Thread Killer Champions: Franzbear & Moonbear

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In summary, Franzbear is the most prolific thread killer in the forum. He has killed at least 12 threads and is likely responsible for 21 more. His ability to kill threads is not a direct outcome of the evidence (number of last posts). You have to at least factor in the total number of posts by each person (posts in GD) to get a more accurate representation of the killer instinct. Franz and Moonie have so many posts here, they are more likely to be the winning killers. You have to divide the number of kills by the total number of posts during the same period to get a corrected distribution.
  • #6,616
yomamma said:
thank god for the we don't have to go with franz to malaysia to post in him. we could just send our posts virtually.

he has roughly 7900 posts.. converting posts to years...? how old is he?
In thread years, I think he's an older teenager now. Maybe 16 in human years. But he'll always be my little thread. :smile:
Physics news on
  • #6,617
that is so touching... :cry:

Wait you're trying to kil him! I mean.. you're trying to kill him...

Everything's okay :biggrin: :rolleyes:
  • #6,618
I apologize for double posting but I am ashamed of everybody except for moonbear! You all are asleep I bet! normally at this time you are all up posting! for shame...
  • #6,619
Yeah, well, I have to get some sleep too. Franzbear has a long flight to Malaysia, so I'll just check back when he arrives there.
  • #6,620
I'm going to turn in in a few. good night all :zzz:
  • #6,621
Still, nobody?
  • #6,622
Franzbear seems to have safely arrived in Malaysia. I was sure that prop plane would never make it across the Pacific. Next time I'm booking him to be shipped as cargo. Okay, franzbear, now go ahead and give that package to the nice policeman. Handcuffs? No, no, those are traditional Malaysian bracelets. It shows that you're getting the extra-special treatment.
  • #6,623
Hey gang! Sorry I haven't been around, you probably didn't even miss me :cry:. Too busy preparing for some upcoming presentations. Gotta show the boss I don't spend all day on the computer...catch up later. :biggrin:
  • #6,624
DocToxyn said:
Hey gang! Sorry I haven't been around, you probably didn't even miss me :cry:. Too busy preparing for some upcoming presentations. Gotta show the boss I don't spend all day on the computer...catch up later. :biggrin:
Good luck on your presentations. Meh, reminds me I need to schedule my annual review with our Dept Chair. That's always a frustrating meeting, because he's clueless about what I do most of the time. I haven't bothered to renew my contract anyway. In another year and a half, I'm out of here one way or another. From the time I made that decision, I had two years to search for a new position. I figure if I can't find a tenure track position in my field after two years of searching, it's not worth continuing to beat my head against the wall and time to do something new anyway.
  • #6,625
3 posts in 2 hours? you can do better than that...

yes franzbear, just say ameica alot...beating in malaysia is a sign of friendship...broken arms mean trustworthiness...don't worry, your nose isn't that important
  • #6,626
  • #6,627
Oh, and franzbear, they have this great spa treatment there called "caning." You really should try to get one of those if you can. Isn't world travel fun?
  • #6,628
2 posts in 3 hours?! HELLO??!
  • #6,629
  • #6,630
uuuuuhhhhh hhhhuhhh...
  • #6,631
DocToxyn said:
Hey gang! Sorry I haven't been around, you probably didn't even miss me :cry:. Too busy preparing for some upcoming presentations. Gotta show the boss I don't spend all day on the computer...catch up later. :biggrin:
I noticed! I thought you didn't love us anymore. :cry:

The smilies have moved again?
  • #6,632
they moved again!
  • #6,633
Evo said:
The smilies have moved again?
They must be feeling very restless lately.
  • #6,634
Moonbear said:
They must be feeling very restless lately.
Someone is messing with us. GD people use smilies more than anyone else. Don't mess with our smilies! :devil:
  • #6,635
Evo said:
Someone is messing with us. GD people use smilies more than anyone else. Don't mess with our smilies! :devil:
Haven't they learned never to mess with smilies yet? :mad:
  • #6,636
I don't mind if the smilies move so long as Bartholemew doesn't come back... :rolleyes: :bugeye:
  • #6,637
The thread ghost you mean? Yeah, that's spooky.
  • #6,638
what is about?

is bertholemew here...? :rolleyes:
  • #6,639
yomamma said:
I saw the devil smiley with a bottle of sleep-away...
I just knew it must be the devil smiley! He's always playing practical jokes on the other smilies. :-p :biggrin: and :smile: are his conspirators too. They probably spiked the punch at the last smiley party.

I don't mean to get off subject, but how's franzbear?
He didn't seem to like the caning very much, but he finally found a nice policeman to give the white powder to and decided he preferred the transvestite prostitute over the search he got by the police. I can't imagine why he isn't enjoying Malaysia very much. It's such a pretty country. Oh, his death penalty trial is scheduled very soon. :devil:
  • #6,640
Moonbear said:
I just knew it must be the devil smiley! He's always playing practical jokes on the other smilies. :-p :biggrin: and :smile: are his conspirators too. They probably spiked the punch at the last smiley party.
sorry, I couldn't hear you... I was drinking that pitcher of punch the smileys left in their fridge after that party last week. funny, the puch has a weird taste to it. very I can't taste anything...
He didn't seem to like the caning very much, but he finally found a nice policeman to give the white powder to and decided he preferred the transvestite prostitute over the search he got by the police. I can't imagine why he isn't enjoying Malaysia very much. It's such a pretty country. Oh, his death penalty trial is scheduled very soon. :devil:
once they find out he's indestructable what will they do with him. there's only one group of people I know that could possible try to ba able to kill him. it consists of 26 members, here's a pic of them all together:

:frown: o:) :cool: :eek: :devil: :blushing: :zzz: :shy:
:-p :smile: :smile: :mad: :approve: :bugeye: :-p :cry: :rolleyes: :biggrin:
:confused: :rolleyes: :redface: :!) :wink:
  • #6,641
  • #6,642
Huckleberry said:
*giggle* All these humming turtles around here are making me giddy! :-p
  • #6,643
Why hasn't anyone invented a sound modulator for lawnmower engines. A sound resistant covering and a modulator on the exhaust port that takes the sound of the engine and counters certain frequencies while amplifying others and creates a musical melody. Maybe I could put 'Joshua Tree' in the lawnmower and cut grass to 'Streets With No Name.'

They could invent these things for antisocial people. They would never wear them themselves, but I could have a set of earphones. It could remember the voice patterns of the offending person. Then when they say something offensive, I hear it rephrased in a more pleasant manner. Hmmm, that could be counter-productive to my health.
  • #6,644
Moonbear said:
*giggle* All these humming turtles around here are making me giddy! :-p
I've got flippers too, but you've seen those already.
  • #6,645
I'm detecting BToli in huck
  • #6,646
Huckleberry said:
I've got flippers too, but you've seen those already.
Yep, I have turtle pictures now too!
  • #6,647 WTF?
  • #6,648
yomamma said:
you people are crazy. If I stay here will I grow up like you :biggrin: :rolleyes:

please say no, please say no, please say no, please say no, please say no,
Of course not, you'll grow up just like Danger! :biggrin: :devil:
  • #6,649

I can't leave PF, can't grow up like danger.

actually, I'm more afraid of growing up like moonbear
  • #6,650
yomamma said:
I'm detecting BToli in huck
Yep, the early stages seem to be showing in that lawnmower sound modulator idea. But it's too soon to tell. We'll just have to hope the vaccine works and it's an unrelated symptom. Nothing to do but watch and wait. WTF?
That's where the picture came from. They seem to care a lot about turtles, so I gave them a plug.