Thread Killer Champions: Franzbear & Moonbear

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In summary, Franzbear is the most prolific thread killer in the forum. He has killed at least 12 threads and is likely responsible for 21 more. His ability to kill threads is not a direct outcome of the evidence (number of last posts). You have to at least factor in the total number of posts by each person (posts in GD) to get a more accurate representation of the killer instinct. Franz and Moonie have so many posts here, they are more likely to be the winning killers. You have to divide the number of kills by the total number of posts during the same period to get a corrected distribution.
  • #7,876
*hides* :rolleyes:
Physics news on
  • #7,877
yomamma said:
*hides* :rolleyes:
You weren't exactly the hide-and-seek champion as a kid, were you? :smile:
  • #7,878
you had a hide and seek championship? nerd!
  • #7,879
yomamma said:
you had a hide and seek championship? nerd!
No, just noticed you're not very good at hiding. :biggrin: As for being a nerd, I prefer geek. Geek pirate that is. :approve:
  • #7,880
this thread has been killed by yomamma at 3:47 PM Thursday, august 18
  • #7,881
Nice try, but no prize.
  • #7,882
b-b-but I wanted to kill it! :cry:

stupid ol'...
  • #7,883
Yes, but you can't always have what you want. You should listen to your elders. :biggrin:
  • #7,884
Besides, yomamma is way too young to kill anything.
In fact this persistent desire for murder is rather troubling.
You haven't pulled off the wings of flies, yomamma?
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  • #7,885
Yes, he really ought to leave this nasty, dirty work to the grown-ups. We don't want him scarred so young in life. Besides, he doesn't have the stomach for it. When he thought I killed it last time, look how he freaked out and begged to have Franzbear brought back to life, even if all that oxygen deprivation left Franzbear with permanent damage.
  • #7,886
I have determination you have nothing to do
  • #7,887
Nope, just lots of 2 minute breaks. And since I'm wrapping up stuff in the lab, I'm not starting anything else new now. In two weeks, we'll see how well you do (well, unless it takes 3 days for my stuff to get delivered and I have nothing to do but sit on the floor of my new home in a sleeping bag with my laptop (thankfully, my laptop has a DVD player, so if all else fails, I'll find the video rental store and watch movies on my'll be just like camping, but without the bugs and rain).

I had a good laugh yesterday. My contact person at the moving company called and was doing what I guess is his usual reassuring spiel. He was basically trying to tell me that most people are nervous about moving and if I have any concerns at all, to call him. Then he started talking about how people especially seem to have a sudden separation anxiety when they see that truck pull away with all their worldy possessions. That's the part that made me laugh. My last move was do-it-yourself, in the middle of the night because there were snow storms and all the trucks were being returned late and there weren't enough to go around for everyone who had them reserved, and yes, I did just say it was the middle of a snowstorm, my car slid off the ramp of the tow dolly for it, so I had to leave it behind and return a few days later for it. I think I got 2 hours of sleep and hit the road and arrived just in time to close on my house. So, I'm not going to mind at all when someone else does all the packing and drives away with all my stuff! The worst thing that happens is they fall off a mountain with it...I got full insurance coverage on everything, so if that happens, they'll just have to pay me to buy all new stuff. I told one of my friends this, and his comment was that that's not a worst case scenario, considering how old most of what I own is, that would be the best case scenario for me! :smile:

The only separation anxiety I'll have is with PF. :biggrin:
  • #7,888
arildno said:
Besides, yomamma is way too young to kill anything.
In fact this persistent desire for murder is rather troubling.
You haven't pulled off the wings of flies, yomamma?
I think yomamma has to kill it because others esp. you are too old to do that! :-p
  • #7,889
then all I have to do is get rid of lisa!... :devil:
  • #7,890
Because I'm the only young person around here? :rolleyes: Don't worry. I'm not going to kill him. o:)
  • #7,891
and if you do..! *hold up fist*

  • #7,892
Be careful! If you continue behaving like this, I may change my decision! :devil:
  • #7,893
Lisa! said:
Because I'm the only young person around here? :rolleyes: Don't worry. I'm not going to kill him. o:)
Uh oh! Lisa! must be running low on exclamation points.

Here you go Lisa!, you can have some of mine.
  • #7,894
Moonbear said:
Uh oh! Lisa! must be running low on exclamation points.

Here you go Lisa!, you can have some of mine.
Thanks you're wonderful. In fact . means ! for me! :wink:
  • #7,895
Lisa! said:
Thanks you're wonderful. In fact . means ! for me! :wink:
:smile: Well, now you're just wasting them. :smile:
  • #7,896
Starting tomorrow, I'm on vacation for a week so I won't be around :cry: Take good care of poor Franzbear. Here is his electric bathing suit, see to it that he plugs it into a standard ungrounded outlet before swimming. Here is his arsenic toothpaste, make sure he brushs three times a day. Here is his jet powered skateboard, make sure that he only plays with it on the highway. His noose for the choking game is in the closet, remember to count to 1000, before beginning to search for him.

Oh my, there are just so many things to remind people to do to care for the poor dear. :cry:
  • #7,897
Moonbear said:
Nope, just lots of 2 minute breaks. And since I'm wrapping up stuff in the lab, I'm not starting anything else new now. In two weeks, we'll see how well you do (well, unless it takes 3 days for my stuff to get delivered and I have nothing to do but sit on the floor of my new home in a sleeping bag with my laptop (thankfully, my laptop has a DVD player, so if all else fails, I'll find the video rental store and watch movies on my'll be just like camping, but without the bugs and rain).

I had a good laugh yesterday. My contact person at the moving company called and was doing what I guess is his usual reassuring spiel. He was basically trying to tell me that most people are nervous about moving and if I have any concerns at all, to call him. Then he started talking about how people especially seem to have a sudden separation anxiety when they see that truck pull away with all their worldy possessions. That's the part that made me laugh. My last move was do-it-yourself, in the middle of the night because there were snow storms and all the trucks were being returned late and there weren't enough to go around for everyone who had them reserved, and yes, I did just say it was the middle of a snowstorm, my car slid off the ramp of the tow dolly for it, so I had to leave it behind and return a few days later for it. I think I got 2 hours of sleep and hit the road and arrived just in time to close on my house. So, I'm not going to mind at all when someone else does all the packing and drives away with all my stuff! The worst thing that happens is they fall off a mountain with it...I got full insurance coverage on everything, so if that happens, they'll just have to pay me to buy all new stuff. I told one of my friends this, and his comment was that that's not a worst case scenario, considering how old most of what I own is, that would be the best case scenario for me! :smile:

The only separation anxiety I'll have is with PF. :biggrin:

ah the life

that just makes me want to move to the Caribbean and buy a banana hammock for bed and a solar powered refrigerator for any foods and beverages :rolleyes:
  • #7,898
Artman said:
Starting tomorrow, I'm on vacation for a week so I won't be around :cry: Take good care of poor Franzbear. Here is his electric bathing suit, see to it that he plugs it into a standard ungrounded outlet before swimming. Here is his arsenic toothpaste, make sure he brushs three times a day. Here is his jet powered skateboard, make sure that he only plays with it on the highway. His noose for the choking game is in the closet, remember to count to 1000, before beginning to search for him.

Oh my, there are just so many things to remind people to do to care for the poor dear. :cry:
Oh, don't worry. That timing works out just fine. I'm still around for the week to take care of Franzbear for you. He's going to have so much fun swimming. Thanks for getting him a nice new bathing suit. That'll be great to keep him warm in this ice cold water we have to swim in here.

