Thread Killer Champions: Franzbear & Moonbear

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In summary, Franzbear is the most prolific thread killer in the forum. He has killed at least 12 threads and is likely responsible for 21 more. His ability to kill threads is not a direct outcome of the evidence (number of last posts). You have to at least factor in the total number of posts by each person (posts in GD) to get a more accurate representation of the killer instinct. Franz and Moonie have so many posts here, they are more likely to be the winning killers. You have to divide the number of kills by the total number of posts during the same period to get a corrected distribution.
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  • #5,182
That's a classic moonbear! :smile:
  • #5,183
Evo said:
I "knew" you were a skimmer. :wink:
I always want to read people's links (well, most of them), but I don't dare turn my back on anyone here long enough to. I always come back to find about 30 new posts to go through.

Moonbear said:
someone rapping to country music. :bugeye: Yep, it was different. :rolleyes:
That is so wrong that I can't think of anything to say. Unless two things that hideous can cancel each other out and be good, like sodium and chlorine.

SOS2008 said:
And now a word from our sponsor...
Moonbear said:
I had to try my hand at one of my own!
Those are both terrific! You should have hired better actors to dub the voices, though. The lip sync is way off.
  • #5,184
How do you get the link to those? (it just tells me to email it to someone)
  • #5,186
Danger said:
That is so wrong that I can't think of anything to say. Unless two things that hideous can cancel each other out and be good, like sodium and chlorine.
It reminded me a bit of the Hamster Dance music. Okay, it wasn't quite as awful as I made it sound. I don't think I'd run out and buy the album, but I at least give them credit for not doing more of the same thing everyone else does.
  • #5,187
yomamma said:
How do you get the link to those? (it just tells me to email it to someone)
I emailed it to myself. I gave it one of my junkmail catching addresses since I don't know if it's going to result in a lot of spam being sent my way.
  • #5,188
  • #5,190
Evo said:
I couldn't resist! :-p
Beauty! It's amazing how close you got that facial hair to what mine was like before I started shaving. Good dialogue, too. :biggrin:

Moonbear said:
It reminded me a bit of the Hamster Dance music.
I'm still trying to get that damned badger thing out of my head; I don't even want to know what the Hamster Dance is.
  • #5,192
Danger said:
Beauty! It's amazing how close you got that facial hair to what mine was like before I started shaving. Good dialogue, too. :biggrin:

I'm still trying to get that damned badger thing out of my head; I don't even want to know what the Hamster Dance is.

Oh, Danger, how could you be so deprived all these years.

That's the original hamster dance, but they've got lots of songs out now if you look around the site. (oh, and note the spelling there :smile:)
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  • #5,195
yomamma said:'s the awaited film by yomamma.

LOL! I love seeing what characters everyone is picking for themselves and others. :biggrin: Wow, that movie was like dejavu! :smile: (And you couldn't let me go just one night without mentioning food, could you? Good thing I'm not on a diet! )
  • #5,196
Evo said:
That was great, I couldn't resist! :-p
That's so hilarious! Originally I was going to do a movie to cheer up Huck, and I was going to select the same character for him that you used. (Great minds...)
  • #5,197
SOS2008 said:
That's so hilarious! Originally I was going to do a movie to cheer up Huck, and I was going to select the same character for him that you used. (Great minds...)
Yours cracked me up, I'm so glad you posted it. :-p
  • #5,198
SOS2008 said:
That's so hilarious! Originally I was going to do a movie to cheer up Huck, and I was going to select the same character for him that you used. (Great minds...)

That's too funny! I liked the surprise appearance by Ivan at the end of yours. That really got me laughing, especially the way he danced away. :smile:
  • #5,199
Moonbear said:
That's the original hamster dance, but they've got lots of songs out now if you look around the site. (oh, and note the spelling there :smile:)
Sadist! :-p

Yeah, the first thing I thought when I hit the link was "Huck has a website!"

Moonbear said:
especially the way he danced away. :smile:
Pretty spry for his age.
  • #5,200
yomamma picked characters I've never used before, and I liked the music Moonbear had in her's -- cool!

Agreed it would be great to have more options...hmm...maybe dduardo or someone could help? (Or maybe not...we already don't get any work done as it is.)
  • #5,201
Evo said:
That was great! I wish there were more options to play with! :frown:
It says that you can submit your own characters in Flash. That opens up a whole new dimension of weirdness, especially if Art gets hold of it. (He can't be himself though; the owners have to approve everything.)
  • #5,202
I thought I had a final this morning. The syllabus said May 19th. So I went to the class this morning and nobody was there. (I've missed a few classes the last two weeks.) So I went to the front desk and checked the schedule and I saw that the final had been rescheduled for the 17th. I MISSED MY FINAL!

So I emailed him and he called me late this afternoon. Thankfully I get to take the test Monday morning about 30 minutes before he has to turn the grades in.
  • #5,203
Huckleberry said:
I thought I had a final this morning. The syllabus said May 19th. So I went to the class this morning and nobody was there. (I've missed a few classes the last two weeks.) So I went to the front desk and checked the schedule and I saw that the final had been rescheduled for the 17th. I MISSED MY FINAL!

