Thread Killer Champions: Franzbear & Moonbear

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In summary, Franzbear is the most prolific thread killer in the forum. He has killed at least 12 threads and is likely responsible for 21 more. His ability to kill threads is not a direct outcome of the evidence (number of last posts). You have to at least factor in the total number of posts by each person (posts in GD) to get a more accurate representation of the killer instinct. Franz and Moonie have so many posts here, they are more likely to be the winning killers. You have to divide the number of kills by the total number of posts during the same period to get a corrected distribution.
  • #7,911
tempting.. indeed. I remember back when BobG hit 666.. fun times

Physics news on
  • #7,912
Andy said:
how did you know how old i am? and only for another hour n half. I may still be relatively young but i feel old.
You said you were 19 in another post. Wait, your profile says 1967.

Happy almost birthday! I'll switch ages with you, then you can actually be as old as you feel. :-p
  • #7,913
Thats a good memory 'mum' been a while since i said my age last, 1967 was just a random year when i was filling it out. The rest is all good though.

And thank you.
  • #7,914
Ooh, a weekend birthday! Those are the best!

Andy, have you heard anything from JimmyP in a while? The bum seems to have abandoned us again. :frown:
  • #7,915
Not recently, but he will be joining me at the beverage station 2mo night, so three cheers to the beer and all hail (or is it hale) the ale!
  • #7,916
Have a great time celebrating your birthday and say hi to JimmyP from me.
  • #7,917
Drink a couple of beers for your mom (and JimmyP's mom). :-p
  • #7,918
Okay, Franzbear, since your Uncle Artman isn't around, why don't we go shopping to get you your new school supplies. Oh, how nice, it looks like your uncle signed you up for archery lessons. You'll enjoy that. Hmm...this nice shirt with the red concentric circles on it will be fun to wear for that class. Oh, and he got you onto the football team too! How wonderful! Padding and helmet? Nah, that's for the sissy boys; all your cousins who play Rugby would laugh at you if you wore that stuff.

Okay, let's get the other stuff. You'll need scissors for art class. Oh, no, not those wimpy safety scissors! Here, take these really pointy ones, they're better for running mean for cutting detailed things. No kid should be without an X-acto knife. We'll just toss all the extra blades into this pencil case so you can just reach in and grab whatever you need. Hey, they have electric pencil sharpeners over here. Why don't you stick your finger in each one to find out which works the best?

I so enjoy shopping for school supplies. :biggrin:
  • #7,919
*stuffs Franzbear into CT scan machine and turns the full power*

*sets the dial at 5000 cSv*

Yes.. yes.. Victory is mine!
  • #7,920
Okay, Franzbear, you can come out now and look at the pictures of your head. Hmm...not much in there.

Cronxeh's avatar suddenly changed! That startled me, I got used to the blue one and now it's suddenly red! I see he's celebrating his 666th post. :devil:
  • #7,921

What can I say.. I'm celebrating
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  • #7,922
cronxeh said:

What can I say.. I'm celebrating

:smile: :smile: Who is that for, Pengwuino or dduardo? :smile: :smile:
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  • #7,923
cronxeh said:

What can I say.. I'm celebrating
I think cronxeh holds the record for the number of posts at 666. :bugeye:

I love the new avatar! :biggrin:
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  • #7,924
Evo said:
I think cronxeh holds the record for the number of posts at 666. :bugeye:

I love the new avatar! :biggrin:
Yes, the new avatar suits him well. :approve:
  • #7,925
Evo said:
I think cronxeh holds the record for the number of posts at 666. :bugeye:

I love the new avatar! :biggrin:

Rock on
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  • #7,926
cronxeh said:
I like that devil...he has an excellent evil grin going.
  • #7,927
Moonbear said:
I like that devil...he has an excellent evil grin going.
I like all :devil: s .
  • #7,928
Oh come on now ladies you are almost beating on a dead horse here

Lets have a party over at my place

I heard yomomma is reading the bible again [PLAIN][/URL]

I preferred World Management for Dummies and Schaum's Outline of World Domination series.. lots of graphs
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  • #7,929
Saved for all posterity.


  • cronxeh 1.jpg
    cronxeh 1.jpg
    30.9 KB · Views: 359
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  • #7,930
Cronxeh, what the heck have you posted in #8954? I know there's an image there aside from the little devil, but whatever it is must be HUGE! It's just bogging down my browser and it seems to want to load before whatever you have in #8957, so I can't see what those are either (just tried quoting it and saw there were more images in that too).
  • #7,931
Moonbear said:
Cronxeh, what the heck have you posted in #8954? I know there's an image there aside from the little devil, but whatever it is must be HUGE! It's just bogging down my browser and it seems to want to load before whatever you have in #8957, so I can't see what those are either (just tried quoting it and saw there were more images in that too).
Try again, it might have been me saving the images.
  • #7,932
Evo said:
Try again, it might have been me saving the images.
Nope, I just get hung on that one. The progress bar doesn't even move when it gets to that one! Well, one more post and I'll be past this page.
  • #7,933
its a small picture of a guy 'rocking on' waving his hand in the rockon gesture, only 0.2 kb long (200 bytes) - should load up in under 0.000000005 seconds on most connections these days
  • #7,934
Here's post 8954


  • cronxeh1.jpg
    21 KB · Views: 320
  • #7,935
cronxeh said:
its a small picture of a guy 'rocking on' waving his hand in the rockon gesture, only 0.2 kb long (200 bytes) - should load up in under 0.000000005 seconds on most connections these days
Hmm...weird. I don't know why it's hanging up on that then. :confused:
  • #7,936
Oh, sure, no problem opening that, but a little waving smiley doesn't open. :rolleyes:
  • #7,937
How about those 2:
356 KB
1.58 MB

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  • #7,938
Oh yeah and the one I've made long time ago:

1.5 MB
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  • #7,939
1.58 MB? Well, I'm not sitting around waiting for that to open. I'm on dial-up here!
  • #7,940
cronxeh said:
Oh yeah and the one I've made long time ago:

1.5 MB
Very nice.
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  • #7,941
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  • #7,942
Moonbear, you will be so much happier when you get your dsl. I installed mine and it was a breeze, you'll see when you get yours.
  • #7,943
These will have to wait until I'm at the lab tomorrow. :mad:
  • #7,944
cronxeh, that's really cool.
  • #7,945
Evo said:
Moonbear, you will be so much happier when you get your dsl. I installed mine and it was a breeze, you'll see when you get yours.
Yeah, but until then, these large images just bog down everything. Cronxeh, can't you just provide links or something instead? With so many on one page, I can barely even reply while it's trying to open them all.