Thread Killer Champions: Franzbear & Moonbear

  • Thread starter tribdog
  • Start date
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In summary, Franzbear is the most prolific thread killer in the forum. He has killed at least 12 threads and is likely responsible for 21 more. His ability to kill threads is not a direct outcome of the evidence (number of last posts). You have to at least factor in the total number of posts by each person (posts in GD) to get a more accurate representation of the killer instinct. Franz and Moonie have so many posts here, they are more likely to be the winning killers. You have to divide the number of kills by the total number of posts during the same period to get a corrected distribution.
  • #7,351
There was a fish. His name was fishy. He died while trying to cross the road to talk to the hedgehog :(
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Physics news on
  • #7,352
Smurf said:
Why has this been re-opened AGAIN!?
Evo is really a sadist and wanted to watch it continue to be tortured. :biggriN:
  • #7,353
Moonbear said:
Evo is really a sadist and wanted to watch it continue to be tortured. :biggriN:
Ah, so you type your smilies. I do that one as well. And a couple of the others.
  • #7,354
Ah, so you type your smilies. I do that one as well. And a couple of the others.
So you admit it, do you.

There's always a few that HAVE to do it the hard way. This is the sort of thing that should be brought up at the G8. Have you heard of the energy crisis? What kind of example do you think you make if you just WASTE energy TYPING smilies. Green peace will have a fit.
  • #7,355
I dream of a day when chickens can cross the road without anyone questioning their motives.
  • #7,356
yourdadonapogostick said:
I dream of a day when chickens can cross the road without anyone questioning their motives.

The reason is rarely 'to get to the other side.' It's their obvious ulterior motives that make their crossings so heinous.
  • #7,357
what kind of left-handed motives?
  • #7,358
Artman said:
Ah, so you type your smilies. I do that one as well. And a couple of the others.
Uh oh! I'm caught! :blushing: I didn't even notice I did that until now (I've been too busy all day).

Okay, Artman, you might get your chance now. I'm off to Canada for a conference. I'm not sure if the hotel has internet access, but even if it does, I'll probably be too busy to keep tabs on Franzbear.

Hmm...then again..

Franzbear, remember all those fun French words you learned in France? Let's go try them in Quebec. :biggrin: No no, you just go ahead of me through customs, I'll catch up with you in a minute.

*walks away with Franzbear's ID and passport*
  • #7,359
i almost won, too!
  • #7,360
Yes, so close.
  • #7,361
i hate much...i almost had it...grr:mad:
  • #7,362
Hah! don't flatter yourself ydoaps. Someone woulda bumped it as soon as they realized it was gone. This thread has been in it's last throws since before you were even a member.
  • #7,363
how would you know, n00b?
  • #7,364
infidel.uh huh, you know it's true biyatch
  • #7,365
  • #7,366
yourdadonapogostick said:
i hate much...i almost had it...grr:mad:
I will never let a n00b like you take out franzbear. You weren't even around when the thread was started. You havn't even met tribdog!
  • #7,367
i am NOT a n00b!
  • #7,368
Yes! You Are!
  • #7,369
i almost have as many sciency posts as you do. i am NOT a n00b!
  • #7,370
yourdadonapogostick said:
i almost have as many sciency posts as you do. i am NOT a n00b!
Hmm...I think you should spend less time over here and more time over in the math forum if you think 123 and 924 are almost the same. :-p
  • #7,371
Hmm...I think you should spend less time over here and more time over in the math forum if you think 123 and 924 are almost the same.
If you consider the whole spectrum of possible numbers then 123 and 924 are pretty close.


9+2+4=15, 1+5=6


the probability of 123 being rolled using 3*10 sided dice is exactly the same as rolling 924 (uncanny or what)
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  • #7,372
Daminc said:
If you consider the whole spectrum of possible numbers then 123 and 924 are pretty close.


9+2+4=15, 1+5=6


the probability of 123 being rolled using 3*10 sided dice is exactly the same as rolling 924 (uncanny or what)

:smile: Okay, maybe stay out of the math forums and visit the engineering solutions where they look at things more practically! :biggrin:

If you look at the subset of numbers that includes the range of post counts for PF members, they aren't that close any more.
  • #7,373
  • #7,374
New rule, you can't just post "hmmm..." and count it as a thread kill. The kill will go to whoever posted before the "hmmm..." :biggrin:
  • #7,375
where was that in the rules?
  • #7,376
yourdadonapogostick said:
where was that in the rules?
I just said, "new" rule. :biggrin: I'm just tired of all these "hmmm..." posts. It gets old really fast. (And I'm sitting in the airport waiting for a flight and forgot my Harry Potter book at home and am tired of proofreading manuscripts, so I'm bored enough to start making new rules to the TKC thread.)
  • #7,377
yourdadonapogostick said:
where was that in the rules?
perceptive one arn't you.
  • #7,378
Moonbear said:
Uh oh! I'm caught! :blushing: I didn't even notice I did that until now (I've been too busy all day).

Okay, Artman, you might get your chance now. I'm off to Canada for a conference. I'm not sure if the hotel has internet access, but even if it does, I'll probably be too busy to keep tabs on Franzbear.

Hmm...then again..

Franzbear, remember all those fun French words you learned in France? Let's go try them in Quebec. :biggrin: No no, you just go ahead of me through customs, I'll catch up with you in a minute.

*walks away with Franzbear's ID and passport*
Heh, heh, heh. Franzbear, I hear there is a tunnel you can use between Canada and the USA. Better take lots of sinus pills with you (your allergies could act up in that damp tunnel o:) ) Oh and if you are caught in the tunnel try and hide the pills (you wouldn't want them to think they are illegal drugs. :biggrin: o:)
  • #7,379
Smurf said:
perceptive one arn't you.
i drink a little too much sometimes :biggrin:
  • #7,380
yourdadonapogostick said:
i drink a little too much sometimes :biggrin:
you post a little too much sometimes too.
  • #7,381
hmmm, i wonder if there is a correlation there...
  • #7,382
Artman said:
Heh, heh, heh. Franzbear, I hear there is a tunnel you can use between Canada and the USA. Better take lots of sinus pills with you (your allergies could act up in that damp tunnel o:) ) Oh and if you are caught in the tunnel try and hide the pills (you wouldn't want them to think they are illegal drugs. :biggrin: o:)
Well, at the rate I'm going here, Franzbear and I will be spending the night in NYC. Maybe I should take him down to Harlem or the Village?
  • #7,383
Moonbear said:
Well, at the rate I'm going here, Franzbear and I will be spending the night in NYC. Maybe I should take him down to Harlem or the Village?
He enjoys camping, maybe an overnight in Central Park?
o:) :biggrin:

Enjoy your trip. We'll take good care of Franzbear while you're gone. o:)

Gooooood Care. Heh, heh, heh. :devil:
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  • #7,384
Well, okay, Franzbear, be good while Mommy is away. :smile:
  • #7,385
have fun, moonie:biggrin: