Thread Killer Champions: Franzbear & Moonbear

  • Thread starter tribdog
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In summary, Franzbear is the most prolific thread killer in the forum. He has killed at least 12 threads and is likely responsible for 21 more. His ability to kill threads is not a direct outcome of the evidence (number of last posts). You have to at least factor in the total number of posts by each person (posts in GD) to get a more accurate representation of the killer instinct. Franz and Moonie have so many posts here, they are more likely to be the winning killers. You have to divide the number of kills by the total number of posts during the same period to get a corrected distribution.
  • #8,016
Of course it's unnatural. It's a zombie thread. :devil:
Physics news on
  • #8,017
This thread is like an old dog, everybody loves it but the kindest thing to do is put it down.
  • #8,018

Scroll midway down

Oh yea. sexy partay

Listen to this while watching Stewie having a sexay party (ravE?!) and Antix - I need you.SWF
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  • #8,019
I love Stewie.
  • #8,020
Andy said:
This thread is like an old dog, everybody loves it but the kindest thing to do is put it down.

Well, we tried, and the darned thing still managed to come back to life! :bugeye:
  • #8,021
shhh! he's right here!

Looks like that parachute is never going to work. it's probably bacause you're not falling fast enough. now, hold this stone, and we'll try again...



  • #8,022
Oh, it's so nice to see yomamma and Franzbear playing together. :smile:
  • #8,023
awww, how cute!
  • #8,024
he's not moving...oh...his leg is twitching...but, oh, it's not attached...
  • #8,025
Moonbear said:
I ran into that while changing channels and decided it was time to turn off the TV! You think he's hot? I've never seen why people find him attractive.
How can you say he's not cute?
  • #8,026
Evo, can you please stop deleting posts?! fanzbear will never reach 9000 if you don't stop :frown:
  • #8,027
Evo said:
I confess, I've been watching "Tommy Lee goes to college" and I like it. :redface: (and he's hot) (well, except for the tatoos )
Tommy sucks at chemistry just like me. Yay! :!) :!) :!)

I like the tattoos
  • #8,028
yomamma said:
Evo, can you please stop deleting posts?! fanzbear will never reach 9000 if you don't stop :frown:
How much is it worth to you to temporarily reach 9,000? :biggrin:

One of the things I agreed to do when I restored the thread was to clean out the non-essential posts, which is what I am doing.
  • #8,029
Math Is Hard said:
Tommy sucks at chemistry just like me. Yay! :!) :!) :!)

I like the tattoos
A woman with fine taste. :approve:

Yeah, I could live with the tatoos. :-p
  • #8,030
i win...
  • #8,031
Evo said:
How much is it worth to you to temporarily reach 9,000? :biggrin:

One of the things I agreed to do when I restored the thread was to clean out the non-essential posts, which is what I am doing.

The what now?
  • #8,032
They ALL contributed to the welfare of this thread.

Lets all post 50 posts in the next 5 hours before Evo gets to clean out.
  • #8,033
I don't get the whole lethal injection procedures..

WHY kill by a series of lethal injections? Isnt it bad enough that logic is missing in this country?

First they inject sodium pentathol, then pancuronium bromide, then potassium chloride.

And then there are the spectators, and the nurse who does the injections.

I say is this retarded or what?
  • #8,034
cronxeh said:
I don't get the whole lethal injection procedures..

WHY kill by a series of lethal injections? Isnt it bad enough that logic is missing in this country?

First they inject sodium pentathol, then pancuronium bromide, then potassium chloride.

And then there are the spectators, and the nurse who does the injections.

I say is this retarded or what?
It helps to avoid the cruel and unusual punishment issue by first inducing anesthesia (sodium pentothal is only a short-acting drug), then inject the drugs that will actually kill you. Unfortunately, Franzbear seems to have developed an immunity to all of them.
  • #8,035
Yea I get the whole scientific part of the procedure, Mooncubby. I'm more into philosophy lately, actually thinking of changing to a BS in liberal studies with a pretty heavy load in engineering, science, and math classes there.

What is the point of killing a perfectly healthy human specimen? Isnt that kind of against common sense - that by killing the person who killed you will only be that person's wannabee?
  • #8,036
cronxeh said:
Yea I get the whole scientific part of the procedure, Mooncubby. I'm more into philosophy lately, actually thinking of changing to a BS in liberal studies with a pretty heavy load in engineering, science, and math classes there.

What is the point of killing a perfectly healthy human specimen? Isnt that kind of against common sense - that by killing the person who killed you will only be that person's wannabee?
Oh, you're arguing against the death penalty in general, not just that particular method.
  • #8,037
I killed it
  • #8,038
Surely you realize by now you have to do better than that. It's a school night, isn't it past your bedtime? :biggrin: :zzz:
  • #8,039
It's 8:48...
  • #8,040
yomamma said:
It's 8:48...
No its not, its 2:25.
  • #8,041
No, no, no and no. How many times do I have to tell you, you're not going to kill this thread with something so pathetic as a time stamp of your post.
  • #8,042
*stares at Moonbear*
  • #8,043
You would have to delete the whole thread to delete the non-essential posts, just take this post for instance, completely pointless.

Tommy lee is a legend, he was great in the crue!
  • #8,044
This thread is so dead.
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  • #8,045
wolram said:
This thread is so dead.
A recent picture Wolram? :bugeye:
  • #8,046
Heh, the guys around me said they can't think when I'm on the phone, they love listening to my voice. You people had a chance to hear my voice, but you blew it. :-p
  • #8,047
When did I? Where did I? I am 20 years old and i haven't even heard my own mothers voice, and people wonder why I am disturbed.
  • #8,048
Evo said:
A recent picture Wolram? :bugeye:

Ooh what stinging wit :-p
  • #8,049
Andy said:
When did I? Where did I? I am 20 years old and i haven't even heard my own mothers voice, and people wonder why I am disturbed.
You might have missed the offer.
  • #8,050
wolram said:
Ooh what stinging wit :-p
We've been waiting for a new picture of you.