong. In my opinion, according to wikipedia, there are two correct answers for that question of which only one gets you credit. I retook the test and answered 11 with the other right answer and got 0.0.0 and the same message as Evo reported. I thought the test was ... let's say offensive, ok?
  • #13
  • #14
I ended up in "Apocalypse Universe" 0.-1-2, I think.

"You stumble back from the device, and you fall against a skeleton wearing an all-too-familiar lab coat. It looks like the "you" in this universe didn't make it to the button. And it's not hard to see why since the side of the building is suspiciously absent. In fact the sides of most buildings in the city are gone. In a fit of desperation, you press the button again, but it mocks you with a mild fizz. Whatever took out the city seems to have thrown a few kinks into its system.
Still, you'll find it's not worse-case-scenario facing the apocalypse. There is plenty of downtime for one, what with almost everyone being dead from the bionukes that wiped out the city. But you do get plenty of exercise when the pale zombie creatures that survived come after you at night. And, who knows, maybe some of those damn dirty apes will evolve and begin a new brand new society.

Still, there's no sugar-coating the giant ants that rule the countryside. They're going to be a problem for a long time."
  • #15
Yeah, yeah clever. Too bad I guessed at almost all the answers. What the **** do I know about history, let alone American history?

Nothing like the ol bait & switch.
  • #16
I was wrong about the scoring, I had a 0.0.-1 and that just happened to match the one question I missed.

Here is the answer from the author.

"I'll be happy to explain the scoring processing. Our universe is located at coordinates 0.0.0 where each of those variables represents a scale of variables I loosely consider technology, culture, or government
By answering questions incorrectly, your score is moved up and it is moved down. Saying Henry Ford was killed in Ford's theatre would lower your technology score, for instance and push you from your universe.
By answering correct questions, your score is unchanged. Therefore if you answer everything correctly, you will return to your home universe...well, you would, but more on that below.

Yes, he answered some unknown number of questions incorrectly that put him in a very close universe (slightly higher tech score and slightly lower gov score).

Because of the way categories are limited in OKcupid and because the intent of this test was humor over trivia, I made the winning case of 0.0.0 also send you to this category (otherwise people who were close to correct would be undeservingly sent off to 1984 or the Apocalypse). And I added the explanation to that category so that anyone who plays to win can know if they answered everything correctly.

So simply put, if you have a score of 0.0.0 then you likely have answered everything correctly. (Unless you answered two incorrect questions that happened to balance one another out.)

I have just figured out how to add a way to track how many questions you answered correctly, and when I update it, I will add this feature.

Don't think of the scores of chronofrequency as a measure of number correct. It just depends on how much they differ from zero values. 1 and -1 are both equally distant from 0.
Some of the questions have larger scores or "impacts" on the variables than others, so they don't necessarily tell you how many you got right or wrong. "

FAQ: The Way Back to Your Universe Test

1. What is "The Way Back to Your Universe Test"?

"The Way Back to Your Universe Test" is a scientific experiment designed to determine the most efficient and effective method for individuals to return to their original universe after being displaced into parallel universes.

2. How does "The Way Back to Your Universe Test" work?

The experiment uses advanced technology and theories in quantum mechanics to create a controlled environment where individuals can explore various methods for returning to their universe. Participants will be given specific tasks and scenarios to test different theories and strategies.

3. Who can participate in "The Way Back to Your Universe Test"?

Any individual who has been displaced into a parallel universe is eligible to participate in the experiment. However, participants must meet certain criteria and undergo a thorough screening process before being selected.

4. What are the potential benefits of "The Way Back to Your Universe Test"?

The experiment aims to provide valuable insights and data on the nature of parallel universes and the possibility of returning to one's original universe. The findings could have significant implications for future scientific research and advancements in quantum mechanics.

5. Is "The Way Back to Your Universe Test" safe?

Yes, the experiment is conducted in a safe and controlled environment by trained scientists and researchers. All necessary precautions and safety measures will be taken to ensure the well-being of participants.

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