So I emailed him and he called me late this afternoon. Thankfully I get to take the test Monday morning about 30 minutes before he has to turn the grades in.

That ranks right up there with those nightmares of giving a presentation for class and realizing you have no pants on. That's what the syllabus is for though. Since the date was on it, you can't be expected to show up 2 days early!
  • #5,204
Moonbear said:
That ranks right up there with those nightmares of giving a presentation for class and realizing you have no pants on. That's what the syllabus is for though. Since the date was on it, you can't be expected to show up 2 days early!
I'm not upset. It doesn't inconvenience me much to show up Monday. It's a nice walk to the school and I enjoy it. As long as he doesn't cancel everything will be fine.

You have that dream about showing up in school with no pants on too? Wanna trade dreams?
  • #5,205
Huckleberry said:
You have that dream about showing up in school with no pants on too? Wanna trade dreams?

:-p Yes, please. :biggrin:
  • #5,206
Huckleberry said:
I get to take the test Monday morning about 30 minutes before he has to turn the grades in.
Pretty sneaky way to get extra study time... :devil:

Moonbear said:
That ranks right up there with those nightmares of giving a presentation for class and realizing you have no pants on.
I'd have thought that was more of a fantasy for you. :-p
  • #5,207
Huckleberry no sneak.

It is. But it would be a better fantasy if I could see Moonbear be embarrassed in public with no pants on. I imagine a classroom setting and everyone is staring and I, of course, have my towel, but won't give it to her. So she has to chase me around the room.

Yeah, that's better than me walkin' around asking "Hey, have you seen my wallet?" And then realize I have no pants on.
  • #5,208
Huckleberry said:
It is. But it would be a better fantasy if I could see Moonbear be embarrassed in public with no pants on.
I was actually directing that comment at her, but yours sounds pretty good too.
  • #5,209
Huckleberry said:
I thought I had a final this morning. The syllabus said May 19th. So I went to the class this morning and nobody was there. (I've missed a few classes the last two weeks.) So I went to the front desk and checked the schedule and I saw that the final had been rescheduled for the 17th. I MISSED MY FINAL!

So I emailed him and he called me late this afternoon. Thankfully I get to take the test Monday morning about 30 minutes before he has to turn the grades in.
Thank goodness you got it worked out. But now I'm still worried about you Huck. Maybe I can think of a remedy...I think I'll call it SOS Sauce (A formula known only to me, and the dog. Oh wait, I don't have a dog.)

I wish I could have one of Moonbear's kittens--actually I would like two please. :biggrin: Hey, has anyone noticed I changed my signatures again... I changed these on Monday, and not a word.
  • #5,210
Danger said:
I'd have thought that was more of a fantasy for you. :-p
Nope, the fantasy is Huck's version...the one where he doesn't have any pants on and I get to watch! :-p So, I'm pretty sure it's a worthwhile trade. :biggrin:
  • #5,211
SOS2008 said:
I wish I could have one of Moonbear's kittens--actually I would like two please. :biggrin:
I think there are only two. You're welcome to both of them if you can figure out how to fish them out from under my deck. I'd put out some food to entice them closer, but after reading Ivan's skunk thread, I'm worried I'll wind up with a skunk instead of a kitten. One of the people I work with owns horses and lives out in the country, so I'll ask her if she has any of those have-a-heart trap things that I might be able to lure them into. They look big enough to be weaned, so I wouldn't have to worry about trapping them without the mom and them getting hungry as long as there's food in the trap. Or maybe I'll just keep wandering out until they're used to me and I can just snatch them up by hand. I have no idea how feral they are.

Hey, has anyone noticed I changed my signatures again... I changed these on Monday, and not a word.
:redface: I didn't notice. If you change your signature, you have to change the colors too, or I'll never notice. :rolleyes:
But now that you pointed it out...:smile:
  • #5,212
sleep is a weakness

ill prove that with a 7 day no-sleep marathon :biggrin:

-DAY 1-
  • #5,213
cronxeh said:
sleep is a weakness

ill prove that with a 7 day no-sleep marathon :biggrin:

-DAY 1-
I read this as:

Sheep is a weakness

ill prove that with a 7 day no-Sheep marathon :biggrin:

-DAY 1-


:biggrin: <-- (That's danger)
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  • #5,214
Well, its not a smilie, but...
  • #5,215
Danger said:
Only if I get half credit for the kill. Those socks are worth all of your other ingredients put together. (Do you have a 'Hazardous Materials Handling Permit'?)
Darn, well, I'll see if I can get the permit and a few Hazmat suits. I'm sure we can work out a credit share deal.

Danger said:

...That's enough to make me forget about sheep for a while. :-p
My kinda gal... :!)
All thoughts of sheep are gone. What a babe! That Evo is hot.