To find the centre of gravity of a lamina

In summary, the conversation is about finding the position of the center of gravity of a trapezium-shaped lamina and determining the minimum value of h for the lamina to remain stable in a vertical position. The first part is solved with the center of gravity being (7a/9, 4h/9) and the second part is solved using a different method with the answer being a*sqrt(10)/5. The mistake in the first attempt was assuming that the quadrilateral part of the trapezium is a square, which is not always the case. The key to stability is having the center of gravity vertically above the base.
  • #1
Homework Statement
To find the centre of gravity of a lamina
Relevant Equations
Balancing of moments
Could I please ask for help with the following:

A lamina ABCD is in the form of a trapezium in which DC is parallel to AB, AB = 2a, CD = a and AD = h and the angle BAD is 90 degrees. Find the position of the centre of gravity of the lamina from the edges AD and AB.

The lamina is placed vertically with edge BC on a horizontal plane. Find the minimum value of h for the lamina to remain in this position without toppling in its own vertical plane.

I've done the first part and get the book answers of:

Center of gravity = ( 7a/9, 4h/9)

It's the second part where I am stuck.

Here's a diagram:


So I reasoned that the lamina would topple if h (= length AD) were reduced to a width where the centre of gravity were to fall on the line joining A to C, so that when resting on side BC the centre of gravity would then be above C.

Would that be correct?

But this leads to:

Equation of line joining A to C is y = hx/a

So if centre of gravity is on this line then the point (7a/9, 4h/9) should satisfy the equation. But this leads to:

4h/9 = 7a/9 * h/a

and all the values cancel.

Book's answer is a*sqrt(10)/5

Thanks for any help,


Alternative method. Here's a diagram of the rotated shape:

So condition for C.O.G. to be above C is:

(11a/9)*cos(t) + (4h/9)*sin(t) = sqrt(a^2+h^2)

and we know that cos(t) = a/(sqrt(a^2+h^2) and sin(t) = h/sqrt(a^2+h^2)

And this leads to the right answer.

So with my first attempt, what was my mistake of reasoning?

FURTHER EDIT: I think my first method implicitly assumes that the quadrilateral part of the trapezium is a square, which it need not be.
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  • #2
gnits said:
So I reasoned that the lamina would topple if h (= length AD) were reduced to a width where the centre of gravity were to fall on the line joining A to C, so that when resting on side BC the centre of gravity would then be above C.

Would that be correct?
No. With reference to your 2nd diagram, you can't assume AC is vertical at the critical (tipping) point.

I'll call the centre of gravity 'P' for brevity.

For stability, P must be above the base BC.

If P is slightly to the left of C (i.e. above BC) the weight produces an anticlockwise moment (torque) about C, This will be balanced by a clockwise moment produced by the normal reaction from the ground on BC, giving stability.

But if P is slightly to the right of C (i.e. outside BC) the weight produces a clockwise moment about C - which can't be balanced. So the lamina topples (rotates clockwise about C).

If you consider the traingle PBC, you want P vertically above C so BPC is a right-triangle with ∠BCP = 90º.
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  • #3
Thanks very much for you help. Much appreciated.
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Likes jim mcnamara and Steve4Physics

FAQ: To find the centre of gravity of a lamina

1. What is the definition of the centre of gravity of a lamina?

The centre of gravity of a lamina is the point at which the entire weight of the lamina can be considered to act, regardless of its shape or orientation.

2. Why is it important to find the centre of gravity of a lamina?

Finding the centre of gravity of a lamina is important in determining the stability and balance of an object. It also helps in understanding the forces acting on the object and predicting its motion.

3. How do you calculate the centre of gravity of a lamina?

The centre of gravity of a lamina can be calculated by dividing the total moment of the lamina by its total weight. This can be done by dividing the lamina into smaller sections and finding the centre of gravity for each section, then taking the weighted average of these points.

4. What factors affect the centre of gravity of a lamina?

The shape, size, and distribution of mass within the lamina are the main factors that affect its centre of gravity. The position and orientation of the lamina also play a role in determining its centre of gravity.

5. Can the centre of gravity of a lamina be outside of the object?

Yes, the centre of gravity of a lamina can be outside of the actual object. This can occur if the lamina has an irregular shape or if the mass is unevenly distributed. In such cases, the centre of gravity may lie outside the boundaries of the object.

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