Then, when I hit the road for the move, you'll be back to watch him. He discovered his first facial hair yesterday and has just been begging to learn to shave. It probably would be better to have a man around to teach him how to shave his face, but I guess I'll manage to help him out on that if you're not around. Now, you're supposed to use one of these straight razors, right? I got it honed nice and sharp for him. I'm not sure how to use it myself, so I figure I'll just leave him to trial and error to find his own method. I got a stack of stiptic pens and plenty of toilet paper in case he cuts himself.
  • #7,899
make sure you're careful with that razor. you should take some caffeene to um...stady your hand :rolleyes:
  • #7,900
yomamma said:
make sure you're careful with that razor. you should take some caffeene to um...stady your hand :rolleyes:
Better make that a double espresso. :biggrin:

(On a side note, I actually DO need a cup of coffee in the morning to steady my hands! I'm that addicted to caffeine. :cry: But, I have to be careful, because if I drink too much, then my hands become unsteady again. It's hard to find just the right balance. One day I was supposed to be doing surgery on mice, and hadn't thought about it, and had a nice big latte after lunch and before doing the experiment...I had to get someone else to do the work because I absolutely could not steady my hands enough to do what I needed to do! :eek:)
  • #7,901
Moonbear said:
Better make that a double espresso. :biggrin:

(On a side note, I actually DO need a cup of coffee in the morning to steady my hands! I'm that addicted to caffeine. :cry: But, I have to be careful, because if I drink too much, then my hands become unsteady again. It's hard to find just the right balance. One day I was supposed to be doing surgery on mice, and hadn't thought about it, and had a nice big latte after lunch and before doing the experiment...I had to get someone else to do the work because I absolutely could not steady my hands enough to do what I needed to do! :eek:)
I hope you're not a mouse Moyl. :rolleyes:
  • #7,902
Moonbear said:
Better make that a double espresso. :biggrin:

(On a side note, I actually DO need a cup of coffee in the morning to steady my hands! I'm that addicted to caffeine. :cry: But, I have to be careful, because if I drink too much, then my hands become unsteady again. It's hard to find just the right balance. One day I was supposed to be doing surgery on mice, and hadn't thought about it, and had a nice big latte after lunch and before doing the experiment...I had to get someone else to do the work because I absolutely could not steady my hands enough to do what I needed to do! :eek:)

that makes me wonder.. is there any better stimulant than caffeine?

perhaps the ones that haven't been schedule yet

I'm actually considering writing a letter to attorney general so he would put Nicotine into Schedule I substance - no medical uses, high probability for addiction

All the smokers can kiss my (_._)
  • #7,903
cronxeh said:
that makes me wonder.. is there any better stimulant than caffeine?

perhaps the ones that haven't been schedule yet

I'm actually considering writing a letter to attorney general so he would put Nicotine into Schedule I substance - no medical uses, high probability for addiction

All the smokers can kiss my (_._)

I recently came across a study that indicated caffeine only helps maintain alertness in a sleep-deprived person at doses around 600 mg, which is about the equivalent of 8 cups of coffee (so Ivan is okay with his pot of coffee at a time). Modafinil (that drug you keep yakking on about in the bio forum :biggrin:) had about the same effect (lower dosage though). I think the side effects were about the same too, but I could be mis-remembering that. So, might as well stick to enjoying your coffee rather than popping pills. Oh, yeah, this was a study conducted by the air force...when there's a study looking at effects of various drugs to keep people alert when severely sleep-deprived, they almost always have a hand in it somewhere.
  • #7,904
any body that posts after this post is the biggest loser that has ever lost anything in the world ever!
  • #7,905
Hi Andy! Feeling better?
  • #7,906
ha, you loser, abit better mooded, just feel old now.
  • #7,907
Andy said:
ha, you loser, abit better mooded, just feel old now.
Old?? You're 19? :bugeye:
  • #7,908
Oh my, cronxeh has hit post # 666. :biggrin:

Today, 12:46 PM Warn cronxeh · View cronxeh's Warnings · #8976

Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: NY
Posts: 666
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  • #7,909
:smile: I wonder if he'll stop posting for a bit to preserve that number and savor it for a while?
  • #7,910
how did you know how old i am? and only for another hour n half. I may still be relatively young but i feel old.